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What do you want from the Kundalini?

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It is hard for me to articulate why I am here. I believe it is the Kundalini that brought me here. I did not come seeking for these experiences. The feelings and sensations inside my body happens spontaneously and I am just so relieved to read here most of the symptoms happening to me. I guess the Kundalini has something for me and to be able to learn with this group might provide me with the answers I am seeking for.


blessings & love to all,






<> Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 2:31:15 PM What do you want from the Kundalini?


What is driving your need to experience this state? - Let me know what is fueling your interest. -

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Having had a spontaneous awakening of which K found me led me to explore the journey of evolution with a higher sense of consciousness. Did I change- absolutely. Does Does the world seem different to me now- absolutely. All in a miraculous and graceful way.

At first I was looking for the same 'first high', but that notion is now gone. Higher vibration, evolution, Nirvana, enlightenment, healing, healer, teacher, master.....just waiting for my mountain to be formed. Ommmm.


I have surrendered all that I thought K was and can only know describe it in the following metaphor:


The setting is a river bank, with a boardwalk running along in for hundreds miles and miles. There are steps, ridges, turns, ups and downs, on the boardwalk. The water is warm, murky, with a rocky shoreline (of which the boardwalk is located). My experience at first was walking on the boardwalk, rigidly saying "Oh..I understand K", and walking along it, as my fellow K'ers were in the water. Until I surrendered myself to K and just jumped into the water.

The water is warm and silky smooth. I'm not sure how deep it is; I'm wearing a life jacket and I cannot touch the bottom. The river just meanders down to wherever, and I'm enjoying it. The sun is setting and there's a beautiful rainbow over it. I'm not afraid of the rocky shoreline, as I know Shakti will protect me.

I see the new comers to experience K, as they are following us on the boardwalk and saying "Oh...I understand K." We are all saying, "come in and surrender yourself".







Monday, March 30, 2009 5:31 PM

What do you want from the Kundalini?



What is driving your need to experience this state? - Let me know what is fueling your interest. -

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I have been interested in K and yoga and enlightenment for about 30 years. But

I have not found a group/person/guru or technique that works or that feels right

to me or does not require too much…becoming a disciple, paying large amounts of

money, involvement with a group that I do not trust, etc.


I am seeking what I have read about for many years, the goal of yoga,



Most paths that I have explored require practicing a very involved discipline

(yoga, meditation, mantra, etc.) for a lifetime. Even then I do not see that

people who engage in these practices achieve the goal. Kundalini seems to be a

very direct path.


I know that you, Chrism, have written that we may not experience much in terms

of " bells and whistles " , spinal sweeps, visions and insights and other phenomena

but I must confess that some of that would be nice and reassuring that K is

really active and I am engaged in the K process of moving me along on my path.

I sit here at my computer reading of others experiences and wonder why I do not

have them….well I have had a little…very little…and only during the Shaktipat



I would be much more assured that K was active and " doing her thing " if I

felt/noticed something. Sometimes I wonder if I am not practicing the safties

well enough or if I need to surrender more or…or…I don't know what. But most of

the time I just wonder why my K experience is so bland and unremarkable.

Honestly ti feels as if nothing is happening.


Is Ma Shakti giving me just what I need? If this is so I either don't need much

right now or can't handle much now.


I read about other peoples " awakenings " and wonder what is going with me.










, " chrism " <>



> What is driving your need to experience this state? - Let me know what is

fueling your interest. -


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hi Rich,


I read your post, and just some suggestions. You may want to look at Ken Wilbers

ILP kit from www.myilp.com (and Chrism, if this is not compatible, please let me

know). I did many of these practices fairly intensly for several years and they

awakened K. as a result. Thats when I found this group. The practices are

post-metaphysical, and what that means is that they are experiments you do with

different aspects of your being, and they create a change and you get results.

