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In Light In Meant ( Enlightenment)

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As our brother master Tim Fish knows so well we are designed by nature(shakti)

to walk an enlightened path both within our inner landscapes and our outer



The whole concept and (in my opinion)the double meaning of the word

enlightenment describes a multiply expressed condition that flows from the

Kundalini awakening.


Not because its a great analogy even though it is. Not because because it

hgasbeen attributede to great spiritual divinity even though it is.


Rather I feel it stems from the very interaction of the Kundalini upon the whole

five body system of the human being. Bringing the light of knowledge(mental) and

the inner joy light of love(emotional) and the " ah ha! " moment of the ego in its

clarity of at last understanding the divine agenda and supporting its

expression. And the actual physical lighting up of the pineal gland by the

physical component of the Kundalini as it sweeps up a person's spine

illuminating and opening as it goes!


This is our natural state from so many different yet intersected areas of our

natural perspective. We are meant to physically " see the light " behind closed

eyelids, (unawakened society) in a dark room (our unawakened ego selves) as a

gift of our inner divine meeting the outer beloved.


This condition is as a requirement for self realization. And yes it is the first

of many tools given to a person when they begin to be walked by the Kundalini

path. - blessings and glowing eyes to you all! - chrism

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Yes be aware but try not to force the issue. -


, Yiara <angela_yiara



> For this process: would it be helpful to be aware of the  blue pearl during



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Dear and all,


Lately I have been wondering about the light that is seen physically behind the

eyes when they are closed.


I have on occasion seen light, purple ish or blue or pink, and even rarer is a

blue orb seen.

I have seen an eye (not eyes) on a few occasions... the eye is usually like the

eye of a whale or an elephant.

On a few occasions I was not aware that there was light behind my eyes until it

was switched off!!

I have seen other phenonema such as swirling vortexes on the ceiling of my room.


However these are rare happenings... (although last night was one of those rare



so I have a few wonderings from myself connected into what you posted.


When you write " We are meant to physically " see the light " behind closed

eyelids "

I wonder do you mean on an on going basis.???


also when you say that " this condition is as a requirement for self

realization. And yes it is the FIRST of many tools given to a person when they

begin to be walked by the Kundalini path. "

I wonder why that is not so for me if it is one of the earlier tools given and I

am on the kundalini path.?

It suddenly occurs to me...AHAA! what I might be really wondering to myself

is...am failing in some way as I am not experiencing " glowing eyes " ?


When you say " And the actual physical lighting up of the pineal gland by the

physical component of the Kundalini as it sweeps up a person's spine

illuminating and opening as it goes "


Does the pineal gland light typically light up at the beginning of the kundalini



I would love to have a better understanding in myself about in light in meant

glowing eyes, so any clarity you can offer is greatly appreciated.


Love julia.


, " "

<> wrote:



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Hello Chrism, I currently don't see the light. I know how to turn on the pineal

gland I stumbled upon it.

Isn't it best to let it open on its own accord? As for self realization what is

that defined? Cause in the case

tools I see, hear, feel and the telepathy is growing I just don't trust it

fully. I understand what these tools

are for and I'm nervous about getting where I need to be. So no glowing eyes

why? Am I on the kundalini

path? (I died many times as well.)










Sun, April 25, 2010 5:05:05 PM

In Light In Meant ( Enlightenment)



This condition is as a requirement for self realization. And yes it is the first

of many tools given to a person when they begin to be walked by the Kundalini

path. - blessings and glowing eyes to you all! - chrism









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Hi Katharine - there is a measure of frustration evident in your post! It is

very natural (from a human perspective) to want some tangible result by which

you can measure your progress or maybe just to confirm you are even on the right

track. We all need feedback at different times in our lives! The 'tools' as

you term them will be made available to you as and when you need them, with the

effectiveness of the tool dependent on the circumstances and your position in

the total picture ie not just on the physical plane. They are not ego driven or

controlled. Hard though it may be, be patient and trust the process of change.

Then every few weeks take some time out to objectively examine where you really

are in terms of behaviour, knowledge and to a lesser extent understanding, and

particularly how you relate to all in your sphere of contact. You will discern

real and progressive change. You will find that 'knowing' happening - sometimes

at an exponential rate - and then with lulls between events that initially may

leave you feeling abandoned. It is not abandonment but a period of

readjustment. And most of all in your current context, you will probably have

glimpses of things much greater than that which you know in the physical

context. Those glimpses accumulate and the knowledge so gleaned will change

your life. You will progressively move towards a state of being at one with all

- an inner contentment that has to be reached to be be fully comprehended. And

when you get there you will realise that you have always been there but just

couldn't see it, but your inter-relationship with the world in general will have

changed beyond anything you imagine. It is ever so simple in reality but ever

so complex (in our minds).


So then - keep following the safeties, keep continually re-examining your

thoughts, behaviour, actions. Initially doing what is right and reaping the

benefit may well take conscious (at the base level) effort and action. Then you

will suddenly realise that you are light years away from where you began - and

your life will change forever!


Blessings - Jonathan

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Hello Katherine,

Yes it is best to allow the pineal its own authority. We see the

light when its brilliance will not blind us. Be patient and practice the

safeties daily. " Turning it On " can indicate an ego based belief of control.


