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Re:Shaktipat Patterns - Ady

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Can it be that I am keeping up to myself too much information that I know and

cannot put in public (about the aliens) and that I know that " I have to " be shut

for the rest of my life?










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No I do not feel this is the case Ady. Aliens are not a subject that

is going to get you into much trouble unless you choose disruptive

communication avenues to let other people know about them. Aliens are

a common part of the society now and most of the population passes

them off as entertainment.


So no worries there. - blessings Ady - chrism

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Thanks a lot Chrism! Does medication can affect the chakras ? I take several

pills every day, for the thyroid, and to low my blood pressure. This blockage is

not always present but sometimes, but its a very nasty feeling when it comes.

I'll try to concentrate in my feelings when it comes again.










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I wish I could put aside the pills, but I can't by the moment, I think little

by little I will rise the energy more and fix this chakra, with time and more

confidence in myself I will put aside all the pills (and also the physicians)


Thanks a lot









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Hey Ady, Please forgive me if I'm intruding...


Were there specific experiences that you haven't been able to share yet

with anyone? This is a safe environment to bring them up and surrender

them, publicly or privately. Perhaps others will have had similar

experiences and can compare notes with you.


be well, bradly

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I second that motion.

Bradly's right. This really is a safe environment. There will be others to

identify in many instances, as we are the same as much as we are different. The

times when there isn't another to identify, it sure is a load off the old

thinking chakra! He,he!

I've been in several groups, and many times I've come across judgment, but not

here. We are different, as we are striving toward awakening, and higher

understanding....together. Maybe it will give you peace, to talk about it.

If you feel it's off topic, or your a little uneasy still- you can always email

another privately. Just get it off your mind and be free. Here is an invitation

to you, from me. I may not have been everywhere, and I may not know about

everything- but like the rest on this site, I have a heart chakra, and it's

always open to those in need of friendship and understanding....no judgment.

Peace to you, my friend.





>Hey Ady, Please forgive me if I'm intruding...


>Were there specific experiences that you haven't been able to share yet

>with anyone? This is a safe environment to bring them up and surrender

them, publicly or privately. Perhaps others will have had similar

experiences and can compare notes with you.


be well, bradly
















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Thanks a lot, with time I think I will regain confidence in myself, it was

predicted even by the aliens! that in the future I was not going to be in

needing of any pills or physicians, only energy, I never thought at that time,

that it was the K energy, actually I don't listen too much to physicians, and I

take only some pills given by them, I want my throat chakra being in perfect

harmony and also my heart, its weird that the energy do not blocks upon my

heart, cause the physician wanted to make me a surgery of heart, and I said NO,

I know I can heal myself with the K energy and actually I feel great, the more

confidence I have in myself, the more I would leave physicians away of my life.










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Its not easy to talk about aliens, I have a lot of experiences with them, I

have seen them face to face, even my husband met years back to Allen Hyneck, and

they exchanged informations about aliens, and he told him many things (about

aliens) that people doesn't know and will never know.










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Hey Ady, I can imagine it's not easy at all! Perhaps someone here can

share some of their experiences with you privately and give you an

opportunity to share and release your burden. I just spoke up because

so often the 5th chakra imbalances can be about communication issues.

Things left unsaid, or unexpressed. I'll bet you'd be surprised how

many can relate to you, especially in an environment like this one.

And even if not all can understand (yet), I bet many here are willing

to listen!


Yes the medication could be causing it, but then the thyroid problems

probably came from something else and maybe are the root of it? Dig

and find the hidden things unexpressed and this may relieve the



Perhaps and others could comment on the connection between 'in

life issues' that cause blockages in chakras that develop into

physical illness? And then the medication can compound the problem...


It can be a good idea to examine any physical illness with the

corresponding chakra and the issues that surround that chakra. During

shaktipat Claudia and Dyhana have prepared some material about each

chakra that can give us insight into issues surrounding each one.


Please forgive me if you know all of this! Or correct or add to my

comments anyone...!


be well,


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I know my fifth chakra is not working well because I am holding things, (for

my own sake), although I have thyroid problems since teen, but began to be

medicated at 27. My grand mother had also thyroid problems, so it runs in the



What I don't understand is, why the energy is not blocked at my heart ?, when

2 months ago I was diagnosed with heart problems, although I really don't trust

the analysis, maybe I was under too much stress, (and I was) now I am more calm.

And even if that is true, I know I can heal myself with the energy.