There is no guru, belief, group or much money; just your practice and your



The idea behind it is that the more aspects of your being that you excercise,

the more change you get. I found almost everything in there very compatible and

supportive within the K. experience. They may help to unlock you more to get the

K going :)





, " Richard Eisenberg "

<Pyaar333 wrote:


> I have been interested in K and yoga and enlightenment for about 30 years.

But I have not found a group/person/guru or technique that works or that feels

right to me or does not require too much…becoming a disciple, paying large

amounts of money, involvement with a group that I do not trust, etc.


> I am seeking what I have read about for many years, the goal of yoga,



> Most paths that I have explored require practicing a very involved discipline

(yoga, meditation, mantra, etc.) for a lifetime. Even then I do not see that

people who engage in these practices achieve the goal. Kundalini seems to be a

very direct path.


> I know that you, Chrism, have written that we may not experience much in terms

of " bells and whistles " , spinal sweeps, visions and insights and other phenomena

but I must confess that some of that would be nice and reassuring that K is

really active and I am engaged in the K process of moving me along on my path.

I sit here at my computer reading of others experiences and wonder why I do not

have them….well I have had a little…very little…and only during the Shaktipat



> I would be much more assured that K was active and " doing her thing " if I

felt/noticed something. Sometimes I wonder if I am not practicing the safties

well enough or if I need to surrender more or…or…I don't know what. But most of

the time I just wonder why my K experience is so bland and unremarkable.

Honestly ti feels as if nothing is happening.


> Is Ma Shakti giving me just what I need? If this is so I either don't need

much right now or can't handle much now.


> I read about other peoples " awakenings " and wonder what is going with me.



> Rich

, " chrism " <@>


> >

> > What is driving your need to experience this state? - Let me know what is

fueling your interest. -

> >


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I believe it is Kundalini that brought me here only a couple days ago. I have

been reading a lot all about kundalini, meditation, metamorphosis,

transformation and enlightenment all over the internet and searching for answers

for a few months now. I experienced a very intense; what I thought was a

breakdown, of sorts about 1 1/2 years ago. I don't have a lot of memory from it

or since. Things that happen more than a day ago seem almost dream like. What I

feel now is that this may have been the start of an awakening. I have a lot of

other subtle symptoms as well but I won't go into all those here.


For the past month or so I have been practicing meditation and trying to allow

my inner voice to guide me to where I need to be; but I'm not sure I am

following or still trying to lead. I feel really good when I meditate; actually

quite energized afterward. Some days I don't meditate for whatever reason and I

feel really down... so I think this is something.


I think what I need is here on this forum. I would greatly appreciate some

guidance as to where to start.


Hopefully I am on the right path,



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I wish to know who I am. I am drawn back to it over and over again. The desire

awoke back in the mid 70's when my husband and I homesteaded here in Oregon and

decided to make a tepee our temporary home. We ended up living in it for 3 1/2

years before moving into our home. I felt very close to the forest/earth.

When it rained there were times it sounded like music. The moonlight through

the trees made beautiful patterns on the canvas at night. In the summer we

rolled up the sides and opened the vents. When we first moved into the tepee,

the second night, our dog was inside with us but I woke to the sound of animals

eating out of the dog's dish. A few minutes later coyotes broke out in song all

around us. That was the only time they came so close.


I am drawn to it Chrism. What does the Kundalini want from me? I am like a

moth wanting the flame, but not really knowing what that fully means. So far

my journey has made me a better person. I have grown spiritually. I am in

wonder at how magical the world is. Maybe I am like the salmon that has been

in the ocean for so long, I know I want to go up the freshwater stream, but I

don't remember why. - Pat


, " chrism " <>



> What is driving your need to experience this state? - Let me know what is

fueling your interest. -


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I read what you said about Who aren't you? I have had the reoccurring thought

that I

am possibly many, living all at once, but maybe that is my imagination.


