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oyster sauce and worcestershire sauce

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When reading today's digest I noticed recipes calling for oyster sauce and

worcestershire sauce, and I just had to de-lurk.


Although there are vegetarian versions of both of these sauces available at

health food stores, they are not vegetarian in their everyday incarnation.

Given, most of us may know that already, but I can just imagine some

vegetarian's dear Aunt Sally looking up a recipe to cook for her beloved

niece and being deceived into feeding her dead sea creature extract.



Please be careful, ok?









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>When reading today's digest I noticed recipes calling for oyster sauce and

>worcestershire sauce, and I just had to de-lurk.


>Although there are vegetarian versions of both of these sauces available at

>health food stores, they are not vegetarian in their everyday incarnation.

>Given, most of us may know that already, but I can just imagine some

>vegetarian's dear Aunt Sally looking up a recipe to cook for her beloved

>niece and being deceived into feeding her dead sea creature extract.



>Please be careful, ok?



I've also noticed several recipes calling for chicken broth (yuck!).

Since so many non-vegetarians (and restaurants!) think vegetarians

will eat broth made from animals, wouldn't it make since to never

include that ingredient on a veg-recipe list? I too, can see Aunt

Sally, laboring to make a vegetarian dish that includes non-veg broth.


Kathy Flake




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At 02:15 PM 1/26/2002 -0600, Amanda Dove wrote:




>When reading today's digest I noticed recipes calling for oyster sauce and

>worcestershire sauce, and I just had to de-lurk.


>Although there are vegetarian versions of both of these sauces available at

>health food stores, they are not vegetarian in their everyday incarnation.

>Given, most of us may know that already, but I can just imagine some

>vegetarian's dear Aunt Sally looking up a recipe to cook for her beloved

>niece and being deceived into feeding her dead sea creature extract.



>Please be careful, ok?










I believe that the same thing could be said of 'cheese'. What would you

have us do - omit or spell out 'non-vegaritan kind'? I think folks should

post and let the receiver work out their own fixes or substitutions for

common items like those sauces, cheeses, etc. I think Karen (list owner)

prefers we use our own common sense for whatever we each need or desire in

posted recipes....(for instance, don't be put-off by an occasional post

that contains 'chicken broth'....recipient: convert it as u need to).


Isn't the main idea that folks want to try to omit animal flesh (for

ethical or health reasons or whatever) but that they realize that now and

then some animal products do enter their mouths...in spit of their best

intentions? (I am remembering my husband's garden produce...and sometimes,

no matter what, I think we get a bug or some creature since we don't kill

them all off with sprays.) Isn't the goal just to try...? I mean, it's

not like they DIE...they mostly just prefer not to eat animal products, for

whatever reason and so they don't. (IF someone really had a health related

reason, the Auntie needs to be talked to by the niece relative to what she

can and can't put in her food, it seems to me.) A bit of fished up

worcheshire some of us don't object to...and some do.



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>I believe that the same thing could be said of 'cheese'. What would you

>have us do - omit or spell out 'non-vegaritan kind'? I think folks should

>post and let the receiver work out their own fixes or substitutions for

>common items like those sauces, cheeses, etc. I think Karen (list owner)

>prefers we use our own common sense for whatever we each need or desire in

>posted recipes....(for instance, don't be put-off by an occasional post

>that contains 'chicken broth'....recipient: convert it as u need to).



Gee, I AM put off by posts that contain chicken broth! Especially

when the recipes are supposedly vegetarian. Chicken broth is NOT a

vegetarian ingredient; cheese, on the other hand, is. It's just not






> Isn't the main idea that folks want to try to omit animal flesh (for

>ethical or health reasons or whatever) but that they realize that now and

>then some animal products do enter their mouths...in spit of their best




Actually, that's not how it works. It really IS possible to avoid

eating animal flesh. Of course, we don't get idiotic about

microscopic insects, etc.; that would be foolish, and beside the



So please, can we have animal-free ingredients? This means NO CHICKEN BROTH!




Kathy Flake




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At 03:49 PM 1/26/2002 -0700, Kathy Flake wrote: <snipped for brevity) "






>Gee, I AM put off by posts that contain chicken broth! Especially

>when the recipes are supposedly vegetarian. Chicken broth is NOT a

>vegetarian ingredient; cheese, on the other hand, is. It's just not



>So please, can we have animal-free ingredients? This means NO CHICKEN BROTH!



I beg to differ with you on that. Cheese (unless you buy the 'rennetless'

kind not normally sold in most mainstream supermarkets) has dead animal --

calf stomach, specifially -- in the product. (Called Rennet.) That's why

I asked, what's so different about Worcestershire sauce when posted to the

veg-list. Most vegetarians know to how to sub for those common, everyday

products. (E.G., cheese, worst sauce, broths.)


There are lists who are more strict about that kind of stuff. If you stay

here, our list mom is more forgiving than many other lists. She believes

people can make their own minds up about what they want to replace for

commonly used things in recipes. Here's what I personally think: if

others are kind enough to type recipes and format them into MC format for

us, it's nice of us to accept the bounty and just be thankful WE didn't

have to go to the work all by ourselves.


One other thing, and it never fails: those who complain the loudest are the

ones who don't share the work. The workers, many times, get little thanks

from the non-workers. As one who seldom helps carry the load here myself,

I say thanks to those of you who post as best you can...and rely on the

rest of us to use our sense and our own personal tastes.



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>At 03:49 PM 1/26/2002 -0700, Kathy Flake wrote: <snipped for brevity) "





>>Gee, I AM put off by posts that contain chicken broth! Especially

>>when the recipes are supposedly vegetarian. Chicken broth is NOT a

>>vegetarian ingredient; cheese, on the other hand, is. It's just not



>>So please, can we have animal-free ingredients? This means NO CHICKEN BROTH!



>One other thing, and it never fails: those who complain the loudest

>are the ones who don't share the work. The workers, many times, get

>little thanks from the non-workers. As one who seldom helps carry

>the load here myself, I say thanks to those of you who post as best

>you can...and rely on the rest of us to use our sense and our own

>personal tastes.




I'd love to post genuine vegetarian recipes here, but I don't have

Master Cook software, and can't see any reason to buy it.


I'll be happy to send you all the recipes you want, but they won't be

in Master Cook format. Meanwhile, you can see a few on my website.


Kathy Flake


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At 02:15 PM 1/26/2002 -0600, Amanda Dove wrote:


>When reading today's digest I noticed recipes calling for oyster sauce and

>worcestershire sauce, and I just had to de-lurk.


>Although there are vegetarian versions of both of these sauces

>available... I can just imagine some vegetarian's dear Aunt Sally

>looking up a recipe to cook for her beloved niece and being deceived

>into feeding her dead sea creature extract.


At 01:58 PM 1/26/2002 -0700, Kathy Flake wrote:


>I've also noticed several recipes calling for chicken broth (yuck!).

>Since so many non-vegetarians (and restaurants!) think vegetarians

>will eat broth made from animals, wouldn't it make since to never

>include that ingredient on a veg-recipe list? I too, can see Aunt

>Sally, laboring to make a vegetarian dish that includes non-veg broth.


I agree completely. We had a very similar discussion on this issue a little

over a year ago. Our list owner, although lenient, felt similarly. See:



I posted a faux chicken broth powder recipe at:



Pat's Vegan Mock Chicken Noodle Soup --



Some vege worcestershire recipes:






I hope you both stick around!








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At 07:08 PM 1/26/2002 -0700, N. Braswell wrote: <snipped>

>I agree completely. We had a very similar discussion on this issue a

>little over a year ago. