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Divine Communication

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Hello All,

It's been some time since I've posted on this site and must say that I miss it


I wish I could say that I practice the safeties everyday, but that would be a

lie. I must find the disipline to do so and I will in time.

I do however meditate/pray at least once a day. It provides for me a sense of

tranquility in this world that we live in. I find that meditation is a state of

connection to all Divine, even when one is in a state of lonliness.

I wish to share something of late, that occurred to me last week. As I prayed

in deep meditation I asked God to send me a 'sign' that he is listening to me. I

found it awkeword at first as Jesus said " Truly I say to you, There shall no

sign be given unto this generation " . But I went ahead and did it.

Within a couple of days of requesting this, I received 4 signs. The first 3

were on car licence plates that read " Alpha " or " Alfa " , as in Alpha/Omega. The

4th was on a boat that I was looking at...the plate on the boat read " Alpha

100 " . It really put a smile on my face...my family couldn't understand why I

was smiling so much...I kept silent.

There's a feeling deep inside of me that yearns for this connectedness. I've

felt it all my life. That there is something 'special' about me that I do not

yet know about.

On other occasions, I've saw a patch of rainbow and to the left a very detailed

smiling face in the clouds. This wasn't an abstact vision that could or

couldn't be, only a very 'real' face. It reminded me of a quote in the bible:

" ...they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. "

I have been protected by the Divine all my life and it continues today. Some of

the instances do not have positive outcomes, but I feel this is out of my

control. I've spent much of my time learning how to 'unconditionally' forgive

those who have worked against me; I've prayed for those that have been

manipulated by the underworld to work against the Divine; I've healed many by

intention and prayer. As I begin to awaken my souls desires and purpose, I open

new doors toward a God Consciousness.

For the last few years, people have accussed me of everything under the sun. And

having 'had' a personality that puts what people think of me before the truth is

something I've struggled with all me life. But, through meditation and prayer

and occasionally practicing the safeties I am much more grounded and much

stronger...thanks for this site Chrism.

I enjoy sharing these types of occurances with all of you and I hope you enjoy

them. I hope I don't come across as an egotistical and arrogant person...I just

wish to share this with you all in hopes that you may have your own wonderful



God Blessings to All,


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Thanks for sharing, Ernie! Asking for those signs opens you up to truly become

more conscious and aware. :) Very nice! It's so wonderful to hear the variety of






, " Ernesto "

<boltonben111 wrote:


> Hello All,

> It's been some time since I've posted on this site and must say that I miss it

all.> I enjoy sharing these types of occurances with all of you and I hope you

enjoy them. I hope I don't come across as an egotistical and arrogant

person...I just wish to share this with you all in hopes that you may have your

own wonderful expereinces.


> God Blessings to All,

> Ernie


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Hello Ernie, Thanks for your post!

 I can relate to this alot myself and have had the business with the " signs "

for me its the 1111 " s oh look 111 (hehe) I don't feel it is egotistical or

arrogant to remember that you are part of the divine plan....each and everyone

of us is or we wouldn't be here. I had a major understanding last night! As a

parent I held alot of I should have did this...been better at this...I have a

special kid with a mild form of autism. He is fearless and follows NO Ones rules

and is blissfully happy. Over the years I turned myself inside out trying to

teach him fear and the rules. This lead me to major panic attacks and anxiety

trying to protect him.

 A week or two ago had mentioned glowing eyes and ....I found them in

the eyes of my children! How humbling and wonderful to know, he was sent to

teach me! " There is nothing to fear and blindly following the rules only keeps

the world as it is " I started looking at my other difficult relationships in

life. Why are people accusing me of things I don't feel are true for me?

Is it maybe because there is a fear or doubt there? This puts a different spin

on things and how much they have loved me to teach me! I have been very stubborn

and refused to listen...which made it only get louder " sigh " .

" For the last few years, people have accussed me of everything under the sun.

