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Time to move on

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Blessings, Rioh and good luck as you search. We'll still be here and happy to

see you if you ever want to come back! Love to you as you go on your way,

whereever that leads you! All the best, Rich!




, " omshakti333 "

<Pyaar333 wrote:


After a year and a half here nothing is happening. It seems like a lot of

effort for nothing. I guess that this is just not my path. So, it's time to

move on.


Nothing but love,


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Yes blessings to you Rich! May you find a system that will conform to your

expectations and standards of conduct. I know that you made a great effort

within your own areas of understandings and interpretations of what was

important for you to do and I congratulate you and wish you the best!


I am not a teacher for everyone and this has long ago been made clear to me.


I am way to easy and too inexpensive and to charitable compared to many of other

other systems out there to partake of. This is how I choose to be and yet it

isnt for everyone.


I do insist on certain areas of practice and surrender daily. Not everyone can

go into these areas to the degree required for Kundalini expression. It may not

be the right time or the right circumstances or the right teacher. Whatever the

case may be there is a vast ocean of opportunity for a person to partake of and

I honor you and the aspect of your journey you have shared with us here. -

blessings to you Rich! - chrism



, " omshakti333 "

<Pyaar333 wrote:

>After a year and a half here nothing is happening. It seems like a lot of

effort for nothing. I guess that this is just not my path. So, it's time to

move on.

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i feel for you.

I started this journey with reiki 20 years ago with not much discernable growth

and not k active although k has to be active to some extent for us to be

alive!!!...hehehehe....but regardless of what we think, there is a reason and

our higher self has the perfect timing all worked out to be beautifull.

Kundalini is not everything. The growth of us as people through the years is

important so don't give up on life, it can still be beautiful.



, " omshakti333 "

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Dear Rich,

The gift is not given as a reward for effort.

Surrender your expectations.

Rejoice in the rituals that give you sustenance.

Feeling of separation is of our own making.

Love, Sandra








, " omshakti333 "

<Pyaar333 wrote:


> Well this has been a big decision for me but I'm not going to do this



> After a year and a half here nothing is happening. It seems like a lot of

effort for nothing. I guess that this is just not my path. So, it's time to

move on.


> Who knows I may be back in three months, three years or never. But shaktipat,

tibetians, holding my fingers together all of the time, prayers five times a

day, and no results does not work for me.


> I joined this group saying that I have been frustrated that nothing else I

have tried has given results. Shaktipat seemed like good Idea, Chrisim

seemed…and I still believe is…for real. But nothing happened.


> I know that " we take it slow here " . But there must be something in-between

having my head blown off with K and nothing happening. But nothing has

happened. I have let go, prayed and asked, let go some more, prayed some more

and nothing has happened.


> Perhaps my path is just…my path. Perhaps I just need to do what I do…what ever

that is.


> I may be back

> I may not



> Nothing but love,

> rich


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Yes I understand


" The gift… "

I have received no gift


I am not expecting a reward for my effort. I was expecting K activation. I

figured that the safties and the week long practice four times a year just made

it better, safer and smoother.


Is that the problem, my expectation? OK I do have expectations. I expected

some, even a little K activation…why else would I be here and go through all of

this and drop some of my other practices. I know that strong expectations can

get in the way, so I hold my expectations softly and let go to what ever is….but

in the end why else would I be here, request Shaktipat four times a year, do

all of the other practices if not for K activation?


" Rejoice in the rituals that give you sustenance "


Yes, these rituals do not sustain me.

I always work on forgiveness and the other safties

I practice yoga almost every day. Wake up is at 3:30 am for my morning practice

before work.

I am engaged in " right living " .


" Feelings of separation… "

Well perhaps I do feel some separation…OK it is of my own making.


As I wrote,

Perhaps this is just not my path…just not right for me for now, maybe later,

maybe never. Who knows. All I know is that nothing is happening here so I will

move on.



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I feel the gift you received was " not activating. "


Clearly this " didnt " happen for you for a good reason. And lets not pretend that

you did the practice as was given for you to do. As I intimated in the other

post you reinterpreted the protocols to suit " your " ego needs. " Your

requirements " and your record here will represent that.