Blessings - Pat

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Like many other people here I really feel like I was led here, I feel it very

strongly in my heart. This yearning for this next step in healing and awakening

is what ultimately lead me to Kundalini.

Sometimes I feel like I was put here to fulfill some higher purpose (something

more than just working in a cubicle and existing in an unconscious state) and I

feel like this is the path I need to be on, I feel like Kundalini will guide me

to be exactly where I need to be in order to fulfill this purpose. I don't

expect this to be easy, but I have faith that everything will work out for the

greater good. I can't really explain it but I just know this is where I need to

be and this is what I need to be doing right now.

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At first I was not interested in kundalini or having OBEs, both began happening

at the same time. My longing and deepest desire was to know God the way Jesus

knew God as one. When this " occult " stuff (hehe) began happening to me, I did

not know if I was being tested or what was taking place. It was hard to trust

that it was the Holy Spirit's leading, guiding me to this once I found out what

the strange things taking place were all about. I could not pray it away or make

it go away any other way either. LOL! It has been a long hard struggle of one

day believing it is of God and the next having doubts about it all. But

something in me kept pushing me on (my kundalini itself I think) of which I know

now is one and the same as the Holy Spirit. I was still having moments of doubts

even through this last shaktipat. God help me.


What is driving me to experience this is my needing and longing to be one with

God. I know this is God answering that need in me. I feel I am at that place of

complete surrender or almost. :) While writing this I am reminded of a song I

used to sing in chruch. " Jesus,Jesus,how I trust Him! How I've proved Him o'er

and o'er! Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! Oh for grace to trust Him more! "


I guess that is my prayer, to be given grace to trust Him completely. I don't

know why I am finding it so hard to trust Him in this. I guess because it is

outside of what the traditional church teaches.



In You, O Lord, do I take refuge; let me never be put to shame; in Your

righteousness deliver me! Incline Your ear to me; rescue me speedily! Be a rock

of refuge for me, a strong fortress to save me! For You are my rock and my

fortress; and for Your name's sake You lead me and guide me. Psalm 31:1-3


Into Your hand I commit my spirit; You have redeemed me, O Lord, faithful God.




, " chrism " <>



> What is driving your need to experience this state? - Let me know what is

fueling your interest. -


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After reflecting on what I wrote on this request, I went deeper into my

consciousness to pull out " What I want " .

To me, there's a tug toward helping people, possibly as a healer, a teacher, a

master, who knows. There's just something there really tugging. As you are

aware of my story of the last year, I was requested (NO), TOLD, to stay away

from any type of " New Age " or Spiritual Group. I did for a while, and " I'mmm

baackkkk " LOL.

After my awakening, I felt special. A deep belief that resided in my heart that

I was a messanger of sorts, a healer of people, a teacher of the programmed.

Being a " Fire Horse " in the Chinese Astrology and having a Life Path of 11 in

numberology, I feel that the cards are slowing being played out for me, beyond

my control and destiny.

As I write this, I get the blissful feel along my back from top to bottom-


Staying balanced is something I must work on every day, and it is doesn't come

easy for me. I do the safeties regularly, but with 2 kids, it sometimes gets

difficult on weekends. My diet is slowly changing and I've lost some weight, I

work out more often to rid myself of any stagnent energy, and meditate and pray

every moment I get.

My soul is yearing for bliss and euphoria, while my mind is bringing me back to

the reality of work, family, paying the bills, etc. It's a very difficult

paradox for me and like I said, I have to realllly work at it, somehow

deflecting the thoughts of my soul for another time. I have bliss and have to

push it away, while others are working sooo hard to achieve bliss- the irony of


Surrendering and forgiveness is something that I am focusing on and know that I

will get there. I have surrendered to K and to whatever agenda it has for me.

The ups and downs and now viewed merely as the experience versus the symptoms.

