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Hi list,


I had an experience I'd like to share and discuss.


I've had the name Lucifer in my mind lately and a

feeling of love for this angel. I do not believe in

Satan and I am not a Christian.

But, I believe in Angels. Seeing Lucifer is the Angel

of light he must be pretty special. But, within the

light is the seed of darkness, could this be why

Lucifer has been scape goat for the darkness we have

endured by choice?


so, not to be one who fears anything, I began praying

to this Angel of light.


I later sat on a beach in Hong Kong watching the

sunset with my husband and decided to tell him of my

latest idea, as I finished and said Lucifers name out

loud, a burst of orange light, like fire , filled the

clouds and the sky. It was Lucifer I feel.


I'm all about breaking down old paradigms, what do you

think and feel about this?


Much love Elektra.Fire x x x







Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail


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Hello Elektra, Yes as long as you "break down the paradigm." If not the other aspects of "creating" the negative perception of this entity can emerge. I point to those who believe and therefore create a reality where this entity is not so good. If there is that within you then I would advise not to do this. Praying to God (as allness) is inclusive of this being. my take- blessings - Elektra - chrism

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Very cool experience.


It's all about perspective. One person's devil is another's God.


Just like was talking about his experiences with the Sufi's.



Look at the US elections, how Iraq is divided, Bosnia, Africa, my

family. oops. : )


We kill and torture over this difference in prospective.


It is how we have this life reality set up.


You don't have to like it and you can struggle against it. (Not that

you are my dear.)






, Elektra Fire

<elektra.fire wrote:


> so, not to be one who fears anything, I began praying

> to this Angel of light.


> I later sat on a beach in Hong Kong watching the

> sunset with my husband and decided to tell him of my

> latest idea, as I finished and said Lucifers name out

> loud, a burst of orange light, like fire , filled the

> clouds and the sky. It was Lucifer I feel.


> Much love Elektra.Fire x x x

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Lucifer or whatever. I remember right after Kundalini awakening I

felt there was a globe around me like a soap bubble around my head and

I saw these other soap bubbles that were light filled flying to me to

join mine and minister to me. They were like the witches in the

wizard of oz! I thought maybe I was being handed over by Jesus to the

Guru (who the heck knows?). Thats what I thought it was... I think I

needed that to gain a way of reconciling how I could switch from Jesus

to a Hindu Guru, so the Kundalini made that experience happen for me.


Then I had a vision of being at the last supper! This happened under

the inspiration of Kundalini! Jesus said to me... " Just wanted you

to be here " . I figured it was Jesus/Kundalini showing me I was still

acceptable even though I was now hanging with the Hindus!


Muktananda saw naked women in his meditation and asked another Guru

about it. The Guru told him not to worry and regard it as a

manifestation of Chiti (the Godess ((Kundalini)). So... I would say

for you, you can regard it as a manifestation of God or whatever. In

the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says you can worship whoever you want but

he is really the one giving the fruits of the worship. Of course you

know who Krishna is right? He is the Godess Kundalini and also YOU.

In my tradition the essential teaching is, " nothing exists that is not

Shiva "





, Elektra Fire

<elektra.fire wrote:


> Hi list,


> I had an experience I'd like to share and discuss.


> I've had the name Lucifer in my mind lately and a

> feeling of love for this angel. I do not believe in

> Satan and I am not a Christian.

> But, I believe in Angels. Seeing Lucifer is the Angel

> of light he must be pretty special. But, within the

> light is the seed of darkness, could this be why

> Lucifer has been scape goat for the darkness we have

> endured by choice?


> so, not to be one who fears anything, I began praying

> to this Angel of light.


> I later sat on a beach in Hong Kong watching the

> sunset with my husband and decided to tell him of my

> latest idea, as I finished and said Lucifers name out

> loud, a burst of orange light, like fire , filled the

> clouds and the sky. It was Lucifer I feel.


> I'm all about breaking down old paradigms, what do you

> think and feel about this?


> Much love Elektra.Fire x x x






> _________

> Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with

voicemail http://uk.messenger.


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Dear Electra

Search from the esword program showed only on finding on Lucifer.

{Free from esword.com)

It seems to me that Lucifer might pertain to the morning

star " Venus " ?


Isa 14:12 How349 art thou fallen5307 from heaven,4480, 8064 O

Lucifer,1966 son1121 of the morning!7837 how art thou cut down1438

to the ground,776 which didst weaken2522, 5921 the nations!1471



Hebrew Roots and meaing of the word Lucifer



he & #770;yle & #770;l


From H1984 (in the sense of brightness); the morning star: - lucifer.

John M.


Re: lucifer


Hi list,


I had an experience I'd like to share and discuss.


I've had the name Lucifer in my mind lately and a

feeling of love for this angel. I do not believe in

Satan and I am not a Christian.

But, I believe in Angels. Seeing Lucifer is the Angel

of light he must be pretty special. But, within the

light is the seed of darkness, could this be why

Lucifer has been scape goat for the darkness we have

endured by choice?


so, not to be one who fears anything, I began praying

to this Angel of light.


I later sat on a beach in Hong Kong watching the

sunset with my husband and decided to tell him of my

latest idea, as I finished and said Lucifers name out

loud, a burst of orange light, like fire , filled the

clouds and the sky. It was Lucifer I feel.


I'm all about breaking down old paradigms, what do you

think and feel about this?


Much love Elektra.Fire x x x


, Elektra Fire

<elektra.fire wrote:


> Hi list,


> I had an experience I'd like to share and discuss.


> I've had the name Lucifer in my mind lately and a

> feeling of love for this angel. I do not believe in

> Satan and I am not a Christian.

> But, I believe in Angels. Seeing Lucifer is the Angel

> of light he must be pretty special. But, within the

> light is the seed of darkness, could this be why

> Lucifer has been scape goat for the darkness we have

> endured by choice?


> so, not to be one who fears anything, I began praying

> to this Angel of light.


> I later sat on a beach in Hong Kong watching the

> sunset with my husband and decided to tell him of my

> latest idea, as I finished and said Lucifers name out

> loud, a burst of orange light, like fire , filled the

> clouds and the sky. It was Lucifer I feel.


