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and all, dilemma question - Elektra

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I would suggest that you continue on the path of the Kundalini.

Desires will come and they will go and they do not define you as a

person or as a spiritual being. In many ways desires can be seen as

behaviors that can entrap a person if the expression of them is

connected to self worth or to or other forms of self perception.

They are not needed as a way of walking a spiritual path.


They do provide a view into how we have developed as we have been

surrounded and controlled by desires most of our life. Especially in

the affluent western societies. Desires can be helpful in that they

allow us to understand where our priorities are grounded. How we

live our lives in accordance with the pursuit of these desires can

help us to determine are addiction to them or our balance with in



So you must source yourself Elektra. In your past have you

worshipped at the alter of desires in ways that would allow you to

reconnect with them for their healthy and happy expression now? Or

have you been gifted with the witness experience of seeing and

experiencing first hand how desire can turn into obsession? Have you

involved yourself to the degree that sex is a focal point of self

worth? Has that had a positive effect on how you feel about it? Has

your life experiences led you to feel that sexual expression is a

needed and absolute necessity for you to feel complete as a human

female? Have you learned other lessons about friendship and

relationship that allow a unique and valuable understanding about



Your time and life experiences have not been wasted because of a

certain frequency of desire expressed or not. Indeed those

experiences may have been exactly what was needed at that time.

There are many teachings to be had and abstinence has its own

lessons. As does an active libido contain its own unique information.


Kundalini will take it away or pour it on with more than what could

possibly be expressed. So it will decide for you during the infusion

where the expression needs to be seated for the time being. You may

wish to be at peace for the present time in how and what level of

expression is gifted. It isn't a defining as much as it is a

refining process.


Try to step outside of societal expectations as to what way you as

an individual " should " express. Allow yourself the freedom to

experience and enjoy the qualities that you do express at this time.

Reaching into the past for a resurrection of a desire can be

difficult. Immersion in the present for a feeling and enjoyment of

what is given " right now " based on who you are " right now " may be an

option worth exploring. You have many options Elektra - blessings -


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