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Dear and List,


It has been some time since I have posted and I want to first thank

all of you who posted all the kind words and thoughts concerning the

recent loss of my father. I have been struggling in dealing with his

passing, it has been a hard journey, and I know that it will take

some time to adjust. Today will be three weeks since his passing and

it doesn't seem to be any easier today than the day he left. I am

having an especially hard time because of the holidays I guess, but

God is with me and will help me through these times. Here lately all

I want to do is cry no matter what I am doing. I try to stay busy or

focused on other things to prevent me from thinking about his not

being here, but due to the fact I called and talked to him almost

every day, sometimes 2 and 3 times a day, or him calling me, it is

hard. I often find myself wanting to pick up the phone to call him.

Anyway, I am having difficulties with distinguishing between my

emotions being the loss of my dad and the K. I have also witnessed

black elongated shadows passing before me, not out of my peripheral

but directly in front of me as if it is a person crossing my path. In

addition, the other night I was sitting on the couch playing a game

of monopoly with my son when suddenly it felt as if a rush of cold

air came from out of no where entering my body from every angle

filling me up. It felt as if something came into my body and I could

see and feel my dad as if he were still here. For a fraction of time

it was as if he were still here, then a peace and sort of excitement

came over me. Since that moment, I seem to be even more depressed or

sad or whatever it is since. I have felt movements throughout my

entire being. I don't know how to tell what is going on. I just don't

seem to be able to be motivated to do anything. I go though periods

of excited with it crashing into sudden emotional breakdown. I just

don't know what is happening to me. I don't know if there should be a

separation in the loss of my dad and the K, or if all of it is

working together. I just don't know.




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Hello Katherine,

Your father came to you, but your rational mind

wouldn't allow you to completely enjoy and be at peace with his visit. As you

felt him come to you it was intended as a sign that he isn't gone in an

obliterated way. He is very much present and would like you to know that.


The loss of a close family member is very traumatic, and the Kundalini can

amplify your emotional response, so know this and understand what is happening.

The Kundalini will work with what extreme issues a person is going through and

may be increased because of them.


So dear Katherine please accept his new and different placement in your life.

He isn't gone he is transitioned to a different yet close reality that operates

at a higher vibration than the dense physical one we are in for our short time

here. All of you will see him again. The strength of your love will guarantee

it. If you will begin to practice again this will aid your recovery. - blessings

Katherine - chrism






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Dearest Katherine, It is a hard journey being

separated. I find that I still take the time to be

with my Dad on Sundays when I would call him in

Florida. I just reach out with my heart to him and

continue the connection. Last night he popped into my

dream, and he was so young and handsome. It just

melted my heart. Its not good-by, dear one. Just a

different kind of connection. Big hug. Love, dhyana

--- Katherine <katsam19 wrote:


> Dear and List,


> It has been some time since I have posted and I want

> to first thank

> all of you who posted all the kind words and

> thoughts concerning the

> recent loss of my father. I have been struggling in

> dealing with his

> passing, it has been a hard journey, and I know that

> it will take

> some time to adjust. Today will be three weeks since

> his passing and

> it doesn't seem to be any easier today than the day

> he left. I am

> having an especially hard time because of the

> holidays I guess, but

> God is with me and will help me through these times.

> Here lately all

> I want to do is cry no matter what I am doing. I try

> to stay busy or

> focused on other things to prevent me from thinking

> about his not

> being here, but due to the fact I called and talked

> to him almost

> every day, sometimes 2 and 3 times a day, or him

> calling me, it is

> hard. I often find myself wanting to pick up the

> phone to call him.

> Anyway, I am having difficulties with distinguishing

> between my

> emotions being the loss of my dad and the K. I have

> also witnessed

> black elongated shadows passing before me, not out

> of my peripheral

> but directly in front of me as if it is a person

> crossing my path. In

> addition, the other night I was sitting on the couch

> playing a game

> of monopoly with my son when suddenly it felt as if

> a rush of cold

> air came from out of no where entering my body from

> every angle

> filling me up. It felt as if something came into my

> body and I could

> see and feel my dad as if he were still here. For a

> fraction of time

> it was as if he were still here, then a peace and

> sort of excitement

> came over me. Since that moment, I seem to be even

> more depressed or

> sad or whatever it is since. I have felt movements

> throughout my

> entire being. I don't know how to tell what is going

> on. I just don't

> seem to be able to be motivated to do anything. I go

> though periods

> of excited with it crashing into sudden emotional

> breakdown. I just

> don't know what is happening to me. I don't know if

> there should be a

> separation in the loss of my dad and the K, or if

> all of it is

> working together. I just don't know.


> Love,

> Katherine











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It is nice to hear from you once again. I'm sorry for your pain

though it seems a wonderful time of growth, also.


