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and Group -Yogic Numerology?

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Chrism and group:

Is this of any real significance?


I found a Kundalini book with numerolgy based on birthdates.


My " Gift " is the Pranic Body. (That's what I am known for!) :)

My Karma and Destiny are the Subtle Body.

My Soul and Path number are " Embodiment " .


You thoughts on this are most appreciated!

:) :) :)






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I'm trying this one more time:

Does anyone have any views on this at all?

I'm asking for opinions-not mandates!





stephen condrey

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 8:12 PM

and Group -Yogic Numerology?




and group:

Is this of any real significance?


I found a Kundalini book with numerolgy based on birthdates.


My " Gift " is the Pranic Body. (That's what I am known for!) :)

My Karma and Destiny are the Subtle Body.

My Soul and Path number are " Embodiment " .


You thoughts on this are most appreciated!

:) :) :)



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I know nothing about numerology except that I have always enjoyed

numbers (I think imaginary numbers are particularly intriguing). I

lost a bit of interest at the stage of very advanced differential

calculus(was playing Mechanical Engineer for 10 or so years.)


I moved a little bit away from the logical when a friend of mine

(while we were discussing relationships) told me I was much too

logical when trying to make decisions about illogical situations.

That rang my bell.


Numerology may be a way to make the logical " numbers " illogically

intuitive. ?? : )


Numbers are just one more way to try to discribe the world we find

ourselves in. Very useful at times. Use it if it works for you and

you feel the " fit " .





, " stephen

condrey " <stephencondrey wrote:


> I'm trying this one more time:

> Does anyone have any views on this at all?

> I'm asking for opinions-not mandates!

> Thanks!

> :)

> Stephen

> -

> stephen condrey


> Tuesday, July 18, 2006 8:12 PM

> and Group -Yogic





> and group:

> Is this of any real significance?


> I found a Kundalini book with numerolgy based on birthdates.


> My " Gift " is the Pranic Body. (That's what I am known for!) :)

> My Karma and Destiny are the Subtle Body.

> My Soul and Path number are " Embodiment " .


> You thoughts on this are most appreciated!

> :) :) :)

> Stephen



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I myself have not heard of this and I looked it up on the web. It looks

very interesting to me and so I tried it too, to see what I came up with :)

We can at the bottom to get the results of our number.

I believe it points out your weaker sides as well as the positive

ones.I'd thought I would share this, thanks Stephen :)




/KY numerology analysing your birthdate/


























Soul Number


Gift Number


Day of Birth. Represents link with soul. If it functions well, then

under stress you will be able to connect with your soul. Internal

harmony and peace. The soul is normally the weak link in finding your

true self. Your soul body is your creative energy. Let the heart rule

the head (Shakti Pad). Last two digits of birth year. Gods gift to

you in this lifetime. A quality or strength that can be relied on to

work effortless for you. Problem if you dont accept it. When you accept

it, the gift can go directly to the soul and you will express yourself

positively. (Sahaj Pad).


Karma Number


Destiny Number


Month of birth. Karma is your external conflict in the world. When

working you will be in harmony with external environment and

relationships. First harmonise external. With dharma (positive

direction) no karma (Karam Pad). Year of birth. How people see you

in society and what they look to you for. Something you have done for

many lifetimes. Can be good of bad but usually a talent or quality that

people will see in you. (Saram Pad).



Path Number


Complete birth date. Fulfilment - life purpose (divinity). Use key

quality as touchstone. (Sat Pad).


Reduce every number to a number below 12, by adding the digits. For

examples see the table below/:/


Birthdate Soul Number Karma Number Gift Number Destiny Number Path


November 25, 1946




4+6=*10* 1+9+4+6=20=2+0=*2* 2+5+1+1+1+9+4+6=29=2+9=*11*

August 26, 1929 2+6=*8* *8* 2+9=*11* 1+9+2+9=21=2+1=*3*


September 9, 1954 *9* *9* 5+4=*9* 1+9+5+4=19=1+9=*10*


November 11, 1947 *11* *11* 4+7=*11* 1+9+4+7=21=2+1=*3*


November 29, 1947 *11* *11* 4+7=*11* 1+9+4+7=21=2+1=*3*


June 29, 1956 2+9=*11* *6* 5+6=*11* 1+9+5+6=21=2+1=*3*



///The five Numbers



///Results <http://www.pinklotus.org/-%20KY%20numerology%20Results.htm>








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Hello Stephen,

To write a book about the human condition from a

numerological point of view will require that the author is the person that

assigns the standards that will be given each individual form. So if your

birthday is is this then your that sort of thing. Unless there is a large body

of evidence behind it as in some other forms numerology has taken, then I would

not plot my life around it or give it sanction over my own intuition.


