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Meditative techniques - Secret smile and Microcosmic orbit

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Greetings to everyone in the group


I dont really have a technique for meditating other than stilling

my mind. I have friends who follow Glenn Morris's teachings and

they are kundalini active and they do those 2 meditations daily.

Has anyone any experience with these 2 techniques as i am wondering

about trying to incorperate them into my routine. I do have a certain

amount of fear/anxiety associated with visualising the movement of

energy around my body because this is what caused me to have an

awakening in the first place, When i visualise or try to move energy

i actually FEEL it move and and its slow as if i am dragging water

so im worried about forcing energy...


thanks to all



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Chrism talks about these techniques in the articles section of the kas1 website.

There's an article on circulating the light under the " Practice " section. He

has also mentioned the inner smile technique as well, though I can't remember

exactly where. It's there on the website.


I don't think these practices will hurt you, but the fear and anxiety you

mention can. Fear and anxiety and any other form of resistance to being

activated will cause problems for you. The anitdote is the safeties. It's

always tempting to try to add more techniques (I fall into this, too) - oh, if I

add this other technique, it will solve such and such a problem. But in the end

I always come back to the safeties, and I find that sometimes my search for

additional techniques is my personal way of avoiding practicing all of the

safeties as fully as I should. So take a look at the safeties and make sure

you're practicing all of them. Then if you want to circulate the light during

meditation, go for it. I circulate the light a few times during meditation and

also at the beginning/end of martial arts classes.


As for forcing the energy, let Shakti guide you. If the energy wants to move

slowly so be it; if it wants to zip around, so be it. If it wants to go focus

on a different parts of your body/bodies that are outside the scope of your " I

am currently circulating the light " agenda, then let it do that as well. Let

Shakti do what She will and surrender to it.


I don't practice the inner smile, but I think it's really just a visualization

for cultivating inner joy, releasing fear/anxiety, and generating love. So I

view it as another way to apply the safeties. Note that the safeties simply say

you should cultivate inner joy, love, gratitude, surrender, service, etc. - if a

particular technique assists you in doing so, then I see it as useful. Try to

leave fear out of the equation. This whole business of being activated is a

glorious, wondrous, happy occasion. With some self-control and the application

of the safeties, this can be a blissful, joyous path.


If you're looking for other things to " do " during meditation, here are some

additional ideas: the compression prayer/alternate nostril breathing, the shakti

prayer as a mantra, any other mantra that appeals to you, chakra meditation.

There's a section on the kas1 website with links to descriptions of various

meditation techniques you may wish to explore. I think the main thing is to

pick one or two techinques and let yourself explore them deeply, rather than

jumping around too much. That being said, sometimes you have to jump around a

little until you find what works for you.


By the way, your technique of " stilling the mind " is a perfectly good technique

for meditation. In my own practice, I usually start with the compression

prayer, shakti prayer, circulate the light a few times, chakra meditation,

possibly a few rounds of mantra. By then stilling the mind comes pretty easily

and I just sit in stillness for 10-30 minutes.


I would also suggest that you ask these questions of - everyone is at a

different place in their journey and diffferent practices are appropriate for

different phases of unfoldment. Whereas I can only give general advice and tell

you what's worked for me, can address your particular circumstances....





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I've used these techniques and think they are great.

One key point when it comes to circulating energy: don't force the energy to

move, allow it to move. You can lead the energy with your intention but if it

doesn't follow, you just have to be satisfied with it for the time being. If you

can remember this, everything should be fine.


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Also aside from keeping the tongue at the tip of the top of the mouth, Glenn

advised one stretch therally at least twice a week because the more flexible the

body the better the chi flows. He also encouraged the practice of Chi Kung

regularly. In his book, " Path Notes of an American Ninja Master " , he says that

he learned that chi kung provides safe gaurds against many of the negative side

effects associated with Kundalini Awakenings.


And as Glenn would say, " Keep Playing " . Have a good nite and be thee well and

in peace.




Sir Alex 20003



, " znelms " <znelms



> Mark,

> I've used these techniques and think they are great.

> One key point when it comes to circulating energy: don't force the energy to

move, allow it to move. You can lead the energy with your intention but if it

doesn't follow, you just have to be satisfied with it for the time being. If you

can remember this, everything should be fine.

> Zach


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