It is wondrous to hear of you father's visits to you. It would appear

that he is quite attached to you as well. I hope that you can attune

to him and see if he needs help finding his way onward. Separation

from this world can take some release. You two may have some

processing to do together. What a great opportunity to expand your

experience not only of your father but of your faith.


The " K " is, of course, part and parcel of all this. The life force,

the way, the light .... call it what you will. You are in the process

whether you acknowledge it or not ... really doesn't make much

difference in the long run (that's one of the reasons you don't have

to be in a hurry). It only changes your cognitive experience of the



Enjoy the experience of your father, the separation, the memories, and

the experience of him in the moment. Release the guilt, the fear and

embrace the love (the connection).


just my take on it. One perspective.


Glad to have you back.






PS. a couple of ibuprofens will help when the pain gets to be too much.



, " Katherine "

<katsam19 wrote:

>> addition, the other night I was sitting on the couch playing a game

> of monopoly with my son when suddenly it felt as if a rush of cold

> air came from out of no where entering my body from every angle

> filling me up. It felt as if something came into my body and I could

> see and feel my dad as if he were still here. For a fraction of time

> it was as if he were still here, then a peace and sort of excitement

> came over me.

> I don't know if there should be a

> separation in the loss of my dad and the K, or if all of it is

> working together. I just don't know.


> Love,

> Katherine


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Hi Kathleen,


When my father passed, nearly a year ago, I had an

experience a couple of hours before he actually took

his last breath physically.


I was sitting outside in nature, outside his hospital

room when a song popped into my head - don't know the

correct title but it's an old one I'm sure you all

know - 'on the wings of a snow white dove, He sends

His pure sweet love, a sign from above...on the wings

of a dove....etc' I often get songs like this at

appropriate times with a special meaning


Then I felt a lifting, I thought I was going to

levitate off the ground myself, so I quickly grabbed

onto the arms of the chair I was sitting in.


Then I looked up and saw a beautiful silver full

moon....and I felt - just for a second - a great

happiness and a great excitement....


My father was unconscious at this time, the end was

near....his last breath only came a few hours later.


I came to understand that this was my father

spiritually leaving his body before his body actually

stopped functioning.


I was fortunate as you were to experience a special

miracle, a blessing....to share in his passing and to

know that he was taken safely to a place of peace. He

found it all exciting and happy.


I've had many experiences of people passing and coming

to me in spirit to make sure everything is

alright....some who aren't even close to me as in

family, friends etc.


The pattern is always the same...they want to know

everything is alright with everyone before they leave,

and to let people close to them know everything is

well with themselves, reassuring everyone that they

are happy and in a place of love and peace.


Take time with your grieving and be kind to yourself,

it's most difficult now so soon after his

passing....don't feel bad if you feel you're not

coping well...what you're going through is part of the

process and the emotions flow through at the right

time...our hearts and souls know when we need to

release and when we need a rest....trust the process

and love and look after yourself.


I just hope my experiences have helped in some

way...you've had a loving contact from him and I hope

by what I've written here will confirm to you that

what you've experienced is right....it was your father

letting you know he's ok and is at peace and excited

about being 'home'...its a special place :)





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I understand what you are saying. In reality I know that he is here, but in my

mind I tend to try and not acknowledge his being gone in fear that I will cry.

While in referencing him in any manor I can't find it in me to say that he is

d..., I can only use the word " passed away " ! While in reality I know that they

both mean the same, using the word " d... " seems that it puts it in a different

perspective than using the term " passed away " . I have begun a part of the

practice, everything except the 5 Tibetans. I hear him calling my name, it is

his voice, yet when I acknowledge his calling he does not seem to answer, but

then I hear him calling my name again. I long for the day that all of me will

see him again, will be able to talk to him again, I mean I talk to him, but I

want to be able to communicate fully again. On Thanksgiving, all of the day

long, I saw my dad and my mom in my minds eye standing together holding hands,

with huge smiles on their faces, and deeply in love

with each other. I know that they were letting me know that they have been

reunited and are very happy once again. I know that my dad didn't want to leave

this realm, but now is gracious to be HOME where he now belongs. I welcome that,

while at the same time am selfish, I want him here. Anyway, thank you for every

thing, and I do mean every thing. Have a wonderful and blessed day Chrism.





chrism <> wrote:

Hello Katherine,

Your father came to you, but your rational mind wouldn't allow you to completely

enjoy and be at peace with his visit. As you felt him come to you it was

intended as a sign that he isn't gone in an obliterated way. He is very much

present and would like you to know that.


The loss of a close family member is very traumatic, and the Kundalini can

amplify your emotional response, so know this and understand what is happening.

The Kundalini will work with what extreme issues a person is going through and

may be increased because of them.


