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melting - A Saturday Night Live Rant -

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Hi kundas (:


Hope everyone is well! Get ready for some surely missed (hahaha) saturday night

live (shoot Sunday morning) BrAIN MELTS...


Calling it that because I have fear I am melting...



So I've been thinking about things...never a good idea (:


All this stuff... weird air blinking, wall disappearing, colors, lights,

phenomena...what is it for?


Is it to show the illusion of this world as some believe? Is it to help break my

concrete limited beliefs to the realization that we are unlimited beings ? Is

it just a step along the way to insanity? (do try to hold back)(:


So if the walls are not solid if this body is not solid that the air blows

through...if this world is illusion then the illusions or phenomena I see is

also illusion - so if its all not real...I hear twilight zone music ... don't



And yet ... whether I'm sleeping at night in a dream or here in this world - how

much are we limiting our experiences to?


Sorry I'm having a mind melt - so this probably sounds confusing...


THere can't be some good god or all that is that just ignores the bad side - it

must encompass all - so the murderer and most extreme evil must still be all

that is as must the holy and saintly - its all just experiencing ...????


And we are in our bodies yet we are the same yet changing as when we were little

- but really why am i getting this creepy feeling that the little girl I was/am

who went down the slide at 5 yrs old and whos underpants that got caught on

something is still waving proudly in the air...IS THAT NOW?


sheez is that happening now? Does everything happen now? Is that you of you

experiencing the you of you as a child NOW and the you of you experiencing

reading a crazy persons rant NOW and the you of you enlightened NOw too?


And what about the guy who mediates and melts the snow and is completely warm in

the freezing cold? Is that just a breaking of the perception that we are limited

beings...do you ever wonder if he grew up thinking that it was NORMAL to be

comfortable at any temperature that his body would be just that always? There

are all these people that drink water and don't eat...is that possible? What is

NOT possible? And if so why is it so hard then to do anything around here?

Shouldn't it all be easier?


Do you ever wonder how much of what we experience is just a false limited belief

system we grew up with? And if this is so - again...why is it so hard to break -


Those dreams of becoming this person and that person - being slipped in their

bodies, feeling their feelings...to show me we are one? If we are one - then

guess what?


It is YOU that has written this crazy rant! I am going to sleep a lot better

knowing it wasn't me...


Sometimes all these belief systems breaking apart in me is freeing on the one

hand but also difficult to find footing with sometimes. There really is no floor

you know...(:- don't jump off a building like Neo - it may hurt ...


I don't know what I'm saying except my belief systems have been crashing so much

this last two years (and believe me many needed to be smashed) but it just seems

that the impossible is possible yet their is nothing but limitation

everywhere...wars, poverty, sickness...


What is real my k friends? The you reading this rant is the you that was in your

childhood body...HOW WEIRD IS THAT? I know we all already know that but its

kinda weird when you think about it...When I see a child now or take my nephews

to the movies I always think about that - I think they are already perfect and

whole - why is everyone always telling kids what to do and how to be -?? I mean

beside the obvious like don't jump out in front of a car and giving them skills

to help get around in this life - but I can't ever think of them as I don't know

needing to be told this or that...or that old person laying in the hospital bed

--- they are the same as the hott something in their youth - ... God is that why

I assaulted that old man in the forest? (that is a joke - geez - well sorta)


Didn't you use to think when you were little that when you were older it

wouldn't exactly be you somehow? I remember my Grandma telling me this long ago

when she was pointing out pictures of her as a young girl. She said she still

feels the same as the girl in that picture - she didn't change - she was still

her - I was shocked at that...I always think about this - especially when with

my little nephews...


If consciousness is the only real or love or something like that - and if the

you that is you is the you , you were then and will be ... what is this for?

experience?...what happens if you know its just for experience? Is the fun of

experience still fun exciting or not?



So if the walls are not solid - we are not solid - you are me and I am you - you

are the drop of water and the ocean - the sun the moon - the blade of grass -

.... it seems strange to be limited to the body...it seems strange to chop wood

and haul water ... It seems strange to try to do or accomplish anything if

everyone is already whole? But how can it be any other way.. if we are one - Are

we limited or not - are we not whole and perfect right now in our imperfectness



I watched animal planet and all the animals have to work so hard to survive it

seems...I cried for hours...so much for my emotions being stable. Hey

Bruce...do tell us how LONG it was before the emotions were settled...

anyone???? (:


I know what you're thinking...somebody tell that girl to take off her shoes and

socks and go walk in the grass...(I hear you ) ha


I'm good - no worries - just giving you a Saturday night Live rant...


I told you Shakti has been pulling on my brain...so happy I can torture you all

with it...(:


Thats what happens when I watch animal planet...can you imagine if I watched

regular t.v.? I'll put a warning label in the subject line if I do...


You all deserve a full platter of chi - balls for reading this one -

Remember my last post where I was all centered and feeling so stable?

Balancing things out!


I'm sure it was the wicked witch of oz who wrote this... she's melting...


Happy Sunday (: And you know what? Now I feel much better...I think I can be


Don't want you to think the angel in my angelness or the wicked in my wickedness

was gone...I feel GREAT now! Thanks... I hand you my rubble to make a staircase

with (do include railings so I don't slip)


And she's buying a stairway to ... heaven

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hey Debs,


well, I am glad I now know what I wrote; thanks for reminding me that it was me

writing it :)


it does keep breaking up. I had starry starry tennis yesterday. I was playing at

the club and I started to see lights and the air started blinking around me and

the tennis ball started breaking up...lol..


how long will this last? I have no idea. All i know is that surrender means

there is nothing to hold onto, and trust means that God will guide us at the

right moment....


how much can we open? what a wonderful experiment!!! I am opening to strong

bliss states again today as a beautiful woman was giving me drugs in my dreams

last night and I am a little too happy again :) Good thing I went down to the

beach early this morning on the first real summers day for a long time and did

some good bodysurfing in the warm Indian ocean...


love and the mystery





, " flowerpowers7777 "

<flowerpowers7777 wrote:


> Hi kundas (:


> Hope everyone is well! Get ready for some surely missed (hahaha) saturday

night live (shoot Sunday morning) BrAIN MELTS...


> Calling it that because I have fear I am melting...



> So I've been thinking about things...never a good idea (:


> All this stuff... weird air blinking, wall disappearing, colors, lights,

phenomena...what is it for?


> Is it to show the illusion of this world as some believe? Is it to help break

my concrete limited beliefs to the realization that we are unlimited beings ?

Is it just a step along the way to insanity? (do try to hold back)(:


> So if the walls are not solid if this body is not solid that the air blows

through...if this world is illusion then the illusions or phenomena I see is

also illusion - so if its all not real...I hear twilight zone music ... don't



> And yet ... whether I'm sleeping at night in a dream or here in this world -

how much are we limiting our experiences to?


> Sorry I'm having a mind melt - so this probably sounds confusing...


> THere can't be some good god or all that is that just ignores the bad side -

it must encompass all - so the murderer and most extreme evil must still be all

that is as must the holy and saintly - its all just experiencing ...????


> And we are in our bodies yet we are the same yet changing as when we were

little - but really why am i getting this creepy feeling that the little girl I

was/am who went down the slide at 5 yrs old and whos underpants that got caught

on something is still waving proudly in the air...IS THAT NOW?


> sheez is that happening now? Does everything happen now? Is that you of you

experiencing the you of you as a child NOW and the you of you experiencing

reading a crazy persons rant NOW and the you of you enlightened NOw too?


> And what about the guy who mediates and melts the snow and is completely warm

in the freezing cold? Is that just a breaking of the perception that we are

limited beings...do you ever wonder if he grew up thinking that it was NORMAL to

be comfortable at any temperature that his body would be just that always? There

are all these people that drink water and don't eat...is that possible? What is

NOT possible? And if so why is it so hard then to do anything around here?

Shouldn't it all be easier?


> Do you ever wonder how much of what we experience is just a false limited

belief system we grew up with? And if this is so - again...why is it so hard to

break -


> Those dreams of becoming this person and that person - being slipped in their

bodies, feeling their feelings...to show me we are one? If we are one - then

guess what?


> It is YOU that has written this crazy rant! I am going to sleep a lot better

knowing it wasn't me...


> Sometimes all these belief systems breaking apart in me is freeing on the one

hand but also difficult to find footing with sometimes. There really is no floor

you know...(:- don't jump off a building like Neo - it may hurt ...


> I don't know what I'm saying except my belief systems have been crashing so

much this last two years (and believe me many needed to be smashed) but it just

seems that the impossible is possible yet their is nothing but limitation

everywhere...wars, poverty, sickness...


> What is real my k friends? The you reading this rant is the you that was in

your childhood body...HOW WEIRD IS THAT? I know we all already know that but its

kinda weird when you think about it...When I see a child now or take my nephews

to the movies I always think about that - I think they are already perfect and

whole - why is everyone always telling kids what to do and how to be -?? I mean

beside the obvious like don't jump out in front of a car and giving them skills

to help get around in this life - but I can't ever think of them as I don't know

needing to be told this or that...or that old person laying in the hospital bed

--- they are the same as the hott something in their youth - ... God is that why

I assaulted that old man in the forest? (that is a joke - geez - well sorta)


> Didn't you use to think when you were little that when you were older it

wouldn't exactly be you somehow? I remember my Grandma telling me this long ago

when she was pointing out pictures of her as a young girl. She said she still

feels the same as the girl in that picture - she didn't change - she was still

her - I was shocked at that...I always think about this - especially when with

my little nephews...