Please forgive my frankness with you Rich but for you to denigrate what is being

done here for others with your perception of failure is consistent with your

needs to have an " activation " on your terms. Your way. Not the Shakti, not the

Kundalini, but on Rich's terms. Surrender only to what " you " deemed was needed.

Not towards what you were guided to do. You consistently resisted parts of the

practice that could have tipped the balance the other way.


So you can have the fruits of your labors with this. And you are not alone as

there are others here doing exactly the same thing.


Perhaps this isnt the path for you now. Perhaps there is another time, another

teacher, another program that is more appropriate for you. I welcome your

inclusion into those who are having an awakening. I honor the time you have been

here receiving absolutely nothing.


There are NO GUARANTEES for ANYONE that Kundalini will come to ANYONE here. That

means no one will " storm the gates of heaven " here. No matter what agenda or

expectation they come with. - blessings. - chrism


, " omshakti333 "

<Pyaar333 wrote:


> I have received no gift. I am not expecting a reward for my effort. I was

expecting K activation.

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I don't think that I have denigrated what is being done here…I know that I

haven't. All I have written is that nothing is happening for me. Only for me.

I know that Other have received great benefit.


What is being done here is great! I perceive you, Chrism, as having a heart as

big as the world. What is happening here is wonderful, important, rare and



Activation on my terms?

All I ever asked of Ma Shakti was to have an awakening in a way that I could

continue to work and maintain my health and my mundane life and be brought to

enlightenment in a good, safe way. Is that not consistent with what is being

offered here? Is that not why we " take it slow " ? Haven't you, Chrism, written

that we take slow so that we can maintain our health, or jobs, etc.?


I believe that I have done the practices/protocols fairly well…definitely not

perfectly. Do they require being done to perfection? I did not purposely

change them or reinterpret them. I know that I could have done them better. I

got a little lazy at times. My meditations are not as well focused as I would

like them to be, my mind wonders and I do not " sit " for as long as I should.

But I did not reinterpret them.


Did I only " Surrender only to what " you " deemed was needed "

Most likely the answer is yes, I probably did just that. But I did my best.


Was my ego involved? I am sure that it was.



" There are NO GUARANTEES for ANYONE that Kundalini will come to ANYONE here… "


Yes I know, I knew that when I started. But I was hoping that I would be graced

with K.

Perhaps this is the wisdom of Ma Shakti. Perhaps it is just not my time. Maybe

my path is other than K? This may be the best thing that could ever happen to

me, that may be my gift. Perhaps K activation would have been wrong for me at

this point in my path.


The gift of nothing has such a Zen ring to it…for me.


All my love


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No worries Rich. We will all come into this in the way most appropriate for us

as individuals. I have enjoyed your presence and your questions over the time

you have been here.


I see no reason for you to leave merely because you have chosen not to partake

of the quarterly Shaktipat but this is your choice and I honor it. Many receive

from the group through its combined energetics or Sitepat rather than partaking

of the Shaktipat and this is another option.


Blessings to you on your path Rich! - chrism

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Hi Rich,


Which yoga are you practicing? Did you start doing yoga after finding


Also, after leaving here are you going to stop doing yoga?



With Love,




On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 10:57 AM, omshakti333 <Pyaar333 wrote:




> Yes I understand


> " The gift… "

> I have received no gift


> I am not expecting a reward for my effort. I was expecting K activation. I

> figured that the safties and the week long practice four times a year just

> made it better, safer and smoother.


> Is that the problem, my expectation? OK I do have expectations. I expected

> some, even a little K activation…why else would I be here and go through all

> of this and drop some of my other practices. I know that strong expectations

> can get in the way, so I hold my expectations softly and let go to what ever

> is….but in the end why else would I be here, request Shaktipat four times a

> year, do all of the other practices if not for K activation?


> " Rejoice in the rituals that give you sustenance "


> Yes, these rituals do not sustain me.

> I always work on forgiveness and the other safties

> I practice yoga almost every day. Wake up is at 3:30 am for my morning

> practice before work.

> I am engaged in " right living " .