> I'm all about breaking down old paradigms, what do you

> think and feel about this?


> Much love Elektra.Fire x x x






> _________

> Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide

with voicemail http://uk.messenger.


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Yes Chrism,

I just find it hard tp perceive an angel of light as

being " bad " .

Not really attached to it but it just flowed through

me, it felt nice to see all as " good " . I think it's

important to embrace all as one. No one " fallen " or

" bad " . Just all God.

Love Elektra x x x



--- chrism <> wrote:


> Hello Elektra,

> Yes as long as you " break down

> the paradigm. " If not the other aspects of

> " creating " the negative perception of this entity

> can emerge. I point to those who believe and

> therefore create a reality where this entity is not

> so good. If there is that within you then I would

> advise not to do this. Praying to God (as allness)

> is inclusive of this being. my take- blessings -

> Elektra - chrism











Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail


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Yes, thankyou Paul,

I am really feeling that now, and I love it, I feel

strange when I have to hold a belief towards a being

that somehow seperates it from me. It feels

incomplete. I went to a Christian school as a child ,

and I've noticed that Lucifer is never in any angel

card packs... Can't help but wonder why? I feel a real

light from him.

I very much like your philosophy, thats the one for

me...smile** :)

I just want to have no prejudgements within me for

anything, I want to be clean. Fresh. Brimming with

love and compassion for every iota of life energy.

Much love to you and welcome,

Elektra x x x


--- bondzai <bondzai wrote:


> Lucifer or whatever. I remember right after

> Kundalini awakening I

> felt there was a globe around me like a soap bubble

> around my head and

> I saw these other soap bubbles that were light

> filled flying to me to

> join mine and minister to me. They were like the

> witches in the

> wizard of oz! I thought maybe I was being handed

> over by Jesus to the

> Guru (who the heck knows?). Thats what I thought it

> was... I think I

> needed that to gain a way of reconciling how I could

> switch from Jesus

> to a Hindu Guru, so the Kundalini made that

> experience happen for me.


> Then I had a vision of being at the last supper!

> This happened under

> the inspiration of Kundalini! Jesus said to me...

> " Just wanted you

> to be here " . I figured it was Jesus/Kundalini

> showing me I was still

> acceptable even though I was now hanging with the

> Hindus!


> Muktananda saw naked women in his meditation and

> asked another Guru

> about it. The Guru told him not to worry and regard

> it as a

> manifestation of Chiti (the Godess ((Kundalini)).

> So... I would say

> for you, you can regard it as a manifestation of God

> or whatever. In

> the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says you can worship

> whoever you want but

> he is really the one giving the fruits of the

> worship. Of course you

> know who Krishna is right? He is the Godess

> Kundalini and also YOU.

> In my tradition the essential teaching is, " nothing

> exists that is not

> Shiva "


> Paul



> --- In

> ,

> Elektra Fire

> <elektra.fire wrote:

> >

> > Hi list,

> >

> > I had an experience I'd like to share and discuss.

> >

> > I've had the name Lucifer in my mind lately and a

> > feeling of love for this angel. I do not believe

> in

> > Satan and I am not a Christian.

> > But, I believe in Angels. Seeing Lucifer is the

> Angel

> > of light he must be pretty special. But, within

> the

> > light is the seed of darkness, could this be why

> > Lucifer has been scape goat for the darkness we

> have

> > endured by choice?

> >

> > so, not to be one who fears anything, I began

> praying

> > to this Angel of light.

> >

> > I later sat on a beach in Hong Kong watching the

> > sunset with my husband and decided to tell him of

> my

> > latest idea, as I finished and said Lucifers name

> out

> > loud, a burst of orange light, like fire , filled

> the

> > clouds and the sky. It was Lucifer I feel.

> >

> > I'm all about breaking down old paradigms, what do

> you

> > think and feel about this?

> >

> > Much love Elektra.Fire x x x

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >




> > Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC

> calling worldwide with

> voicemail http://uk.messenger.

> >



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Thankyou John,

Very informative , as always, so helpful and full of

juicy nuggets of knowledge.... :)

It makes sense to me, Venus is my ruling planet and

Mars and Venus were dancing together in the skies

around the time I began to feel this love for Lucifer

(the name is so beautiful I feel).

Unfortunately , in todays society, calling your son

Lucifer may not do him the best for his future

interactions... hee hee.

One day maybe, x x x love Elektra



--- johndplumber <jaganath wrote:


> Dear Electra

> Search from the esword program showed only on

> finding on Lucifer.

> {Free from esword.com)

> It seems to me that Lucifer might pertain to the

> morning

> star " Venus " ?


> Isa 14:12 How349 art thou fallen5307 from

> heaven,4480, 8064 O

> Lucifer,1966 son1121 of the morning!7837 how art

> thou cut down1438

> to the ground,776 which didst weaken2522, 5921 the

> nations!1471



> Hebrew Roots and meaing of the word Lucifer

> H1966

> äéìì

> hêylêl

> hay-lale'

> From H1984 (in the sense of brightness); the morning

> star: - lucifer.

> John M.


> Re: lucifer


> Hi list,


> I had an experience I'd like to share and discuss.


> I've had the name Lucifer in my mind lately and a

> feeling of love for this angel. I do not believe in

> Satan and I am not a Christian.

> But, I believe in Angels. Seeing Lucifer is the

> Angel

> of light he must be pretty special. But, within the

> light is the seed of darkness, could this be why

> Lucifer has been scape goat for the darkness we have

> endured by choice?


> so, not to be one who fears anything, I began

> praying

> to this Angel of light.


> I later sat on a beach in Hong Kong watching the

> sunset with my husband and decided to tell him of my

> latest idea, as I finished and said Lucifers name

> out

> loud, a burst of orange light, like fire , filled

> the

> clouds and the sky. It was Lucifer I feel.


> I'm all about breaking down old paradigms, what do

> you

> think and feel about this?


> Much love Elektra.Fire x x x


> --- In

> ,

> Elektra Fire

> <elektra.fire wrote:

> >

> > Hi list,

> >

> > I had an experience I'd like to share and discuss.