> If consciousness is the only real or love or something like that - and if the

you that is you is the you , you were then and will be ... what is this for?

experience?...what happens if you know its just for experience? Is the fun of

experience still fun exciting or not?



> So if the walls are not solid - we are not solid - you are me and I am you -

you are the drop of water and the ocean - the sun the moon - the blade of grass

- ... it seems strange to be limited to the body...it seems strange to chop wood

and haul water ... It seems strange to try to do or accomplish anything if

everyone is already whole? But how can it be any other way.. if we are one - Are

we limited or not - are we not whole and perfect right now in our imperfectness



> I watched animal planet and all the animals have to work so hard to survive it

seems...I cried for hours...so much for my emotions being stable. Hey

Bruce...do tell us how LONG it was before the emotions were settled...

anyone???? (:


> I know what you're thinking...somebody tell that girl to take off her shoes

and socks and go walk in the grass...(I hear you ) ha


> I'm good - no worries - just giving you a Saturday night Live rant...


> I told you Shakti has been pulling on my brain...so happy I can torture you

all with it...(:


> Thats what happens when I watch animal planet...can you imagine if I watched

regular t.v.? I'll put a warning label in the subject line if I do...


> You all deserve a full platter of chi - balls for reading this one -

> Remember my last post where I was all centered and feeling so stable?

Balancing things out!


> I'm sure it was the wicked witch of oz who wrote this... she's melting...


> Happy Sunday (: And you know what? Now I feel much better...I think I can be


> Don't want you to think the angel in my angelness or the wicked in my

wickedness was gone...I feel GREAT now! Thanks... I hand you my rubble to make a

staircase with (do include railings so I don't slip)


> And she's buying a stairway to ... heaven


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Hi Deb,


Your reference to the emotions reminded me of an experience yesterday. We

were at a cafe and I started reading a one page " Coffee News " publication.

In it was this...


" Everyone has a purpose in life... a unique gift or special talent to give

to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we

experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the

ultimate goal of all goals. " - Dharma


So I took the Coffee News with me to my car, and I told Patrick that I found

something interesting. I started to read it to him, but couldn't because I

would start crying. After two tries I just passed it to him but he told me

to " buck up. " I said I was a mess. And he said, with this lovely loving

smile on his face, " You are a mess " And we both laughed joyously, it felt so

good to laugh. So then I was able to read it, but barely.


Thanks for reminding me I am not alone in my roller coaster ride of tears

and laughter.





> I watched animal planet and all the animals have to work so hard to survive

> it seems...I cried for hours...so much for my emotions being stable. Hey

> Bruce...do tell us how LONG it was before the emotions were settled...

> anyone???? (:


> I know what you're thinking...somebody tell that girl to take off her shoes

> and socks and go walk in the grass...(I hear you ) ha






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It has been a while since saturday night live..... I have missed it...i


Isn't is amazing how we can go from being centered and stable to being emotional

and possibly insane...lol! 

I loved reading your post and  yes it was me writing that crazy rant,  

only not in  this particular moment in time as  I am in  stable (ish)   &

centred (ish) just now ..he he... but girl as soon as I utter those words things

are sure to change!! 


The moment I read your post I thought of what happened with my son a few days

ago and I really must share it with you .He is 10 years old .  Now this little

guy is a worrier, he " worries " about things that others of his age do not seem

to give a second thought to.  

This is what happened.


I came into his room and he was looking out the window and deep in thought.  

he didn't notice me for a while but when he did said " I wonder if we are

real..pause... I mean are we real ?  is everything there(looking out the

window) real or pretend ?

I mean you know the way you can play with dolls and cars and toy houses  and

stuff, well do they have a different life when we are not  playing with

them....pause....are we like the toys. AAAhh! that's not it either, I can't

explain, but maybe this all isn't real....it too hard to put into words.  Hey,

Can I go call for X now?

..We did have a bit of a chat after that before he headed out playing.  10 years

old and wondering what is real and what is not!!!!


I am not going to poke my brain here because I seem to be getting on fine

without it functioning....lol!

so I can offer you no answers or further contribution to your Sat night live

rant. on this sunday night. 

Smiling and thinking of you and loving the way that all this too will  pass.

..Love Julia.x      













flowerpowers7777 <flowerpowers7777


Sun, December 6, 2009 11:54:30 AM

melting - A Saturday Night Live Rant -



Hi kundas (:


Hope everyone is well! Get ready for some surely missed (hahaha) saturday night

live (shoot Sunday morning) BrAIN MELTS...


Calling it that because I have fear I am melting...


So I've been thinking about things...never a good idea (:


All this stuff... weird air blinking, wall disappearing, colors, lights,

phenomena... what is it for?


Is it to show the illusion of this world as some believe? Is it to help break my

concrete limited beliefs to the realization that we are unlimited beings ? Is it

just a step along the way to insanity? (do try to hold back)(:


So if the walls are not solid if this body is not solid that the air blows

through...if this world is illusion then the illusions or phenomena I see is

also illusion - so if its all not real...I hear twilight zone music ... don't



And yet ... whether I'm sleeping at night in a dream or here in this world - how

much are we limiting our experiences to?


Sorry I'm having a mind melt - so this probably sounds confusing...


THere can't be some good god or all that is that just ignores the bad side - it

must encompass all - so the murderer and most extreme evil must still be all

that is as must the holy and saintly - its all just experiencing ...????


And we are in our bodies yet we are the same yet changing as when we were little

- but really why am i getting this creepy feeling that the little girl I was/am

who went down the slide at 5 yrs old and whos underpants that got caught on

something is still waving proudly in the air...IS THAT NOW?


sheez is that happening now? Does everything happen now? Is that you of you

experiencing the you of you as a child NOW and the you of you experiencing

reading a crazy persons rant NOW and the you of you enlightened NOw too?


And what about the guy who mediates and melts the snow and is completely warm in

the freezing cold? Is that just a breaking of the perception that we are limited

beings...do you ever wonder if he grew up thinking that it was NORMAL to be

comfortable at any temperature that his body would be just that always? There

are all these people that drink water and don't eat....is that possible? What is

NOT possible? And if so why is it so hard then to do anything around here?

Shouldn't it all be easier?


Do you ever wonder how much of what we experience is just a false limited belief

system we grew up with? And if this is so - again...why is it so hard to break -


Those dreams of becoming this person and that person - being slipped in their

bodies, feeling their feelings...to show me we are one? If we are one - then

guess what?


It is YOU that has written this crazy rant! I am going to sleep a lot better

knowing it wasn't me...


Sometimes all these belief systems breaking apart in me is freeing on the one

hand but also difficult to find footing with sometimes. There really is no floor

you know...(:- don't jump off a building like Neo - it may hurt ...


I don't know what I'm saying except my belief systems have been crashing so much

this last two years (and believe me many needed to be smashed) but it just seems

that the impossible is possible yet their is nothing but limitation everywhere..

..wars, poverty, sickness...


What is real my k friends? The you reading this rant is the you that was in your

childhood body...HOW WEIRD IS THAT? I know we all already know that but its

kinda weird when you think about it...When I see a child now or take my nephews

to the movies I always think about that - I think they are already perfect and

whole - why is everyone always telling kids what to do and how to be -?? I mean

beside the obvious like don't jump out in front of a car and giving them skills

to help get around in this life - but I can't ever think of them as I don't know

needing to be told this or that...or that old person laying in the hospital bed

--- they are the same as the hott something in their youth - ... God is that why

I assaulted that old man in the forest? (that is a joke - geez - well sorta)


Didn't you use to think when you were little that when you were older it

wouldn't exactly be you somehow? I remember my Grandma telling me this long ago

when she was pointing out pictures of her as a young girl. She said she still

feels the same as the girl in that picture - she didn't change - she was still

her - I was shocked at that...I always think about this - especially when with

my little nephews...


If consciousness is the only real or love or something like that - and if the

you that is you is the you , you were then and will be ... what is this for?

experience?.. ..what happens if you know its just for experience? Is the fun of

experience still fun exciting or not?


So if the walls are not solid - we are not solid - you are me and I am you - you

are the drop of water and the ocean - the sun the moon - the blade of grass -

.... it seems strange to be limited to the body...it seems strange to chop wood

and haul water ... It seems strange to try to do or accomplish anything if

everyone is already whole? But how can it be any other way.. if we are one - Are

we limited or not - are we not whole and perfect right now in our imperfectness



I watched animal planet and all the animals have to work so hard to survive it

seems...I cried for hours...so much for my emotions being stable. Hey

Bruce....do tell us how LONG it was before the emotions were settled...

anyone???? (:


I know what you're thinking...somebody tell that girl to take off her shoes and

socks and go walk in the grass...(I hear you ) ha


I'm good - no worries - just giving you a Saturday night Live rant...


