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article in Vision Magazine

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Wonderful article Chrism, It ought to be sent to more online and printed

magazines. I write for a couple of magazines and often reuse work if I feel it

is relevant.


I have d to Vision Magazine so I'll see all your upcoming articles.



Skydancer x


, " " .



> Web site


> http://www.visionmagazine.com/archives/0903/Mindstates_Kundalini.html


> Publication distributed at over 1800 locations throughout California, Northern

Arizona and Hawaii. This is a free magazine - so if you see it in your area

check it out.


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I send the articles to magazines and always welcome more magazine titles to

check. I keep track of those that go out for often there are guidelines that

do not allow double postings and as you know there are themes per each issue. As

you know each magazine has particular submission guidelines.


If you have magazines that you can suggest please send the titles to me. Many

do not fit the content of chrism's articles.


Chrism has had articles published in the Shareguide, a holistic health magazine

in California, Innerchange, a metaphysical magazine for conscious living in

North Carolina, Vision Magazine, catalyst for conscious living in California and

LAYOGA, Ayurveda and Health magazine in southern California (comes out in

April). has a monthly appearance on Karmacaffe , a blog radio.

Karmacaffe also features his articles.


I thought he had a monthly column in a magazine this year but that fell through.

I would love to find a venue where he could do a monthly column starting with

the safeties and then elaborating on various issues. Any suggestions??


When chrism writes he is guided by his Kundalini and often the articles are

written for this group and his students. Sometimes these articles need to be

redone and detail changed to fit a topic for a magazine and to be understood by

the general public. This all takes time - chrism has to do the final editing.

With so many students time is precious. Know that we have articles ready for

his perusal - just waiting for the time to redo.


I feel we are on a roll here now with the number of articles this year that have

been published. Each one is exciting for it promotes the program and offers

help to those in need. There is a domino effect that takes place with

publishing I do believe. The more one gets published the possibilities of being

published increases. We are building on that domino set.

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