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food at school

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* I am finding that more and more these days--using sex or raunch to try

and look " cool " and sell stuff--maybe to appeal to the 20-somethings??? *


try checking out a little pink book called *female chauvinist pigs* - it

explains the rise of raunch culture very well and articulated a lot of my

own discomfort with it, from a feminist and humanist perspective.






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I think it's all about connotation. I think it's part of the younger

culture to be insulting and also self-deprecating (but it's in a

loving way...really!) For example, two guys who are good fiends will

smirk and greet each other " What's up bitch? " Or someone who eats a

lot of apples will take a bite into one and say to her friends " Oh my

god! I'm such an apple whore, this is the 3rd one I've eaten today! "


So for me it depends on who the authors are. If they are indeed very

thin women then I think the title is funny. (The same way I think the

cooking show " Two Fat Ladies " is funny). But if " Skinny Bitches " was

written by some fat women who hate thin people and were making fun of

them then I would not want to buy the book because then it's just them

spreading their negative attitude around.


I also agree about any word being potentially hurtful, and as someone

who likes to talk like a sailor around her friends I agree that there

is no such thing as a bad word because it's all about context. I know

lots of people who never utter a curse word, yet they are

passive-aggressively toxic and malicious, for example.


that's my 2c



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I think the whole point of Skinny Bitch is that is is not for people

like us, who would be put off by the title -- it is for those women who

have never thought about animal rights or really even nutrition, who

mainly think about looking good. I've heard about lots of people picking

up the book because they thought it would be a good diet book to tell

them more " secrets " of how to lose weight, and really having their eyes

opened -- people who would never ever have touched a book that was

obviously about animal rights and good health.


I have no intention of reading it either, but I'm glad it's there for

the kind of people who might learn something new from it. There are

plenty of other great books out there for those of us who are already

converts :-)



Jacqueline Bodnar wrote:


> Inga,


> Thank you! I was really wondering (and hoping) that it wasn't just me

> that is completely turned off of the name. It is a bad marketing plot,

> it makes me think it's put out by an immature middle-schooler. :-)


> Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one that boycotts the book.

> I also have a very nice collection of vegan/vegetarian books, but that

> one will not make it to my collection because of the raunchy

> title/marketing.


> Jacqueline






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I'm with you, sister!


Jacqueline Bodnar <jb wrote: Speaking of " Skinny

Bitch " .... is it just me or is there anyone else

that won't purchase that book because of the name? I've looked at it a

few times in the bookstore. But I refuse to buy it because of the title

and all the cuss word references I see on it. Not that I'm a prude, but

when I'm trying to teach my kids to speak with respect I can't see

having a book with that title sitting on my cookbook shelf. I'm just

curious if it's just me or others that care about the less than

desirable title (especially since we are parents). Maybe it helps with

sales to get raunchy? But with me it hurts because I won't buy because

of it...











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I haven't read it, but have two friends who have and asked me for the first time

for vegan cookbooks and nutrition advice. I guess whatever gets people talking

about it and as long is no one is hurt...



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Heather Hossfeld <hlh4850


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 2:21:12 PM

Re: Re: food at school


I think the whole point of Skinny Bitch is that is is not for


like us, who would be put off by the title -- it is for those women who

have never thought about animal rights or really even nutrition, who

mainly think about looking good. I've heard about lots of people picking

up the book because they thought it would be a good diet book to tell

them more " secrets " of how to lose weight, and really having their eyes

opened -- people who would never ever have touched a book that was

obviously about animal rights and good health.


I have no intention of reading it either, but I'm glad it's there for

the kind of people who might learn something new from it. There are

plenty of other great books out there for those of us who are already

converts :-)



Jacqueline Bodnar wrote:


> Inga,


> Thank you! I was really wondering (and hoping) that it wasn't just me

> that is completely turned off of the name. It is a bad marketing plot,

> it makes me think it's put out by an immature middle-schooler. :-)


> Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one that boycotts the book.

> I also have a very nice collection of vegan/vegetarian books, but that

> one will not make it to my collection because of the raunchy

> title/marketing.