I told you Shakti has been pulling on my brain...so happy I can torture you all

with it...(:


Thats what happens when I watch animal planet...can you imagine if I watched

regular t.v.? I'll put a warning label in the subject line if I do...


You all deserve a full platter of chi - balls for reading this one -

Remember my last post where I was all centered and feeling so stable? Balancing

things out!


I'm sure it was the wicked witch of oz who wrote this... she's melting...


Happy Sunday (: And you know what? Now I feel much better...I think I can be


Don't want you to think the angel in my angelness or the wicked in my wickedness

was gone...I feel GREAT now! Thanks... I hand you my rubble to make a staircase

with (do include railings so I don't slip)


And she's buying a stairway to ... heaven









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Your son is a great thinker,he is thinking beyond perception, he is







Julia Ahern <jajahern


Mon, 7 December, 2009 3:20:15 AM

Re: melting - A Saturday Night Live

Rant -



It has been a while since saturday night live..... I have missed it...i


Isn't is amazing how we can go from being centered and stable to being emotional

and possibly insane...lol! 

I loved reading your post and  yes it was me writing that crazy rant,  

only not in  this particular moment in time as  I am in  stable (ish)   &

centred (ish) just now ..he he... but girl as soon as I utter those words things

are sure to change!! 


The moment I read your post I thought of what happened with my son a few days

ago and I really must share it with you .He is 10 years old .  Now this little

guy is a worrier, he " worries " about things that others of his age do not seem

to give a second thought to.  

This is what happened.


I came into his room and he was looking out the window and deep in thought.  

he didn't notice me for a while but when he did said " I wonder if we are

real..pause. .. I mean are we real ?  is everything there(looking out the

window) real or pretend ?

I mean you know the way you can play with dolls and cars and toy houses  and

stuff, well do they have a different life when we are not  playing with

them....pause. ...are we like the toys. AAAhh! that's not it either, I can't

explain, but maybe this all isn't real....it too hard to put into words.  Hey,

Can I go call for X now?

..We did have a bit of a chat after that before he headed out playing.  10 years

old and wondering what is real and what is not!!!!


I am not going to poke my brain here because I seem to be getting on fine

without it functioning. ...lol!

so I can offer you no answers or further contribution to your Sat night live

rant. on this sunday night. 

Smiling and thinking of you and loving the way that all this too will  pass.

..Love Julia.x      






____________ _________ _________ __

flowerpowers7777 <flowerpowers7777@ >

Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1

Sun, December 6, 2009 11:54:30 AM

[Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] melting - A Saturday Night Live Rant




Hi kundas (:


Hope everyone is well! Get ready for some surely missed (hahaha) saturday night

live (shoot Sunday morning) BrAIN MELTS...


Calling it that because I have fear I am melting...


So I've been thinking about things...never a good idea (:


All this stuff... weird air blinking, wall disappearing, colors, lights,

phenomena... what is it for?


Is it to show the illusion of this world as some believe? Is it to help break my

concrete limited beliefs to the realization that we are unlimited beings ? Is it

just a step along the way to insanity? (do try to hold back)(:


So if the walls are not solid if this body is not solid that the air blows

through...if this world is illusion then the illusions or phenomena I see is

also illusion - so if its all not real...I hear twilight zone music ... don't



And yet ... whether I'm sleeping at night in a dream or here in this world - how

much are we limiting our experiences to?


Sorry I'm having a mind melt - so this probably sounds confusing...


THere can't be some good god or all that is that just ignores the bad side - it

must encompass all - so the murderer and most extreme evil must still be all

that is as must the holy and saintly - its all just experiencing ...????


And we are in our bodies yet we are the same yet changing as when we were little

- but really why am i getting this creepy feeling that the little girl I was/am

who went down the slide at 5 yrs old and whos underpants that got caught on

something is still waving proudly in the air...IS THAT NOW?


sheez is that happening now? Does everything happen now? Is that you of you

experiencing the you of you as a child NOW and the you of you experiencing

reading a crazy persons rant NOW and the you of you enlightened NOw too?


And what about the guy who mediates and melts the snow and is completely warm in

the freezing cold? Is that just a breaking of the perception that we are limited

beings...do you ever wonder if he grew up thinking that it was NORMAL to be

comfortable at any temperature that his body would be just that always? There

are all these people that drink water and don't eat....is that possible? What is

NOT possible? And if so why is it so hard then to do anything around here?

Shouldn't it all be easier?


Do you ever wonder how much of what we experience is just a false limited belief

system we grew up with? And if this is so - again...why is it so hard to break -


Those dreams of becoming this person and that person - being slipped in their

bodies, feeling their feelings...to show me we are one? If we are one - then

guess what?


It is YOU that has written this crazy rant! I am going to sleep a lot better

knowing it wasn't me...


Sometimes all these belief systems breaking apart in me is freeing on the one

hand but also difficult to find footing with sometimes. There really is no floor

you know...(:- don't jump off a building like Neo - it may hurt ...


I don't know what I'm saying except my belief systems have been crashing so much

this last two years (and believe me many needed to be smashed) but it just seems

that the impossible is possible yet their is nothing but limitation everywhere..

..wars, poverty, sickness...


What is real my k friends? The you reading this rant is the you that was in your

childhood body...HOW WEIRD IS THAT? I know we all already know that but its

kinda weird when you think about it...When I see a child now or take my nephews

to the movies I always think about that - I think they are already perfect and

whole - why is everyone always telling kids what to do and how to be -?? I mean

beside the obvious like don't jump out in front of a car and giving them skills

to help get around in this life - but I can't ever think of them as I don't know

needing to be told this or that...or that old person laying in the hospital bed

--- they are the same as the hott something in their youth - ... God is that why

I assaulted that old man in the forest? (that is a joke - geez - well sorta)


Didn't you use to think when you were little that when you were older it

wouldn't exactly be you somehow? I remember my Grandma telling me this long ago

when she was pointing out pictures of her as a young girl. She said she still

feels the same as the girl in that picture - she didn't change - she was still

her - I was shocked at that...I always think about this - especially when with

my little nephews...


If consciousness is the only real or love or something like that - and if the

you that is you is the you , you were then and will be ... what is this for?

experience?. . ..what happens if you know its just for experience? Is the fun of

experience still fun exciting or not?


So if the walls are not solid - we are not solid - you are me and I am you - you

are the drop of water and the ocean - the sun the moon - the blade of grass -

.... it seems strange to be limited to the body...it seems strange to chop wood

and haul water ... It seems strange to try to do or accomplish anything if

everyone is already whole? But how can it be any other way.. if we are one - Are

we limited or not - are we not whole and perfect right now in our imperfectness



I watched animal planet and all the animals have to work so hard to survive it

seems...I cried for hours...so much for my emotions being stable. Hey

Bruce....do tell us how LONG it was before the emotions were settled...

anyone???? (:


I know what you're thinking...somebody tell that girl to take off her shoes and

socks and go walk in the grass...(I hear you ) ha


I'm good - no worries - just giving you a Saturday night Live rant...


I told you Shakti has been pulling on my brain...so happy I can torture you all

with it...(:


Thats what happens when I watch animal planet...can you imagine if I watched

regular t.v.? I'll put a warning label in the subject line if I do...


You all deserve a full platter of chi - balls for reading this one -

Remember my last post where I was all centered and feeling so stable? Balancing

things out!


I'm sure it was the wicked witch of oz who wrote this... she's melting...


Happy Sunday (: And you know what? Now I feel much better...I think I can be


Don't want you to think the angel in my angelness or the wicked in my wickedness

was gone...I feel GREAT now! Thanks... I hand you my rubble to make a staircase

with (do include railings so I don't slip)


And she's buying a stairway to ... heaven



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Yes, indeed. It me that wrote this, not you. It was us that wrote this, not you.

It was the world that wrote this, not you. You, me, us, no one. Are we not from

the same Source? I am you, and you are saying the same thing I was thinking.

Just yesterday I was thinking about what God was. Is it so important to put a

label on things? Is it important to you, me, us to have a sign on everything so

that we can understand it, fully? Atoms, Prana, are these God? Are these divine

vehicles of God? We are the atoms, some closer together, some farther apart, but

most importantly, we are conscience beings who's energy will never die. We are

the God's within, intertwined within each other. We feel the evil doings of

others, we harness the good we do and hope it carry's over to the next person.

You are not crazy, you think like you, like me, like us, some of us maybe. You

need answers. Most times the answers will come you when you surrender and let

them be. Some answers will never be answered in this realm. Some answers can not

be understood with our physical minds, but only with our spirit can it be

understood. Do we live in the matrix? What is real? Are we the product of our

thoughts? Where does the universe end, begin? My questions, and your questions

are near endless. I guess the most important question, that needs to be

answered, is who are you? Who are you the person? Who are you? Ask yourself

this, once you become familiar with the answer the rest of the questions you ask

will be answered by you. You know all the answers too all the questions any

human has ever asked. The answers are inside you. But first, who are you?

I promise not to jump off the building like Neo did in the Matrix, the concrete

will indeed be hard, and I like where my blood vessels are located right now.

