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K Diet

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Hey there K-ers,

Love and light up 2 u all.


I have decided to kick macrobiotics. It is WAY depressing!! :D

I plan to follow an intuitional vegetarian diet, based on my

experience and intuition and learning. I have been eating yoghurt,

raw eggs and cheese again for the first time in about a year, and I

feel GREAT! I even had some anchovies and a deer burger this week,

although I am not planning on making meat a regular thing unless the

old head and four limbs tells me to.

I am gonna follow the rule of separating protein (animal and nuts

and pulses) from grains (millet, quinoa, wheat, breads, rice, pasta

etc), but combining either of these groups with various vegetables.

And eating fruit separately from everything else, which I usually

do. Does this sound reasonable? Anyone have anything else to add...?

Sorry I know there was a similar post recently sorry to be same-y. I

am a very fussy eater (cos I care about the K and my spirit!!) so

just wanna make sure... Chris I remember you mentioned gojiberries,

which have super large amounts of vit C, which apparently is super

important in maintaining the quality of the spinal fluid. There are

lots of " superfoods " such as hemp, bee pollen, macca on the market

today, especially where I am in Brighton which is a bit of a hippy

town, so lots to experiment with. I've heard that honey and treacle

are very good, as are blueberries and bilberries.

Aum shanti - Japo Spesh x x x

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I know I also read to not mix Fats with your Proteins. You mix them with

your carbs.

Good luck on this, I am also doing this food combining approach.






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Hello Japo,

Yes the intuitional diet is the best. The Kundalini will give

you very clear instructions on what it is you are to eat so do your best to pay

attention. Red meat is often on the menu, so don't be shy to eat it as the

nutrients are needed for the changes in the neural structures to occur. -







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dear chrism and all... the only red meat i can really enjoy are buffalo burgers.

they taste

great and i've been told that the buffalo generously offer themselves to the


with love. (along with fish and chicken)


-steve f

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