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Do cars have auras?

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A week or two ago, I was sitting at a red light over by Piestewa Peak. I was

staring off in space, waiting for the light to change, when I noticed that the

cars zooming by seemed to have grey-black outlines or shadows trailing behind

them. I'd never noticed that before. As I looked around, all the cars seemed to

have them. It was fascinating and a bit distracting; once i got moving, I had to

tell myself to ignore it so I could focus on the road.


I was wearing a new contact lens, so I figured there was a good chance it was

just that, and tabled it to the back of my mind.


Earlier this week I switched back to my regular lens. Today, as I was waiting at

a light near Piestewa Peak, again I noticed the outline trailing behind cars as

they went by.


What the heck? Do cars have auras? Are slipstreams visible sometimes? It looked

like that, the way the wind would look if I could see it, how it slips over a

moving object then bunches up behind it and trails off.


Has anyone else seen this? Any idea what it could be?


Scratching my head and rubbing my eyes,


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I would say yes. I experience that there is an energy field which is produced

around all things, animate and inanimate. For me, an aura reveals itself in the

form of a thin cloud, wave or halo surrounding and radiating from an object,

animate and inanimate. Even your shadow has an aura so then too a car- or so I

would say.


I do not experience inanimate objects as void of an aura. In other words, an

inanimate object can have a very bright healthy aura, like a stone for example.

For inanimate objects, I experience it more as as a change in temperature and

the hue of their auras, but this is just my personal experience.


Is " do cars have auras " the question you are asking?







, " shaktiaz " <shaktiaz



> A week or two ago, I was sitting at a red light over by Piestewa Peak. I was

staring off in space, waiting for the light to change, when I noticed that the

cars zooming by seemed to have grey-black outlines or shadows trailing behind

them. I'd never noticed that before. >

> Has anyone else seen this? Any idea what it could be?


> Scratching my head and rubbing my eyes,

> Shaz


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Everything is made of energy. The physical is not what it appears to be.

Sometimes you just see everything as liquid light. Energy in motion, blurring,

commingling, glowing, and yes, trailing energy when it moves. It's not the

glasses. Enjoy the view!





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Every matter from an atom to infinitus, living / nonliving has an







iamwaitingmoon <iamwaitingmoon


Sat, 24 April, 2010 8:42:26 AM

Re: Do cars have auras?



I would say yes. I experience that there is an energy field which is produced

around all things, animate and inanimate. For me, an aura reveals itself in the

form of a thin cloud, wave or halo surrounding and radiating from an object,

animate and inanimate. Even your shadow has an aura so then too a car- or so I

would say.


I do not experience inanimate objects as void of an aura. In other words, an

inanimate object can have a very bright healthy aura, like a stone for example.

For inanimate objects, I experience it more as as a change in temperature and

the hue of their auras, but this is just my personal experience.


Is " do cars have auras " the question you are asking?





Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , " shaktiaz " <shaktiaz@..

..> wrote:


> A week or two ago, I was sitting at a red light over by Piestewa Peak. I was

staring off in space, waiting for the light to change, when I noticed that the

cars zooming by seemed to have grey-black outlines or shadows trailing behind

them. I'd never noticed that before. >

> Has anyone else seen this? Any idea what it could be?


> Scratching my head and rubbing my eyes,

> Shaz









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Hi Shaz - what we consider inanimate objects do have energy fields around them.

I do not consider or believe that aura to be the glistening that David refers

to. In my experience they are two very different phenomena. The energy field

around inanimate objects and the one I think you saw is sometimes referred to as

the universal energy field and is a relatively low energy field and closest to

the object (whatever that object may be). It is also one of the more easily and

commonly observed levels of aural activity for want of a better description. It

is usually an electric pale yellowish to colourless field and radiates for a

distance of little more than an inch or two at most. The size of the filed is

influenced by recent human or 'live' contact.


When you observe it around people and the person moves there is a catch-up

effect or trail as you observed with the car. Be careful not to confuse this

trail effect with a light after image that is very similar and seen when you

close your eyes immediately after looking at the object. If you are seeing the

UEF you are a step away from seeing the larger and coloured aura emanations from

people - these change constantly and are often mixed in colour depending on

moods or circumstances. Again there can be interference in the actual colours

influenced by the colour of the object (clothing colour) or immediate

surroundings - be aware of this interference when you start to interpret the

colours. For fun and to see powerful aural displays, watch performers on stage

and preferably where the backlighting is not bright. I enjoy watching musical

recitals with two or three performers and watching the way in which their auras

literally pulse and change as their passions increase with their total

absorption into their performance. Watching the auras will also frequently tell

you if a speaker is committed to what he is saying or more so, if he is lying.