Thank you for your rant, I hope you enjoyed mine :-)






flowerpowers7777 <flowerpowers7777


Sun, December 6, 2009 6:54:30 AM

melting - A Saturday Night Live Rant -



Hi kundas (:


Hope everyone is well! Get ready for some surely missed (hahaha) saturday night

live (shoot Sunday morning) BrAIN MELTS...


Calling it that because I have fear I am melting...


So I've been thinking about things...never a good idea (:


All this stuff... weird air blinking, wall disappearing, colors, lights,

phenomena... what is it for?


Is it to show the illusion of this world as some believe? Is it to help break my

concrete limited beliefs to the realization that we are unlimited beings ? Is it

just a step along the way to insanity? (do try to hold back)(:


So if the walls are not solid if this body is not solid that the air blows

through...if this world is illusion then the illusions or phenomena I see is

also illusion - so if its all not real...I hear twilight zone music ... don't



And yet ... whether I'm sleeping at night in a dream or here in this world - how

much are we limiting our experiences to?


Sorry I'm having a mind melt - so this probably sounds confusing...


THere can't be some good god or all that is that just ignores the bad side - it

must encompass all - so the murderer and most extreme evil must still be all

that is as must the holy and saintly - its all just experiencing ...????


And we are in our bodies yet we are the same yet changing as when we were little

- but really why am i getting this creepy feeling that the little girl I was/am

who went down the slide at 5 yrs old and whos underpants that got caught on

something is still waving proudly in the air...IS THAT NOW?


sheez is that happening now? Does everything happen now? Is that you of you

experiencing the you of you as a child NOW and the you of you experiencing

reading a crazy persons rant NOW and the you of you enlightened NOw too?


And what about the guy who mediates and melts the snow and is completely warm in

the freezing cold? Is that just a breaking of the perception that we are limited

beings...do you ever wonder if he grew up thinking that it was NORMAL to be

comfortable at any temperature that his body would be just that always? There

are all these people that drink water and don't eat...is that possible? What is

NOT possible? And if so why is it so hard then to do anything around here?

Shouldn't it all be easier?


Do you ever wonder how much of what we experience is just a false limited belief

system we grew up with? And if this is so - again...why is it so hard to break -


Those dreams of becoming this person and that person - being slipped in their

bodies, feeling their feelings...to show me we are one? If we are one - then

guess what?


It is YOU that has written this crazy rant! I am going to sleep a lot better

knowing it wasn't me...


Sometimes all these belief systems breaking apart in me is freeing on the one

hand but also difficult to find footing with sometimes. There really is no floor

you know...(:- don't jump off a building like Neo - it may hurt ...


I don't know what I'm saying except my belief systems have been crashing so much

this last two years (and believe me many needed to be smashed) but it just seems

that the impossible is possible yet their is nothing but limitation everywhere..

..wars, poverty, sickness...


What is real my k friends? The you reading this rant is the you that was in your

childhood body...HOW WEIRD IS THAT? I know we all already know that but its

kinda weird when you think about it...When I see a child now or take my nephews

to the movies I always think about that - I think they are already perfect and

whole - why is everyone always telling kids what to do and how to be -?? I mean

beside the obvious like don't jump out in front of a car and giving them skills

to help get around in this life - but I can't ever think of them as I don't know

needing to be told this or that...or that old person laying in the hospital bed

--- they are the same as the hott something in their youth - ... God is that why

I assaulted that old man in the forest? (that is a joke - geez - well sorta)


Didn't you use to think when you were little that when you were older it

wouldn't exactly be you somehow? I remember my Grandma telling me this long ago

when she was pointing out pictures of her as a young girl. She said she still

feels the same as the girl in that picture - she didn't change - she was still

her - I was shocked at that...I always think about this - especially when with

my little nephews...


If consciousness is the only real or love or something like that - and if the

you that is you is the you , you were then and will be ... what is this for?

experience?. ..what happens if you know its just for experience? Is the fun of

experience still fun exciting or not?


So if the walls are not solid - we are not solid - you are me and I am you - you

are the drop of water and the ocean - the sun the moon - the blade of grass -

.... it seems strange to be limited to the body....it seems strange to chop wood

and haul water ... It seems strange to try to do or accomplish anything if

everyone is already whole? But how can it be any other way.. if we are one - Are

we limited or not - are we not whole and perfect right now in our imperfectness



I watched animal planet and all the animals have to work so hard to survive it

seems...I cried for hours...so much for my emotions being stable. Hey Bruce...do

tell us how LONG it was before the emotions were settled... anyone???? (:


I know what you're thinking...somebody tell that girl to take off her shoes and

socks and go walk in the grass...(I hear you ) ha


I'm good - no worries - just giving you a Saturday night Live rant...


I told you Shakti has been pulling on my brain...so happy I can torture you all

with it...(:


Thats what happens when I watch animal planet...can you imagine if I watched

regular t.v.? I'll put a warning label in the subject line if I do....


You all deserve a full platter of chi - balls for reading this one -

Remember my last post where I was all centered and feeling so stable? Balancing

things out!


I'm sure it was the wicked witch of oz who wrote this... she's melting...


Happy Sunday (: And you know what? Now I feel much better...I think I can be


Don't want you to think the angel in my angelness or the wicked in my wickedness

was gone...I feel GREAT now! Thanks... I hand you my rubble to make a staircase

with (do include railings so I don't slip)


And she's buying a stairway to ... heaven






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Hi Debs,


Thanks for the Saturday night madness. Just some free associating off of your

post. Notes and reminders to myself, inspired by you, shared for fun.


> Hope everyone is well! Get ready for some surely missed (hahaha) saturday

night live (shoot Sunday morning) BrAIN MELTS...


Go with the brain melts. Don't think too much - turn your attention to bright

and happy things (inner joy, love, gratitutde - you know the routine) and just




> Calling it that because I have fear I am melting...


Don't let the brain melt bring fear - it's not you experiencing fear. It's that

accretion or article of clothing you wear which is threatened by the melting - a

shell/sheath/persona grown around who you are. You are not your mind, not your

ego, etc., etc.



> All this stuff... weird air blinking, wall disappearing, colors, lights,

phenomena...what is it for?


Just glimpsing the way things are, albeit a more expanded vision than the

average bear. All the ordinary everyday things you can see that a blind person

cannot see - do you ask what they are for?



> Is it to show the illusion of this world as some believe? Is it to help break

my concrete limited beliefs to the realization that we are unlimited beings ?

Is it just a step along the way to insanity? (do try to hold back)(:


K is expanding your field of vision - the blinders are coming off. You will

probably have no choice but to allow your concrete limited beliefs to fall by

the wayside, like a snake shedding the old skin that has been outgrown. No

comment on the insanity bit.



> THere can't be some good god or all that is that just ignores the bad side -

it must encompass all - so the murderer and most extreme evil must still be all

that is as must the holy and saintly - its all just experiencing ...????


It is all part of the Divine. We dwell in this dimension of duality (less and

less as Shakti works Her magic within us). In these worlds of duality there is

good and evil and we have the ability to choose between them. As incarnate

consciousness, we get these experiences and lessons. While still recognzing

that these opposites are in Reality the same and both parts of the Whole. When

we merge with Reality, we will have this perception/understanding, or so I've

been told. Transcend the dualistic consciousness.


> And what about the guy who mediates and melts the snow and is completely warm

in the freezing cold? Is that just a breaking of the perception that we are

limited beings...do you ever wonder if he grew up thinking that it was NORMAL to

be comfortable at any temperature that his body would be just that always? There

are all these people that drink water and don't eat...is that possible? > What

is NOT possible? And if so why is it so hard then to do anything around here?

Shouldn't it all be easier?


They have developed skills, like learning to write computer programs or build

houses. It's just that their skills are related to the body's energy systems.

Unless they brought them over from previous incarnations, I think it was

probably just as difficult for them to develop these skills as it is for us to

develop whatever skills we may excel at. In some cases, an active Kundalini can

gift a person with these skills. But generally speaking, I believe anything

worth having requires hard work, self-discipline, and cultivating the ability to

transcend who we were a moment ago. Even surrender and bhakti require hard




> Do you ever wonder how much of what we experience is just a false limited

belief system we grew up with? And if this is so - again...why is it so hard to

break -


Most of what we experience is a result of our thoughts. If our thoughts are

limited, then so will our experience be limited.



> Those dreams of becoming this person and that person - being slipped in their

bodies, feeling their feelings...to show me we are one?


Maybe to show you you are not the persona you adopt or the body you wear. You

slip into a body like that each incarnation, have " that person's " experiences,

then slip into another the next time, etc. Just a thought.


Also maybe to teach you to radiate love and compassion, and to do what you can

to brighten the days of those whose emotions you experience.


> If we are one - then guess what?


> It is YOU that has written this crazy rant! I am going to sleep a lot better

knowing it wasn't me...


Wink, wink. Like I said - notes to myself.



> Sometimes all these belief systems breaking apart in me is freeing on the one

hand but also difficult to find footing with sometimes. There really is no floor

you know...


Also there is no ceiling....



> I don't know what I'm saying except my belief systems have been crashing so

much this last two years (and believe me many needed to be smashed) but it just

seems that the impossible is possible yet their is nothing but limitation

everywhere...wars, poverty, sickness...