So dear Katherine please accept his new and different placement in your life. He

isn't gone he is transitioned to a different yet close reality that operates at

a higher vibration than the dense physical one we are in for our short time

here. All of you will see him again. The strength of your love will guarantee

it. If you will begin to practice again this will aid your recovery. - blessings

Katherine - chrism





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Thank you Dhyana for the kind reassurance. I know that with time it will take

time to adjust to his not being here as I am used to having him. I know that he

can hear me and he knows that he is longed for here on earth by my sisters and

me. I know that he will make an attempt to come see us. Thank you dear Dhyana.





novalees <Novalees wrote:

Dearest Katherine, It is a hard journey being

separated. I find that I still take the time to be

with my Dad on Sundays when I would call him in

Florida. I just reach out with my heart to him and

continue the connection. Last night he popped into my

dream, and he was so young and handsome. It just

melted my heart. Its not good-by, dear one. Just a

different kind of connection. Big hug. Love, dhyana

--- Katherine <katsam19 wrote:


> Dear and List,


> It has been some time since I have posted and I want

> to first thank

> all of you who posted all the kind words and

> thoughts concerning the

> recent loss of my father. I have been struggling in

> dealing with his

> passing, it has been a hard journey, and I know that

> it will take

> some time to adjust. Today will be three weeks since

> his passing and

> it doesn't seem to be any easier today than the day

> he left. I am

> having an especially hard time because of the

> holidays I guess, but

> God is with me and will help me through these times.

> Here lately all

> I want to do is cry no matter what I am doing. I try

> to stay busy or

> focused on other things to prevent me from thinking

> about his not

> being here, but due to the fact I called and talked

> to him almost

> every day, sometimes 2 and 3 times a day, or him

> calling me, it is

> hard. I often find myself wanting to pick up the

> phone to call him.

> Anyway, I am having difficulties with distinguishing

> between my

> emotions being the loss of my dad and the K. I have

> also witnessed

> black elongated shadows passing before me, not out

> of my peripheral

> but directly in front of me as if it is a person

> crossing my path. In

> addition, the other night I was sitting on the couch

> playing a game

> of monopoly with my son when suddenly it felt as if

> a rush of cold

> air came from out of no where entering my body from

> every angle

> filling me up. It felt as if something came into my

> body and I could

> see and feel my dad as if he were still here. For a

> fraction of time

> it was as if he were still here, then a peace and

> sort of excitement

> came over me. Since that moment, I seem to be even

> more depressed or

> sad or whatever it is since. I have felt movements

> throughout my

> entire being. I don't know how to tell what is going

> on. I just don't

> seem to be able to be motivated to do anything. I go

> though periods

> of excited with it crashing into sudden emotional

> breakdown. I just

> don't know what is happening to me. I don't know if

> there should be a

> separation in the loss of my dad and the K, or if

> all of it is

> working together. I just don't know.


> Love,

> Katherine







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Thank you Sam and yes his does have a strong attachment to his " girls " ! Smiles!

His last request was to see all of us before he left this world to go home. He

came to see me the day before he left. My oldest son and I were leaving to go to

the store and as I was standing outside waiting on my son I saw my dad as clear

as day standing at my truck as if he were waiting too. Earlier that day I had a

thought that I would receive a phone call at around 6:30 a.m. and that it would

be in reference to my dad and that I would need to come home. After seeing my

dad here in Florida, yet knowing he was still in South Carolina, I felt it would

not be long until he left. However, I didn't realize that it would be the

following day that this would happen. Thank you Sam for the encouragement and I

will always honor " your " take an any situation. I look forward to the process

and in helping him to complete his transition. I am gracious to have the

memories and I am blessed to have been given

the opportunity to know and learn from someone so special. NO, life wasn't

without challenge growing up, but when is it ever! Once again thank you. God

Bless you...have a wonderful day.





Sam <dallyup52 wrote:



It is nice to hear from you once again. I'm sorry for your pain

though it seems a wonderful time of growth, also.


It is wondrous to hear of you father's visits to you. It would appear

that he is quite attached to you as well. I hope that you can attune

to him and see if he needs help finding his way onward. Separation

from this world can take some release. You two may have some

processing to do together. What a great opportunity to expand your

experience not only of your father but of your faith.


The " K " is, of course, part and parcel of all this. The life force,

the way, the light .... call it what you will. You are in the process

whether you acknowledge it or not ... really doesn't make much

difference in the long run (that's one of the reasons you don't have

to be in a hurry). It only changes your cognitive experience of the



Enjoy the experience of your father, the separation, the memories, and

the experience of him in the moment. Release the guilt, the fear and

embrace the love (the connection).


just my take on it. One perspective.


Glad to have you back.





PS. a couple of ibuprofens will help when the pain gets to be too much.


