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Summer Solstice Shaktipat 2007 - Adina

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You have much entity interaction Adina. Some of which is causing

energetic imbalances to occur. Some are not happy with your decision

to even BE on this list. So a painful occurrence while in the midst

of answering e-mail may serve as a conditioning factor to keep you



As to the pulling this can be an indication of GFA or if nothing is

transported to the spine an action of increased energetic response

as a type of inguinal spasm. Let's not forget the path you are on

and the service you do. If you are not making complete separations

then I suggest you begin. As a hygienic and safety measure, form as

mind's eye picture of every client you have had energetic contact

with including those who have done Reiki on you, and make that minds

eye picture made of glass and see it from both sides as if a pane of



Destroy this pane of glass and severe your connections to the

clients who may have an attachment with you without conscious

knowledge of their doing so. This can also hold true to past lovers

who also may wish to have continued access to your person. These

aspects mixed in with a Kundalini response can greatly cloud the

tracing of specific symptoms. As I see them over layed upon you.


You are in a good space Adina. Your wisdoms are intact. If you feel

an " outside " and unfamiliar presence, do not fear it. Politely tell

it to leave you alone and if it doesn't leave smile and ask

your " High " Self to help it into its next evolution without

interfering with yours any longer. No fear needed. And do not allow

yourself to be controlled at all by those who have an agenda with

your body. This is yours and yours alone.


If you trust your " Masters " and are still having troubles then ask

their assistance but only after your own repeated attempts to

dislodge the incursion. I have also used anger and irritation

successfully in this regard. This isn't stepping outside the

boundaries of a loving response but is representative of a tough

love response that they may understand the seriousness of your



Because of what you do and your degree of surrender and trust and

your energetic experience. The Kundalini is moving in you now. I

advise that you clear yourself of all attachments and entanglements

and these include those of an energetic variety as well as those in

the physical. Practice non-attachment and focus your learning curve

into that of the Kundalini.


Put the Reiki on hold and the native belief systems on hold and the

pseudo channeling on hold for a time and focus on what is now

occurring with you. This is your threshold event and your birth into

the next energetic development inside your incarnation. If you need

to be contacted it will be done. Pay attention to " you " at this time

and nurture yourself through the activities that allow this

expression to come forth fully and as intensely as you can hold at

this time. – my take on your situation Adina –
























, Adina Bolt

<whitefeatherprincess wrote:


> Chrism,

> Today as i sat answering messages on my computer i felt

someone come into my space. i could not tell who it was...but both

arms i could feel them move into...and they became very painful.

Numbness set in...and as my daughter was sitting across from me i

told her what was taking place. I put down the computer fast...and

went into the Safeties. i stayed there for awhile...and felt much

energy on the left side of my head...all over the left side. I

stayed in the safeties until it all subsided. Now there is only the

strong energy at the vaginal area...like pulling...very strong

pullling. Any thoughts?


> Adina




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Yes you are right.

I just got a phone call that my youngest daughter went into the emergency

room..and they put her on some heavy pain killers. She has been able to " hook "

into me ever since i heard her voice in 2004 calling me and telling me she was

dying...she was on drugs at that time. I went to get her and brought her here

with the family for her to detox and begin again. she at that time pushed her

way energetically through my back...punched through so to speak...and i got ill

with her severe cold and she got better both happening immediatly. I have not

since then been able to get that protection barrier back up with her. She is my

youngest. I will do this as you ask...I know this direction is the right one

for me at this time...and that I need to work on myself right now and take care

of myself right now as I go through this. Thank you...I will work with this







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