If wars, poverty, sickness, and negativity are all that you see, then I would

suggest you are only looking at one side. I do agree that these worlds are

limited. It is recognition of this limitedness that spurs us to seek the

Divine. The Buddha up in the corner of the Wheel of Life mandala is pointing

the way out of samsara. The direction he is pointing is off the Wheel entirely.

He is not pointing to any of the worlds in the realms of limited

consciousness/duality, not even the numerous " heavenly " realms. They too are in

the realm of duality, and their inhabitants are subject to karma just like us.


These worlds exist for souls to experience the fruits of their actions. Some

are more pleasant than others. It is my understanding that there are worse

places and better places. What you do, think, and dwell upon determines what

you get to experience in the current lifetime, future lifetimes, and even in the

next or current moment.



> What is real my k friends?


All of it is real. It is all emanations from the Godhead. And a lot more is

real than perhaps you were taught.


None of it real. We live in the world of maya. Beyond the world of appearances

lies the Divine.




> If consciousness is the only real or love or something like that - and if the

you that is you is the you , you were then and will be ... what is this for?

experience?...what happens if you know its just for experience? Is the fun of

experience still fun exciting or not?


If you are not caught up in the dramas, you can take delight in Shakti's play.

Experiencing all as a Divine pulsation of Love - it doesn't get much better

that. (Still working on it....)



> I watched animal planet and all the animals have to work so hard to survive it

seems...I cried for hours...so much for my emotions being stable. Hey

Bruce...do tell us how LONG it was before the emotions were settled...

anyone???? (:


I watched Madagascar 2 with my son today. I cried at numerous points. Tears

were pouring down my face when Alex and his father danced together so the people

would recognize Alex the Lion from Central Park. It's ok to have a heart




> You all deserve a full platter of chi - balls for reading this one -

> Remember my last post where I was all centered and feeling so stable?

Balancing things out!


> I'm sure it was the wicked witch of oz who wrote this... she's melting...


> Happy Sunday (: And you know what? Now I feel much better...I think I can be


> Don't want you to think the angel in my angelness or the wicked in my

wickedness was gone...I feel GREAT now! Thanks... I hand you my rubble to make a

staircase with (do include railings so I don't slip)


No problemo. See how fast your inner state can change?





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, " BruceO " <bruce_oom


> well, I am glad I now know what I wrote; thanks for reminding me that it was

me writing it

@@ That's okay thats what I'm here for...(poking fun at u) (:


> it does keep breaking up. I had starry starry tennis yesterday. I was playing

at the club and I started to see lights and the air started blinking around me

and the tennis ball started breaking up...lol..


@@Actually really happy you said this... it helps HUGE to know i'm normal in k

land - need a little reassurance after a night of " animal planet " (yeah i'm bad)


> how long will this last? I have no idea. All i know is that surrender means

there is nothing to hold onto, and trust means that God will guide us at the

right moment....


@@Yeah...this nothing to hold onto part... YIKES ... still have to get used to

that - and the answer is trust - guess after watching all those animals fighting

so hard for their lives I got swept away again in emotion and then trust is

something I need a shout out about (:

Thanks for the shout - You may have to keep shouting...your throat chakra is in

good working order...yes (:


> how much can we open? what a wonderful experiment!!! I am opening to strong

bliss states again today as a beautiful woman was giving me drugs in my dreams

last night and I am a little too happy again :) Good thing I went down to the

beach early this morning on the first real summers day for a long time and did

some good bodysurfing in the warm Indian ocean...


@@@ Happy she's blissin' you out! I love reading your blissful

moments...especially those on a car along a mountain (:(:(:(:(:

(sorry - it was one of my favorite parts - haha)


Thank you Bruce - you rock - keep on blinking and blissing (and telling us about


Debs (:

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, " Carla & Patrick "

<bowenhealth wrote:




> were at a cafe and I started reading a one page " Coffee News " publication.

> In it was this...


> " Everyone has a purpose in life... a unique gift or special talent to give

> to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we

> experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the

> ultimate goal of all goals. " - Dharma


@@ Wow that is beautiful - Is everyone wondering what their talent is? Or do you

all know? I think I will be 100 yrs old still wondering...but its beautiful and

inspirational and I'm so happy you wrote this!


I started to read it to him, but couldn't because I

> would start crying. After two tries I just passed it to him but he told me

> to " buck up. " I said I was a mess. And he said, with this lovely loving

> smile on his face,


@@ Carla are you my twin? (: I too can get swept away in emotion and I really

don't like it when I'm in public...(: Its usually okay the laughing...but even

that can get " over the top " -

It's the crying...its downright embarrassing sometimes...Do you ever see someone

crying and you don't know why they are crying but you start wiping your eyes

because the tears start falling - I mean shouldn't a person know why they are

crying? (:



I like that " buck up " - I think I'll use that on myself - (: BUCK UP DEB!


> Thanks for reminding me I am not alone in my roller coaster ride of tears

> and laughter.


@@@Thanks for making me feel so good Carla, the next time I start crying I will

think of you in the cafe and smile knowing its all good - (oh and the buck up

for sure!)

Much love!!!


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, Julia Ahern <jajahern



> It has been a while since saturday night live..... I have missed it...i





> Isn't is amazing how we can go from being centered and stable to being

emotional and possibly insane...lol


@@@AGREEING AND LAUGHING ... rather loudly at the " Possible Insanity "



  he didn't notice me for a while but when he did said " I wonder if we are

real..pause... I mean are we real ?  is everything there(looking out the

window) real or pretend ?

> I mean you know the way you can play with dolls and cars and toy houses  and

stuff, well do they have a different life when we are not  playing with

them....pause....are we like the toys. AAAhh! that's not it either, I can't

explain, but maybe this all isn't real....it too hard to put into words.  Hey,

Can I go call for X now?



@@@OMG - WHAT A BOY!!! How beautifully deep he is....I would love to sit there

in the room with you two and play the " whats real " game...I have such a

beautiful image of you walking in to see him at the window...so happy you are

blessed with him and he with you! Give him a thousand kisses from all your k

friends...I have a feeling he'll be here posting soon (:


> so I can offer you no answers or further contribution to your Sat night live

rant. on this sunday night.


@@@ You gave us all a beautiful gift with the image of your son - he's



Love you Julia - Next week I'll stick to watching comedies (:

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, Lisa Johnson

<pleiades2012 wrote:


> Yes, indeed. It me that wrote this, not you. It was us that wrote this, not

you. It was the world that wrote this, not you.



@@@ LISA! So good to hear from you! Its good to know it was all of you that

wrote that rant and not me! (:



You, me, us, no one. Are we not from the same Source? I am you, and you are

saying the same thing I was thinking. Just yesterday I was thinking about what

God was.


@@@ You didn't see animal planet, did you? haha


Is it so important to put a label on things? Is it important to you, me, us to

have a sign on everything so that we can understand it, fully? Atoms, Prana, are

these God? Are these divine vehicles of God? We are the atoms, some closer

together, some farther apart, but most importantly, we are conscience beings

who's energy will never die. We are the God's within, intertwined within each

other. We feel the evil doings of others, we harness the good we do and hope it

carry's over to the next person.


@@@ I know its when I get caught in emotions that I start thinking instead of



> You are not crazy, you think like you, like me, like us, some of us maybe. You

need answers. Most times the answers will come you when you surrender and let

them be. Some answers will never be answered in this realm.

Some answers can not be understood with our physical minds, but only with our

spirit can it be understood. Do we live in the matrix? What is real? Are we the

product of our thoughts? Where does the universe end, begin? My questions, and

your questions are near endless. I guess the most important question, that needs

to be answered, is who are you? Who are you the person? Who are you? Ask

yourself this, once you become familiar with the answer the rest of the

questions you ask will be answered by you. You know all the answers too all the

questions any human has ever asked. The answers are inside you. But first, who

are you?


@@@ That is the " jackpot " question... " Who are you " - The lessons in illusions

keep coming - or should i say the " experiences " - obviously i'm not whats the

word self-realized although something strange is going on...like learning what

i'm not ...


> I promise not to jump off the building like Neo did in the Matrix, the

concrete will indeed be hard, and I like where my blood vessels are located

right now.

> Thank you for your rant, I hope you enjoyed mine :-)


@@@@ I did I did I did! Thank you! So great to hear a fellow k girl rant - makes

me feel at home - and we like where your blood vessels are too - (although

nothing like matrix music to pump me up) Hope you'll rant more and more and

more - I loved it!


So great to know you are doing well Lisa!!! Thank you you have pumped me up too!


You are all so great!

Love to you!!!

Debs (:


You want to take the next Saturday night shift 'cuz if I watch a comedy you will

all wish I was back to animal planet (:

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, " djgottlieb "

<dgottlieb wrote:


> Hi Debs, @@@ HI DAVID (:



> Go with the brain melts. Don't think too much - turn your attention to bright

and happy things (inner joy, love, gratitutde - you know the routine) and just



@@@David I know - It started out sweetly watching those elephants taking care of

their young and loving each other and then....twilight zone music...they were

all fighting so hard to stay alive - i got swept in emotion (shhh again)


> Don't let the brain melt bring fear - it's not you experiencing fear. It's

that accretion or article of clothing you wear which is threatened by the

melting - a shell/sheath/persona grown around who you are. You are not your

mind, not your ego, etc., etc.


