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Surrender to Him and accept His will

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The Teachings of BhagavanSri Ramana Maharshiin His Own WordsCHAPTER ONEGODFollowing the path of devotion, one should leave everythingto God.The Lord bears the burden of the world. Know that thespurious ego which presumes to bear that burden is like asculptured figure at the foot of a temple tower which appears tosustain the tower's weight. Whose fault is it if the traveller, insteadof putting his luggage in the cart which bears the load anyway,carries it on his head, to his own inconvenience? 1There cannot even be impatience for speedy realisation. Toone who was so afflicted, he replied:Surrender to Him and accept His will whether He appearsor vanishes. Await His pleasure. If you want Him to do as youwant, it is not surrender but command. You cannot ask Him toobey you and yet think you have surrendered. He knows whatis best and when and how to do it. Leave everything entirely toHim. The burden is His and you have no more cares. All yourcares are His. That is what is meant by surrender. 21 Supplementary Forty Verses, 17.2 Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, 450.

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