Self realization is the realization of the total self. Unity Consciousness. No

longer a mere understanding of one or more singular aspects of the self such as

the five senses. This is an opening to and from the divine within albeit we

start small.


Not trusting an exalted gift is merely the ego inserting its fear matrix into

your Kundalini matrix. No fear my dear is needed. Trust the divine within you

and do not allow petty ego " fears or desires " to color your thinking.


Death and love are as perennial as the grass. - blessings and love for you and

your process Katherine! - chrism


, katharine walker

<kzenith13 wrote:


> Hello Chrism, I currently don't see the light.

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Hello Jonathan, Thank you responding...yes your right. Ive been going though a

strange period where I'm

being to connect the dots..you could say. With all that processing I seen 1st

and thought wait what is going

on here? Just momentary alarm....all is well!








jonrow_2914 <jrowland


Mon, April 26, 2010 10:25:26 AM

Re: In Light In Meant ( Enlightenment)




Hi Katharine - there is a measure of frustration evident in your post! It is

very natural (from a human perspective) to want some tangible result by which

you can measure your progress or maybe just to confirm you are even on the right

track. We all need feedback at different times in our lives! The 'tools' as you

term them will be made available to you as and when you need them, with the

effectiveness of the tool dependent on the circumstances and your position in

the total picture ie not just on the physical plane. They are not ego driven or

controlled. Hard though it may be, be patient and trust the process of change.

Then every few weeks take some time out to objectively examine where you really

are in terms of behaviour, knowledge and to a lesser extent understanding, and

particularly how you relate to all in your sphere of contact. You will discern

real and progressive change. You will find that 'knowing' happening - sometimes

at an exponential

rate - and then with lulls between events that initially may leave you feeling

abandoned. It is not abandonment but a period of readjustment. And most of all

in your current context, you will probably have glimpses of things much greater

than that which you know in the physical context. Those glimpses accumulate and

the knowledge so gleaned will change your life. You will progressively move

towards a state of being at one with all - an inner contentment that has to be

reached to be be fully comprehended. And when you get there you will realise

that you have always been there but just couldn't see it, but your

inter-relationship with the world in general will have changed beyond anything

you imagine. It is ever so simple in reality but ever so complex (in our minds).


So then - keep following the safeties, keep continually re-examining your

thoughts, behaviour, actions. Initially doing what is right and reaping the

benefit may well take conscious (at the base level) effort and action. Then you

will suddenly realise that you are light years away from where you began - and

your life will change forever!


Blessings - Jonathan









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Hello Chrism, thank you for your response. I fully understand " Turning it On "

can indicate an ego based belief of control. I wasn't trying to, I simply was

having a hard time sleeping and was using mp3's that induce delta waves

to help me sleep. A bright white light with a loud popping sound followed by a

humming sound .....scared the

dickens out of me and Ive avoided it since. So the Question is isn't this

avoidance a ego fear just the same?

If the divine has full control over this issue, isn't my judgment on how this is

achieved an ego based belief of control.

Hehe if that makes any sense....sorry I'm finding this a gray area.












Mon, April 26, 2010 3:28:10 PM

Re: In Light In Meant ( Enlightenment)



Hello Katherine,

Yes it is best to allow the pineal its own authority. We see the light when its

brilliance will not blind us. Be patient and practice the safeties daily.

" Turning it On " can indicate an ego based belief of control.


> Hello Chrism, I currently don't see the light.









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Yes Katherine all perception has the opportunity to become an ego issue. What I

am suggesting is for you to surrender and yes the act of surrender can also

become an ego expression. Until it isnt anymore. When we release control it can

take some time but through diligence and repetition we can reach beyond the ego



Yes also to the divine being all powerful and able to do as it wishes. Yet in

the case of people the divine agenda can be for the individual to make the

choices from a free will platform that best suit and help that individual come

into the divine expression and that can mean having to " work it out " by learning

to go beyond the ego. Learning involves the education of the ego. Remember I do

not suggest its destruction merely its retraining.


That you have been given stimulations that help you to focus such as not being

able to sleep. These are real blessings on your path as they are given to help

you to search and find the paths that are most suitable for your individual

expression. Without them you may not find the reason to do so! The divine at

work within you Katherine!


Yes the avoidance of the white light and popping sound can be seen as another

ego fear of the unknown. It can also mean that you are being guided into safer

and less mechanical ways of inducing an energetic response that has much more to

do with areas of individual refinement that you have yet to expose yourself to.

- blessings and sweet surrender. - chrism


, katharine lessingswalker

<kzenith13 wrote:


> Hello Chrism, thank you for your response.


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Thanks Chrism, yes I thought about why I was so fearful....its due to a near

death obe at 14yrs old.

Seems I need to work on the fear of surrendering control.










Tue, April 27, 2010 6:02:39 AM

Re: In Light In Meant ( Enlightenment)




Yes the avoidance of the white light and popping sound can be seen as another

ego fear of the unknown. It can also mean that you are being guided into safer

and less mechanical ways of inducing an energetic response that has much more to

do with areas of individual refinement that you have yet to expose yourself to.

- blessings and sweet surrender. - chrism


Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , katharine

lessingswalker <kzenith13@. ..> wrote:


> Hello Chrism, thank you for your response.











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