@@@ Yes its more dropping away of everything - which is one thing thats hard

enough but when you combine that with an increase of feeling - sometimes its not

so easy to navigate - I have to learn detachment - I mean who cries like that

over animal planet?



> Just glimpsing the way things are, albeit a more expanded vision than the

average bear. All the ordinary everyday things you can see that a blind person

cannot see - do you ask what they are for?


@@@ Usually I just enjoy however rarely I do get that creeping doubt about some

schools of thought that look at it as if its something to be ashamed of like i'm

doing something wrong...usually to me its like looking at a beautiful scene in

nature - i just love and appreciate it - i have heard that seeing phenomena is

almost like a bad thing - meaning you can get swept away in it as if its bad so

shhhhh no one talk about it because it means you're off course or

something...but 99% of the time I know its no different than looking at a

beautiful sunset - do you hear people say the sunset is somehow not good to see

and appreciate its beauty - no...but i admit dogma still creeps in and i have to

drop it off

Thank you for those words - its nice to hear it spoken of like that in a

spiritual setting -



> K is expanding your field of vision - the blinders are coming off. You will

probably have no choice but to allow your concrete limited beliefs to fall by

the wayside, like a snake shedding the old skin that has been outgrown. No

comment on the insanity bit.


@@@@HAHAHA (the no comment on insanity) Some people call it the ego coming to

terms and some the unlimited beliefs...perhaps both - but you are right on it -

the beliefs even the ones you buried buried buried come right up at you, don't

they - and its taken me awhile now but i'm starting to realize that each problem

or lesson or chance to drop something off - is just that - a false belief - a

belief in limitation instead of expansion -

but they keep coming pretty quickly - i think i can call time - out for a bit if

i want right? (:


> It is all part of the Divine. We dwell in this dimension of duality (less and

less as Shakti works Her magic within us).

@@ like that (:



Even surrender and bhakti require hard work!


@@@ I am not sure what bhakti is but learning to surrender has not been as easy

as it sounds when you are reading a book.. at least not for me (:

But compared to two years ago - the surrender is much better - of course you

(talking about me here ha) may learn its suffer or surrender - so surrender is

always the better option (:


> Most of what we experience is a result of our thoughts. If our thoughts are

limited, then so will our experience be limited.


@@@ I know this - I don't always practice this - although a strange thing - the

other night I was relaxing thinking about how much our souls probably wish we

(our egos/personality) would just break all limiting beliefs so our soul could

experience the greatest freedom and expansion in this body and soar - and while

i was thinking this my k went CRAZY! It was great! It was great to get the

communication - funny how the next night I could watch animal planet and

completely fall at how hard they have it to survive and slip and slip and slip




> > Those dreams of becoming this person and that person - being slipped in

their bodies, feeling their feelings...to show me we are one?


> Maybe to show you you are not the persona you adopt or the body you wear. You

slip into a body like that each incarnation, have " that person's " experiences,

then slip into another the next time, etc. Just a thought.


@@@ Nice - me likes (:


> Also maybe to teach you to radiate love and compassion, and to do what you can

to brighten the days of those whose emotions you experience.


@@@@ Nice again! (:



> Wink, wink. Like I said - notes to myself.


@@@@ Honestly you k people rock and I admire your notes - respect (:


> > Sometimes all these belief systems breaking apart in me is freeing on the

one hand but also difficult to find footing with sometimes. There really is no

floor you know...


> Also there is no ceiling....


@@@ Really got to get that jet pack soon!



It is recognition of this limitedness that spurs us to seek the Divine. The

Buddha up in the corner of the Wheel of Life mandala is pointing the way out of

samsara. The direction he is pointing is off the Wheel entirely. He is not

pointing to any of the worlds in the realms of limited consciousness/duality,

not even the numerous " heavenly " realms. They too are in the realm of duality,

and their inhabitants are subject to karma just like us. These worlds exist for

souls to experience the fruits of their actions. Some are more pleasant than

others. It is my understanding that there are worse places and better places.

What you do, think, and dwell upon determines what you get to experience in the

current lifetime, future lifetimes, and even in the next or current moment.


@@@@@@Just for the record of your note-keeping...put a big red star next to that

because I read this earlier and this paragraph keeps going over and over in my

mind...no kidding? I didn't even think about numerous " heavenly " realms...just

perhaps going somewhere better - but this - is this what we are doing? You do

know I'm going to come back here and read this again .... thank you (:




> If you are not caught up in the dramas, you can take delight in Shakti's play.

Experiencing all as a Divine pulsation of Love - it doesn't get much better

that. (Still working on it....)


@@@@ Divine Pulsation of Love - what was I thinking letting a show get me

down???? Divine Pulsation of Love - Divine Pulsation of Love - How many of you

out there are enjoying that line???? Ahhhhh...come - on .... I am! (:




> I watched Madagascar 2 with my son today. I cried at numerous points. Tears

were pouring down my face when Alex and his father danced together so the people

would recognize Alex the Lion from Central Park. It's ok to have a heart



@@@@@ So great to hear a guy fess up to this! (: I bow down or curtsy or trip or

something in respect.


All right - my heart chakra is on - this is where though I have to learn a bit

of " bucking-up " - I can't go around all emotional - Its beautiful, yes...but

makes it hard - I think my biggest lesson is in detachment - How do I watch

anything or anyone without getting all intensely loving like a crazy person - I

cried over animal planet not for fifteen minutes but on and on and on (thats

just a bit much you see?) If I see something touching the tears fall - it

matters not where I am - If someone is crying I don't even know, I cry - I

catch bugs and let them outside and hurt this bugs legs doing this so i was

really upset - Don't get me wrong I'm not a blubbering idiot all day - just that

its a bit much - (a big bit) - the heart chakra -

Its been great - I know loving and appreciating is what got me here just have to

learn the " bucking-up " system better (:

I think that can only come with detachment - so the paradox of feeling intense

love and being detached - or maybe like Bruce says trust - i don't know - but i

need the course in Buck-Up 101...



> No problemo. See how fast your inner state can change?


Yes...thank you for taking so much time David and all you other beautiful people

out there! The inner state does change quickly - next time I come on - I'm

coming as

" Deb Buckup " - Better hide under your covers! (:


Thanks David really really really! Kinda excited about that afterlife paragraph

(: makes me smile thinking about it - and excited about Deb Buckup too!


lots of sappy love coming at you and all - enjoy it now 'cuz D Buckup is coming

soon to a theatre near you...

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Hey Debs - melting is a fascinating way to go! Don't you think that by not

knowing exactly what is going to happen next makes this a really fascinating

journey? What drives me wild is knowing that I set this up before i got here so

although part of me knows what the score is the other part of me is waiting

blindly to see what is coming round the next curve! Now then, if I could only

get it all together........lol


What a rush!


love and blessings - Jonathan

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Oops! Forgot to include the glossary....


Bhakti: literally, devotion, especially towards a form of the Divine. So

developing/cultivating a state of drunken, swooning love, surrender, devotion,

worship, etc. towards a god or goddess, saint, enlightened teacher, or other

being who represents for you the Divine. The practice often includes mantra

repetition, prayer, singing devotional songs, gazing adoringly at pictures or

statues of the selected being, etc. I'm big on the drunken love of the Divine

thing - it takes care of surrender, gratitude, love, prayer, and inner joy all

in one fell swoop. Probably also takes care of the programming safety as well,

since you try to keep your heart and attention immersed in love of the Divine

24/7, and therefore you try to avoid anything that separates your awareness from

your beloved.


Divine Pulsation of Love: I know, I know - it sounds sappy. But it was actually

a reference to a set of teachings that sees the entire universe as an emanation

of the Divine as intelligent, pulsating energy. In this, one comes to actually

experience the universe as divine energy which seems primarily to be love,

pulsing in waves. I think this is discussed somewhat in the Spanda Karika, a

Hindu text.


Wheel of Life: Wikipedia has a pretty decent introduction to this pictorial

representation of the realms of samsara. My personal favorite is the " World of

Hungry Ghosts " - not as a place to visit, but as a descriptive name for a realm.

I think the mandala itself is a simplification - in reality, there are many,

many more layers and levels than the six depicted here. The full amplification

of the teachings around this were/are probably given orally, telepathically, and

through transmission. (Buddhist secret code for shaktipat: " transmitting the

Dharma " . It also means elevating the student's awareness above their ordinary

state of consciousness, imparting understanding and esoteric experience, which

the student must then recall/reexperience by recapturing those heightened states

of attention themselves.) So this picture was probably referred to while

teaching much the way we'd use a Powerpoint slide today. (Don't tell anybody I

called the Wheel of Life a big Powerpoint slide - there are those who would take

offense....) It gave the monks a diagram they could refer to and use to jog

their memories so they could recall and experience for themselves the teachings

that their spiritual mentors had embedded and hidden in their subtle bodies

during transmission.


As for having your heart chakra in the " on " position, let the tears come. No

need to " buck up " . Just ask Shakti to tone it down when you're in public or

when you need to function. In exchange, make sure you give Her Her time to let

you get all sappy. This is part of conditioning the emotional body for her

Radiance. It's a form of kriya.