A great adjunct to combining with basic sensory skills!


Blessings - Jonathan

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Shaz,


My reply seems to have not sent. Forgive me if this appears twice:


You are describing exactly the same experience I have from time to time, always at intersections. I have no explanation for it, and have never come across anyone else who has EVER MENTIONED IT, let alone described it so perfectly as you have. I don't just see grey or black auras, I also see silver as well as white ones. They seem to be totally random. The time of day, position of the sun, color, speed or direction of the car seem to have no bearing on the situation, and one car can have a black aura, while the next on can be white. I used to think it was the same phenomenon that occurs when watching an old movie, where the film emulsion breaks down and the light leaks out around shapes and images causing a white aura. I thought is was just glare or light bouncing off of cars, however, that would not explain the existence of deep black auras as well as bright white ones. I also have seen them shoot off the bottoms of cars, so that wouldn't be due to glare. Some cars have the auras coming from only the back of the roof, some from only the front, and some from the front and back. The auras are not like a uniform glow; they are angular and shoot diagonally from the car. Also, ten cars can pass by and all, a few, or none of them will have an aura. I can stare directly at them and they don't disappear. I don't know what I am seeing. This is also without contact lenses or glasses, BTW.


I have no explanation, but am happy to find that someone else sees them, too.



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  • 6 months later...


I am searching threads for another answer to a question I have but found this thread intersting because I have also experienced or noticed this. Glad to see others are also noticing that cars seem to have auras. There is another thing I have noticed as well when I was trying to take a photo from the car. Light beams from the sun follow certain vehicles around as well, as though they're connected to the source at the time.




Hi Shaz,


My reply seems to have not sent. Forgive me if this appears twice:


You are describing exactly the same experience I have from time to time, always at intersections. I have no explanation for it, and have never come across anyone else who has EVER MENTIONED IT, let alone described it so perfectly as you have. I don't just see grey or black auras, I also see silver as well as white ones. They seem to be totally random. The time of day, position of the sun, color, speed or direction of the car seem to have no bearing on the situation, and one car can have a black aura, while the next on can be white. I used to think it was the same phenomenon that occurs when watching an old movie, where the film emulsion breaks down and the light leaks out around shapes and images causing a white aura. I thought is was just glare or light bouncing off of cars, however, that would not explain the existence of deep black auras as well as bright white ones. I also have seen them shoot off the bottoms of cars, so that wouldn't be due to glare. Some cars have the auras coming from only the back of the roof, some from only the front, and some from the front and back. The auras are not like a uniform glow; they are angular and shoot diagonally from the car. Also, ten cars can pass by and all, a few, or none of them will have an aura. I can stare directly at them and they don't disappear. I don't know what I am seeing. This is also without contact lenses or glasses, BTW.


I have no explanation, but am happy to find that someone else sees them, too.



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  • 7 months later...



I'm glad I found this thread about automobile auras! I've attempted to explain this phenomenon to my family and none of them have ever experienced it. I too see the "energy", for lack of a better word, around vehicles passing diagonal to mine. I also see it distinctly around highway signs, particularly at the sign corners; it seems to be more concentrated there and radiating at a 45 degree angle from the corners. What I see is a dark "shadow" that hovers just slightly above the edge of what it surrounds, but never actually touching it. In the case of a passing vehicle, I see it more at the trailing edge of the vehicle and again, it's not quite touching the vehicle surface, just floating above but tightly attached to it and is always more pronounced at the corners of the vehicle like the trunk lid where it transitions from horizontal to vertical. I have also seen this phenomenon surrounding a person, primarily emanating straight up from the individual's head and does not come in contact with the person, is just slightly above them. The best way to explain it is to picture a "Cone head" where the cone is a shadow that tapers to a point as it travels away from the top of the head...



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  • 4 months later...

I've been seeing a white aura behind some cars and it doesn't matter the color or time of day either. Also the place. I see clear energy like heat waves on the ground, mostly on carpets. China vases jump in visuals to me no matter how long I look at these things it is always there! I see sparkles sometimes, white, light blue and rainbow squiggles! I seen those in bathrooms I am guessing water charges.i seen hundreds of blue stationary sparkles that lasted 20 sec or so, and I felt like I had to duck from them, and they were on each side. Kind of embarrassing when no one else seen them appear or at all! I can see white whispy movements in the dark too. I can see shadows of where people move with my hands over my eyes. I also see purple movements. I've started to see white sparkles in front of people's eyes. I have been through all the drs with nothing wrong. Just that I am a phenomena because I see sparkles in front not the sides

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