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photo for Shakipat ?

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First of all thank you " e " for your input regarding shakipat.. much much



I am reluctant to post my photo.... mainly I am a fairly private person.

In my non forum life No one knows about my kundalin awakening except my beloved

husband. A few years ago I did tell my best friend some of my " stuff " and to be

honest when she responded with absolutly no understanding, which is actually ok

with me, I never mentioned it agian... and she never really asked further about

it. I am really ok with that.... I have this group to share my " stuff " with.

My best friend projedted her own stuff on to me and it was so far removed from

ny own experience I did not revisit.

So.... my difficulty is.... to post my actual real time photo, where any random

looker could identify me at the drop of a hat is sort of putting me off the

shakipat. If my closest friend does not get where I am at why should a random e


so...??? to you... is that ego ??? or is it a shyness to expose myself to the

random googling of others, which I think is actually ok.

Seriously guys I am very reluctant to post my real time photo. Help!

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Hi Julia, I think your photo would be safe here. Only members of the group are

allowed to the files and photos section. If a person has no interest in

kundalini or even know what it means, they will most likely not join the group

in the first place. But if it bothers you that much, just take a photo of your

eyes only. Most people would not recognized you from just your eyes, I don't

think anyways.





, " jajahern " <jajahern



> First of all thank you " e " for your input regarding shakipat.. much much



> I am reluctant to post my photo.... mainly I am a fairly private person.

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it would be nice if there was a guarantee that your pic would be safe- but we

have had those who join who have gotten into the list and spammed members -

chrism screens folks yet if someone wants to be nasty they will find a way.


please ask chrism about a photo with your eyes only.


ego or shyness?? i hate pics of myself always have my reluctance has more to

do with self esteem - so you are not alone in not wanting to post - all for

different reasons.


i personally do not feel there is anywhere that is safe from those unscrupulous

folks who just love to make life miserable for others=


chrism will be available after this weekend



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Thank you for the replies..... It has struck me suddenly, and I was somehow

unaware of this 'til now... that I have a fear of people who might know me,

knowing of my kundalini awakening. I have 5 sisters and I am quite close to 2

of them but even they have no clue about this aspect of my life.

Is it really just an " aspect " ? Is that how I really see it ?

I know there is no need to tell " everyone " I know about kundalini... but is the

truth that I actually want to hide from everyone who just might know me, my

Kundalini awakening?

If this is actually the case , and I think maybe really it is... then what is

this telling me, about me???

I would really appreciate some clear thinking and input as I am feeling a bit

upset just now.

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hi julie,

I dont know if this is the same case, but I can relate to the feeling, or at

least a feeling of mine is triggered by your words, something I have been

wanting to post about so I'll do it here...


I have trouble admitting to others my deep interests and feelings, this is

something I have had in me for a very long time, it's easyer for me to show

something that is not me then to risk showing what is.

even for stupid stuff, like if I am watching tv alone and someone comes in I

have the impulse to change the channel, or checking out books at the librery...

I cant get myself to check out the books I am really interested in, because of

the chekout clerk that knows me.


but also deeper things... my interest in spirituality is something I have had

trouble admitting even to myself, let alone people I know.

though I can talk about it in general and express my thoughts on the subject, I

have difficulty in bringing it out as something mine, if that makes sense.


I told my boyfriend I am meditating yesterday.

this is a big big step for me and shows me clearely how far I have gone in these

months... it dident happen " because I had to " or because I was guilty I was not

telling. I was feeling very guilty for a time, I could not bring myself to

tell him I was doing this. I did it because I could do it, as in my stomach

dident clench on me, because I wanted to share it with him, because it was the

right moment.


I thought it had to do also with him, this block in comunicating I had.. I

actually thought I was comunicating just fine. that if I was not telling things

it was his falt, because of the way he is and do on..


well, I realized it is not so... it had to do with a very deep mistrust I had

since the very start of our relationship. I was constantly in fear he would

leave me, and that the way I was was not good entirely. and would self restrict

myself to a form I thought would be better. from the very first time I met him,

I set up this mask, I was in awe, I dont know why!

this is a habit, the masking, I formed from living with a controlling and

authoritive father, with my mom doing exactly that, restricting herself, and

from an extreme difficulty in blending in with other children and teenagers at



my boyfriend has always sensed this, my not being free with him, and it

troubeled him...but I have never been able to let go of it, or even admit it.. I

felt perfectly good, nice and safe LOL!! in my little self built fort.


now I am realizing full power how very much this was deep, conditioning my very


that throat relese the other day I think was more powerful then I realized. it

was a turning point somehow...