Much love,



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Hi Jonathan,


This is great! You know what I thought as soon as I read it...


The scene when Neo goes to talk to the oracle (matrix)


when she says... " You know whats really gonna get your noodle.... "


Or something like that (:


Thank you - appreciating the mind melts (:

Much love



, " jonrow_2914 "

<jrowland wrote:


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, " djgottlieb "

<dgottlieb wrote:




> Bhakti: literally, devotion, especially towards a form of the Divine. So

developing/cultivating a state of drunken, swooning love, surrender, devotion,

worship, e



@@@ Thanks for the definitions. This Bhakti thing has me wondering if a child

say loved his teddy bear soooo much and thought it was his guardian angel -

could that be his bhakti? Don't mind me David...I didn't sleep last night! ha



> Divine Pulsation of Love: I know, I know - it sounds sappy. But it was

actually a reference to a set of teachings that sees the entire universe as an

emanation of the Divine as intelligent, pulsating energy. In this, one comes to

actually experience the universe as divine energy which seems primarily to be

love, pulsing in waves. I think this is discussed somewhat in the Spanda

Karika, a Hindu text.


@@@@ Like Bliss? (:



> As for having your heart chakra in the " on " position, let the tears come. No

need to " buck up " . Just ask Shakti to tone it down when you're in public or

when you need to function. In exchange, make sure you give Her Her time to let

you get all sappy. This is part of conditioning the emotional body for her

Radiance. It's a form of kriya.



@@@@@@@ Like this idea...thank you! Public bucking up and the private saps ...

hope she'll oblige! (:


> Much love, - @@ You too and many many thanks...I can be quite a

handful/heartful sounds nicer though...(:

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Hi Deb,


so I would love a front row seat at the premier of D Buckup.... do we need to

wear seatbelts at the show?


I've been a bit too bucked up and feeling the need to be a fool again...


> Thanks David really really really! Kinda excited about that afterlife

paragraph (: makes me smile thinking about it - and excited about Deb Buckup



> lots of sappy love coming at you and all - enjoy it now 'cuz D Buckup is

coming soon to a theatre near you...



I came across this on a website, all about wisdom, madness and folly.. (and deb,

you are a wonderful teacher of all three....).. and made me think of your heart

breaking watching animal planet...


Bruce Ho'lailot showing after D Buckup..:)




" And I gave my heart to know wisdom and to know madness and folly. I perceived

that this was also a striving after wind. For in much wisdom is much grief and

he that increases knowledge increases sorrow " (Eccl 1:17-18).


This needs to be understood. Translated from the original Hebrew, the two verses

would read something like this: " I gave my heart have da'at of chochma and to

have da'at of ho'lailot and sich'lut. And my da'at informed me that this was

also a rai'on for ruach. Because in great chochma is a lot of frustration and

increased da'at increases discomfort "


" And I gave my heart to know wisdom.. " . The first lesson that Solomon teaches

us, is that to obtain Wisdom, we need to first be in touch with our hearts. To

approach the matter of acquiring wisdom with the head will only result in

information, which masquerades as genuine wisdom. Many people have a great deal

of information without seeming to have obtained much wisdom. Information is a

poor substitute for the real thing. Information comes from the outside,

reinforcing our ego-based materialistic view that we need to fill our inner

emptiness by getting something from outside. True wisdom and the sense of

wholeness that this implies arises from within and through this centre, we are

connected authentically with the world. As with most spiritual teachings, the

real journey only begins when we first find our heart and are then willing to

listen to and follow where our heart leads.


Solomon " ..gave his heart " to follow the Path of Consciousness. He wanted to

have the authentic da'at of wisdom, not merely information. Solomon says he also

gave his heart, at the same time, to know ho'lailot and sich'lut. Ho'lailot, in

Hebrew, has several meanings. It means to praise, to shine and to give light,

and to be wild and excessive. It is the root of the word " hallelujah " . The

connection in these three meanings is found in the concept of ecstasy, the

intense experience of being " outside of oneself " , the radiant and selfless state

of being with and praising Spirit. The Hebrew word Sich'lut means to be foolish.

A person in a condition of ecstatic bliss is certainly seen as a fool in the

eyes of a sombre, conventional and inhibited world. Later (2:13) Solomon tells

us that wisdom might seem better than foolishness but that in the end, there is

little advantage in one state over the other.


So Solomon, sometimes referred to as the wisest man that ever lived, teaches us

that the true path to wisdom and knowledge also includes and implies a journey

into experiencing both ecstasy and foolishness, madness and folly, which are

basic elements of any authentic Shamanic or conscious undertaking, as is well

documented in all Shamanic writings.


Apparently, Solomon's journey was successful, because the verse then continues

with " my wisdom informed me (v'yada'ati, the same word as `da'at') of something

else, namely " ..this was also a rai'on for ruach. " The word rai'on means an

imagination or compelling idea. The word ruach means wind, breath and spirit. In

the Work of consciousness, it is by accessing our dreamingbody consciousness,

our Imaginal Self, that we find our Soul.


The traditional translation implies that `striving after wind' is a pointless

exercise, trying to obtain the unobtainable. But King Solomon the Wise teaches

us something different. Solomon came to know that his journey to genuine wisdom

was driven by the desire of his Soul for spiritual wholeness. And the excesses

and the successes, the humiliations or the rewards, the madness and the mistakes

and the love and the joy that will likely be encountered along the way, are

really leading us to find that intangible essence that we all strive for, a

genuine experience of wholeness and connectedness with every level of our



Finally, in the following verse, Solomon informs and even warns us that the

attainment of true wisdom does not put us in an unrealistic or childish place of

eternal happiness, but rather that, along with the attainment of genuine insight

comes the understanding that there is a great deal of suffering that is a real

part of human existence. An awakened consciousness keeps us aware both of our

own struggles and the sufferings of others. From our own opened heart, we find

ourselves compassionate and sensitive to others. And it is in this realisation

that we find genuine and lasting peace.

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I love it, good stuff, honest, I can relate. Better than any spiritual

platitude, YOUR OWN VIEWING, with no need for justification. The drop of water

still appears as a drop, unless it is a mass molecules. The I says I, unless it

is looking somewhere else.


, " flowerpowers7777 "

<flowerpowers7777 wrote:


> Hi kundas (:


> Hope everyone is well! Get ready for some surely missed (hahaha) saturday

night live (shoot Sunday morning) BrAIN MELTS...


> Calling it that because I have fear I am melting...



> So I've been thinking about things...never a good idea (:


> All this stuff... weird air blinking, wall disappearing, colors, lights,

phenomena...what is it for?


> Is it to show the illusion of this world as some believe? Is it to help break

my concrete limited beliefs to the realization that we are unlimited beings ?

Is it just a step along the way to insanity? (do try to hold back)(:


> So if the walls are not solid if this body is not solid that the air blows

through...if this world is illusion then the illusions or phenomena I see is

also illusion - so if its all not real...I hear twilight zone music ... don't



> And yet ... whether I'm sleeping at night in a dream or here in this world -

how much are we limiting our experiences to?


> Sorry I'm having a mind melt - so this probably sounds confusing...


> THere can't be some good god or all that is that just ignores the bad side -

it must encompass all - so the murderer and most extreme evil must still be all

that is as must the holy and saintly - its all just experiencing ...????


> And we are in our bodies yet we are the same yet changing as when we were

little - but really why am i getting this creepy feeling that the little girl I

was/am who went down the slide at 5 yrs old and whos underpants that got caught

on something is still waving proudly in the air...IS THAT NOW?


> sheez is that happening now? Does everything happen now? Is that you of you

experiencing the you of you as a child NOW and the you of you experiencing

reading a crazy persons rant NOW and the you of you enlightened NOw too?


> And what about the guy who mediates and melts the snow and is completely warm

in the freezing cold? Is that just a breaking of the perception that we are

limited beings...do you ever wonder if he grew up thinking that it was NORMAL to

be comfortable at any temperature that his body would be just that always? There

are all these people that drink water and don't eat...is that possible? What is

NOT possible? And if so why is it so hard then to do anything around here?

Shouldn't it all be easier?


> Do you ever wonder how much of what we experience is just a false limited

belief system we grew up with? And if this is so - again...why is it so hard to

break -


> Those dreams of becoming this person and that person - being slipped in their

bodies, feeling their feelings...to show me we are one? If we are one - then

guess what?


> It is YOU that has written this crazy rant! I am going to sleep a lot better

knowing it wasn't me...


> Sometimes all these belief systems breaking apart in me is freeing on the one

hand but also difficult to find footing with sometimes. There really is no floor

you know...(:- don't jump off a building like Neo - it may hurt ...


> I don't know what I'm saying except my belief systems have been crashing so

much this last two years (and believe me many needed to be smashed) but it just

seems that the impossible is possible yet their is nothing but limitation

everywhere...wars, poverty, sickness...