> >

> > I've had the name Lucifer in my mind lately and a

> > feeling of love for this angel. I do not believe

> in

> > Satan and I am not a Christian.

> > But, I believe in Angels. Seeing Lucifer is the

> Angel

> > of light he must be pretty special. But, within

> the

> > light is the seed of darkness, could this be why

> > Lucifer has been scape goat for the darkness we

> have

> > endured by choice?

> >

> > so, not to be one who fears anything, I began

> praying

> > to this Angel of light.

> >

> > I later sat on a beach in Hong Kong watching the

> > sunset with my husband and decided to tell him of

> my

> > latest idea, as I finished and said Lucifers name

> out

> > loud, a burst of orange light, like fire , filled

> the

> > clouds and the sky. It was Lucifer I feel.

> >

> > I'm all about breaking down old paradigms, what do

> you

> > think and feel about this?

> >

> > Much love Elektra.Fire x x x

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >




> > Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC

> calling worldwide

> with voicemail http://uk.messenger.

> >


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Venus I was told once is the planet of the third initiation where as one is tested on the overcoming the fear of death. Maybe it is why Lucifer is thought of a being of negative character I remember being in a futuristic battle against what seemed to be aliens, we were shooting something like tazors at one another I was hit by one and went into like suspended animation, there was no pain fear or hatred just boredom and a sense of nothingness so I woke up from the dream. Weather or not it was an initiation as such I don’t know, though the sky was overcast and aluminous grey the ground seemed hard dry desert like but not sandy and there were boulders about it might have been Venus.

Satan I have recently come to understand it has roots in the planet Saturn I have astral to a moon of Saturn a couple of times as I remember the rings on Saturn and the other moons in the finish what we were doing before sun rise. It was pretty and had very deep canyons with jagered pointed formations going upwards

I was a boy then and I was given instructions and warnings by some one I do not know who, It may have been when I was having run ins with the law as Saturn concerns the color of law. Saturn takes 7 years to orbit it is said to take seven years to be forgiven of sins.

Lol maybe it was hell.


I went to a directed meditation class once where that class visited the planet Vulcan (apparently yet to be discovered as it is so close to the sun) The class instructor asked every one what they interpreted of what they seen. I told him I seen honeycombed geometrical shapes interlaced that circumnavigated the planet, it seemed to blow him out and told me what ever I am doing keep doing it. I didn’t though, instead I asked myself shit what am I doing. Lol.

John M.


Re: lucifer

Posted by: "Elektra Fire" elektra.fire elektra.fire

Thu Nov 9, 2006 1:17 am (PST)

Thankyou John,Very informative , as always, so helpful and full ofjuicy nuggets of knowledge.... :)It makes sense to me, Venus is my ruling planet andMars and Venus were dancing together in the skiesaround the time I began to feel this love for Lucifer(the name is so beautiful I feel).Unfortunately , in todays society, calling your sonLucifer may not do him the best for his futureinteractions... hee hee.One day maybe, x x x love Elektra





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hi elektra,

Lucifer is the light-bringer, the LVX-XEPER or word of light, if you

will. " Lightbringer " is actually what the " name " means. The

firstborn son and seventh Logos, highest and best, which biblically is

depicted as " falling " due to pride. certain traditions hold that this

'fall' is into incarnation, this implying that the highest principle

is forced (because it is totally lawful but by this action appears

rebellious) to incarnate itself, in certain circumstances. pure

spirit would 'rebel' or struggle against ANY kind of existence, since

(to the spiritual principle or being-in-itself) all existence is but

an epiphenomenon of ego (i.e. is due to ahamkara) and thus, is

imperfect because seperate or singular, however impressive or powerful

it may appear.


hope this sheds some light on the subject matter.



, Elektra Fire

<elektra.fire wrote:


> Thankyou John,

> Very informative , as always, so helpful and full of

> juicy nuggets of knowledge.... :)

> It makes sense to me, Venus is my ruling planet and

> Mars and Venus were dancing together in the skies

> around the time I began to feel this love for Lucifer

> (the name is so beautiful I feel).

> Unfortunately , in todays society, calling your son

> Lucifer may not do him the best for his future

> interactions... hee hee.

> One day maybe, x x x love Elektra


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Yo, you know funnily enough on the same day you posted that I was

round at my friend Sophie's house, and she gave me some herbal tea

and gojiberries. Yum! She also had an enormous consignment of small

cactus plants, some of which I had never seen before. She was given

them by a pair of shamans called Tiwi and Lucifer. When I heard that

name I just thought... chill, it doesnt mean anything. I don't want

to get wrapped up in all that dualistic paranoid christian B.S. I'd

rather just give it a wide berth, and accept, and equally reject,

everything from a taoist perspective.

Love n hugs, El Japo


, " johndplumber "

<jaganath wrote:


> Dear Electra

> Search from the esword program showed only on finding on Lucifer.

> {Free from esword.com)

> It seems to me that Lucifer might pertain to the morning

> star " Venus " ?


> Isa 14:12 How349 art thou fallen5307 from heaven,4480, 8064 O

> Lucifer,1966 son1121 of the morning!7837 how art thou cut down1438

> to the ground,776 which didst weaken2522, 5921 the nations!1471



> Hebrew Roots and meaing of the word Lucifer

> H1966

> äéìì

> he & #770;yle & #770;l

> hay-lale'

> From H1984 (in the sense of brightness); the morning star: -


> John M.


> Re: lucifer


> Hi list,


> I had an experience I'd like to share and discuss.


> I've had the name Lucifer in my mind lately and a

> feeling of love for this angel. I do not believe in

> Satan and I am not a Christian.

> But, I believe in Angels. Seeing Lucifer is the Angel

> of light he must be pretty special. But, within the

> light is the seed of darkness, could this be why

> Lucifer has been scape goat for the darkness we have

> endured by choice?


> so, not to be one who fears anything, I began praying

> to this Angel of light.


> I later sat on a beach in Hong Kong watching the

> sunset with my husband and decided to tell him of my

> latest idea, as I finished and said Lucifers name out

> loud, a burst of orange light, like fire , filled the

> clouds and the sky. It was Lucifer I feel.


