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Help me 'veganize' this recipe? Butternut Ravioli

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Hi veggie compadres.


I will repost one of my favorite butternut recipes. I will make this for

Thanskgiving just as it is since I agreed to it, but I would like to make more

of them and I am trying to minimize using cheese or milk. The garden produced

lots of very nice butternut squashes this year, i am feeling fortunate.


Here is the ovo lacto version:





Use round or square gyoza or shu mai wrappers (or wonton). Use corn

starch mixed with water to make the 'glue' to seal them. Use two

wrappers per ravioli unless you want to fold them into triangles or

half moons to make them small. I prefer the larger ones.


Butternut squash FILLING

1 cup mashed butternut squash (bake first until soft) or pumpkin (use

sugar pumpkin)

1 cup ricotta or farmers cheese

1/2 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg

1/2 cup grated Parmesan


white pepper to taste

ground sage leaves


Mix together until homogeneous.



sage (a few leaves, fresh)

butter (2 tbsp) - can use olive oil if desired

veggie broth (~ 2 cups)

milk or cream (1-2 cups)

white pepper and salt to taste

Good Parmesan to grate on top


Melt some butter, fry some fresh sage in it and add remaining

ingredients. This could be made vegan substituting appropriate

ingredients (olive oil instead of butter, soy milk or soy cream and

soy Parmesan, mashed soft tofu instead of ricotta)


Make sauce, use a flat not too deep pan (you will be placing one

ravioli deep, so it will be shallow). Put enough sauce on pan and

place assembled raviolis on it.


To assemble raviolis put about 1 tbs of filling on a square, moisten

both surfaces that will seal, shape filling into a square and place

top wanton wrapper on top, sealing it into a pouch. I use

a fork and seal them this way. Press with fork all around edges.

Practice with a couple and the third one should come out right!


Place the assembled raviolis on the sauce (already on the flat pan)

and when they are all assembled pour the rest of the sauce on top and

the grated Parmesan on top. Bake at 375 for only 15-25 minutes (look

at it after 15 minutes and decide if done, or it need 5 or 10 more

minutes). Should be golden but of course not burnt. The wanton

wrappers (ravioli paste shells) will cook in the sauce.





So I was thinking that the 1 cup farmer's cheese could be replaced with a mix of

cashew puree and cooked white beans. Perhaps tofu would work too. I also

figured almond milk in place of the cream in the sauce (I am not feeling soy

milk for this). Replacing the parmesan is the part that I find really hard.

Any ideas?

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It sounds really good except for the sage. Hate sage.


I would try to change it in stages and see how it goes. I think

pressed and crumbled tofu would work for the ricotta. Not a strong

tasting cheese.



Southern California

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