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Is it only me here in this group that looses contact with the outer


The nature gives me nothing,(I feel I have big damages in my

spiritual bodies) music gives me nothing,music niggles me.

And I was former a musician......

I have activated the K. in a very bad way and my body

is not at all ready for it.


Kind regards, Gunnar

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I think you should stop thinking so negatively, the

way we think and feel attracts more of that to us.

Try to focus on how you want to feel and be, and then

hold that picture rather then speaking " badly " of

yourself and your activation.

It's like LSD, when you think negative you have a bad

trip, when you think good thoughts the trip is


There is no such thing as " good " and " bad " in fact,

it's all a state of mind.

Don't be rigid, just relax and know that all is


Don't compare your self to others, if you don't want

to listen to music, great. Find something that you do

like and that feels good.

Cooking, baking, funny movies, drawing, reading,

meditation, chopping up peices of wood.

Who cares what you do, just enjoy it.


Love to you and blessings, Elektra x x x



--- gunnar_tungland <gunnar_tungland wrote:


> Hello


> Is it only me here in this group that looses contact

> with the outer

> world?

> The nature gives me nothing,(I feel I have big

> damages in my

> spiritual bodies) music gives me nothing,music

> niggles me.

> And I was former a musician......

> I have activated the K. in a very bad way and my

> body

> is not at all ready for it.


> Kind regards, Gunnar







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> Don't compare your self to others, if you don't want

> to listen to music, great. Find something that you do

> like and that feels good.

> Cooking, baking, funny movies, drawing, reading,

> meditation, chopping up peices of wood.

> Who cares what you do, just enjoy it.


That`s the big,insuperable problem . I can`t enjoy anything.

All is pain, and I think I `m getting lost because

it`s getting worse and worse.


Regards, Gunnar

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Dearest gunner, have you ever thought of calling on a

Higher Power? When I find myself in situations that

seem to be beyond my abilities I call for help and it

always comes. Shouldn't be the last option, but it

seems to turn out that way. Love, dhyana



--- " deepdance1 " <deepdance1



> dear gunnar... have you read ekhart tolle's " the

> power of now " ? ...

> you have the power... i hope that you may find it.

> peace.

> -steve f









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I can somewhat relate to what you are going through as my nervous

system is out of balance since the awakening. I have found the

following to be of some help:

1. Talk to your spirit and tell it to help you and meditate by

allowing the energy from the earth to ground you and feel the power

of energy as it rises and the cooler yin energy coming down from the

heavens. Focus this energy on each chakra and balance. Also,

picture a copper shield over your 2nd chakra.

2. Feel the negative energy flow out of your hands

3. Meditate-I meditate toward objects-I've had no formal training but

it is like opening yourself up and giving of love to that object-

tree, flower,grass,ocean-You feel yourself become one with the object.

4. Pine trees are great for removing negative energy-take a branch

and brush negativity

5. Find a large tree-oak etc-healthy-ask to take give and take energy

from it-sit or hug trunk of tree.

6. A good form of meditation although it sounds a little odd is the

following: visualize yourself with a large bushy tale coming from

the base of your spine and feel it moving back and forth. Picture

yourself as whole, healthy and full of love....then wave the tail by

brushing negative energy off of you. Then, surround yourself with

the tail feeling warm secure and loved

7. Since the K I have had a desperate need to avoid areas with too

much energy- malls, crowds, etc. Try being around nature.

8. Surrender, surrender, surrender-give up control as you have no

control-----please use positive visualization


Not sure if any of these things will be of benefit as it is still a

constant struggle for me. At times the emotional upheavel is hard.

Also, I just developed a serious bacterial skin infection. lol-

support is also very helpful-make sure you find positive validation

though-this site is a great source for that in that the lay public

are typically not familiar with what you are going through. If

anything I said was inaccurate please interject. God bless...I will

send you positive energy.