> I'm all about breaking down old paradigms, what do you

> think and feel about this?


> Much love Elektra.Fire x x x


> , Elektra Fire

> <elektra.fire@> wrote:

> >

> > Hi list,

> >

> > I had an experience I'd like to share and discuss.

> >

> > I've had the name Lucifer in my mind lately and a

> > feeling of love for this angel. I do not believe in

> > Satan and I am not a Christian.

> > But, I believe in Angels. Seeing Lucifer is the Angel

> > of light he must be pretty special. But, within the

> > light is the seed of darkness, could this be why

> > Lucifer has been scape goat for the darkness we have

> > endured by choice?

> >

> > so, not to be one who fears anything, I began praying

> > to this Angel of light.

> >

> > I later sat on a beach in Hong Kong watching the

> > sunset with my husband and decided to tell him of my

> > latest idea, as I finished and said Lucifers name out

> > loud, a burst of orange light, like fire , filled the

> > clouds and the sky. It was Lucifer I feel.

> >

> > I'm all about breaking down old paradigms, what do you

> > think and feel about this?

> >

> > Much love Elektra.Fire x x x

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > _________

> > Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide

> with voicemail http://uk.messenger.

> >


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Hi John,

Sounds like my kind of dream, I love startrek and

anything sciencefiction.

I would love to learn to astral project at will, and

come with you one day on a short trip....

Can I wear a startrek uniform in astral space?


Much love Elektra x x x



--- John Mathieson <jaganath wrote:


> Electra


> Venus I was told once is the planet of the third

> initiation where as one

> is tested on the overcoming the fear of death.

> Maybe it is why Lucifer

> is thought of a being of negative character I

> remember being in a

> futuristic battle against what seemed to be aliens,

> we were shooting








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Thankyou Brian, Your knowledge is a blessing here,

always taking the time to share with us all, bless u.

I am really enjoying learning these new things, thanks


Off to DJ now in Changsha, China. Looking forward to

bringing the light in!!!

Have a great day or night, which ever it may be.

Love u Elektra x x x



--- a_seventh_son <a_seventh_son wrote:


> hi elektra,

> Lucifer is the light-bringer, the LVX-XEPER or word

> of light, if you

> will. " Lightbringer " is actually what the " name "

> means. The

> firstborn son and seventh Logos, highest and best,

> which biblically is

> depicted as " falling " due to pride. certain

> traditions hold that this

> 'fall' is into incarnation, this implying that the

> highest principle

> is forced (because it is totally lawful but by this

> action appears

> rebellious) to incarnate itself, in certain

> circumstances. pure

> spirit would 'rebel' or struggle against ANY kind of

> existence, since

> (to the spiritual principle or being-in-itself) all

> existence is but

> an epiphenomenon of ego (i.e. is due to ahamkara)

> and thus, is

> imperfect because seperate or singular, however

> impressive or powerful

> it may appear.


> hope this sheds some light on the subject matter.

> -brian


> --- In

> ,

> Elektra Fire

> <elektra.fire wrote:

> >

> > Thankyou John,

> > Very informative , as always, so helpful and full

> of

> > juicy nuggets of knowledge.... :)

> > It makes sense to me, Venus is my ruling planet

> and

> > Mars and Venus were dancing together in the skies

> > around the time I began to feel this love for

> Lucifer

> > (the name is so beautiful I feel).

> > Unfortunately , in todays society, calling your

> son

> > Lucifer may not do him the best for his future

> > interactions... hee hee.

> > One day maybe, x x x love Elektra


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Samskaras go way back to when before Noah was a boy In those times

the ruling classes used fear though the emotional plane to enslave

there subjects, The samscaras are still there and it is very

predominate in the lower emotional bodies. These samskaras are still

used by religious and socio-political organizations as a lever to

control the masses to do there bidding.

When the kundalini begins to manifest these samskara's also arise

with it, this is why tantrics awaken the kundalini in there young at


They saktipat there child and give it a follow up shaktipat at five.

the child has not got all the problems of dissolving all the

thoughts gained in society, Another thing they will do to the child

when it becomes about seven years old, is they will begin teaching

it yoga in order to keep the pineal gland stimulated there by

slowing down the rate of sexual development until they at an age

where as they can experience sex with emotional control by giving

that time to develop first. This gives the child a good start in

life because when they are adult at 21 they can choose to do the

third awakening their selves. This is the path of the dwij, or new

world server, the future race of mankind. We are the seeds of that

race if we choose to remain responsive in removing the dogma and the

fears and guilt associated to it. Because when we remove the

samskaras from our being we are not only doing it for ourselves and

each other, we are doing it for the future generations.

John M.


, " James "

<milliondegrees wrote:


> Yo, you know funnily enough on the same day you posted that I was

> round at my friend Sophie's house, and she gave me some herbal tea

> and gojiberries. Yum! She also had an enormous consignment of


> cactus plants, some of which I had never seen before. She was


> them by a pair of shamans called Tiwi and Lucifer. When I heard


> name I just thought... chill, it doesnt mean anything. I don't


> to get wrapped up in all that dualistic paranoid christian B.S.


> rather just give it a wide berth, and accept, and equally reject,

> everything from a taoist perspective.

> Love n hugs, El Japo


> Kundalini-Awakening-Systems-

1 , " johndplumber "

> <jaganath@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Electra

> > Search from the esword program showed only on finding on


> > {Free from esword.com)

> > It seems to me that Lucifer might pertain to the morning

> > star " Venus " ?

> >

> > Isa 14:12 How349 art thou fallen5307 from heaven,4480, 8064 O

> > Lucifer,1966 son1121 of the morning!7837 how art thou cut


> > to the ground,776 which didst weaken2522, 5921 the nations!1471

> >

> >

> > Hebrew Roots and meaing of the word Lucifer

> > H1966

> > äéìì

> > he & #770;yle & #770;l

> > hay-lale'

> > From H1984 (in the sense of brightness); the morning star: -

> lucifer.

> > John M.

> >

> > Re: lucifer

> >

> > Hi list,

> >

> > I had an experience I'd like to share and discuss.

> >

> > I've had the name Lucifer in my mind lately and a

> > feeling of love for this angel. I do not believe in

> > Satan and I am not a Christian.

> > But, I believe in Angels. Seeing Lucifer is the Angel

> > of light he must be pretty special. But, within the

> > light is the seed of darkness, could this be why

> > Lucifer has been scape goat for the darkness we have

> > endured by choice?

> >

> > so, not to be one who fears anything, I began praying

> > to this Angel of light.

> >

> > I later sat on a beach in Hong Kong watching the

> > sunset with my husband and decided to tell him of my

> > latest idea, as I finished and said Lucifers name out

> > loud, a burst of orange light, like fire , filled the

> > clouds and the sky. It was Lucifer I feel.

> >

> > I'm all about breaking down old paradigms, what do you

> > think and feel about this?

> >

> > Much love Elektra.Fire x x x

> >

> > , Elektra


> > <elektra.fire@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Hi list,

> > >

> > > I had an experience I'd like to share and discuss.

> > >

> > > I've had the name Lucifer in my mind lately and a

> > > feeling of love for this angel. I do not believe in

> > > Satan and I am not a Christian.

> > > But, I believe in Angels. Seeing Lucifer is the Angel

> > > of light he must be pretty special. But, within the

> > > light is the seed of darkness, could this be why

> > > Lucifer has been scape goat for the darkness we have

> > > endured by choice?

> > >

> > > so, not to be one who fears anything, I began praying

> > > to this Angel of light.

> > >

> > > I later sat on a beach in Hong Kong watching the

> > > sunset with my husband and decided to tell him of my

> > > latest idea, as I finished and said Lucifers name out

> > > loud, a burst of orange light, like fire , filled the

> > > clouds and the sky. It was Lucifer I feel.

> > >

> > > I'm all about breaking down old paradigms, what do you

> > > think and feel about this?

> > >

> > > Much love Elektra.Fire x x x

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > _________

> > > Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling


> > with voicemail http://uk.messenger.

> > >

> >


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Wow John M Thanks a lot that post really spoke to me, I don't know if

that was a direct reply to my post or you were just sensing my

condition. But that really made a huge amount of sense to me... I'm

really touched. I have felt conscious of these " fear pangs " or guilt

pangs throughout my life and really rejected them. I felt like this

culture was really denying freedom to everyone contained within it.

These fear responses are obviously unnaturally amplified in some way.

I still have a lot to learn... where did you learn about the dwij?

All thanks,





, " johndplumber "

<jaganath wrote:


> Samskaras go way back to when before Noah was a boy In those times

> the ruling classes used fear though the emotional plane to enslave

> there subjects, The samscaras are still there and it is very

> predominate in the lower emotional bodies. These samskaras are


> used by religious and socio-political organizations as a lever to

> control the masses to do there bidding.

> When the kundalini begins to manifest these samskara's also arise

> with it, this is why tantrics awaken the kundalini in there young


> birth,

> They saktipat there child and give it a follow up shaktipat at five.

> the child has not got all the problems of dissolving all the

> thoughts gained in society, Another thing they will do to the child

> when it becomes about seven years old, is they will begin teaching

> it yoga in order to keep the pineal gland stimulated there by

> slowing down the rate of sexual development until they at an age

> where as they can experience sex with emotional control by giving

> that time to develop first. This gives the child a good start in

> life because when they are adult at 21 they can choose to do the

> third awakening their selves. This is the path of the dwij, or new

> world server, the future race of mankind. We are the seeds of that

> race if we choose to remain responsive in removing the dogma and


> fears and guilt associated to it. Because when we remove the

> samskaras from our being we are not only doing it for ourselves and

> each other, we are doing it for the future generations.

> John M.


> , " James "

> <milliondegrees@> wrote:

> >

> > Yo, you know funnily enough on the same day you posted that I was

> > round at my friend Sophie's house, and she gave me some herbal


> > and gojiberries. Yum! She also had an enormous consignment of

> small

> > cactus plants, some of which I had never seen before. She was

> given

> > them by a pair of shamans called Tiwi and Lucifer. When I heard

> that

> > name I just thought... chill, it doesnt mean anything. I don't

> want

> > to get wrapped up in all that dualistic paranoid christian B.S.

> I'd

> > rather just give it a wide berth, and accept, and equally reject,

> > everything from a taoist perspective.

> > Love n hugs, El Japo

> >

> > Kundalini-Awakening-Systems-

> 1 , " johndplumber "

> > <jaganath@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Electra

> > > Search from the esword program showed only on finding on

> Lucifer.

> > > {Free from esword.com)

> > > It seems to me that Lucifer might pertain to the morning

> > > star " Venus " ?

> > >

> > > Isa 14:12 How349 art thou fallen5307 from heaven,4480, 8064 O

> > > Lucifer,1966 son1121 of the morning!7837 how art thou cut

> down1438

> > > to the ground,776 which didst weaken2522, 5921 the nations!1471

> > >

> > >

> > > Hebrew Roots and meaing of the word Lucifer

> > > H1966

> > > äéìì

> > > he & #770;yle & #770;l

> > > hay-lale'

> > > From H1984 (in the sense of brightness); the morning star: -

> > lucifer.

> > > John M.

> > >

> > > Re: lucifer

> > >

> > > Hi list,

> > >

> > > I had an experience I'd like to share and discuss.

> > >

> > > I've had the name Lucifer in my mind lately and a

> > > feeling of love for this angel. I do not believe in

> > > Satan and I am not a Christian.

> > > But, I believe in Angels. Seeing Lucifer is the Angel

> > > of light he must be pretty special. But, within the

> > > light is the seed of darkness, could this be why

> > > Lucifer has been scape goat for the darkness we have

> > > endured by choice?

> > >

> > > so, not to be one who fears anything, I began praying

> > > to this Angel of light.

> > >

> > > I later sat on a beach in Hong Kong watching the

> > > sunset with my husband and decided to tell him of my

> > > latest idea, as I finished and said Lucifers name out

> > > loud, a burst of orange light, like fire , filled the

> > > clouds and the sky. It was Lucifer I feel.

> > >

> > > I'm all about breaking down old paradigms, what do you

> > > think and feel about this?