> " Feelings of separation… "

> Well perhaps I do feel some separation…OK it is of my own making.


> As I wrote,

> Perhaps this is just not my path…just not right for me for now, maybe

> later, maybe never. Who knows. All I know is that nothing is happening here

> so I will move on.


> rich







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Thank you


I will be here. I am sure that is much here for me to recieve.




, " "

<> wrote:


> No worries Rich. We will all come into this in the way most appropriate for us

as individuals. I have enjoyed your presence and your questions over the time

you have been here.


> I see no reason for you to leave merely because you have chosen not to partake

of the quarterly Shaktipat but this is your choice and I honor it. Many receive

from the group through its combined energetics or Sitepat rather than partaking

of the Shaktipat and this is another option.


> Blessings to you on your path Rich! - chrism


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My yoga is eclectic.


I started with Kripalu yoga. I am a Kripalu Yoga Teacher.


I integrate aspects of Tai Chi and Chi Gung. I am a teacher, Sifu, of both.


I have been practicing for about 30 years and have no plans of ever stopping






, JiNN <jinnproduction



> Hi Rich,


> Which yoga are you practicing? Did you start doing yoga after finding

> KAS1?

> Also, after leaving here are you going to stop doing yoga?



> With Love,

> Mike



> On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 10:57 AM, omshakti333 <Pyaar333 wrote:


> >

> >

> > Yes I understand

> >

> > " The gift… "

> > I have received no gift

> >

> > I am not expecting a reward for my effort. I was expecting K activation. I

> > figured that the safties and the week long practice four times a year just

> > made it better, safer and smoother.

> >

> > Is that the problem, my expectation? OK I do have expectations. I expected

> > some, even a little K activation…why else would I be here and go through all

> > of this and drop some of my other practices. I know that strong expectations

> > can get in the way, so I hold my expectations softly and let go to what ever

> > is….but in the end why else would I be here, request Shaktipat four times a

> > year, do all of the other practices if not for K activation?

> >

> > " Rejoice in the rituals that give you sustenance "

> >

> > Yes, these rituals do not sustain me.

> > I always work on forgiveness and the other safties

> > I practice yoga almost every day. Wake up is at 3:30 am for my morning

> > practice before work.

> > I am engaged in " right living " .

> >

> > " Feelings of separation… "

> > Well perhaps I do feel some separation…OK it is of my own making.

> >

> > As I wrote,

> > Perhaps this is just not my path…just not right for me for now, maybe

> > later, maybe never. Who knows. All I know is that nothing is happening here

> > so I will move on.

> >

> > rich

> >

> >

> >




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For me, the tortoise wins the race. Fireworks seen at 1/1000th the speed may not

seem so spectacular, but they are still fireworks. I've been at the practice

with for over 3yrs??? It takes time yes, but what else do we really need?


We learn to serve others more, to forgive, to love, to be in joy, to be mindful,

to have gratitude and other aspects of the safeties. Are not these rewarding?

Are they not reward enough? Shakti will come to us all in her own good time, and

not a moment sooner. She is with us now, but what part of ourselves stops the

realization of it?


Sometimes I think enlightenment or a Kundalini Awakening is sort of a chicken

and egg situation. If we fully use ALL the gifts we have been given to love and

serve others, what need would we have of further gifts? Is not giving, serving

and loving enough? And if it is not enough, perhaps the ego will always stand in

the way of the full enlightenment, the full activation of the kundalini.


Sigh, perhaps my view point is a bit simple. But perhaps it is not time to move

on, just to keep going. For my part, it's not a matter of asking what the

Kundalini can do for me, but what I can do to serve and love others more, to

further surrender to the Kundalini, the divine within me.


love long and prosper!


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hey Bradley,


Your approach may be simple, yet its profound. What arises for me reading this

is something that Sri Ramana Maharshi said, and that is that two of the most

important paths to enlightenment are Surrender and devoted service to the Divine

(Bhakti Yoga), and self inquiry.


My understanding of the path teaches (and please correct me if I am wrong

here, Chrism) is that it is heavily Bhakti Yoga. This is the of the opening of

the self through love and service, and deeply seeking to embody these qualities.

