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Bit of a strange dream for me, any thoughts?

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First off, I seldom remember my dreams. I know I dream, but usually I've

all but forgotten a dream within minutes of waking up. So to be able to

remember even a bit of a dream a couple days later is unusual.


Been reading a lot lately about things like major earth changes, many

relating to the Mayan calender ending in 2012, and most recently, here.

The mention of evolving to a higher vibration and basically being 'here'

but on a different level, I found interesting. Well, I dreamed I was

walking about a somewhat metro area, and there were lots of people doing

bad things to other people. Not random violence, but one group that I

would say were extremist Islamic types, chasing other people around,

beating them up, etc. What stands out for me in this dream is that I

interact with nobody, period. I am walking about through this chaos, and

nobody seems to see me or react to me, and I feel no sense of threat

toward me at all.


So, this dream stands out first, by the fact that I can remember this

fragment several days later, and that I do not interact with anyone at

all. Can't remember a dream ever, where I don't interact with -someone-.


Just curious what you all think of this?




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I used to have a similar dream , well, it had a

similar meaning,

I was drawn down a stream with no water, with many

others, no one spoke we all just walked, like sleep

walking but awake.

I could see my family and people I knew, all going

about their business, they couldn't see me or hear me.

I had to go somewhere without them at first, but i

knew they would be safe.

I was lead to a mother ship!!!

I think your dream has a similar meaning, you were in

the " Know " and in the flow of the earth changes,

hence, you are unaffected by the seeming violence of

the outer world illusion.

As the world shifts, the more intune we are the less

we will be affected by the seeming chaos.


Just my take on it,

love and peace

Elektra x x x








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Wow, Elektra, you are very wise...


" As the world shifts, the more intune we are the less

we will be affected by the seeming chaos. "


This is a very asute observation and it really strikes

a chord with me. In my opinion, you made a very good

read of Jon's dream!


I liked your Earth poem, too!





--- Elektra Fire <elektra.fire wrote:


> I used to have a similar dream , well, it had a

> similar meaning,

> I was drawn down a stream with no water, with many

> others, no one spoke we all just walked, like sleep

> walking but awake.







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