, " Katherine "

<katsam19 wrote:

>> addition, the other night I was sitting on the couch playing a game

> of monopoly with my son when suddenly it felt as if a rush of cold

> air came from out of no where entering my body from every angle

> filling me up. It felt as if something came into my body and I could

> see and feel my dad as if he were still here. For a fraction of time

> it was as if he were still here, then a peace and sort of excitement

> came over me.

> I don't know if there should be a

> separation in the loss of my dad and the K, or if all of it is

> working together. I just don't know.


> Love,

> Katherine









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So beautiful true, thank you! As I told Sam, I saw my dad the day before he

passed away! I think that is in a way comforting. The day he passed away I was

able to talk to him twice. I was given so much from God and I will forever be

grateful for that opportunity to tell him I loved him while he could acknowledge

it, because by the time I got to him he was in a semi-coma and so drugged that

only I could speak. As I stood by his bedside side his beautiful sparkling blue

eyes stared foreword, fixed, but I know that he could see me that one last time

and he spoke not words, but vibrations of his love for me and the love for my

children and husband. Within moments of my making to his bedside he left this

world and went home. I felt his spirit lifting from his physical body making his

transition from here to there. He asked God to give him the gift of seeing all 4

of his girls and his grandchildren and he was granted it. Thank you for your

kindness and letting me know that it

is still okay to morn his loss. Thank you for your support. God Bless you in






amaargi <ama_ar_gi wrote:

Hi Kathleen,


When my father passed, nearly a year ago, I had an

experience a couple of hours before he actually took

his last breath physically.


I was sitting outside in nature, outside his hospital

room when a song popped into my head - don't know the

correct title but it's an old one I'm sure you all

know - 'on the wings of a snow white dove, He sends

His pure sweet love, a sign from above...on the wings

of a dove....etc' I often get songs like this at

appropriate times with a special meaning


Then I felt a lifting, I thought I was going to

levitate off the ground myself, so I quickly grabbed

onto the arms of the chair I was sitting in.


Then I looked up and saw a beautiful silver full

moon....and I felt - just for a second - a great

happiness and a great excitement....


My father was unconscious at this time, the end was

near....his last breath only came a few hours later.


I came to understand that this was my father

spiritually leaving his body before his body actually

stopped functioning.


I was fortunate as you were to experience a special

miracle, a blessing....to share in his passing and to

know that he was taken safely to a place of peace. He

found it all exciting and happy.


I've had many experiences of people passing and coming

to me in spirit to make sure everything is

alright....some who aren't even close to me as in

family, friends etc.


The pattern is always the same...they want to know

everything is alright with everyone before they leave,

and to let people close to them know everything is

well with themselves, reassuring everyone that they

are happy and in a place of love and peace.


Take time with your grieving and be kind to yourself,

it's most difficult now so soon after his

passing....don't feel bad if you feel you're not

coping well...what you're going through is part of the

process and the emotions flow through at the right

time...our hearts and souls know when we need to

release and when we need a rest....trust the process

and love and look after yourself.


I just hope my experiences have helped in some

way...you've had a loving contact from him and I hope

by what I've written here will confirm to you that

what you've experienced is right....it was your father

letting you know he's ok and is at peace and excited

about being 'home'...its a special place :)





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A good friend if mine's (who has since passed and we have some

contact)father passed some years ago. His mother was still alive but

not in good health so she was in a " home " . Her memory was so bad that

they decided not to tell her of her husband's death. They knew that

they would have to tell her again and again. Why upset her so many times.

The morning after he passed she came to the nurses and told them of

his passing, that he had come to her and told her not to worry and

that they were not going to tell her. She was fine with the whole thing.


After the mother passed, his sister told of finding the mother in her

car and they had a long talk.


Most of these events do not make the newspapers.




, Katherine Miller

<katsam19 wrote:


> Thank you Sam and yes his does have a strong attachment to his

" girls " ! Smiles! His last request was to see all of us before he left

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So remarkable, so remarkable! I think this is what we should be hearing about on

the news and in news papers, don't you? Smiles! It beats hearing only of the bad

things! Thank you Sam!





Sam <dallyup52 wrote:


A good friend if mine's (who has since passed and we have some

contact)father passed some years ago. His mother was still alive but

not in good health so she was in a " home " . Her memory was so bad that

they decided not to tell her of her husband's death. They knew that

they would have to tell her again and again. Why upset her so many times.

The morning after he passed she came to the nurses and told them of

his passing, that he had come to her and told her not to worry and

that they were not going to tell her. She was fine with the whole thing.


After the mother passed, his sister told of finding the mother in her

car and they had a long talk.


Most of these events do not make the newspapers.




, Katherine Miller

<katsam19 wrote:


> Thank you Sam and yes his does have a strong attachment to his

" girls " ! Smiles! His last request was to see all of us before he left








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