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Clearing Entities ~

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I decided to submit my blog entry from last year. This particular

experience defined me and forced me to wake up and focus on myself as a

spiritual being. I studied all I could on my awareness and AP and

entities in hopes of finding answers to the unknown, so I wouldn't

continue to walk into the unknown. Please read and give me your

feedback. This one still holds many question marks for me and was the

strongest experience I have ever had. It explains allot when you say

I/we are magnets for them. I usually don't ask for these experiences,

they appear or come to me.....Thanks.





_*Sunday Night *_


I feel asleep on the couch one night. My mind split was starting its

process, all I can think about is 'okay, here we go again'. I am now

spiritually standing in my living room, turned away from my body. I

decided I will part my hands away (like Moses splitting the sea) and

split the dimensions/realms apart. I did this as if I were a pro, no

thought to it. I know I've done it before. The room filled with luminous

light, it looked as though it was daytime, but I knew I was still asleep

on the couch and it was night. I looked into this realm I opened and

standing only inches from it looking in.

I saw a beautiful city made of light colored stone, almost like Egypt

thousands of years ago. But this place was not Egypt, the buildings

looked ancient and I noticed many tablets in rows, one after the other.

They were tall and thick, bigger than any one person. One tablet zoomed

up close for me to inspect. I have never seen these writings before.

They were a boxed shaped language. Imagine drawing a soft sided box and

within it another part of a box with a design that was beautiful and

made perfect sense, but unable to interpret it.

I felt as if I knew this place and was being shown it for a reason. I

wanted to see more but something intervened.

The window or door started closing, my connection to this realm was

being terminated. I fought hard mentally focused on it to keep the

window open. I was expressing my courage again, had no fear, and

actually slowed the closing process a bit. I was in a losing battle, the

window was closing, but just before the realm completely shut its doors,

an orb or light danced out from within it. It seemed as if the entity

that allowed me access knew another being wanted into my world, hence

the reasoning it wanted to shut the doors. Next time I won't fight it.

I laid back in my body still disconnected. That light or being that

jumped into my world was now on top of me! It pinned me down into my

body and I was unable to think myself out of this situation! She

represented a female entity, very skinny and dark skin and faceless. One

of her fingers was jabbing into my arm, I had a desire to bite her

finger to prevent her from penetrating me, since it appeared I had no

arms or hands to defend myself. She wore a ring on the finger I was

biting which held a dark stone within it. I mentally told her to get off

me and that she did not belong here. I tried to connect with my body but

I believe her 'energy' kept me disconnected.

Expressing no fear, I continued to try and reconnect with my body,

thinking this is ridiculous. I shook my head as a last resort to

reconnect with my body, it started to work a little. The entity still

was determined to keep me in the realm, but luckily I was finally

beginning to win this struggle. I was HALFWAY connected to my body and

still fighting her off. I forced my physical eyes to open and I saw a

residue or holographic image of her on top of me with my naked eyes!

My physical eyes saw her. It was beyond words to express the absolute

realness of this situation.

I told her mentally to go home and that she did not belong here. I was

so upset and excited and confused. It was 2:30A.M. and I didn't know

what to do.

I stayed up for an hour, fearful of going to sleep and also impressed

with myself for never showing any fear while separated from my body. My

right side of my brain throbbed like crazy. It felt as though it were on

fire. I put my fingers on my scalp and indeed it felt hot to the touch.

There was a tingling sensation, like you would get when a limb just woke up.








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