, novalees

<Novalees wrote:


> Dearest gunner, have you ever thought of calling on a

> Higher Power? When I find myself in situations that

> seem to be beyond my abilities I call for help and it

> always comes. Shouldn't be the last option, but it

> seems to turn out that way. Love, dhyana



> --- " deepdance1 " <deepdance1

> wrote:


> > dear gunnar... have you read ekhart tolle's " the

> > power of now " ? ...

> > you have the power... i hope that you may find it.

> > peace.

> > -steve f

> >

> >








> Any questions? Get answers on any topic at www.Answers..

Try it now.


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" gunnar_tungland " <gunnar_tungland wrote:



> That`s the big,insuperable problem . I can`t enjoy anything.

> All is pain, and I think I `m getting lost because

> it`s getting worse and worse.


> Regards, Gunnar



That is the big problem. All suffering comes from your thoughts.

Thoughts occur in the mind. The mind can be controlled by watching

your thoughts and changing them.


If you keep telling yourself that you don't enjoy anything you won't.

When you are aware of what you are thinking you can substitute better



Being mindful of your thoughts meditation might help you to get rid of

the negativity that is in your thoughts.


Peace and Love to you;

Stephen O.


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>That`s the big,insuperable problem . I can`t enjoy anything.

>All is pain, and " I think " I `m getting lost because

>it`s getting worse and worse.


Beloved Gunnar, I would put it the other way around >because you think you are

in a worse state you attract it. In bigger doses.

What we think becomes. IMHO


When I get in a negative mind set I purposely do something to take my mind off

it, perhaps, by just saying a positive mantra to yourself to stop your mind

focusing on the negative voice in the head.

You have to trick yourself out of it. Like when you try to distract a child

by waving a hand and say " hey, look over there " while the other hand makes a

switch with something in the pocket.

You need to spend a good week just repeating a positive mantra like " I AM

happy and healthy. Fully grounded and perfect. I feel great. "

Even if it feels like a complete lie, just ignore the voice that tries to talk

you out of it. Tell the negative voice to hush up a minute. It feels weird at

first but it will change the way you feel. Visualise yourself how you want to be

feeling, see yourself happy and balanced.

If you don't enjoy doing many things you should have time for yourself to

practice positive mind conversation. You are a magician, we all our, creators.

This world, body and life is the canvass that we use to paint and create our

existance .


If you feel down and you put sad music on, watch depressing movies and talk

negative manifestation in side your own mind things will get worse. The more you

complain at life the more of that it gives you as you are focusing such strong

emotions on to it. Thought + Emotions = creation or ART.

You are the artist.


I hope you don't mind me going on a bit, but it's such an important thing for

all humans to realise.

It is our destiny to understand this fact and then to become the artists of

our very existance.


You are amazing, unique, dazzling, infinite, multi-dimensional and very very


And Loved, very loved. Infinitely loved.


I believe in you and know that whatever you are doing is perfect.

Big hug to you, Elektra x x x








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> Thanks for your words. I try,but:

My world is crashed,it`s a fact and

it feels like I`m thirsting do death(a spiritual death). I must

imagine the water, but it is not the same as real water, and I know

it will not come to me,yet, because of the big damages.

Maybe it `s only negative but it is realistic.


Regards, Gunnar





> >That`s the big,insuperable problem . I can`t enjoy anything.

> >All is pain, and " I think " I `m getting lost because

> >it`s getting worse and worse.


> Beloved Gunnar, I would put it the other way around >because you

think you are in a worse state you attract it. In bigger doses.

> What we think becomes. IMHO


> When I get in a negative mind set I purposely do something to

take my mind off it, perhaps, by just saying a positive mantra to

yourself to stop your mind focusing on the negative voice in the head.

> You have to trick yourself out of it. Like when you try to

distract a child by waving a hand and say " hey, look over there "

while the other hand makes a switch with something in the pocket.

> You need to spend a good week just repeating a positive mantra

like " I AM happy and healthy. Fully grounded and perfect. I feel

great. "

> Even if it feels like a complete lie, just ignore the voice that

tries to talk you out of it. Tell the negative voice to hush up a

minute. It feels weird at first but it will change the way you feel.