> Jacqueline





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I understand where you're coming from, but I still have a different

attitude. I am all about bringing deep social change -- I've been vegan for

almost fifteen years and I've been a social justice activist since I was in

high school -- but not at the expense of reinforcing negative stereotypes

and attitudes about anyone, whether we are talking about gay people, people

of color, women, whatever. I take to heart a quote I once heard from Carol

Adams talking about the preponderance of female exploitation in PETA's

advocacy materials: the means justify the ends, not the other way around,

meaning that we should be as consistent and ethically conscious with our

pursuit of our goals as we are with the goals themselves. That being said, I

totally believe in using humor and " edginess " in outreach materials. The

Skinny B*tch stuff doesn't particularly strike me as either funny or edgy --

just more of the same ol' same ol'. But that's just me. ;)


I appreciate that everyone has been respectful during what could potentially

be a divisive discussion.




> I think it's all about connotation. I think it's part of the younger

> culture to be insulting and also self-deprecating (but it's in a

> loving way...really!) For example, two guys who are good fiends will

> smirk and greet each other " What's up bitch? " Or someone who eats a

> lot of apples will take a bite into one and say to her friends " Oh my

> god! I'm such an apple whore, this is the 3rd one I've eaten today! "


> So for me it depends on who the authors are. If they are indeed very

> thin women then I think the title is funny. (The same way I think the

> cooking show " Two Fat Ladies " is funny). But if " Skinny Bitches " was

> written by some fat women who hate thin people and were making fun of

> them then I would not want to buy the book because then it's just them

> spreading their negative attitude around.


> I also agree about any word being potentially hurtful, and as someone

> who likes to talk like a sailor around her friends I agree that there

> is no such thing as a bad word because it's all about context. I know

> lots of people who never utter a curse word, yet they are

> passive-aggressively toxic and malicious, for example.


> that's my 2c


> Maggie


> ---


> For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

> http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

> http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

> provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

> qualified health professional.


> edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health

> professional.



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Actually I love Skinny Bitch. They are so funny and so

straightforward. I typically don't like profanity, but it was funny

because you look at those women and you know they aren't like that.


, Jacqueline Bodnar <jb wrote:


> Speaking of " Skinny Bitch " .... is it just me or is there anyone else

> that won't purchase that book because of the name? I've looked at it a

> few times in the bookstore. But I refuse to buy it because of the


> and all the cuss word references I see on it. Not that I'm a prude,


> when I'm trying to teach my kids to speak with respect I can't see

> having a book with that title sitting on my cookbook shelf. I'm just

> curious if it's just me or others that care about the less than

> desirable title (especially since we are parents). Maybe it helps with

> sales to get raunchy? But with me it hurts because I won't buy because

> of it...


> Jacqueline


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I enjoyed it too. I picked up a copy and thought it was a refreshing take.

Only thing was I was already eating all of the foods they mention so there

were not a lot of new ideas- I loved that it was vegan! I did not realize

it when I picked up the copy. Odd combination for me- I picked up Skinny

Bitch, Mindless Eating and Eat, Pray, Love. So far have finished two out of

three and they were great.











Behalf Of jillben2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008 11:04 AM


Re: food at school




Actually I love Skinny Bitch. They are so funny and so

straightforward. I typically don't like profanity, but it was funny

because you look at those women and you know they aren't like that.


@gro <%40> ups.com,

Jacqueline Bodnar <jb wrote:


> Speaking of " Skinny Bitch " .... is it just me or is there anyone else

> that won't purchase that book because of the name? I've looked at it a

> few times in the bookstore. But I refuse to buy it because of the


> and all the cuss word references I see on it. Not that I'm a prude,


> when I'm trying to teach my kids to speak with respect I can't see

> having a book with that title sitting on my cookbook shelf. I'm just

> curious if it's just me or others that care about the less than

> desirable title (especially since we are parents). Maybe it helps with

> sales to get raunchy? But with me it hurts because I won't buy because

> of it...


> Jacqueline








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