The forgiveness- that needs some work, however I have made tremendous progress

since joining this group. I have forgiven people for their actions and

behaviors, which really are not part of their 'being'- I had to separate that

and made it easier for me. Do I have to deal with them anymore- No, I

don't...bye and go in peace.

Well I believe that sums it up for now...LOL.


Blessings and Be Well



, " chrism " <>



> What is driving your need to experience this state? - Let me know what is

fueling your interest. -


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From my perspective here, even if one is experiencing " bells and whistles " , it's

still just now, it's still just you, and everything feels pretty much just



It's like says - before K, chop wood and haul water and after K, chop

wood and haul water. :D


So, like, I'll be in the mall shopping and energy will push out of my heart

towards somebody or I'll get a big rush of energy to the head.


I'll be on Facebook like anybody else, except the faces in the pictures are

moving and changing. But it's just now, it's just a normal day and I'm just on



K (and alignment in general) isn't like having superpowers, at least not to me

lol... K is just now while I am shopping, talking to people and typing away on

the ol computer. :D


In all the reverence I think we forget about how much " normal time " there is in

life. I'm sure the Dalai Lama has to trim his toenails. I'm sure Jesus used the

bathroom. I'm sure Buddha took a nap when he felt the need to. :D




, " Richard Eisenberg "

<Pyaar333 wrote:


> I have been interested in K and yoga and enlightenment for about 30 years.

But I have not found a group/person/guru or technique that works or that feels

right to me or does not require too much…becoming a disciple, paying large

amounts of money, involvement with a group that I do not trust, etc.


> I am seeking what I have read about for many years, the goal of yoga,



> Most paths that I have explored require practicing a very involved discipline

(yoga, meditation, mantra, etc.) for a lifetime. Even then I do not see that

people who engage in these practices achieve the goal. Kundalini seems to be a

very direct path.


> I know that you, Chrism, have written that we may not experience much in terms

of " bells and whistles " , spinal sweeps, visions and insights and other phenomena

but I must confess that some of that would be nice and reassuring that K is

really active and I am engaged in the K process of moving me along on my path.

I sit here at my computer reading of others experiences and wonder why I do not

have them….well I have had a little…very little…and only during the Shaktipat



> I would be much more assured that K was active and " doing her thing " if I

felt/noticed something. Sometimes I wonder if I am not practicing the safties

well enough or if I need to surrender more or…or…I don't know what. But most of

the time I just wonder why my K experience is so bland and unremarkable.

Honestly ti feels as if nothing is happening.


> Is Ma Shakti giving me just what I need? If this is so I either don't need

much right now or can't handle much now.


> I read about other peoples " awakenings " and wonder what is going with me.



> Rich

, " chrism " <@>


> >

> > What is driving your need to experience this state? - Let me know what is

fueling your interest. -

> >


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I am in the same boat with you..in my case, I have always known it is the Holy Spirit working in me. The only thing is that it's so vague and I was in a state of unknowing. Its like the whole experience is covered in a veil. When I came upon this site, it is becoming clearer to me. Now I can read about the specifics of it and most of the fear and uncertainty is slowly fading away. Eventhough I was not a part of the last Shaktipat, I was following it & participating, the intensity level has gone up several degrees. Even now I am still feeling the energy, the bliss and peace & joy & love accompanying this activities. I just want here to share with you your love for Jesus.


Lots of Love,






Linda <crazycats711 Sent: Wednesday, April 1, 2009 11:39:40 PM Re: What do you want from the Kundalini?