yesterday I was able to talk to him about all this, to tell him what it is I

fear and most of all why, and then it all came out, and I feel so good, and we

are closer now, I trust him, and know that if he is not of the same opinion as

I, it doesent matter, we can talk about it!! and it feels so good, I can


and suddenly I feel this immense freedom before me... I can think, do, say,

dress, move, laugh, be silent, be interested, just any way I please.. I can be

me, and not some sort of carefully constructed mask.


and what astonished me most, and for which I am so immensly grateful, is that it

was all in my own head, all of it... and that everything is so magnificantly

perfect, how things come about at the right moment in such a perfect way...


but I think, retrning to your post, if you dont feel you want to tell people,

then dont do it.

maybe it is not yet the right time for you. I know it was not for me yet two

months ago, it would have been just feeding in to that fear, by doing what I

felt I was supposed to but I really dident want.


maybe you never will, but then maybe one day the full moon will pull and you

will find you dont care anymore, you will maybe be sitting on the couch with

your sister drinking a cozy tea and you will say.. hey, have you ever felt

tikles in your tummy?


but it will be the right thing in the right moment, for you, for her... for

whoever you are sharing it with.

you are not *supposed* to tell anyone, you can do so, and you will do so, if you

are called to, if it is right..


I am finding there are times in which things must simply sit on the tree and

wait till they are ripe, no use in hurring it, it will fall to the ground when

it's ripe.


please keep in mind this is all my stuff, and I am sort of high these days on

realizations and all this air blowing under my wings... so I dont know if it



I know this is just the beginning!!


love love love





, " jajahern " <jajahern



> Is it really just an " aspect " ? Is that how I really see it ?

> I know there is no need to tell " everyone " I know about kundalini... but is

the truth that I actually want to hide from everyone who just might know me, my

Kundalini awakening?

> If this is actually the case , and I think maybe really it is... then what is

this telling me, about me???

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Hi Lucia,


It is lovely to hear you are high on realizations..... much love to you and

thanks.  Julia.






lari.lu <lari.lu


Sunday, September 6, 2009 2:34:07 AM

Re: photo for Shakipat ?




please keep in mind this is all my stuff, and I am sort of high these days on

realizations and all this air blowing under my wings... so I dont know if it



I know this is just the beginning!!


love love love



Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , " jajahern " <jajahern@..

..> wrote:


> Is it really just an " aspect " ? Is that how I really see it ?

> I know there is no need to tell " everyone " I know about kundalini... but is

the truth that I actually want to hide from everyone who just might know me, my

Kundalini awakening?

> If this is actually the case , and I think maybe really it is... then what is

this telling me, about me???









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Personally, I keep my awakening a secret. The only one whom really knows is my

husband and also I told my sister and best friend vaguely what happened. My

sister and best friend kinda cocked their eyebrows and I never mentioned it

again lol.


Actually most people around me still think I am an Atheist. I really just live

my life and let people think what they want. Thats what I have you guys for lol,

so we can all be a part of this experience together. People have seen a change

in me for the wiser and better, but I just let them think it has to do with

maturity. If someone ever mentions that they are going through it, in my private

life, then I will open up.


I say it's a matter of personal choice and I dont think it is egoic. Simply put,

most people dont understand. Just my humble opinion.


-Tiffany S


, " jajahern " <jajahern




> Thank you for the replies..... It has struck me suddenly, and I was somehow

unaware of this 'til now... that I have a fear of people who might know me,

knowing of my kundalini awakening. I have 5 sisters and I am quite close to 2

of them but even they have no clue about

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Tiffany, I guess you have hit the nail on the head there..... I keep my

awakening a secret.(except from husband)  But by putting up my photo I am making

a public declaration re kundalini, am I not?   And a public declaration where I

can be identified and I have no control over who might identify me...







angelikdementia <angelikdementia


Sunday, September 6, 2009 10:33:22 PM

Re: photo for Shakipat ?



Personally, I keep my awakening a secret. The only one whom really knows is my

husband and also I told my sister and best friend vaguely what happened. My

sister and best friend kinda cocked their eyebrows and I never mentioned it

again lol.


Actually most people around me still think I am an Atheist. I really just live

my life and let people think what they want. Thats what I have you guys for lol,

so we can all be a part of this experience together. People have seen a change

in me for the wiser and better, but I just let them think it has to do with

maturity. If someone ever mentions that they are going through it, in my private

life, then I will open up.


I say it's a matter of personal choice and I dont think it is egoic. Simply put,

most people dont understand. Just my humble opinion.


-Tiffany S


Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , " jajahern " <jajahern@..

