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Nagamma's Letters from Ramanashram

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I want to introduce to you today the Letters from Ramanashram by Suri Nagamma.


Suri Nagamma was a simple Telugu woman who came to Ramana in 1941 after a long

search for a spiritual master and personal disasters (loss of her perents and of

her newly married husband at young age and a phase of deep depression). She

settled down near the Ashram and was an eye-witness of the last years of Ramana.

Encouraged by her brother and other Telugu devotees she started writing all the

happenings and talks in the Hall. She did it in the form of letters to her


But some people had feelings of jealousy and so the ashram-authorities forbade

her to continue with her letters. It was a hard struggle for her - but after a

while of obedience she decided to continue her task secretly. After some time

things worked out for her and Ramana helped her also to continue.

So now we have this unique testimony.


Nagamma writes about the happenings round Ramana much in detail. Actually I know

no other one who describes so much in detail. Also I feel her letters give a

very good insight into the sufferings Ramana had to bear in his later years from

being imprissoned in a strict time-shedule and being restricted most time on his

sofa through his status of being a Guru - which was not rosy at all. It is very

heart-touching - and I know no other testimony, which shows this aspect so

clearly and makes one thoughtful in view on the nowadays new-age-gurus, which

show in many things quite the opposite behaviour.


Besides the book of course contains a lots of talks on various matters, at times

paralleled with Mudaliar's Day by Day.


Just a bit of pondering about a book, which has been a very close companion in

the last 2 years.


You can download it for free on the Ramanashram-page:


see under: recollections


Kind regards


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Wonderful book indeed Gabriele.


Yours in Bhagavan




On Behalf Of Gabriele Ebert

Sunday, June 07, 2009 5:05 PM


Nagamma's Letters from Ramanashram


I want to introduce to you today the Letters from Ramanashram by Suri



Suri Nagamma was a simple Telugu woman who came to Ramana in 1941 after a

long search for a spiritual master and personal disasters (loss of her

perents and of her newly married husband at young age and a phase of deep

depression). She settled down near the Ashram and was an eye-witness of the

last years of Ramana. Encouraged by her brother and other Telugu devotees

she started writing all the happenings and talks in the Hall. She did it in

the form of letters to her brother.

But some people had feelings of jealousy and so the ashram-authorities

forbade her to continue with her letters. It was a hard struggle for her -

but after a while of obedience she decided to continue her task secretly.

After some time things worked out for her and Ramana helped her also to


So now we have this unique testimony.


Nagamma writes about the happenings round Ramana much in detail. Actually I

know no other one who describes so much in detail. Also I feel her letters

give a very good insight into the sufferings Ramana had to bear in his later

years from being imprissoned in a strict time-shedule and being restricted

most time on his sofa through his status of being a Guru - which was not

rosy at all. It is very heart-touching - and I know no other testimony,

which shows this aspect so clearly and makes one thoughtful in view on the

nowadays new-age-gurus, which show in many things quite the opposite



Besides the book of course contains a lots of talks on various matters, at

times paralleled with Mudaliar's Day by Day.


Just a bit of pondering about a book, which has been a very close companion

in the last 2 years.


You can download it for free on the Ramanashram-page:


see under: recollections


Kind regards










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Namaste and love to all



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THANK YOU!On Jun 7, 2009, at 5:05 PM, Gabriele Ebert wrote: I want to introduce to you today the Letters from Ramanashram by Suri Nagamma. Suri Nagamma was a simple Telugu woman who came to Ramana in 1941 after a long search for a spiritual master and personal disasters (loss of her perents and of her newly married husband at young age and a phase of deep depression). She settled down near the Ashram and was an eye-witness of the last years of Ramana. Encouraged by her brother and other Telugu devotees she started writing all the happenings and talks in the Hall. She did it in the form of letters to her brother. But some people had feelings of jealousy and so the ashram-authorities forbade her to continue with her letters. It was a hard struggle for her - but after a while of obedience she decided to continue her task secretly. After some time things worked out for her and Ramana helped her also to continue. So now we have this unique testimony. Nagamma writes about the happenings round Ramana much in detail. Actually I know no other one who describes so much in detail. Also I feel her letters give a very good insight into the sufferings Ramana had to bear in his later years from being imprissoned in a strict time-shedule and being restricted most time on his sofa through his status of being a Guru - which was not rosy at all. It is very heart-touching - and I know no other testimony, which shows this aspect so clearly and makes one thoughtful in view on the nowadays new-age-gurus, which show in many things quite the opposite behaviour. Besides the book of course contains a lots of talks on various matters, at times paralleled with Mudaliar's Day by Day. Just a bit of pondering about a book, which has been a very close companion in the last 2 years. You can download it for free on the Ramanashram-page: http://www.sriramanamaharshi.org/bookstall/downloadbooks.html see under: recollections Kind regards Gabriele

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Dear Gabriele



this book was an important stepping stone for understanding TRUTH, it came after reading so many times Ramanas TALKS and the books you sent me


your help was and is always deeply appreciated

please accept this



for all of us i suggest a wonderful reading material to understand the history of Europe in medieval times


KEN FOLLET the pillars of the earth

world without end


incredible good work! helps to understand the mechanism of the society which never changes and helps to stick to REALITY via our Sadguru Sri Ramana Maharshi




love to you


and thanks for your ongoing efforts


in Sri Ramana Maharshi



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