If I dig into my past, (you are right) my thyroid problem began when I began

to see strange lights of different colors in my bedroom, and I was so scared

cause I didn't know what it was, till I grew up, since that time I began to be

silent, cause I knew that nobody was able to understand, not even myself.


I have talked about my contact in several ufo groups, but people do not

understand the abduction phenomenon, and I was mocked all the time, so I became

silent again, the only way to understand abduction is from another abductee, one

has to be on the shoes of the other to be able to understand, because its not

easy. I'm coping with it trying to look at the bright side, and I know that the

K energy can helps me a lot, to understand or to confront these beings. I

believe that K energy is the energy of the earth, and that it is stronger than

anything if one have the knowledge to handle it.


I know medication affects, but by the moment I cannot put the pills aside,

till I get more confidence in myself.


Thanks a lot for your response!









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Hi Ady,


I think it could be that the heart and throat are very

closely linked, and when we can not speak what is in

our heart, our truth , it will seem like the throat is

blocked, but the heart could be affected also. If you

can feel love then the heart can open, but if you

cannot speak your truth it will affect the throat.


Love and support

Elektra, your cosmic sister x x x




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Hey Ady,


Looks like you have so much on your plate! I admire your tenacity for

facing your situation head on.


Well I think you're right about the Kundalini being able to help you

with your problems. But in awakening your Kundalini, you may have to

face all your problems first...! Kind of a chicken and egg situation.


Some of the safeties might really help you. If you can concentrate

more and more on joy and gratitude, you may begin to lose some of

your fear.


Communication, expressing yourself with open honesty might help you

with your Thyroid. And you have made a good beginning now I would



Forgiveness of those who mocked you, and even of non-human agressors

will help raise your vibration. Forgiving the wrongest wrongs can be

difficult at times, but you remember some past lives too right? You

know that you are much more than one physical body living one single

life, and essentially what any bad experience comes down to is just

an experience, it is not who you are. You are something much more

eternal and wonderful, true? Forgive when you can. It's an important

step along the path, especially for a joyful and wondrous awakening.

I've seen this point stressed many times here.


I'm sure you've heard of the Secret by now? The movie or the book are

great to work on creating the life you really wish to manifest. The

book " Ask and it is Given " is wonderful too. Any of the books by

Wayne Dyer are very positive as well. Was it Shavi who just posted

some of the downloadable mp3's for some of his books?


I hope something I've mentioned has helped in some way... Would you

like some prayers and healing sent your way? Just ask and many here

will assist you!


peace be with you, bradly

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I really have had an alien indigestion, but I think I'm getting through,

although is not easy.


I know I have to forgive and forget, but I don't know how, if I feel this

tremendous pain like a knife in my back, but I have to learn how.


You are right with the awakening of the kundalini I have to confront many

things, maybe my life is stucked in a situation that I don't like, and this

makes things more hard.


I have the book the " Secret " and also the film, but read only the half of the

book, cause I began the other book (taken) I'm always between Ying and Yang,

bouncing from one side to another, I have to be like a coin (that stands in the



One wise person from another place, told me the wisdom of being like a coin,

not leaning toward one side or the other, but just standing up on its own, the

moment that the coin leans, the imbalance is present. Well I'm trying also to

understand this.


I have to practice like you said the safeties more, mostly the Gratitude one,

and that's weird but when I make the locks with my hands, in a little while my

hands begin to be in pain, and sometimes the pain is so hard, that I have to

open my hands, and release all the energy to the earth, but the good thing is

that the last time I began to feel the pressure on the top of my head, I haven't

felt this sensation, although is not a pleasant one.


Thanks a lot for your help. I know I have to be strong and put aside some

things that are not working in my life also, I really want to be strong again,

like I used to be before. I feel now like a bird with broken wings and a broken



Thanks a lot for your caring.






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Sounds like you are doing very well at moving forward Ady!


For me, re-reading the safeties from time to time is a good way to

remind myself which aspects of the practice are out of balance and can

help me more. I try to do it every once and a while and it helps me get

back on track!


thanks for all your sharing,



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WoW I could felt the serpent of the K energy rising, it was beautiful! but

then I began to feel a headache, I think this is normal, also I felt the energy

healing my throat, and flowing up, but what I didn't understand is why I began

to cough, well just a little while, but this is the first time that I cough in


I'm gonna read again the safeties, and the side effects of the openness of the

K energy.