And having 'had' a personality that puts what people think of me before the

truth is something I've struggled with all me life.  "

Thanks for sharing it helped and maybe mine can help others as well:)






Ernesto <boltonben111


Mon, May 3, 2010 12:06:41 PM

Divine Communication



Hello All,

It's been some time since I've posted on this site and must say that I miss it


I wish I could say that I practice the safeties everyday, but that would be a

lie. I must find the disipline to do so and I will in time.



God Blessings to All,










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Thanks Katherine,

I'm glad that there's a level of divine understanding within this group.

You gave me one of those Ah ha moments where the understanding of my ego self is

placing limitations on me, while the divine self is moving in the other

direction...Seems that I had one of those pulling/pushing effects in my mind.

How is it that some can't wait until their children speak and when they finally

do, they tell them to be quiet. And yearn for the child to walk and when they

do, the child is asked to sit still. Funny how this is.

Glowing eye's...could you direct me to the post. I tend to see glowing eyes in

many people. I thought it was like looking at their soul.





, katharine walker

<kzenith13 wrote:


> Hello Ernie, Thanks for your post!

>  I can relate to this alot myself and have had the business with


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Hi Ernie,

So true about children...big and small ones (hehe). Not sure on that post, It

was a question related to the pineal gland and the light behind the eyes when

its opened. Aka enlightenment. Shortly after as I was looking thru

pictures of my kids....in everyone of them eyes seemed to glow. I thought

wow...it must be the lighting...but as

they were standing next to others it was only them lol. I had heard that the

younger children were in ways different

and as I thought about this I had a AH HA moment. I think your right Ernie, I

just seen their souls. It was humbling

to see they were not the helpless children I seen them as but powerful souls.

Right on the mark with the pushing/pulling as well...been twisting my hands on

this for years lol. The ego says...this is how we do it..... The divine screams

" NOT ANYMORE " . (raise the white flag) I surrender lol! Think I read that


Bless you,






Ernesto <boltonben111


Tue, May 11, 2010 9:24:18 PM

Re: Divine Communication



Thanks Katherine,

I'm glad that there's a level of divine understanding within this group.

You gave me one of those Ah ha moments where the understanding of my ego self is

placing limitations on me, while the divine self is moving in the other

direction... Seems that I had one of those pulling/pushing effects in my mind.

How is it that some can't wait until their children speak and when they finally

do, they tell them to be quiet. And yearn for the child to walk and when they

do, the child is asked to sit still. Funny how this is.

Glowing eye's...could you direct me to the post. I tend to see glowing eyes in

many people. I thought it was like looking at their soul.





Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , katharine walker

<kzenith13@. ..> wrote:


> Hello Ernie, Thanks for your post!

> Â I can relate to this alot myself and have had the business with










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That's funny Kat.

I couldn't pin point when I had my K awakening. The better part of last year

pegged it at a couple of years ago. However, doing some memory reflection, I

recall having spinal sweeps at a very young age. When I started going out with

my wife, she always commented that I always had a 'sparkle' in my eye.

We started out as children where anything was possible and fear was not part of

our vocabulary. We were then 'taught' to be fearful and add limitations to our

subconsious. I understand the phrase to move through the K awakening as a

child...Jesus refered to this statement many times...enter the Kingdom of God as

a child.

We will evolve ourselves to an eternal life or to ascend when disipline

ourselves to accept everything as endless possibilities. It's not so much as a

surrender, but an acceptance to the changes within K expression.

Be Well and Blessings,





, katharine walker

<kzenith13 wrote:


> Hi Ernie,

> So true about children...big and small ones (hehe). Not sure on that post, It

was a question related to the pineal gland and the light behind the eyes when

its opened. Aka enlightenment. Shortly after as I was looking thru

> pictures of my kids....in everyone of them eyes seemed to glow. I

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Hello Ernie, Funny I received one of those 1111 e-mails yesterday about this so

no offense to anyone but here


it is.