> > >

> > > Much love Elektra.Fire x x x

> > >

> > > , Elektra

> Fire

> > > <elektra.fire@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Hi list,

> > > >

> > > > I had an experience I'd like to share and discuss.

> > > >

> > > > I've had the name Lucifer in my mind lately and a

> > > > feeling of love for this angel. I do not believe in

> > > > Satan and I am not a Christian.

> > > > But, I believe in Angels. Seeing Lucifer is the Angel

> > > > of light he must be pretty special. But, within the

> > > > light is the seed of darkness, could this be why

> > > > Lucifer has been scape goat for the darkness we have

> > > > endured by choice?

> > > >

> > > > so, not to be one who fears anything, I began praying

> > > > to this Angel of light.

> > > >

> > > > I later sat on a beach in Hong Kong watching the

> > > > sunset with my husband and decided to tell him of my

> > > > latest idea, as I finished and said Lucifers name out

> > > > loud, a burst of orange light, like fire , filled the

> > > > clouds and the sky. It was Lucifer I feel.

> > > >

> > > > I'm all about breaking down old paradigms, what do you

> > > > think and feel about this?

> > > >

> > > > Much love Elektra.Fire x x x

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > _________

> > > > Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling

> worldwide

> > > with voicemail http://uk.messenger.

> > > >

> > >

> >


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fascinating, John...


> Samskaras go way back to when before Noah was a boy In those times

> the ruling classes used fear though the emotional plane to enslave

no doubt. Rosicrucian tradition (see Max Heindel, The Rosicrucian

Cosmo-conception) notes that the 'goal' of antediluvian times was the

development of the emotional body, which was as-yet nascent - true or

not, it's definitely suggestive.


> The samscaras are still there and it is very

> predominate in the lower emotional bodies.

yes, the emotional programming is buried quite deeply in our

evolutionary past as well, it engages very old, very pre-rational

parts of the brain. society sets itself up as the arbiter of pain and

pleasure, this foundation is the basis of all later conditioning.


> Another thing they will do to the child

> when it becomes about seven years old, is they will begin

> teaching it yoga in order to keep the pineal gland stimulated

> there by slowing down the rate of sexual development

yes, exploiting this development (in all ages, we are equal

opportunity exploiters) is a pivotal part of the social program, as

well as ensuring the cycle of consumption as well as the power

dynamic. upset these and 'society' collapses, this is the

establishment's greatest fear, particularly among the plutocrats.


> Because when we remove the samskaras from our being we are not

> only doing it for ourselves and each other, we are doing it for

> the future generations.

yes, these survival programs have outlived their usefulness and need

to be extinguished before we are.



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thank you for your kind words. I hope that mine do not lead you or

anyone else down dark paths; I believe that anyone who bothers to do

their own research and approaches it with an open mind will find the

same things if they persist in understanding... but as always, I'm far

from infallible.


best wishes on your DJ gig, hope you had a good time with it


, Elektra Fire

<elektra.fire wrote:


> Thankyou Brian, Your knowledge is a blessing here,

> always taking the time to share with us all, bless u.

> I am really enjoying learning these new things, thanks

> again.

> Off to DJ now in Changsha, China. Looking forward to

> bringing the light in!!!

> Have a great day or night, which ever it may be.

> Love u Elektra x x x

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Re: lucifer


Thank you for reading into and posting your comments. However I

wonder that the true plutocrats may only consist of 100 beings if

that. I am not going to call them people or persons as I have not

met one, they may only be astralised thought forms

I have heard about them and it seems the philosophy is anti

evolutionary in that they wish to follow there god head to back

where they was created. Most people long and want utopia or a heaven

on earth, however the thought form the plutocrats create, have had a

very powerful and negative effect on the sub stratum levels of

consciousness. These thought forms exhibit all the facilities of

freedom and sovereignty wealth and power which effect inspiring men

to think it's a valid interpretation of natural justice to follow

there path there fore the way to go. It puts men under pressure of

being double minded in thinking. It also burns many men to think

that there is no real happiness in life which causes distrust hate

and greed.

It is only when men see glamour for what it truly is and it has no

effect on them either way in they will accept only what they need

and give what ever they deem just value for giving. That we will see

beyond our misgivings and self denials. It is then any chance of a

future utopia will precede the plutocrats, in that the bourdon is on

our shoulders to get our heads together. It is not there fault nor

do I think it concerns them what we do. They may even be happy that

we finally work out in our head what we really want in that we don't

interfere against them. Maybe then the parallel evolutions in

opposite directions may well exist in harmony.

It is fascinating, I know where I get half this shit I don't know

where I get the other half of good stuff from. May be its all an

expression of just a higher imagination in the process of creation

than just my small figment or point of view.

John M.



1 , " a_seventh_son " <a_seventh_son wrote:


> fascinating, John...


> > Samskaras go way back to when before Noah was a boy In those


> > the ruling classes used fear though the emotional plane to


> no doubt. Rosicrucian tradition (see Max Heindel, The Rosicrucian

> Cosmo-conception) notes that the 'goal' of antediluvian times was


> development of the emotional body, which was as-yet nascent - true


> not, it's definitely suggestive.


> > The samscaras are still there and it is very

> > predominate in the lower emotional bodies.

> yes, the emotional programming is buried quite deeply in our

> evolutionary past as well, it engages very old, very pre-rational

> parts of the brain. society sets itself up as the arbiter of pain


> pleasure, this foundation is the basis of all later conditioning.


> > Another thing they will do to the child

> > when it becomes about seven years old, is they will begin

> > teaching it yoga in order to keep the pineal gland stimulated

> > there by slowing down the rate of sexual development

> yes, exploiting this development (in all ages, we are equal

> opportunity exploiters) is a pivotal part of the social program, as

> well as ensuring the cycle of consumption as well as the power

> dynamic. upset these and 'society' collapses, this is the

> establishment's greatest fear, particularly among the plutocrats.


> > Because when we remove the samskaras from our being we are not

> > only doing it for ourselves and each other, we are doing it for

> > the future generations.

> yes, these survival programs have outlived their usefulness and


> to be extinguished before we are.