Thanks for your caring









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Hi Ady,

I found a web site that had a list of symptoms like flashes of light,

involuntary twitches, warmth, enhanced allergies. It described the

unraveling of a hose when the water is turned on and the pressure makes

the hose straighten out to let the water (in this case energy) flow



I'm sure others will know more than I about this. I've seen the flash of

white light and I frequently twitch when I meditate (sometimes it's

quite a jump - usually my arms). The last few days my allergies have

been acting up something fierce. I'm optimistically hoping that is a

true sign and not the start of the allergy season.


Peace, Love & Service to Others




, red buffalo

<redbffl wrote:


> Bradly


> WoW I could felt the serpent of the K energy rising, it was

beautiful! but then I began to feel a headache, I think this is normal,

also I felt the energy healing my throat, and flowing up, but what I

didn't understand is why I began to cough, well just a little while, but

this is the first time that I cough in meditations.

> I'm gonna read again the safeties, and the side effects of the

openness of the K energy.


> Thanks for your caring

> blessings

> Adriana



> Ady




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Stay away from traditional Doctors. I went to the hospital a year ago

thinking I may have had a mild heart attack and it ended up being

something called valley fever. That's a small lung infection. While in

the hospital it was discovered I had an irregular heart beat. This is

something I've lived with all my life and it isn't anything that's kept

me from being totally active. I've been involved in martial arts, I run,

lift, eat well and live a very healthy lifestyle. The doctors seemed

determined to convince me there was something wrong and they made me

take test after test. It was like their goal was to find something

wrong. They pumped me up with medications (I rarely take anything) and I

started feeling worse than I did when I checked in.


On the fourth day I had to threaten them that I would walk out if they

didn't let me go. I had to sign papers stating I released myself but I

was convinced they were messing me up. They tried to get me to fill five

prescriptions and I told them I wasn't taking anything. Then they

started having clinics calling me trying to get me to go have even more

tests because of my heart beat.


To this day I can run 5 miles, I still work out regularly. The medical

community is after one thing, Insurance money. I know there are doctors

that do care but the hospitals they work for are greedy and care nothing

about you. Stay off the pills, eat all natural foods, drink clean water,

breath clean air, walk in the sun and think of good health. All you need

to do to be healthy is live like an animal in nature. It's all your body

needs and all it ever needed.


If you have prescriptions you've been on it of course could be dangerous

to just stop. I know some drugs are designed to make you dependent. I'm

not a doctor so don't take this as medical advice just a common sense

approach to health. I've seen first hand too many good people get

screwed up by " modern medicine. "


Take care of your health and I think I speak for everyone when I say we

can send you energy for healing, you need only ask.





, red buffalo

<redbffl wrote:


> Chrism


> Thanks a lot, with time I think I will regain confidence in myself,

it was predicted even by the aliens! that in the future I was not going

to be in needing of any pills or physicians, only energy, I never

thought at that time, that it was the K energy, actually I don't listen

too much to physicians, and I take only some pills given by them, I want

my throat chakra being in perfect harmony and also my heart, its weird

that the energy do not blocks upon my heart, cause the physician wanted

to make me a surgery of heart, and I said NO, I know I can heal myself

with the K energy and actually I feel great, the more confidence I have

in myself, the more I would leave physicians away of my life.


> Blessings

> Ady



> Ady




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Hi Randy


I always see flashes of little lights, very white lights, when I twitch myself

is when I hear noises, like steps, or crackings, or different sounds. I also

feel " heats " rising from my feet to my head, very strange, and yesterday it

caused me a strange pain on my head, it really was hurting me, like a shot, very

strange, but then it went, sometimes I have to open my hands, cause the energy

flows so hard that my hands begin to ache, I wonder if all these symptoms will

vanish, or will stay forever with me, I really don't like the pains, maybe its

healing me, but the strange of all this is the moment I open my hands, the

moment that the pain fades away. I also have felt the head of a serpent

protruding from my head ! that was very funny, and it was moving ! I think I

feel too much, and that's the why I open my hands, not to feel all these

symptoms too much.










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Thanks a lot for your tip!!! I really hate to go to the Dr. they scare me to

death. The last 3 times that I had an appointment with my cardiologist, he was

not even there, for different reasons, that makes me wonder that maybe I don't

have to go to the Dr., he wants to make a surgery upon my heart, and I don't

want, it's like if the Energy or spirits or whatever it be, don't wants me to go

to the Dr.

I take pills to low my blood pressure, with time I will let them aside.

Maybe I have to change my foods a little bit and excersise more.

The important thing is that I am a lot confident in myself (cause my life

depends on it) I feel good, and I think that tests can be wrong, and I don't

trust any heart surgery.

I think that K energy is really helping me a lot, no matter the symptoms.


thanks a lot for your caring!









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