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Kundalini : Bipolar Disorder

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May be bipolar disorder is not due to kundalini awakening...It may be due to the

excessive prana and an imbalance in ida and pingala nadis....

In bipolar disorder both the sense organs are over active which means ida is

more active and motor organs are also more active which means pingala is more

active. Where from this excess energy is coming ? It may be kundalini only.

Though kundalini is nor awakened it is supplying this extra prana into

ida/pingala nadis. In bipolar the subconscious mind comes in to conscious.

Kundalini is said to be the store house of subconscious memories , impressions

and tendencies. These are coming out on to conscious plane. Which means

kundalini is acting ...may not be awakened totally but definitely has become

active and supplying material through ida/pingala to be bipolar. This is what I

came to understand after much deep thinking during my episodes of mania and also

when I am normal.


I would appreciate your comments.



Ramesh Veerala

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dear Ramesh


i think you may well be on to something, for those going through K

awakening and are given a diagnosis of Bi-polar. . .i know of other

people that where given a Bi-polar diagnosis as they where undergoing K

Ma. . .being a therapist i did a bit of research and found that it it

not unusual for K Ma folks to be classified with a Bi-polar disorder. .

..have also read when the ida and pingala are awakened before the main

channel that they can cause all kinds of unpleasant experiences. . .when

my ida and pingala rose from the root to the sixth chakra it was a very

gentle loving experience, but i have read accounts the ida and pingala

often encounter blocks and imbalances as they arise that need to be

addressed. . .


Ramesh i can only say, what you write really resonates with what i

think can occur in the K Ma process of returning. . .and i think it will

be very beneficial for you to takes this hypothesis and continue to

observe it as you are in the phases of bi-polar, the objectivity will

be a huge benefit. . .K Ma is still in the stages where so many in the

greatere culture do not understand. . . K activated folks like yourself

are the ones that will be on the forefront of bringing a smoother path

for those that come. . . please know we extend support and love as you

journey onward. . .when you hit the hard times remember we are here and

understand the challenges that K Ma can bring. . .


May K Ma continue to guide and hold you in light and goodness as you

journey on in her loving embrace. . .


peace and honor

ordinary sparrow

, " veerala_in "

<veerala_in wrote:


> May be bipolar disorder is not due to kundalini awakening...It may be

due to the excessive prana and an imbalance in ida and pingala nadis....

> In bipolar disorder both the sense organs are over active which means

ida is more active and motor organs are also more active which means

pingala is more active. Where from this excess energy is coming ? It may

be kundalini only. Though kundalini is nor awakened it is supplying this

extra prana into ida/pingala nadis. In bipolar the subconscious mind

comes in to conscious. Kundalini is said to be the store house of

subconscious memories , impressions and tendencies. These are coming out

on to conscious plane. Which means kundalini is acting ...may not be

awakened totally but definitely has become active and supplying material

through ida/pingala to be bipolar. This is what I came to understand

after much deep thinking during my episodes of mania and also when I am



> I would appreciate your comments.


> Regards

> Ramesh Veerala


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Welcome Ramesh,

There are many causes for Bi polar disorder and not one cause

can be given complete authority over its expression in the body and mind. As you

state your Kundalini is not awakened. Have you considered the actions of Chi

upon the nadis? Have you considered the incursion of an entity(s) into the

conscious matrix? And what of Karma and its exacting balance?


This opens up a broad subject matter. Kundalini expression can have " similar "

expressions of bipolar disorder and yet it would not be that at all just as

chicken pox isnt poison oak. Or a Shark bite isnt the bite of a Lion. They are

both bites but from completely different sources.


Bipolar disorder can have the Kundalini as a source but it is not a necessity.

This would then fall into the category of Kundalini Syndrome. Inside of this

" syndrome " would there be other accompanied Kundalini phenomena and symptoms

that would relate to the Kundalini transformation upon and within the person.


I feel you are in a unique and positive position to determine what and how your

personal experience is arising from. That you are here does speak of a Kundalini

resource for a balancing of your symptoms and this can also occur.


So welcome my friend and please have a look at the safeties protocols as given




Blessings and welcome to you again Ramesh! - chrism



> , " veerala_in "

> <veerala_in@> wrote:

Though kundalini is nor awakened it is supplying this

> extra prana into ida/pingala nadis.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

Dear Friends,


I am faced with a big dilemma since last year. I believe my mother has had a kundalini awakening. The thing is that she is a very religious person but not spiritual and she has never heard of kundalini etc.. And since her awakening, she has started experiencing the symptoms of kundalini and due to the fact that she is not knowledgeable on that, she started associating her symptoms with objects and other people. For e.g: if someone offered her a glass of water and while drinking it her throat starts to feel strange, she would say that the person is trying to harm her. Due to her uncontrolled emotions and reactions, she has been put on early retirement as her employer believes that she may no more perform her job. I was called to her office by her employer who informed my of her behaviour and when she came to know that i went to her office, she started accusing me of hidding things from her and she started doubting me. From time to time she is calm and kind but at times very aggressive and abusive and fearful. When she was calm she talked about getting visions of deities, and told me that her senses have sharpened. But again since Feb 2012 she has stopped talking to me, blaming me of plotting against her for her to lose her job.


What should I do?? How do i help her be balanced?

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