> -brian


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Hi Brian,

When it comes to study, I'm more a life is my teacher

kind of Gal, I'm not such a bookworm or researcher. I

like to let truth come to me, and then feel it in my

heart, if it feels good I'll enjoy pondering on it, if

not, I enjoy reading it anyway, as all knowledge is

worthy of something.


Just a little insight into the way my brain works,

very right brained. Even though my logical side is

kicking in more and more recently, probably becoming

more intergrated.


Much love Brian, Elektra x x x



--- a_seventh_son <a_seventh_son wrote:


> thank you for your kind words. I hope that mine do

> not lead you or

> anyone else down dark paths; I believe that anyone

> who bothers to do

> their own research and approaches it with an open

> mind will find the

> same things if they persist in understanding... but

> as always, I'm far

> from infallible.


> best wishes on your DJ gig, hope you had a good time

> with it

> -brian

> --- In

> ,

> Elektra Fire

> <elektra.fire wrote:

> >

> > Thankyou Brian, Your knowledge is a blessing here,

> > always taking the time to share with us all, bless

> u.

> > I am really enjoying learning these new things,

> thanks

> > again.

> > Off to DJ now in Changsha, China. Looking forward

> to

> > bringing the light in!!!

> > Have a great day or night, which ever it may be.

> > Love u Elektra x x x


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Me too. I do not want to wonder, especially with the K, if an experience is a reflection of something I have read, but love to research and see if others have experienced what I have after the fact.




--The high destiny of the individual is to serve rather than rule-Albert Einstein


-------------- Original message -------------- Elektra Fire <elektra.fire


Hi Brian,When it comes to study, I'm more a life is my teacherkind of Gal, I'm not such a bookworm or researcher. Ilike to let truth come to me, and then feel it in myheart, if it feels good I'll enjoy pondering on it, ifnot, I enjoy reading it anyway, as all knowledge isworthy of something.Just a little insight into the way my brain works,very right brained. Even though my logical side iskicking in more and more recently, probably becomingmore intergrated.Much love Brian, Elektra x x x--- a_seventh_son <a_seventh_son > wrote:> thank you for your kind words. I hope that mine do> not lead you or> anyone else down dark paths; I believe that anyone> who bothers to do> their own research and approaches it with an open> mind will find the> same things if they persist in understanding... but> as always, I'm far> from infallible.> > best wishes on your DJ gig, hope you had a good time> with it> -brian> --- In> ,> Elektra Fire> <elektra.fire wrote:> >> > Thankyou Brian, Your knowledge is a blessing here,> > always taking the time to share with us all, bless> u.> > I am really enjoying learning these new things,> thanks> > again.> > Off to DJ now in Changsha, China. Looking forward> to> > bringing the light in!!!> > Have a great day or night, which ever it may be.> > Love u Elektra x x x> > > > > > >

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intellect can only take you so far, but so can intuition. I love the

music of Thelonius Monk, it is brilliantly complex, improvisational,

yet Monk had no schooling in piano, knew little to nothing of the

music theory that provided the structures of all his works, nor the

acoustic physics responsible for the sound. he learned only by

experience and practice, so he could be a great artist but could never

be a sound engineer nor music theorist; some are able to integrate

the two perspectives without losing the essential quality of either.

" real " research is intuitive but can always be confirmed by theory or

it can produce them.





, Elektra Fire

<elektra.fire wrote:


> Hi Brian,

> When it comes to study, I'm more a life is my teacher

> kind of Gal, I'm not such a bookworm or researcher. I

> like to let truth come to me, and then feel it in my

> heart, if it feels good I'll enjoy pondering on it, if

> not, I enjoy reading it anyway, as all knowledge is

> worthy of something.


> Just a little insight into the way my brain works,

> very right brained. Even though my logical side is

> kicking in more and more recently, probably becoming

> more intergrated.


> Much love Brian, Elektra x x x

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Yeah Monk rules. He can play like two notes and say everything with

just two notes, because, I feel, he has no pretension to fulfill. He

just kind of plays how he feels. Inspirational. Bless up.



1 , " a_seventh_son " <a_seventh_son wrote:


> intellect can only take you so far, but so can intuition. I love


> music of Thelonius Monk, it is brilliantly complex,


> yet Monk had no schooling in piano, knew little to nothing of the

> music theory that provided the structures of all his works, nor the

> acoustic physics responsible for the sound. he learned only by

> experience and practice, so he could be a great artist but could


> be a sound engineer nor music theorist; some are able to integrate

> the two perspectives without losing the essential quality of


> " real " research is intuitive but can always be confirmed by theory


> it can produce them.


> cheers,

> -brian


> , Elektra Fire

> <elektra.fire@> wrote:

> >

> > Hi Brian,

> > When it comes to study, I'm more a life is my teacher

> > kind of Gal, I'm not such a bookworm or researcher. I

> > like to let truth come to me, and then feel it in my

> > heart, if it feels good I'll enjoy pondering on it, if

> > not, I enjoy reading it anyway, as all knowledge is

> > worthy of something.

> >

> > Just a little insight into the way my brain works,

> > very right brained. Even though my logical side is

> > kicking in more and more recently, probably becoming

> > more intergrated.

> >

> > Much love Brian, Elektra x x x


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hi John, I've been wanting to get back to you but have stopped and

started several messages without success, one due to a computer lockup

(I wouldn't read too much into it), so here goes trial three:


> However I wonder that the true plutocrats may only consist

> of 100 beings if that. I am not going to call them people

> or persons as I have not met one, they may only be

> astralised thought forms

very interesting; yes, indeed. or rather, if they are the top of the

pyramid/food chain, these are the " silent directors " or controllers,

with a hierarchy unfolded beneath them - " taking orders " as it were.


> I have heard about them and it seems the philosophy is anti

> evolutionary in that they wish to follow there god head to back

> where they was created.

yes; though I wouldn't say " anti-evolutionary " , insofar as these

beings are not striving against physical evolution itself, just beings

working from it to the degree necessary to remove that peculiar

'impediment' from their objective. then there are also the

'preservers' who benefit handsomely from the established order - while

those you describe view it with equal disdain if it becomes an

obstacle to their advancement.


