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Tigers, Spiders, & Snakes OH MY!!! ( repost)

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Tigers, Spiders, & Snakes, Oh My!


Kundalini is a very powerful and transforming energy located at the base of the

spine within the last three vertebrae of the tailbone or coccyx extending to the

perineum. Kundalini is a natural birthright for all people and can be sought and

nurtured with a physical and spiritual practice. Yoga is one of these practices.



Any one or a number of phenomena can be experienced when the Kundalini Shakti is

beginning to awaken in a person. These will most often come into the dream life

at first and then expand into the waking physical life. There is a long history

of symbols that can be seen to announce the beginning of awakening the Kundalini




Those in the medical establishment wear one of them on their lapels at work. The

caduceus. This is a physiological representation of the pathways of Kundalini.

The two serpents and a staff are symbols of the spine (staff) and the two

serpents (Ida and Pingala) as the spiraling pathways the Kundalini follows when

awakened. The wings are the spirit taking flight or the seventh chakra becoming




Serpents are one of the more common forms used by the Kundalini Shakti. The

human spine is as a serpent standing on its tail if one observes the natural " S "

curve of the human spine. Tigers and butterflies, birds and fish, serpents and

cocoons and many other examples of the " transformative natures " are used as

communication templates for the person from their Kundalini.



You may see these animals in waking visions or the dream life or in your

physical conscious life as there is a blending between the realities when we

begin to walk the Kundalini Shakti path. The connection to the natural

environment is very pronounced and can help us understand how this is indeed a

natural expression of the human being.



There are compressions of information that merge from combining the two worlds

of the physical and the divine. When the animal communicates with a person in

the dream or waking vision the person can be given a large dose of Kundalini

Shakti. Often a sudden release from many natural fears are associated with being

confronted by the animal. These can be extremely blissful experiences.



The serpent is sometimes experienced but this is not a rule as the Shakti will

appear as it wishes to appear. Tingles and love and energetic vibrations all

over the body will often be felt when in the presence of these natural




Spiders are also experienced. You may see spiders riding a web just a few feet

from you. The common reaction is to " JUMP! " So you jump. But when you look back

there will be nothing there for your physical eyes to see. This will give you an

idea as to what just occurred. When your conscious mind remembers the " Kundalini

Process " you will make the associations to Kundalini Shakti and typically you

will never find the spiders anywhere in your house or near you.



These spiders are another aspect of the Kundalini Shakti. Another way of testing

your ability to understand and not fear the multiple shapes and sizes of the

natural forms this intelligent force can assume. Some Native American's saw the

spider as an embodiment of a female goddess.


The Dineh' peoples of the American southwest worship the " Spider Woman " and they

attribute to her their knowledge of weaving the beautiful blankets and clothing

that they have become known for around the world. The name " Dineh' " means " The

People " and this is what they call themselves. Other people know them as the



Tigers have a long history of representing strength and power and death. Even

today in an area near Bangladesh people are still being eaten by tigers. They

have a very pronounced and fierce countenance yet when they are experienced

inside of a Kundalini Shakti awakening event or an interactive vision they are

to be loved and respected rather than feared! These forms will often reciprocate

in a similar manner.


The tiger will sometimes lie down upon or next to a person as they sleep.

Resting next to them as a way of letting the person know it's OK. Do not fear.

They can form into fierce aspects of protection if the person is still in the

stages of feeling they need protection.


Kundanlini Shakti really happens. It is as real as the shoes on your feet and

the fridge in the kitchen. The animals are part of the divine process. It is a

new world blending with our familiar world. We must be prepared to meet this new

world with open hearts, and open minds and not to become confined by fears. This

is an introduction into the enlightened path.

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