Ophelius: “Today’s message is about ‘the fear factor.’ What is ‘the

fear factor’ and how does it affect our spiritual growth and our capacity for

truth discernment? Fear is the one thing the angels do not comprehend, for they

have never experienced this emotion because they live in, and are aware of, the

constant presence of the Father’s love, and therefore do they abide in his

perfect will. Humans also live in this constant love of the Creator, yet they

seldom realize or become aware of the presence of this love because of the

manifold illusions that keep them from knowing His perfect Will.


“Fear is a shackle and it prevents us from experiencing the joys of knowing

and trusting God to lead us into the path of growth and truth. Much of human

fear is unsubstantiated fantasy, seeded from the constant bombardment of

subconscious propaganda by the elite rulers of this world to control the wealth

and resources of the planet. Governments use it to effectively enslave the

masses to keep this illusion of fear alive, which prevents mankind from

awakening to the real truth about the nature and destiny of human ascension and

spiritual evolution. For the master said, ‘fear not those who can kill the

body, for in doing so, they no more have power over you.’


“How do we let ‘the fear factor’ into our lives? It comes in many forms

and influences. It starts early in our childhood where we inherit these traits

and behaviors from our parent’s fears. We are told, ‘you must not do this,

or this will happen to you.’ Some of this was practical advice about keeping

the body safe from harm and knowing the limits of temporal living, but much of

it came in the form of this over control of authority to keep the program

running -- to make obedient and perpetual buyers and sellers to fuel a system

that would enslave the ignorant masses into upholding the illusion that would

ensure the wealth and power of the elite for generations. Fear is the one thing

that keeps you from awakening to your spiritual inheritance, and the powers and

principalities of this world know this and therefore do they constantly instill

fear in us through every facet of our lives.


“We get it from the media and news outlets which are wholly government

controlled official releases which misinform and sensationalize pain, suffering,

and havoc; we get it in our movies and entertainment -- in the games our

children play; we get it from our religious leaders to ‘stem the wrath of an

offended God.’ We are trained to seek for the drama of the potential danger

to come; we have become doom addicts because we won’t allow the light to come

in and ‘spoil the fun.’ This is the message we are getting and we have

swallowed it ‘hook, line, and sinker.’


“Let us awaken from this lie my beloveds and unplug yourself from the doomsday

machine. Turn off the TV and radio and sit in the silence and into the presence

of the Creator. Let the light fill your whole body with the truth that

surpasses all human language and understanding. Become aware of the love and

presence of God in your life, for in this place there can be no fear. This

‘knowing’ that you are the child of the Creator obliterates fear and

instills courage to change the world in which you live.








Ernesto <boltonben111


Thu, May 13, 2010 9:39:56 AM

Re: Divine Communication



That's funny Kat.

I couldn't pin point when I had my K awakening. The better part of last year

pegged it at a couple of years ago. However, doing some memory reflection, I

recall having spinal sweeps at a very young age. When I started going out with

my wife, she always commented that I always had a 'sparkle' in my eye.

We started out as children where anything was possible and fear was not part of

our vocabulary. We were then 'taught' to be fearful and add limitations to our

subconsious. I understand the phrase to move through the K awakening as a

child...Jesus refered to this statement many times...enter the Kingdom of God as

a child.


Be Well and Blessings,












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Thank you for sharing and no you do not come across arrogant or all knowing.

Sometimes when one knows the truth it is not well received by others and you are

labeled please know that you write from the heart it comes thru as such.


I too have felt that there was something big in store for me. Never quite fit

in and wondered for most of my life seeking something. Now I know that it was

the Kundalini I was looking for and low and behold she found me. There is a

knowing that has occurred that cannot be explained to those who do not walk the

path. So yes it is good we have the KAS program and the members who understand

and who accept what we offer in all respects and with respect.


I too just had a huge sign from Shakti - I am so grateful and am very excited

about my next segment of my journey. Shakti seems to be working within me and

without of me in ways I often can not discern then all of a sudden - " there's

the sign "


I am honored to be part of an elite force that seeks to honor the Divine and

join with the Divine to offer love and service to the world and to those in our



Never feel that you can not share and say what is in your heart. We are a

family of seekers who support and love and honor each other.


Blessings to you on your journey -


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