> Most people long and want utopia or a heaven

> on earth, however the thought form the plutocrats create,

> have had a very powerful and negative effect on the sub stratum

> levels of consciousness.

I would have to agree here. and yes their philosophy of absolute

materialism ends in paralysis of the higher faculties as well as

invoking much psychological distress due to its inherent irrationality

- an irrationality which the intellect does its best to cover up, so

long as the unconscious psyche still governs its actions. nature uses

means fair or foul and thus looking to it for examples of justice is

bound to failure from the very inception of the idea - nature is

equilibriating but NOT just by any means or measure of judgment.


> It is only when men see glamour for what it truly is and it

> has no effect on them either way in they will accept only what

> they need and give what ever they deem just value for giving.

perhaps; but for the true materialist, there is nothing beyond that

glamour, so there is really no point nor incentive to do anything but

sustain, increase, and profit from, the illusion.


> It is not there fault nor do I think it concerns them what we do.

agreed. no, I think it is another order of being, and one quite

different from us, with substantially different needs and goals.


> They may even be happy that we finally work out in our head

> what we really want in that we don't interfere against them.

definitely. and will happily assist in anything which aids their

cause - yet they are still of the 'natural order' but of an invisible

or subtle sort, a parallel evolution as you say. traditionally

theosophy has referred to them since the 19th century as the Deva

kingdom, while the magi of the Near East would call them 'genii', the

daemons of the Greeks, spirits of the stars to the Babylonian astrolators.


> It is fascinating, I know where I get half this shit I don't

> know where I get the other half of good stuff from.

:-) it may all be beamed in with satellites, who really knows.

nonetheless it makes for some good storytelling, doesn't it?




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Wow Brian

Thanks it does make a good story.

Loll I forgot I posted that, though your comments do complement it

very much :-)

I had many questions about this years ago and I would be picking at

my teachers mind all the time, He told me there were about 12 of

these entities in China a couple or so in Rome they are mostly

scattered all over the place. He told me how many there could be

possibly in the world but I can't remember it was a long time ago

and I don't think he wanted me to be too concerned about it. It is

what props the underworld of the mafia etcetera, etcetera. Once we

begin to awaken the heart the dark nature has a lesser and lesser

effect because as we become more so adapt at holding he awareness in

focus of the mind. Then glamour has a progressively a lesser effect

until there is love and that is all there is. In the case of smart

people that is all they want,to them it is the only true value of

worth. If during the great depression of the late 20s early thirties

and people pitched in and helped one another through creating barter

systems or small communities we might not have the slave money

system we have now, we might not have the city or country

infrastructure we have either though we may well be happier and free

with only the need to work and toil for only one day a week on



I have heard it said that at present there is a quickening what I

believe is that people are getting smarter. People should only need

to work one day a week for food. Only most of the rest of the

earnings goes into taxes and what ever is left goes in to glamour.

Yet there are the unemployed who dont get so much of a chance to

move energy. So how I look at it people need to do karma yoga to

evolve, and of cause karma means love. People believe what they are

doing is important and it is, though it is only a means to an end.

Once the heart centre is opening they only wish to express

irrepressible energy, that is what they call bhakti yoga. Any how

that's my take on it. I think the rest is in the imagination. Or

else we would all be sovereign and live without fear within growing

knowledge of the creators presence through the kundaini.

Much love to you Brian.

John M.



1 , " a_seventh_son " <a_seventh_son wrote:


> hi John, I've been wanting to get back to you but have stopped and

> started several messages without success, one due to a computer


> (I wouldn't read too much into it), so here goes trial three:


> > However I wonder that the true plutocrats may only consist

> > of 100 beings if that. I am not going to call them people

> > or persons as I have not met one, they may only be

> > astralised thought forms

> very interesting; yes, indeed. or rather, if they are the top of


> pyramid/food chain, these are the " silent directors " or


> with a hierarchy unfolded beneath them - " taking orders " as it



> > I have heard about them and it seems the philosophy is anti

> > evolutionary in that they wish to follow there god head to back

> > where they was created.

> yes; though I wouldn't say " anti-evolutionary " , insofar as these

> beings are not striving against physical evolution itself, just


> working from it to the degree necessary to remove that peculiar

> 'impediment' from their objective. then there are also the

> 'preservers' who benefit handsomely from the established order -


> those you describe view it with equal disdain if it becomes an

> obstacle to their advancement.


> > Most people long and want utopia or a heaven

> > on earth, however the thought form the plutocrats create,

> > have had a very powerful and negative effect on the sub stratum

> > levels of consciousness.

> I would have to agree here. and yes their philosophy of absolute

> materialism ends in paralysis of the higher faculties as well as

> invoking much psychological distress due to its inherent


> - an irrationality which the intellect does its best to cover up,


> long as the unconscious psyche still governs its actions. nature


> means fair or foul and thus looking to it for examples of justice


> bound to failure from the very inception of the idea - nature is

> equilibriating but NOT just by any means or measure of judgment.


> > It is only when men see glamour for what it truly is and it

> > has no effect on them either way in they will accept only what

> > they need and give what ever they deem just value for giving.

> perhaps; but for the true materialist, there is nothing beyond that

> glamour, so there is really no point nor incentive to do anything


> sustain, increase, and profit from, the illusion.


> > It is not there fault nor do I think it concerns them what we do.

> agreed. no, I think it is another order of being, and one quite

> different from us, with substantially different needs and goals.


> > They may even be happy that we finally work out in our head

> > what we really want in that we don't interfere against them.

> definitely. and will happily assist in anything which aids their

> cause - yet they are still of the 'natural order' but of an


> or subtle sort, a parallel evolution as you say. traditionally

> theosophy has referred to them since the 19th century as the Deva

> kingdom, while the magi of the Near East would call them 'genii',


> daemons of the Greeks, spirits of the stars to the Babylonian



> > It is fascinating, I know where I get half this shit I don't

> > know where I get the other half of good stuff from.

> :-) it may all be beamed in with satellites, who really knows.

> nonetheless it makes for some good storytelling, doesn't it?


> cheers,

> -brian


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