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on the road...to the newbies

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Hello, dear Chrism! So good to hear from you!


It's consoling to know that 'the big guy' (you!) still gets adjustments by

'the boss' (the K)! I'm happy to know that this will be a lifelong path. And

for the new people, it's important to hear that SO MUCH is in store for them!


If you read back over past posts, you new folks will see that I was very

impatient in my early days (which are not that far in the past...I joined the

group in late Feb)...I wanted everything to happen NOW (once I convinced myself

that I didn't need to run for cover, lol...I was scared of the unknown at first;

solution: find out everything you can about the K so you will see that there is

nothing to be frightened of). I learned to be patient and read the posts and do

the basics.


It's easy to feel like a stranger in a strange land when you first join the

group. There's a different language and unusual things happening to people. If

you read and practice the Safeties, you will soon find that you're coming to

know yourself in a different way. By the time you experience your first

Shaktipat, you will really feel at home and you may even begin to see the rest

of the world as being a little strange, lol.


Rest assured that Kundalini, as it comes to express in you, will be YOUR

unique K. It will be unlike anyone else's. It will become a warm and welcome

friend, albeit one who expects a lot from you, lol. The best way to prepare

yourself for the 'indwelling' is to make the Safeties your coat of arms. And

request an experienced mentor! As I said in an earlier post today, there is a

whole group of members, me included, who is ready and waiting for new folks to

ask for a K Buddy. We can converse privately so that you can ask questions that

you may not be comfortable asking in front of the whole group. I hope that you

will avail yourselves of this resource.


Please let the group know how we may be of service to you new folks...


Love & blessings,





chrism <> wrote:

Hello my friends,

I am in Amarillo. Yellow in Spanish I think. So

from the Solar Plexus a hearty Texan sized burst of love to you all!


Thank you for the post below though I must surrender to the

Kundalini as being the " Boss " and my role is that of a servant of

the Him and Her as they work that expression in you!


Sorry for the dirth of reponses but the miles have been passing by.

Kundalini had an interesting night with me last night and so I

wanted to give an idea about the process in me.


It is never ending. I will not live this life with out the Kundalini

having intimate influence on all of my interactions with others and

the desicions that I make in regards to others and myself. This

process goes on and on. The pain of an awakening doesnt have to

though. Much of the pain is from an initial resistance and fear in

an individual as sudden control is taken by the Kundalini on the

body functions, well as some of the bodily changes that will often



Once a balance is received a platform for the expression of

Kundalini is built. On this platform is where the many changes will

be made and inside of the " surrender " to the agenda of the Kundalini

platform (so very important) will the individual be given what they

can have as they can process it.


Like Becky wrote how many grapes can one chew before drowning in

grape juice? So Kundalini will give what you can hold and safely

work with as you surrender to this agenda.


Bhavin Desai also mentioned the intelligence of this force. So true

Bhavin and welcome to this group. Kundalini will help a person

inside of the process as long as YOUR surrender to it is supporting

the goals and changes the Kundalini is initiating.


I.E. So if a person is having Kriyas, but the manager at the job may

frown on people having Kriyas at work then the Kundalini will often

back off of that expression until at night or when the individual is

away from work. This is common. Same with the orgasms and the many

other aspects of " Kundalini expressing in the body " . Your thoughts

and needs are heard by the Kundalini.


Please solve as many of your issues as come up from a basis of using

the safeties as a fulcrum of balance as you go through your personal

process. Read them again and again and see if your are unconsciously

leaving out some of the safeties or doing to much of one of them at

the expense of other aspects.


Hope you are all doing well! I will check back as I can - blessings -












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