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You're gonna love this one!!!

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I was the first to began laughing. Hehe! It reminds me of the time I went to

that church in N. Dakota and within just a few minutes all the people were

rolling in the floor with laugher. It freaked me and I left early, but not

without the laugher following me and stayed with me for several days. Actually,

I am not so sure it ever left...I laugh a lot.




, " novalees " <dhyana



> Check it out! Many of us can relate, lol!

> Love, dhyana


> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jedd2FiZTqM


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Oh yes! this one is fun. . .

it reminds me of a piece of writing i have carried for years in my

wallet. . .it was given to me by a grieving Dad that lost his beloved

daughter in a car crash from a man that was drinking. . .the car veered

across the road and the daughter and her best friend where killed as

they were leaving their college graduation. . .


" In some way, however small and secret, each of us is a little mad. . .

.. . .Everyone is lonely at the bottom and cries to be understood; but we

can never entirely understand someone else. and each of us remain part

stranger even to those that love us. . . . It is the weak that are

cruel; gentleness can be expected only from the strong. . . . Those that

do not know fear are not really brave.. . . .for courage is the capacity

to confront that which can be imagined.. . . . . You can understand

people better, if you look at them, no matter how old or impressive they

may be----as if they are children. For most of us never mature ; we

simply grow taller. . . . Happiness comes when we push our hearts and

brains to the farthermost reaches of what we are capable. . . . The

purpose of life is to matter------to count, to stand for something , to

have it make some difference that we lived at all. "


the part where " you can understand people better, if you look at them,

no matter how old or impressive they may be---as if they are children. .

.. "


i love those glimpses and unveiling when the innocence and gaiety of

the child comes forth. . .this definitely brought mine out for i was

laughing before the others started. . .


thanks for sharing this one Dhyana. . .


love and light

ordinary sparrow


, " novalees "

<dhyana wrote:


> Check it out! Many of us can relate, lol!

> Love, dhyana


> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jedd2FiZTqM






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So true, sparrow, to be as free as a child...

to laugh freely.


I enjoyed this video because sometimes

the " laughing blisses " (I call them that)

take over and that is all you can do...

just what the guy was doing. It happened

to me at work one day. The residents

gathered around me watching their sane

and balanced servant lose it! hahaha I

couldn't stop. They were laughing too once

the shock wore off!


Afterwards one of the aides wanted to know

what I was on, they wanted some too. Or if

I was smoking something good out in the car.

I felt bad for her, but understood where

she was coming from. Its not a natural part

of life to be taken over by laughter, but

oh my, it felt so good.


Love and laughter,



, " ordinarysparrow "

<ordinarysparrow wrote:


> Namaste


> Oh yes! this one is fun. . .

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Thank you for this one dhyana...I was laughing right with them and my kids came

to see what was going on. Funny how kids have their radar on for a good

laugh....and they looked at me like I was nuts...lol.

Got me wondering...kids sure know how to enjoy the most simple things in

life...as most of us get older, we tend to lose these simplisities of

life...even as we get wiser.


, " novalees " <dhyana



> Check it out! Many of us can relate, lol!

> Love, dhyana


> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jedd2FiZTqM


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