At first I was not interested in kundalini or having OBEs, both began happening at the same time. My longing and deepest desire was to know God the way Jesus knew God as one. When this "occult" stuff (hehe) began happening to me, I did not know if I was being tested or what was taking place. It was hard to trust that it was the Holy Spirit's leading, guiding me to this once I found out what the strange things taking place were all about. I could not pray it away or make it go away any other way either. LOL! It has been a long hard struggle of one day believing it is of God and the next having doubts about it all. But something in me kept pushing me on (my kundalini itself I think) of which I know now is one and the same as the Holy Spirit. I was still having moments of doubts even through this last shaktipat. God help me.What is driving me to experience this is my needing and longing to be one with God. I know this is God answering that need

in me. I feel I am at that place of complete surrender or almost. :) While writing this I am reminded of a song I used to sing in chruch. " Jesus,Jesus, how I trust Him! How I've proved Him o'er and o'er! Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! Oh for grace to trust Him more!" I guess that is my prayer, to be given grace to trust Him completely. I don't know why I am finding it so hard to trust Him in this. I guess because it is outside of what the traditional church teaches.In You, O Lord, do I take refuge; let me never be put to shame; in Your righteousness deliver me! Incline Your ear to me; rescue me speedily! Be a rock of refuge for me, a strong fortress to save me! For You are my rock and my fortress; and for Your name's sake You lead me and guide me. Psalm 31:1-3 Into Your hand I commit my spirit; You have redeemed me, O Lord, faithful God. LindaKundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , "chrism" <@ ...> wrote:>> What is driving your need to experience this state? - Let me know what is fueling your interest. - >

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What do I want from the kundalini? At first I just

wanted to run away! It was not a subject ever

discussed within the Christian Tradition. And when I

began to have my back arch violently while sleeping

I asked in prayer what was going on. The answer I

received was Kundalini... Okay, what is that? So I

began researching. And I was led here. I laughed at

myself when I clicked " Join Group. " Little did I

know what a beautiful journey it would turn into.


What do I want from Kundalini? I want it to take

me where I am to go. It is unchartered waters in

Christianity, and if I can chart some of the Territory

for other Christians and give it its place on this

Path then that would be a Joy, too.


All aboard the Shakti Express!


Love, dhyana

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Yes I understand.


It is just that as I have been reading others K experiences I have been feeling

the lack of my own.


I just wanted to know that she was really active in me.


I have had just enough to know that She really is here, " doing her thing "



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You make it seem so easy Dhyana. Your being here has been a big help to me in

excepting kundalini as being of God. I wonder how many other christians there

are who may be going through the same struggles. I hope I can be of help in

charting the way, as well.


Love you Dhyana,



, " novalees " <dhyana



> What do I want from the kundalini? At first I just

> wanted to run away! It was not a subject ever

> discussed within the Christian Tradition. And when I

> began to have my back arch violently while sleeping

> I asked in prayer what was going on. The answer I

> received was Kundalini... Okay, what is that? So I

> began researching. And I was led here. I laughed at

> myself when I clicked " Join Group. " Little did I

> know what a beautiful journey it would turn into.


> What do I want from Kundalini? I want it to take

> me where I am to go. It is unchartered waters in

> Christianity, and if I can chart some of the Territory

> for other Christians and give it its place on this

> Path then that would be a Joy, too.


> All aboard the Shakti Express!


> Love, dhyana


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You will, Linda. The reality of it will

shine through and help others to hear when

it is time for them to do so. Just drink

deeply when the springs overflow!


Love you too,



, " Linda " <crazycats711



> You make it seem so easy Dhyana. Your being here has been a big help to me in

excepting kundalini as being of God. I wonder how many other christians there

are who may be going through the same struggles. I hope I can be of help in

charting the way, as well.


> Love you Dhyana,

> Linda


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Hi Edgar,

It's great having you here sharing your experiences with K.