..> wrote:



> Thank you for the replies..... It has struck me suddenly, and I was somehow

unaware of this 'til now... that I have a fear of people who might know me,

knowing of my kundalini awakening. I have 5 sisters and I am quite close to 2 of

them but even they have no clue about









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I also feel awakening should be kept as a secret.People who know you from your

childhood or those who know your past will never believe what you have achieved

in spirituality.Only 2-3 persons with whom I speak about spirituality know about

this.My wife and children know nothing regarding this.They live in past.They

dont judge a person's present.I opened up  to this group because I sincerely

believe that we are all on a spiritual path.Evil that men do lives after

them,good is often buried with their bones (W.S).Therefore I never disclose much

I have experienced in this path........................shrikant


--- On Mon, 7/9/09, angelikdementia <angelikdementia wrote:



angelikdementia <angelikdementia

Re: photo for Shakipat ?


Monday, 7 September, 2009, 3:03 AM







Personally, I keep my awakening a secret. The only one whom really knows is my

husband and also I told my sister and best friend vaguely what happened. My

sister and best friend kinda cocked their eyebrows and I never mentioned it

again lol.


Actually most people around me still think I am an Atheist. I really just live

my life and let people think what they want. Thats what I have you guys for lol,

so we can all be a part of this experience together. People have seen a change

in me for the wiser and better, but I just let them think it has to do with

maturity. If someone ever mentions that they are going through it, in my private

life, then I will open up.


I say it's a matter of personal choice and I dont think it is egoic. Simply put,

most people dont understand. Just my humble opinion.


-Tiffany S


Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , " jajahern " <jajahern@..

..> wrote:



> Thank you for the replies..... It has struck me suddenly, and I was somehow

unaware of this 'til now... that I have a fear of people who might know me,

knowing of my kundalini awakening. I have 5 sisters and I am quite close to 2 of

them but even they have no clue about


















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I sat   last night with what it feels like to have no control over who, could

,come to know that I am in an awakening... ..


Today I am laughing at myself....with love, and all is well. 


Much love to you all,











Julia Ahern <jajahern


Sunday, September 6, 2009 10:52:25 PM

Re: Re: photo for Shakipat ?



Tiffany, I guess you have hit the nail on the head there..... I keep my

awakening a secret.(except from husband)  But by putting up my photo I am making

a public declaration re kundalini, am I not?   And a public declaration where I

can be identified and I have no control over who might identify me...




____________ _________ _________ __

angelikdementia <angelikdementia@ >

Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1

Sunday, September 6, 2009 10:33:22 PM

[Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: photo for Shakipat ?



Personally, I keep my awakening a secret. The only one whom really knows is my

husband and also I told my sister and best friend vaguely what happened. My

sister and best friend kinda cocked their eyebrows and I never mentioned it

again lol.


Actually most people around me still think I am an Atheist. I really just live

my life and let people think what they want. Thats what I have you guys for lol,

so we can all be a part of this experience together. People have seen a change

in me for the wiser and better, but I just let them think it has to do with

maturity. If someone ever mentions that they are going through it, in my private

life, then I will open up.


I say it's a matter of personal choice and I dont think it is egoic. Simply put,

most people dont understand. Just my humble opinion.


-Tiffany S


Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , " jajahern " <jajahern@..

..> wrote:



> Thank you for the replies..... It has struck me suddenly, and I was somehow

unaware of this 'til now... that I have a fear of people who might know me,

knowing of my kundalini awakening. I have 5 sisters and I am quite close to 2 of

them but even they have no clue about



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Life got so much more pleasant for me when I realized what other people think of

me is none of MY business.






--- On Mon, K9/7/09, Julia Ahern <jajahern wrote:


Julia Ahern <jajahern

Re: Re: photo for Shakipat ?


Monday, September 7, 2009, 4:16 AM













I sat   last night with what it feels like to have no control

over who, could ,come to know that I am in an awakening... ..




Today I am laughing at myself....with love, and all is well. 




Much love to you all,












____________ _________ _________ __


Julia Ahern <jajahern >


Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1


Sunday, September 6, 2009 10:52:25 PM


Re: [Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: photo for Shakipat ?






Tiffany, I guess you have hit the nail on the head there..... I keep my

awakening a secret.(except from husband)  But by putting up my photo I am making

a public declaration re kundalini, am I not?   And a public declaration where I

can be identified and I have no control over who might identify me...








____________ _________ _________ __


angelikdementia <angelikdementia@ >


Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1


Sunday, September 6, 2009 10:33:22 PM


[Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: photo for Shakipat ?