Remember The Julian Calender is not the most accurate. The Mayans have a

better one. So if they are plotting with that then what do they use for the

corrections? The whole idea of time as a correlation for describing human

characteristic and also star or celestial alignments will at first fall upon

another human to form the interpretive pattern. Does your intuition tell you

this is correct about you Stephen?


I do feel that mathematics is a form of language. I do feel that certain

numerology's have consistency and relevance, like the law of threes. I do not

know of this Kundalini book or its authors. Or its forms.


If this is a book designed to deliver a feel good self image because a person

is born at a certain time on a certain day. Well then that's ok . I would

suggest that a person is a unique and beautiful jewel no matter what the aspects

of the birth is though.


Astrology and some numerology's seem to cater to those who need guidance

inside a life and or society that does not resonate or support the alternative

viewpoints. The other questions of life and experience that are not covered. To

use the astrological example. So your born a Pisces with Saturn moon here and a

crossing there and a quincunx ( I love that one) here Which means that you have

proclivities here, here, and there. Well ok. Now what? Have the options life

offers been narrowed down to a more manageable level? Does this mean I don't

have to work as hard at becoming? ie Does it make decisions easier or choices

more obvious? Perhaps it does. Perhaps not. It can still be a crap shoot.


I would trust your intuitive instincts on this Stephen. You may find that the

instincts are way ahead of the book and are the reason you were even attracted

to it in the first place. just my take -









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Well, since the layout did not come out at all on this email, just click

on the site at the bottom. Sorry. I will post my results. It's actually

very true of me, and it's a bit unnerving, but accurate. It's right to

say, I don't meditate and I can get lazy too. I push myself hard just to

start the TR and yoga. I must master myself cause I do not want to be in

the negative. Enjoy the read below, I found it interesting....



/The Number 5/


*The 5th Body is the Physical Body and physical things are pretty easy

for someone with a 5 in his numbers. It is easy for a person with a 5 to

push himself physically. He has a strong body and has the ability to

sacrifice. Use what you have to overcome your weaknesses.*



The Fifth Body is represented by Guru Arjun. It represents the Physical

Body but it is also the Teacher number. Guru Arjun had so much physical

control that he sat on the hot plate and chanted Wahe Guru. That was his

example. Guru Arjun represents Self-sacrifice.*



The negative aspect of the number 5 is that these people have a lot of

problems with their physical body. They can't control their physicial

environment at all - it is hard for them to do exercises and it is hard

for them to keep control of their weight. They love to eat and they can

become lazy. They prefer comfort over sacrifice. They are scared to

death to teach.*



A 5 is half God and half Man (half balance).*




The negative aspect of the Fifth Spiritual Body in the Karma position is

manifested in somebody who is self-indulgent and extremely overweight.

In a business situation this person is seen as being self-interested and

self-motivated. After mastery of this body this person will be able to

make sacrifices and will have the willpower to make certain things

happen in his relationships.*




The key word here is Balance. A person with this body out of tune cannot

reach a balance in his internal processes. Rather than going to Solstice

he stays home in his nice, cozy house because he can't make that

sacrifice for his own spiritual growth. He can't push himself out in

front of a class to teach about God because he hasn't reached that

comfortable place within himself. The block to finding his own Soul is

that he doesn't have the ability to sit down and do a meditation for

1000 days. He doesn't have the ability to do an exercise set to get rid

of his obesity or whatever health problem he may be having. His

self-indulgence takes him down the path of self-distruction; whereas a

person who goes through a clearing process for 1000 days and gets in

charge of the Fifth Spiritual Body will have the ability to sacrifice

his own comfort so he can be less angry.*




The number 5 is my Gift: The ability to teach. It has always been easy

for me to teach. As soon as I was in 3HO I was teaching. Teaching has

never been a problem for me; it is like eating breakfast - there is no

hassle to it, in fact, it is quite enjoyable and a very pleasurable

experience. I have always enjoyed helping others learn. To discipline my

physical body bas never been hard either.*




This person will be seen as the personification of God which is what

Guru Arjun represented. He will be seen as someone who can make





This person must become a teacher by example. This is what Guru Arjun

represented - teaching by example. People need to see that this person

lives his example and that he is the personification of what he teaches.

By doing a particular discipline for l000 day's this person can tune

himself to the fact that he has to live what he is teaching. In the

present lifetime this person must teach to feel divine. *








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