LOL! Life is a mystery isn't it...this being in a state of unknowing. I can look

back and see the Holy Spirit was at work in me since the very beginning, even in

my childhood drawing me to something. Forever seeking! Actually, I was drawn to

the " occult " side of things before being drawn to christianity, but I sit it

aside when I join up with the traditional church, it just didn't mix to well. I

even belonged to one of those esoteric secret societies, something similar to

freemasons, called the Mayans. It was the secret side of me that I kept to

myself for many years. They didn't teach kundalini, maybe I didn;'t get far

enough into it. Anyways, I was being drawn back to it about the about the time

my church family was taken from me. For several years after that, I had nothing

to do with neither one, but threw myself into staying so busy with work and

hobbies so that I would not have time to think about any of it. I ended up sick

which eventually got me back on track. :) So here I am! I can see that when I

was baptized by with the Holy Spirit, that was just the beginning of the process

and He did start working on me immediately. All that I went through was

necessary for my cleansing and helping me to detach from things and

relationships. LOL! It took a lot of years to get me here. I am grateful God has

an endless amount of patience. :)


I am seeing more clearly now and am at peace with it all finally. Thanks to God

and and all you great people here on this groups. I miss those who have

been so silent lately, I hope you are still with us in your silence. If you are

still here reading, don't give up, with some it's a long process. I love you

all. I have been going through a weepy phase these last few days, but feel much

joy along side. It's a good weepy.:)


I am glad you are here, Edgar, to share the love for Jesus with me.


Love & blessings,




, Edgar Alan Elango

<Edgar_BNP wrote:


> Linda,


> I am in the same boat with you..in my case, I have always known it is the Holy

Spirit working in me. The only thing is that it's so vague and I was in a state

of unknowing. Its like the whole experience is covered in a veil. When I came

upon this site, it is becoming clearer to me. Now I can read about the specifics

of it and most of the fear and uncertainty is slowly fading away. Eventhough I

was not a part of the last Shaktipat, I was following it & participating, the

intensity level has gone up several degrees. Even now I am still feeling the

energy, the bliss and peace & joy & love accompanying this activities. I just

want here to share with you your love for Jesus.


> Lots of Love,


> edgar 


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In my experience i am unable to really want anything from kundalini now .

Kundalini provides what i need in ways that are sometimes " under the radar " , so

to speak . What i need has already been provided , but i must use discernment to

know of the choice to accept what kundalini has given .



> What is driving your need to experience this state? - Let me know what is

fueling your interest. -


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You have been craving and desiring it for 30 years. I on

the other hand have avoided it and run from it for 40. Do you see the

similarity that I see? Perhaps, our focus was on the wrong goal.


My focus now is not on any achievement whatever but to simply

make progress toward the reunion with Divine. By redirecting focus away

from whatever it is I thought it was to becoming a better many doors have

been opened.

Brother Asa

On Behalf Of Richard


03/31/2009 1:09 PM

Re: What do you want from the


I have been interested in K and yoga and

enlightenment for about 30 years.

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Hi and Everyone


I have been reading all the posts regarding What we want from Kundalini, and I feel the same way as this post. I have been drawn here all my life. I also feel its a case of well here I am after much procrastinating of course, what now? Thanks Pat for being able to articulate this much better than me. My sentiments exactly.

Thank you

Much Love Colleen , "Pat" <lookinglassaussies wrote:>> I wish to know who I am. I am drawn back to it over and over again. The desire awoke back in the mid 70's when my husband and I homesteaded here in Oregon and decided to make a tepee our temporary home. We ended up living in it for 3 1/2 years before moving into our home. I felt very

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Love to you too Colleen! - Pat


, " colleenoll "

<colleenoll wrote:



> Hi and Everyone




> I have been reading all the posts regarding What we want from Kundalini,

> and I feel the same way as this post. I have been drawn here all my

> life. I also feel its a case of well here I am after much

> procrastinating of course, what now? Thanks Pat for being able to

> articulate this much better than me. My sentiments exactly.


> Thank you


> Much Love Colleen

> , " Pat "

> <lookinglassaussies@> wrote:

> >

> > I wish to know who I am. I am drawn back to it over and over again.

> The desire awoke back in the mid 70's when my husband and I homesteaded

> here in Oregon and decided to make a tepee our temporary home. We ended

> up living in it for 3 1/2 years before moving into our home. I felt very


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