> What is real my k friends? The you reading this rant is the you that was in

your childhood body...HOW WEIRD IS THAT? I know we all already know that but its

kinda weird when you think about it...When I see a child now or take my nephews

to the movies I always think about that - I think they are already perfect and

whole - why is everyone always telling kids what to do and how to be -?? I mean

beside the obvious like don't jump out in front of a car and giving them skills

to help get around in this life - but I can't ever think of them as I don't know

needing to be told this or that...or that old person laying in the hospital bed

--- they are the same as the hott something in their youth - ... God is that why

I assaulted that old man in the forest? (that is a joke - geez - well sorta)


> Didn't you use to think when you were little that when you were older it

wouldn't exactly be you somehow? I remember my Grandma telling me this long ago

when she was pointing out pictures of her as a young girl. She said she still

feels the same as the girl in that picture - she didn't change - she was still

her - I was shocked at that...I always think about this - especially when with

my little nephews...


> If consciousness is the only real or love or something like that - and if the

you that is you is the you , you were then and will be ... what is this for?

experience?...what happens if you know its just for experience? Is the fun of

experience still fun exciting or not?



> So if the walls are not solid - we are not solid - you are me and I am you -

you are the drop of water and the ocean - the sun the moon - the blade of grass

- ... it seems strange to be limited to the body...it seems strange to chop wood

and haul water ... It seems strange to try to do or accomplish anything if

everyone is already whole? But how can it be any other way.. if we are one - Are

we limited or not - are we not whole and perfect right now in our imperfectness



> I watched animal planet and all the animals have to work so hard to survive it

seems...I cried for hours...so much for my emotions being stable. Hey

Bruce...do tell us how LONG it was before the emotions were settled...

anyone???? (:


> I know what you're thinking...somebody tell that girl to take off her shoes

and socks and go walk in the grass...(I hear you ) ha


> I'm good - no worries - just giving you a Saturday night Live rant...


> I told you Shakti has been pulling on my brain...so happy I can torture you

all with it...(:


> Thats what happens when I watch animal planet...can you imagine if I watched

regular t.v.? I'll put a warning label in the subject line if I do...


> You all deserve a full platter of chi - balls for reading this one -

> Remember my last post where I was all centered and feeling so stable?

Balancing things out!


> I'm sure it was the wicked witch of oz who wrote this... she's melting...


> Happy Sunday (: And you know what? Now I feel much better...I think I can be


> Don't want you to think the angel in my angelness or the wicked in my

wickedness was gone...I feel GREAT now! Thanks... I hand you my rubble to make a

staircase with (do include railings so I don't slip)


> And she's buying a stairway to ... heaven


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Hi ya Bruce...


I mean ... Mr. Ho'lailot - ( Mr. Whole lotta wild and excessive shiny light and



I loved this story! and you can even make my madness and folly look good; not an

easy task even for a Ho'lailot


D Buckup would warn you seatbelts may not be enough for the madness and folly -

Madness and folly -


finally I know what I'm good at and happy about it - it has been there all along

yet I didn't see it.. guess the wisdom thing still needs some bucking up to, but

madness and folly I can work with (:


even D Buckup can work with that...I wonder how that would look on a resume...


But...all is well in the world!


I shall keep this as a reminder if i trip over the heart again -


thats what its all for... - how you and others can pull these treasures out

is beyond the madness and folly of me - I wonder how many reading Solomon here

could resonate with this... I can't be the only mad one...Buhwaaahhh


We may all start shouting out a O lotta at you - now we know you've got whole

lotsa stacks of wisdom there - And the wild; the excessive; the praise - I'm

pretty sure once the k has been unleashed we are all good with that too;

probably before ...


I graciously thank you Mr. WholeLotta and look forward to your Ho'lailot



Solomon rocks - wonder if there is a little statue of him i can add to my ever

growing list...if his belly is as much fun to rub as buddhas I may need more

time in my day...of course when you don't sleep much thats not really a problem


Thank you Bruce - a whole lotta (now I'm even annoying myself - don't blame

me...its the madness) (:



> So Solomon, sometimes referred to as the wisest man that ever lived, teaches

us that the true path to wisdom and knowledge also includes and implies a

journey into experiencing both ecstasy and foolishness, madness and folly, which

are basic elements of any authentic Shamanic or conscious undertaking, as is

well documented in all Shamanic writings.


the humiliations or the rewards, the madness and the mistakes and the love and

the joy that will likely be encountered along the way, are really leading us to

find that intangible essence that we all strive for, a genuine experience of

wholeness and connectedness with every level of our existence.


> Finally, in the following verse, Solomon informs and even warns us that the

attainment of true wisdom does not put us in an unrealistic or childish place of

eternal happiness, but rather that, along with the attainment of genuine insight

comes the understanding that there is a great deal of suffering that is a real

part of human existence. An awakened consciousness keeps us aware both of our

own struggles and the sufferings of others. From our own opened heart, we find

ourselves compassionate and sensitive to others. And it is in this realisation

that we find genuine and lasting peace.


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Hi Bret!

Thank you. I was enjoying your site! The black of the shakti ... I too saw that

black/blue and some black/dkblue dots... I'm having fun at your site and glad to

see you here..

Enjoying your art and your words.



, " bretarenson "

<bretarenson wrote:


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hi Deb,


haha.. your post is a wholelotta fun... I am thinking of adopting.. if anyone

wants to be a Ho'lailot Jnr just give me a shout... Kundalini awakened

preferably else you may get a Ho'le lot more than you bargained for..


love and a whole lot around the corner



, " flowerpowers7777 "

<flowerpowers7777 wrote:



> Hi ya Bruce...


> I mean ... Mr. Ho'lailot - ( Mr. Whole lotta wild and excessive shiny light

and praise)


> I loved this story! and you can even make my madness and folly look good; not

an easy task even for a Ho'lailot


> D Buckup would warn you seatbelts may not be enough for the madness and folly


> Madness and folly -


> finally I know what I'm good at and happy about it - it has been there all

along yet I didn't see it.. guess the wisdom thing still needs some bucking up

to, but madness and folly I can work with (:


> even D Buckup can work with that...I wonder how that would look on a resume...


> But...all is well in the world!


> I shall keep this as a reminder if i trip over the heart again -


> thats what its all for... - how you and others can pull these treasures out

is beyond the madness and folly of me - I wonder how many reading Solomon here

could resonate with this... I can't be the only mad one...Buhwaaahhh


> We may all start shouting out a O lotta at you - now we know you've got whole

lotsa stacks of wisdom there - And the wild; the excessive; the praise - I'm

pretty sure once the k has been unleashed we are all good with that too;

probably before ...


> I graciously thank you Mr. WholeLotta and look forward to your Ho'lailot



> Solomon rocks - wonder if there is a little statue of him i can add to my ever

growing list...if his belly is as much fun to rub as buddhas I may need more

time in my day...of course when you don't sleep much thats not really a problem


> Thank you Bruce - a whole lotta (now I'm even annoying myself - don't blame

me...its the madness) (:



> > So Solomon, sometimes referred to as the wisest man that ever lived, teaches

us that the true path to wisdom and knowledge also includes and implies a

journey into experiencing both ecstasy and foolishness, madness and folly, which

are basic elements of any authentic Shamanic or conscious undertaking, as is

well documented in all Shamanic writings.

> >

> the humiliations or the rewards, the madness and the mistakes and the love

and the joy that will likely be encountered along the way, are really leading us

to find that intangible essence that we all strive for, a genuine experience of

wholeness and connectedness with every level of our existence.

> >

> > Finally, in the following verse, Solomon informs and even warns us that the

attainment of true wisdom does not put us in an unrealistic or childish place of

eternal happiness, but rather that, along with the attainment of genuine insight

comes the understanding that there is a great deal of suffering that is a real

part of human existence. An awakened consciousness keeps us aware both of our

own struggles and the sufferings of others. From our own opened heart, we find

ourselves compassionate and sensitive to others. And it is in this realisation

that we find genuine and lasting peace.

> >


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hey debs..

I've " felt " that oddness too often... I feel it's something like what goes on

with the clothes one wears, the clothes change, but the you inside them is still

you, and I have a feeling the same sort of affection and attachment one can have

for ones cothes could be applied on larger/deeper scale too... though I cant

quite grasp that feeling right now with my mind.... ^_^






, " flowerpowers7777 "

<flowerpowers7777 wrote:



> What is real my k friends? The you reading this rant is the you that was in

your childhood body...HOW WEIRD IS THAT? I know we all already know that but its

kinda weird when you think about it...When I see a child now or take my nephews

to the movies I always think about that - I think they are already perfect and

whole - why is everyone always telling kids what to do and how to be -?? I mean

beside the obvious like don't jump out in front of a car and giving them skills

to help get around in this life - but I can't ever think of them as I don't know

needing to be told this or that...or that old person laying in the hospital bed

--- they are the same as the hott something in their youth - ... God is that why

I assaulted that old man in the forest? (that is a joke - geez - well sorta)


> Didn't you use to think when you were little that when you were older it

wouldn't exactly be you somehow? I remember my Grandma telling me this long ago

when she was pointing out pictures of her as a young girl. She said she still

feels the same as the girl in that picture - she didn't change - she was still

her - I was shocked at that...I always think about this - especially when with

my little nephews...


> If consciousness is the only real or love or something like that - and if the

you that is you is the you , you were then and will be ... what is this for?

experience?...what happens if you know its just for experience? Is the fun of

experience still fun exciting or not?

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