Visualise yourself how you want to be feeling, see yourself happy and


> If you don't enjoy doing many things you should have time for

yourself to practice positive mind conversation. You are a magician,

we all our, creators. This world, body and life is the canvass that

we use to paint and create our existance .


> If you feel down and you put sad music on, watch depressing

movies and talk negative manifestation in side your own mind things

will get worse. The more you complain at life the more of that it

gives you as you are focusing such strong emotions on to it. Thought

+ Emotions = creation or ART.

> You are the artist.


> I hope you don't mind me going on a bit, but it's such an

important thing for all humans to realise.

> It is our destiny to understand this fact and then to become the

artists of our very existance.


> You are amazing, unique, dazzling, infinite, multi-dimensional

and very very special.

> And Loved, very loved. Infinitely loved.


> I believe in you and know that whatever you are doing is perfect.

> Big hug to you, Elektra x x x


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You will stay in the ferry of death until you get out of it.

It is up to you where and how life turns, not the other way around.

I highly recommend you watch 'the secret' movie. There is a link in the archive

to get the free youtube video.

You create your reality Gunnar.



---- gunnar_tungland <gunnar_tungland wrote:








> > Thanks for your words. I try,but:

> My world is crashed,it`s a fact and

> it feels like I`m thirsting do death(a spiritual death). I must

> imagine the water, but it is not the same as real water, and I know

> it will not come to me,yet, because of the big damages.

> Maybe it `s only negative but it is realistic.


> Regards, Gunnar





> > >That`s the big,insuperable problem . I can`t enjoy anything.

> > >All is pain, and " I think " I `m getting lost because

> > >it`s getting worse and worse.

> >

> > Beloved Gunnar, I would put it the other way around >because you

> think you are in a worse state you attract it. In bigger doses.

> > What we think becomes. IMHO

> >

> > When I get in a negative mind set I purposely do something to

> take my mind off it, perhaps, by just saying a positive mantra to

> yourself to stop your mind focusing on the negative voice in the head.

> > You have to trick yourself out of it. Like when you try to

> distract a child by waving a hand and say " hey, look over there "

> while the other hand makes a switch with something in the pocket.

> > You need to spend a good week just repeating a positive mantra

> like " I AM happy and healthy. Fully grounded and perfect. I feel

> great. "

> > Even if it feels like a complete lie, just ignore the voice that

> tries to talk you out of it. Tell the negative voice to hush up a

> minute. It feels weird at first but it will change the way you feel.

> Visualise yourself how you want to be feeling, see yourself happy and

> balanced.

> > If you don't enjoy doing many things you should have time for

> yourself to practice positive mind conversation. You are a magician,

> we all our, creators. This world, body and life is the canvass that

> we use to paint and create our existance .

> >

> > If you feel down and you put sad music on, watch depressing

> movies and talk negative manifestation in side your own mind things

> will get worse. The more you complain at life the more of that it

> gives you as you are focusing such strong emotions on to it. Thought

> + Emotions = creation or ART.

> > You are the artist.

> >

> > I hope you don't mind me going on a bit, but it's such an

> important thing for all humans to realise.

> > It is our destiny to understand this fact and then to become the

> artists of our very existance.

> >

> > You are amazing, unique, dazzling, infinite, multi-dimensional

> and very very special.

> > And Loved, very loved. Infinitely loved.

> >

> > I believe in you and know that whatever you are doing is perfect.

> > Big hug to you, Elektra x x x

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Yes Gunnar,

Everyone here is giving you very similar advice. It is your

choice to believe that you can make a difference or not. If you chooses to stay

within your present belief construct then you will experience the results of

your beliefs. You do not have to " feel " better immediately in order to have

positive self healing begin. You need to believe in the possibility of that

occurring though.


You are very determined to have a continuing " bad " experience it would seem.

I want you to know that with the same conviction you put into your " Bad "

Kundalini situation, You could also bring to the positive joyful aspects of your

experience. The result of that would be a very different experience for you.