My perception is that if service is done 'to get something for the self' or as a

road to self gain, then its not authentic and the seperate self will be

solidified through this. Anybody on this path has to inquire deeply into their

true motives and be honest with themselves.


I went the approach of self inquiry ( " Who am I " ) as I was more self cenetred

when I began the path. Yes, I tried my best to serve those at work and my

students and to always try my best, it was self centered, and so this served me.


I committed to my path with intensity. I believe thats the critical component to

awakeing K. You have to be fully committed to either service or self-inquiry.

You have to live and breath your path with unbending conviction and passion for

it to be real.


After K. awakened, and other experiences, I now experience and live devotion,

love and service as my path, and I wrestle and seek and hunger for ways to do

this, all from a place of deep seated peace.


love and blessings




, " curball2002 "

<curball2002 wrote:



> For me, the tortoise wins the race. Fireworks seen at 1/1000th the speed may

not seem so spectacular, but they are still fireworks. I've been at the practice

with for over 3yrs??? It takes time yes, but what else do we really need?


> We learn to serve others more, to forgive, to love, to be in joy, to be

mindful, to have gratitude and other aspects of the safeties. Are not these

rewarding? Are they not reward enough? Shakti will come to us all in her own

good time, and not a moment sooner. She is with us now, but what part of

ourselves stops the realization of it?


> Sometimes I think enlightenment or a Kundalini Awakening is sort of a chicken

and egg situation. If we fully use ALL the gifts we have been given to love and

serve others, what need would we have of further gifts? Is not giving, serving

and loving enough? And if it is not enough, perhaps the ego will always stand in

the way of the full enlightenment, the full activation of the kundalini.


> Sigh, perhaps my view point is a bit simple. But perhaps it is not time to

move on, just to keep going. For my part, it's not a matter of asking what the

Kundalini can do for me, but what I can do to serve and love others more, to

further surrender to the Kundalini, the divine within me.


> love long and prosper!

> bradly


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Words well spoken, Little Brother!

If everyone would follow these 'simple' words!


I've always seen-

The Most Profound Wisdom --comes in 'Simple' Thought & Words!


" Live Long & Prosper " ?? Did our Great Leader take you to Planet Vulcan after



I'm Jealous!



Can't help myself sometimes!


Good to 'see you' Brad!

Even if it's only in my Mind's Eye-for the moment!







Monday, March 15, 2010 1:01 AM

Re: Time to move on





For me, the tortoise wins the race. Fireworks seen at 1/1000th the speed may

not seem so spectacular, but they are still fireworks. I've been at the practice

with for over 3yrs??? It takes time yes, but what else do we really need?


We learn to serve others more, to forgive, to love, to be in joy, to be

mindful, to have gratitude and other aspects of the safeties. Are not these

rewarding? Are they not reward enough? Shakti will come to us all in her own

good time, and not a moment sooner. She is with us now, but what part of

ourselves stops the realization of it?


Sometimes I think enlightenment or a Kundalini Awakening is sort of a chicken

and egg situation. If we fully use ALL the gifts we have been given to love and

serve others, what need would we have of further gifts? Is not giving, serving

and loving enough? And if it is not enough, perhaps the ego will always stand in

the way of the full enlightenment, the full activation of the kundalini.


Sigh, perhaps my view point is a bit simple. But perhaps it is not time to

move on, just to keep going. For my part, it's not a matter of asking what the

Kundalini can do for me, but what I can do to serve and love others more, to

further surrender to the Kundalini, the divine within me.


love long and prosper!








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Lol... I read Bruce's post and I'm awestruck with the beauty of the process and

what we are doing here on the planet, thanks Bruce.


And I move on a post and there is our resident comic Stephen making me chuckle

and laugh... Thanks to you both!


The only other thought that came to me through all this is Balance. Just keeping

it all in perspective, not swinging too far one way or the other too much at

once, or when we do, bringing it back to center and staying the course.


love long and prosper friends!


Or was it what Mork used to say? Nanu Nanu!?


be well, bradly

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Dear Rich,


Best wishes and love to you in all your decisions.


