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Jeanne my terrible vegetarian family - Vanilla flavored Almond Milk

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Come on Jeanne get some tempeh, black sesame seeds, black rice, Korean mustard

greens, nira, kombu, Opo squash, cherimoya, nopales corn tortillas (nice and

green), and a thousand other out of the ordinary things I cook with lol



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Donna said: " tempeh, black sesame seeds, black rice, Korean mustard greens, nira,

kombu, Opo squash, cherimoya, nopales corn tortillas (nice and green), and a

thousand other out of the ordinary things I cook with lol "


Lessee, got the black sesame seeds and black rice, lol! It is a miracle to just

find tofu down here. I was going to plant mustard greens this year but have my

Kit something oriental veg seed catalog so maybe I'll grow that instead. If its

squash, I'll eat it. Love that stuff. I've got some edamame growing. Hopefully

it won't bolt before it ripens; I planted a weeeee bit late and we already have

90 plus days.


Wow, it just occurred to me that we have a new Mexican-American grocery store

nearby. It's a little hole in the wall but I think I'll get son number 4 to take

me there. We've had dinner at their restaurant and oh my goodness I still drool.

I haven't a clue what I ate, but it was green and beany and tomato-y and pure

yummy. I could have made a meal off just the tortillas.


OH, the grocery stores here now sell sushi rolls. They're made out of stinky

salmon dyed bright orange but they look nice. They even sell my favorite sticky

rice, jasmine rice and black rice here now. Whoo hoo!


Is tempeh available online? Bet the dratted cats will eat all of it, too.They

eat it plain, like you do, but they don't use a fork. Such heathens. Of course

they like edamame, too. (and rice, and squash, and and and)


Sooo glad you guys got me hooked on everything. But I can't find that recipe -

sort of spicy, sweet and sour stir fry thing. Carl actually requested it and now

I can't find it!!!!


ACK, left the water running and we're on water restrictions unless it is being

used in a vegetable garden, which it is. (My poor thirsty roses just have to

make do with bath water I carry out a gallon at a time.)


Hugs, Jeanne in GA


" I want death to find me planting my cabbages. " ...Montaigne, Essays Book I







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