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It is wonderful to see those who are working on the archive project and other

projects posting the findings. With so many new members the teachings are new

to them and it is so good to reread the teachings. I always enjoy revisiting

chrism's words.


I am still gathering names of volunteers to work on the archive project.


Please read post # 64318 for further details. Working on the ARchive project

gives one a different perspective on the teachings. You spend time sitting with

the words of the teacher from the past and gleen all kinds of new insights. At

least that has been my experience.


Over the weekend I worked on my section - I am doing the first year 2005- this

was when the KAS community first was formed. There is chit chatting quality

that happened then as chrism built up the group and offered initial teachings.

I love reading the early posts and then seeing what chrism offers today. So so

different - as I have said before not only do we learn as we move along the path

but chrism learns also. This is very evident in the writings.


One quality that has not wavered in any way is the love and kindness that chrism

presents to his members.


In his videos recently he emphasizes the need for Kundalini folks to stay true

to the integrity, honesty, love and service listed in the safeties. That Shakti

will demand such from us. chrism is a wonderful role model for all of us in

that he follows the protocols daily and in every interaction. Yes, he slips now

and again as Brad and I and those who have been with him for any length of time

know yet there is a recovery that he has mastered. A turnaround where he can be

angry one second and then laughing and forgiving the next. I find this very awe

inspiring. I of course have not mastered this turn about yet I strive to

emulate the teacher.


To know and to actually see the love and service over the years not waver is to

me a testament to the quality and integrity of the teacher. chrism also just

did a video on how to choose a teacher. He has written articles to this-

suggesting that we each use our personal discernment and to look for teachers

who are not requiring your life savings or insisting that if you do not follow

them you are in for a very hard time. Ones who want to suck your energy dry and

use you.


NO worries here with our teacher. chrism can not bring himself to ask for money

for his teachings other than the seminars and the products he now has to offer.

Much of this asking is by way of insistence from his members. There are a few

of us who are willing to champion the support of the teacher and the program.

Otherwise there would be no asking of support.


And I want to thank all of you who are willing to take a step forward and

remind the members that the teacher needs to eat and the program needs funds.

And a thank you to those who come up with a monthly giving or those who offer

products at cost or those who pay for websites or those who buy the products

Every site has a monthly fee that has to be paid. It is not a huge amount but

when one has little any amount seems high.


Back to the original thought here - Thank you to the volunteers who are willing

to spend their personal time working to make the KAS community and program

stronger by archiving and gathering the teachings. And to those who are willing

to offer assistance by giving funds. All of your time is service - selfless

service as written as part of the safeties. Any offering of funds is service

selfless service.


Many blessings on you and keep reposting so we all can revisit the beauty of

Shakti inpsired teachings.


I bow to the Divine in each of you...


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