My two cents would be ... surrender your efforts that have been given so far

for specific results. Effort given to correct actions should be for the truth

of the correct actions and not done in order to purchase an awakening.

Surrender the conditions of your efforts and you will find great freedom in all

the safeties.


Again love and best wishes to you,






, " omshakti333 "

<Pyaar333 wrote:


.... It seems like a lot of effort for nothing. >




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" Fireworks seen at 1/1000th the speed may not

seem so spectacular, but they are still fireworks "


Yes but there have been no 1/1000 speed of anything.


" We learn to serve others more, to forgive, to love… "


This always happens here there or anywhere. I am committed to spiritual

development but I came here for K. It did not happen. Perhaps that is good.

Perhaps I got just what I needed. After all Life/God/Nature gives what is

needed when it is needed. It is not for me to, " push the stream "


" For my part, it's not a matter of asking what the

Kundalini can do for me, but what I can do to serve and love others more, to

further surrender to the Kundalini, the divine within me. "


Very well written, beautiful!

Serving others and surrendering is a large part of the spiritual journey. But I

came here thinking that I would receive K activation and that K would be my

teacher, my guide and that my surrender to K would be more than an idea. I

thought that I would feel K. Ma Shakti and the blessing of Kundalini has

remained an idea for me not a reality.


I can and do try, as much as possible, to surrender to life, to my higher self,

to my inner knowing, the divine within….pick a name or concept that you like. I

am not committed to any one path, any one teacher or one approach. K activation

is not happening for me, not now anyway. I may try again at with Chrisim some

other time. That time may be real soon, years from now or in my next life. For

now all I know is that I feel like trying other things. Is this a mistake?

Maybe, I can't say for sure. But it does feel right for me. It is nice to know

that and the community is here. I feel nothing but love here. I am not

leaving with any bad feelings…just the impulse to try other things for now.

Just following my heart and mind. It is good.


" Shakti will come to us all in her own good time, and not a moment sooner. "


Yes it will happen when it does…so far it is not. This is perfect. Everything

is perfect just as it is. If I was meant to receive the blessing of K then it

would have happened and it may at any time. Life is just grand. Who knows what

is around the next corner.


Thank you for your thoughts, caring and time.




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Hi Rich,


A lot goes on beneath the surface where we

can't see any evidence of anything happening.

We're tested in many ways. It is a sacred path

and we are purified on many levels, it takes

time and commitment.


Love to you in your journey.



, " omshakti333 "

<Pyaar333 wrote:



> " Fireworks seen at 1/1000th the speed may not

> seem so spectacular, but they are still fireworks "


> Yes but there have been no 1/1000 speed of anything.


> " We learn to serve others more, to forgive, to love… "


> This always happens here there or anywhere. I am committed to spiritual

development but I came here for K. It did not happen. Perhaps that is good.

Perhaps I got just what I needed. After all Life/God/Nature gives what is

needed when it is needed. It is not for me to, " push the stream "


> " For my part, it's not a matter of asking what the

> Kundalini can do for me, but what I can do to serve and love others more, to

> further surrender to the Kundalini, the divine within me. "


> Very well written, beautiful!

> Serving others and surrendering is a large part of the spiritual journey. But

I came here thinking that I would receive K activation and that K would be my

teacher, my guide and that my surrender to K would be more than an idea. I

thought that I would feel K. Ma Shakti and the blessing of Kundalini has

remained an idea for me not a reality.


> I can and do try, as much as possible, to surrender to life, to my higher

self, to my inner knowing, the divine within….pick a name or concept that you

like. I am not committed to any one path, any one teacher or one approach. K

activation is not happening for me, not now anyway. I may try again at with

Chrisim some other time. That time may be real soon, years from now or in my

next life. For now all I know is that I feel like trying other things. Is this a

mistake? Maybe, I can't say for sure. But it does feel right for me. It is

nice to know that and the community is here. I feel nothing but love

here. I am not leaving with any bad feelings…just the impulse to try other

things for now. Just following my heart and mind. It is good.


> " Shakti will come to us all in her own good time, and not a moment sooner. "


> Yes it will happen when it does…so far it is not. This is perfect. Everything

is perfect just as it is. If I was meant to receive the blessing of K then it

would have happened and it may at any time. Life is just grand. Who knows what

is around the next corner.


