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Hello everyone. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce

myself and tell you about my new experiences with kundalini.


I have been meditating for several years though not on a regular

basis and was not familiar with kundalini, I came across this group

and became interested immediately. I joined the group and did some

research and I bought a guided cd from the book store called

Kundalini Awakening. I have been using this cd daily sometimes more

than once and it has been an incredible experience. I find that I

have greater success with meditation when I'm in a better mood. I've

noticed that people are much more pleasant around me since I've

started kundalini, strangers always saying hello to me as I pass by.

I have been greeted by strangers in the past but now it happens all

the time, it's as if people some how know that we are more connected.

I hope that doesn't sound strange. A few days ago something weird

happened though and I'm not sure if it was coincidence or something

more. I had a really good meditation and decided to take a nap

afterward, my other half came home with our youngest son who ran in

the front door while his father was bringing in groceries behind him,

as he got to the front door a snake was trying to come inside, so he

put the groceries in front of the snake and the snake took off. A

little while later he took our soon out back to play and left the

back door open. He heard a comotion on the side of the house and a

bird flew around the corner right into the back of the house. Anyway

I have been haveing wonderful experiences since I have started

practicing kundalini and I get information out of the blue sometimes

that seem to be pieces of a puzzle coming into place, those AHA

moments when everything seems to make sense. Because of this group I

became interested in kundalini and I thank you all very much for

that. I can look forward to more exciting experiences as a result.

Peace to all.



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