But if you " need " a " dire consequences " situation in order to learn a specific

lesson then you will have it. We will remain in service to you and your highest

love Gunnar even if you choose to suffer. I suffered plenty and came out of it

so I am sure that you can as well - blessings my friend - chrism






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Gunnar, much love and positive energy coming your way...


You do create your own reality. I want to share something simple that

works for me. Take a slow deep breath and as you inhale, visualize and

feel the universal energy entering your entire body. As you slowly

exhale, visualize and feel everything negative inside exiting with

your breath. Do this several times and you will feel yourself become

lighter, as you release this energy to be reorganized and reused in

more positive constructs elsewhere. Believe this will help you and it

will! It can be that simple if you let it.


love & light ~Jen~




" gunnar_tungland " <gunnar_tungland wrote:



> >

> > Thanks for your words. I try,but:

> My world is crashed,it`s a fact and

> it feels like I`m thirsting do death(a spiritual death). I must

> imagine the water, but it is not the same as real water, and I know

> it will not come to me,yet, because of the big damages.

> Maybe it `s only negative but it is realistic.


> Regards, Gunnar





> > >That`s the big,insuperable problem . I can`t enjoy anything.

> > >All is pain, and " I think " I `m getting lost because

> > >it`s getting worse and worse.

> >

> > Beloved Gunnar, I would put it the other way around >because you

> think you are in a worse state you attract it. In bigger doses.

> > What we think becomes. IMHO

> >

> > When I get in a negative mind set I purposely do something to

> take my mind off it, perhaps, by just saying a positive mantra to

> yourself to stop your mind focusing on the negative voice in the head.

> > You have to trick yourself out of it. Like when you try to

> distract a child by waving a hand and say " hey, look over there "

> while the other hand makes a switch with something in the pocket.

> > You need to spend a good week just repeating a positive mantra

> like " I AM happy and healthy. Fully grounded and perfect. I feel

> great. "

> > Even if it feels like a complete lie, just ignore the voice that

> tries to talk you out of it. Tell the negative voice to hush up a

> minute. It feels weird at first but it will change the way you feel.

> Visualise yourself how you want to be feeling, see yourself happy and

> balanced.

> > If you don't enjoy doing many things you should have time for

> yourself to practice positive mind conversation. You are a magician,

> we all our, creators. This world, body and life is the canvass that

> we use to paint and create our existance .

> >

> > If you feel down and you put sad music on, watch depressing

> movies and talk negative manifestation in side your own mind things

> will get worse. The more you complain at life the more of that it

> gives you as you are focusing such strong emotions on to it. Thought

> + Emotions = creation or ART.

> > You are the artist.

> >

> > I hope you don't mind me going on a bit, but it's such an

> important thing for all humans to realise.

> > It is our destiny to understand this fact and then to become the

> artists of our very existance.

> >

> > You are amazing, unique, dazzling, infinite, multi-dimensional

> and very very special.

> > And Loved, very loved. Infinitely loved.

> >

> > I believe in you and know that whatever you are doing is perfect.

> > Big hug to you, Elektra x x x

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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obsession over bad experience seems far more to blame than the

experience itself here. depressed or worse states come as a matter of

course as do 'high' or peak experiences. indulgence (mind turned upon

its experiences in self-reflection and a meaning-making capacity) in

either case is eventually toxic. you get the saccharine sweetness and

light crowd or the suicidal nihilist. my opinion.



> You are very determined to have a continuing " bad " experience

> it would seem. I want you to know that with the same conviction

> you put into your " Bad " Kundalini situation, You could also bring

> to the positive joyful aspects of your experience. The result of

> that would be a very different experience for you.

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Hey, Gunner, I just want to let you know that you are not alone in your

suffering. I don't just

mean the support that is offered here but I am also going through an intense

suffering period

right now. I believe that it helps to be aware of the fact that you create your

own reality, that

you choose to be your own best friend or your own worst nightmare - and I agree


Elektra when she said that you should try repeating positive words to yourself

about your

situation even if you don't believe it. But regardless of your knowledge about

being in control

of yourself, regardless of your ability to 'trick' your own mind, suffering is

there for a reason.