> Thank you for your thoughts, caring and time.


> Love

> rich


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Your post is a little difficult for me to understand. You use jargon that I am

not used to.

But if I understand you correctly my response is,


Yes but…


If I were to really surrender my effort to " purchase an awakening " then what

would I be doing here? I am here for K. This is a K group. Not that this is a

cold business deal and that I am buying Ma Shakti and her Kundalini, but still I

am here for K. I came here to explore K and how I will surrender to K. This

has not happened.


Surrender is of vital importance and I have a long way to go until I can say

that in all ways I have surrendered.


If my only interest was in surrender and correct action I never would have

joined this group. This is a K group. I came here to surrender to K.


Sigh….It is complicated,

K does involve surrender, right action etc. But still I was thinking that the

Shaktipat would awaken Ma shakti and K in me. It did not. There are many ways

to surrender and explore spirituality…I came here to explore, live, feel, be

with, K and I am not exploring K.


Perhaps I have not surrendered deeply enough for the Shaktipat to work.

Perhaps I need to work on that.

Perhaps I have surrendered enough and the answer lies elsewhere

Who knows.


I may be back real soon…or not.


All is perfect just as it is. I have what I need and more. Perhaps Ma Shakti

is blessing me with not recieving K for now, maybe she knows that my time for K

is not now.


Thank you for kind and supportive word of wisdom.





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Good luck in your journey through life Rich.May Shakti be kind to you and give

what you seek.Don't be a stranger though, we're just a click away.So

long...blessings ty


--- On Mon, 3/15/10, omshakti333 <Pyaar333 wrote:


omshakti333 <Pyaar333

Re: Time to move on


Monday, March 15, 2010, 9:03 PM





























" Fireworks seen at 1/1000th the speed may not


seem so spectacular, but they are still fireworks "




Yes but there have been no 1/1000 speed of anything.




" We learn to serve others more, to forgive, to love… "




This always happens here there or anywhere. I am committed to spiritual

development but I came here for K. It did not happen. Perhaps that is good.

Perhaps I got just what I needed. After all Life/God/Nature gives what is

needed when it is needed. It is not for me to, " push the stream "




" For my part, it's not a matter of asking what the


Kundalini can do for me, but what I can do to serve and love others more, to


further surrender to the Kundalini, the divine within me. "




Very well written, beautiful!


Serving others and surrendering is a large part of the spiritual journey. But I

came here thinking that I would receive K activation and that K would be my

teacher, my guide and that my surrender to K would be more than an idea. I

thought that I would feel K. Ma Shakti and the blessing of Kundalini has

remained an idea for me not a reality.




I can and do try, as much as possible, to surrender to life, to my higher self,

to my inner knowing, the divine within….pick a name or concept that you like.

I am not committed to any one path, any one teacher or one approach. K

activation is not happening for me, not now anyway. I may try again at with

Chrisim some other time. That time may be real soon, years from now or in my

next life. For now all I know is that I feel like trying other things. Is this a

mistake? Maybe, I can't say for sure. But it does feel right for me. It is

nice to know that and the community is here. I feel nothing but love

here. I am not leaving with any bad feelings…just the impulse to try other

things for now. Just following my heart and mind. It is good.




" Shakti will come to us all in her own good time, and not a moment sooner. "




Yes it will happen when it does…so far it is not. This is perfect. Everything

is perfect just as it is. If I was meant to receive the blessing of K then it

would have happened and it may at any time. Life is just grand. Who knows what

is around the next corner.




Thank you for your thoughts, caring and time.






































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Dear Rich... sorry about the jargon... I sometimes do not explain what I want to

say very well ... better I had not written... apologies and agian best wishes...

love Julia.



, " omshakti333 "

<Pyaar333 wrote:


> Your post is a little difficult for me to understand. You use jargon that I

am not used to.

> But if I understand you correctly my response is,


> Yes but…


> If I were to really surrender my effort to " purchase an awakening " then what

would I be doing here? I am here for K. This is a K group. Not that this is a

cold business deal and that I am buying Ma Shakti and her Kundalini, but still I

am here for K. I came here to explore K and how I will surrender to K. This

has not happened.