Personally, I keep my awakening a secret. The only one whom really knows is my

husband and also I told my sister and best friend vaguely what happened. My

sister and best friend kinda cocked their eyebrows and I never mentioned it

again lol.




Actually most people around me still think I am an Atheist. I really just live

my life and let people think what they want. Thats what I have you guys for lol,

so we can all be a part of this experience together. People have seen a change

in me for the wiser and better, but I just let them think it has to do with

maturity. If someone ever mentions that they are going through it, in my private

life, then I will open up.




I say it's a matter of personal choice and I dont think it is egoic. Simply put,

most people dont understand. Just my humble opinion.




-Tiffany S




Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , " jajahern " <jajahern@..

..> wrote:






> Thank you for the replies..... It has struck me suddenly, and I was somehow

unaware of this 'til now... that I have a fear of people who might know me,

knowing of my kundalini awakening. I have 5 sisters and I am quite close to 2 of

them but even they have no clue about





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You are unique in all the world - you are a child of god and a very special one

at that- you have the gift of Kundalini. AS such you shine among all those you

encounter. Many keep their silence and allow the radiance to flow out amongst

the people and some are in positions to be able to discuss the gift.


I want to be able to openly share my gift with others. Until recently I was

able to do this now that I have a job in the real world - I have to be careful

and I am not happy about this at all. I feel those around me are very fortunate

to have me in their midst. Is this egotistical ?? Perhaps, yet the K active

folks are raising the bar so to speak - as we walk amongst the populace we shine

with love and perhaps if one is ready to activate the radiance is enough to

trigger the activation.


Am I off here? This is my understanding. Of course the amount given off in

radiance is directly related to one's level on the journey. Yet seeds can be

planted as we follow the safeties we model the how tos of living in grace and



WE K folk are all special - and I pray one day we will be able to openly share

our gifts and not feel afraid or worried but honored and thrilled that we are

gifted to help others.


If anyone truly does not want to post a pic on the site then I feel chrism will

accept a pic sent to him. He encourages all to be safe - to not do anything

that may bring danger to one - so send him a pic.

We all have to handle our path as we feel comfortable within it.


I envision huge billboards stating " GOT K??? "


Building community one activation at a time...




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I think you have to join the group to see the photos so unless someone is

interested in k how will they view the photo? Its private members only or so i

understand it.







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Julie, In a nutshelll and so true... I love it ..thanks. Love Julia






Julie <jewelport


Monday, September 7, 2009 11:28:01 AM

Re: Re: photo for Shakipat ?



Life got so much more pleasant for me when I realized what other people think of

me is none of MY business.







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Hi e,

It was good to read your words..... I need reminding I am unique and special

and  a child of God, I guess we all need reminding of that at times!


I am still smiling about the billboard you envision... building community one

activation at a time does sound good.


I am sorry that you are struggling with not able to be more  open about K in

your new job...  however even so I bet those folks you are in contact with can

feel your truth and radiance and love.


I am soooo ok now with putting my picture up.  I am thankful that barieer is

gone and I can see clearer again.   That said  I am not sure that I

should receive the shakipat anyway as I have just started the 5 Tibetans

today... and I am very slow at them...LOLand probably need some time to be

practicing them correctly.   I will ask when he returns if it ok to go

ahead now or  I should wait until Spring.

thanks e.

Love Julia.







Monday, September 7, 2009 2:40:52 PM

Re: photo for Shakipat ?



You are unique in all the world - you are a child of god and a very special one

at that- you have the gift of Kundalini. AS such you shine among all those you

encounter. Many keep their silence and allow the radiance to flow out amongst

the people and some are in positions to be able to discuss the gift.


I want to be able to openly share my gift with others. Until recently I was able

to do this now that I have a job in the real world - I have to be careful and I

am not happy about this at all. I feel those around me are very fortunate to

have me in their midst. Is this egotistical ?? Perhaps, yet the K active folks

are raising the bar so to speak - as we walk amongst the populace we shine with

love and perhaps if one is ready to activate the radiance is enough to trigger

the activation.


Am I off here? This is my understanding. Of course the amount given off in

radiance is directly related to one's level on the journey. Yet seeds can be

planted as we follow the safeties we model the how tos of living in grace and



WE K folk are all special - and I pray one day we will be able to openly share

our gifts and not feel afraid or worried but honored and thrilled that we are

gifted to help others.


If anyone truly does not want to post a pic on the site then I feel chrism will

accept a pic sent to him. He encourages all to be safe - to not do anything that

may bring danger to one - so send him a pic.

We all have to handle our path as we feel comfortable within it.


I envision huge billboards stating " GOT K??? "


Building community one activation at a time...












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