It is a tricky thing - because what is the birth of us creating our own

realities is our

perpectives on things (as others have discussed already). Epictetus said that we

choose how

to view everything that happens to us - even if someone insults us directly - we


choose to be angry, hurt, etc. What I keep running into is this inherant

instinctual reaction.

I.e. " suffering = bad " or " insult = hurt feelings " etc. We have been conditioned

and have

conditioned ourselves to view all physical and psychological pain as 'bad' or

'negative', but

does it have to be, even at all? Or is it completely healthy to accept suffering

as you would

happiness? Not feed into it, as you would happiness, but to give it a friendly

nod and say,

" hey there, suffering, my old buddy. " ?


Convuluted, I know. I have just been thinking about this for ages.



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> Epictetus said that we choose how to view everything that happens

> to us - even if someone insults us directly - we actually

> choose to be angry, hurt, etc. What I keep running into is this

> inherant instinctual reaction.

:-) don't we all. starting to feel beyond the conditioned responses.

and their origin is tricky. I like the simplicity of the Buddha's

" skhandas " personally. a great deal of it is simply born into us, and

not really 'conditioned' in any way relative to us personally, culture

is responsible for some of it, upbringing for a large part, life

experiences another, traumas another etc. our education will give us

others, our outside interests and hobbies yet others... the sources

are seemingly limitless. desire for experience and the fruits thereof

is almost inexhaustible.


> Or is it completely healthy to accept suffering as you would

> happiness? Not feed into it, as you would happiness,

bar that, too. that 'feeding' is itself the problem, not the

experience itself,but the desire to prolong or cut it short depending

upon whether it is perceived as personally helpful or harmful,

negative or positive with respect to the ego. which is of course

against the strong natural tendencies to reward what feels good or

helpful and punish or eradicate what is unpleasant or threatening.


> Convuluted, I know. I have just been thinking about this for ages.

many have been occupied with these issues, and there may in fact BE no

'solution' to be found, which would suggest that ANY world of

experience which can be experienced, itself can be (by possessing that

quality) neither highest nor a unitive reality, since the pairs of

opposites still exist therein.



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Hi Gunnar,


Sometimes the feelings are too powerful and you won't be able to change

them to feel positive, think happy etc. When this happens lying or

walking in nature will help but it appears you can't connect there



Becuase you're feeling a spiritual 'thirst' then I suggest getting into

a bath or shower and surrender to whatever is happening to you.

Go 'into' the feelings - don't fight them or try to change them -

surrender to the feelings, trust Shakti and the healing she is giving

you. I don't know if you have had experience with this before but

surrending to the process can actualy bring joy - inside the pain is

the joy - the pain then is on the outside and you sit in joy and

detachment as you observe the experience.


If it's possible for you to focus while in the shower/bath, imagine a

white light travelling up the spine from the base to the point between

the eyebrows, third eye - not in the centre of the forehead but between

the eyebrows.


As you breath in breath the light up the spine, and on the exhale

imagine the light travelling down to the tailbone again.


Do this for only 10 minutes - 5 minutes at least, 10 minutes max. If

possible do it twice a day - once at sunrise, once at sunset and thats

all. You may not feel any benefits immediately but it will happen

depending at what stage your kundalini is at. Hopefully you will feel

better within 24 hours.


If you can, please write and let me know how your kundalini awakened

and how it behaves in you at present. This will help in understanding

more about what you are going through at the moment.


be kind to yourself, don't blame yourself for what is happening.




, " gunnar_tungland "

<gunnar_tungland wrote:


> Hello


> Is it only me here in this group that looses contact with the outer

> world?

> The nature gives me nothing,(I feel I have big damages in my

> spiritual bodies) music gives me nothing,music niggles me.

> And I was former a musician......

> I have activated the K. in a very bad way and my body

> is not at all ready for it.


