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Surrender attachment to beauty - Daniell

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Hi Danielle,


I can only speak from my experience :)


I agree with you when you say the beauty is the Divine. When I relax deeply

enough, the divine shines out of me and all appears beautiful. whereas for many

people, they only relax in the presence of what their mind already knows to be

beautiful, ie in the image of known beauty. This gives rise to cycles of

attachment as pleasure is repeatedly sought, and there is suffering in its



In my deep relaxation, I and the beauty and the object are one, and in that

moment, my small self has been transcended and I've opened to a greater context.

Good art (and nature is the finest art) created in a transcended state, has the

capacity to invoke the sense of transcendance in the observer.


Long before K. awakened, since i was young, I often experienced profound and

striking states of beauty, first in the presence of nature, and then in other

experiences, and I would try and share these as I assumed everyone else was also

experiencing this and would understand what I was saying. So much of your

experience resonates with me; I would get mesmerized by the divine beauty of a

feather, a dew drop, and especially the sky and breaking waves in the ocean.


This search for beauty became my primary motivational driver, and my mind became

attached to seeking and experiencing this. As K. awakened this became

increasingly pronounced, and the places of absence of beauty more difficult to



At one stage in the process, K bought into awareness many of my attachments to

pleasures and dreams of happiness I desired. I felt I was experiencing what the

Buddha experienced when he sat under the Bohdi tree and was tempted by the the

gods of pleasure, and he stayed firm. Apparently it was more difficult to give

up the dreams of pleasure and beauty than it was to fight off the demons of pain

and darkness. This was also true for me. I was happy giving up suffering, but

not my dreams of pleasure and a good life, which included regular experiences of



My ego had bound itself up in finding an imagined future and happiness in the

experiences of Divinity. This egoic attachment to beauty had to be negated and

died to, and this is what I meant by 'surrender the attachment to beauty'. K

asked me to open to the real Divine, which is immanent and transcendent in both

the beautiful and the ordinary and dull states.


My highest truth is that there is a ground of being, that gives rise to an

underlying peace no matter what I am experiencing, be it beautiful or not, in

which I am identified. The nice thing is that the more I am established in this

being, the more beauty spontaneously arises, yet when it doesnt, and life is

flat, thats also ok, and there is little or no resistance. From this place of

being, experiences arise, and at times I am unified with the experience through

divinity, at times unified through being, and at times I am simply the observer

of the experience.


Hope that helps





, " iamwaitingmoon "

<iamwaitingmoon wrote:


> Dear Bruce and All:

> Would you be so kind to express further on what is meant by surrender my

attachment to beauty. My brain cannot wrap itself around this. Detach from the

object which encapulates the beauty, or to detach from the beauty itself? The

beauty is the Divine. How does one detach from something that is One or All? Or

how does one know the difference between being attached to beauty or just being

of the beauty. I experience the Divine in things other than that which is

" pretty " .


> Thank you for any " clarification " .


> Love:

> ~Danielle


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Dear Bruce,


There is so much wisdom and love in what you have written from your own

experience, thank you so much for sharing it with us. love Julia.


, " BruceO " <bruce_oom



> Hi Danielle,


> I can only speak from my experience :)



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Bruce, Julia, Shrikant, Tim...you are all so beautiful :). Julia and Bruce your

writings especially have been a great teaching to me. Bruce, your sharing is

like a mirror for me. I shake my head in awe of everything you have shared in

how it resonates. Thank you. You have all touched my heart deeply. I am very

grateful for you, for your sharing and for this classroom.


I bow to you.





, " BruceO " <bruce_oom



> Hi Danielle,


I agree with you when you say the beauty is the Divine. >

> My highest truth is that there is a ground of being, that gives rise to an

underlying peace no matter what I am experiencing, be it beautiful or not, in

which I am identified. The nice thing is that the more I am established in this

being, the more beauty spontaneously arises, yet when it doesnt, and life is

flat, thats also ok, and there is little or no resistance. From this place of

being, experiences arise, and at times I am unified with the experience through

divinity, at times unified through being, and at times I am simply the observer

of the experience.


> Hope that helps


> Love

> Bruce

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Danielle (and Julia), thank you for the compliment, but all honor and gratitude

must go to K Ma for any value in any experience I have shared. Without Her

teaching, I would have nothing to share...





, " iamwaitingmoon "

<iamwaitingmoon wrote:


> Bruce, Julia, Shrikant, Tim...you are all so beautiful :). Julia and Bruce

your writings especially have been a great teaching to me. Bruce, your sharing

is like a mirror for me. I shake my head in awe of everything you have shared in

how it resonates. Thank you. You have all touched my heart deeply. I am very

grateful for you, for your sharing and for this classroom.


> I bow to you.


> Love:

> ~Danielle


> , " BruceO " <bruce_oom@>


> >

> > Hi Danielle,

> >

> I agree with you when you say the beauty is the Divine. >

> > My highest truth is that there is a ground of being, that gives rise to an

underlying peace no matter what I am experiencing, be it beautiful or not, in

which I am identified. The nice thing is that the more I am established in this

being, the more beauty spontaneously arises, yet when it doesnt, and life is

flat, thats also ok, and there is little or no resistance. From this place of

being, experiences arise, and at times I am unified with the experience through

divinity, at times unified through being, and at times I am simply the observer

of the experience.

> >

> > Hope that helps

> >

> > Love

> > Bruce


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