> Surrender is of vital importance and I have a long way to go until I can say

that in all ways I have surrendered.


> If my only interest was in surrender and correct action I never would have

joined this group. This is a K group. I came here to surrender to K.


> Sigh….It is complicated,

> K does involve surrender, right action etc. But still I was thinking that the

Shaktipat would awaken Ma shakti and K in me. It did not. There are many ways

to surrender and explore spirituality…I came here to explore, live, feel, be

with, K and I am not exploring K.


> Perhaps I have not surrendered deeply enough for the Shaktipat to work.

> Perhaps I need to work on that.

> Perhaps I have surrendered enough and the answer lies elsewhere

> Who knows.


> I may be back real soon…or not.


> All is perfect just as it is. I have what I need and more. Perhaps Ma Shakti

is blessing me with not recieving K for now, maybe she knows that my time for K

is not now.


> Thank you for kind and supportive word of wisdom.


> love


> rich


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Dear Rich,


Seems it has been a long path for both of us.Not being k active myself i don't

have much knowledge but...

I once met a spiritual man who said that cel & bate practice was nesessary for

some people (particularly men)....he said he practiced meditation and various

spiritual exersizes for years and years with no result until he became

cel & bate.Hehehehe,,,,my experience is sure in line with that. I am not presuming

anything, just trying to be helpfull. Seems that the life force is depleted more

quickly for men than for females during s & x and hence the requirement for either

a withholding practice or a cel & bate life for men wishing to experience k

activation. I read somewhere that it takes approx 6 weeks of withholding or

cel & bate life style for men to have enough energy to start to work with.


I have to do the walk not the talk myself :) :)


Forgivness, retrospection, self love, prayer and all the other practices

including this one seems to be a perfect practice to me.I honestly can't see how

another path could be any better (having tried many also :)


PS~ I am sure there are many people who are here who would like to help you to

make it and me being one of those


PPS~ I also think karma of this life and past lifes come into the equation

too...I am praying for karma removal so i can serve :)


PPSS~ Evaluation of how we would use the activation is to me supreme

importance~where is my mind at~


No one here is free of thing to work on~otherwise we wouldn't need to be on

earth at all except for those who have come to serve others.


Chrism may have other thoughts on the matter


Kundalini shakti goddess bless this group with your beauty,love, sparkling

radiance and fire that we might all serve you better shining your presence

throughout the universe :)




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Dear Rich,

I hope that I may write this here...

Reading your words I see parched and cracked desert sand, and some way beneath

the surface is the seed lying dormant within the hard shell. I am sending you

some soft gentle rain. Nurture your gift as the seed germinates and the tender

tendrils make their way to the light.

Love, Sandra


, " omshakti333 "

<Pyaar333 wrote:


> Yes I understand


> " The gift… "

> I have received no gift


> I am not expecting a reward for my effort. I was expecting K activation. I

figured that the safties and the week long practice four times a year just made

it better, safer and smoother.


> Is that the problem, my expectation? OK I do have expectations. I expected

some, even a little K activation…why else would I be here and go through all of

this and drop some of my other practices. I know that strong expectations can

get in the way, so I hold my expectations softly and let go to what ever is….but

in the end why else would I be here, request Shaktipat four times a year, do

all of the other practices if not for K activation?


> " Rejoice in the rituals that give you sustenance "


> Yes, these rituals do not sustain me.

> I always work on forgiveness and the other safties

> I practice yoga almost every day. Wake up is at 3:30 am for my morning

practice before work.

> I am engaged in " right living " .


> " Feelings of separation… "

> Well perhaps I do feel some separation…OK it is of my own making.


> As I wrote,

> Perhaps this is just not my path…just not right for me for now, maybe later,

maybe never. Who knows. All I know is that nothing is happening here so I will

move on.


> rich


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Now that I understand, Nanu Nanu Bradly.




, " curball2002 "

<curball2002 wrote:




> love long and prosper friends!


> Or was it what Mork used to say? Nanu Nanu!?


> be well, bradly


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