> Kind regards, Gunnar


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Hello, and thanks for your advices


It`s very etherics(I dont`t know the english word,the energy closest

to to the physical body) , it`s a short circuit there,(my

(etheric)head is in my feet, left hand is in the right hand, this was

very useful when I played church organ, where the voices should melt

together and still be seperated)and burn out

my contact to the outer world. The tension is so strong in my

physical body that the

energy can`t run there but find new destroying routes

outside the body.In this new orbits,routes the sexual energy is

disapearing upwards and leave my genetials without energy.

In stead of experience contoures

and variety in my surrondings, i have

to feel my flat,etheric body smouldering.








" gunnar_tungland " <gunnar_tungland wrote:


> Hello


> Is it only me here in this group that looses contact with the outer

> world?

> The nature gives me nothing,(I feel I have big damages in my

> spiritual bodies) music gives me nothing,music niggles me.

> And I was former a musician......

> I have activated the K. in a very bad way and my body

> is not at all ready for it.


> Kind regards, Gunnar


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" gunnar_tungland " <gunnar_tungland wrote:


etheric left hand is in the right hand, this was

> very useful when I played church organ, where the voices should


> together and still be seperated




It was useful, but very dangerous , because I was not prepared for it.

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I like it Kiwibird !!!

And it's true because all experience is valid. Some of

the most painful moments of my life have been the

greatest healers and teachers.

Also, suffering is to let us know that something is

out of balance and needs correcting. If I hadn't

suffered I may not have strived as hard to reach out

towards God as the suffering reminds me of my

seperation from God, and reminds me to focus on

reconnecting myself.

Or thats how it feels to me, anyway. Perhaps for some

one else it's different :)

Thats another thing I'm learning, you can never truely

know how it is for another person experiencing

something as we are all unique and have our own

filters digesting everything and storing information

in our own special way.


Big hugs Elektra x x x




> I.e. " suffering = bad " or " insult = hurt feelings "

> etc. We have been conditioned and have

> conditioned ourselves to view all physical and

> psychological pain as 'bad' or 'negative', but

> does it have to be, even at all? Or is it completely

> healthy to accept suffering as you would

> happiness? Not feed into it, as you would happiness,

> but to give it a friendly nod and say,

> " hey there, suffering, my old buddy. " ?


> Convuluted, I know. I have just been thinking about

> this for ages.


> Kerry






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Hello Steve


I`m sorry to say, the senses give me no joy, because they are very

disturbed. And my feeling of it`s getting worse give me the fear

of damnation. I know what I have done but I can`t understand myself

why I did it, because of all the pain now.


Regards, Gunnar





" deepdance1 " <deepdance1 wrote:


> dear gunnar... do you experience anything as positive or fun?

> peace,

> -steve f


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hi again; your senses are fine, what is not fine is what's occuring in

your mind. also the feeling of damnation is normal as far as I can

see, I felt it many times after the awakening of the energy. after

all it is also the 'Hell-fire' of purgatory in which the sinner burns,

or did you all think that was just a fairy tale not an allegory?! you

have to prevail against these tendencies as if it was a struggle for

life and death, because it is. sorry for the lack of diplomacy in

this post, usually I throw on a couple layers of interpretation to

soften the impact.





> I`m sorry to say, the senses give me no joy, because they are very

> disturbed. And my feeling of it`s getting worse give me the fear

> of damnation. I know what I have done but I can`t understand myself

> why I did it, because of all the pain now.


> Regards, Gunnar

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dear gunnar... may i ask what you've done that you claim has damned you? aside

from the 'senses', can you experience satisfaction by helping other people or in

your work? have you read tolle or krishnamurti on being present and not caught

up in the drama of the past? the thoughts can trap us into an endless loop of

dread and self-recrimination.


-steve f




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Hello Steve

I must watch out for not being so negative.

So I think I will not answer unless you are begging me urgently, then

I can send you it to you personal.


I have read Tolle...



Regards, Gunnar





-- In ,

" deepdance1 " <deepdance1 wrote:


> dear gunnar... may i ask what you've done that you claim has damned

you? aside from the 'senses', can you experience satisfaction by

helping other people or in your work? have you read tolle or

krishnamurti on being present and not caught up in the drama of the

past? the thoughts can trap us into an endless loop of dread and


> love,

> -steve f




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