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Link to Mailwasher, for those struggling to cope with emails

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This is the link to download an older free version of Mailwasher. Free

versions are not supposed to support more than one account, but before I

knew that I set up both my personal and business emails on an older

laptop and it worked fine.

This version runs fine on my current laptop under XP Pro.


If you like the program, please at least consider upgrading to the

current Pro version for $37. This is a fine program and deserves to be

supported, but I understand that might not be in everyone's budget.

Which is why I've made this older version available. I have no stake in

the company whatever, just a very very satisfied user.


Clicking on the above link will open a popup asking if you want to open

or save it. Select save to disk and save somewhere that makes sense to

you. Install and setup is very straightforward, you will of course need

to know the address for your email servers and such, just the normal

info you'd need to set up any email program.


Again, this version will download message headers on your email server.

Double clicking an email will open a new window and download an

adjustable amount of text. I often sort by subject, and subjects I know

I'm not interested, it's quick and painless to tag for deletion. Spam

can be blacklisted for deletion either by email or entire domain.

Filters can automatically tag emails by many criteria. The Pro version

is faster for scanning and deleting unwanted emails, but this version is

still quite serviceable. Just remember, once deleted from the server, it

is GONE forever!




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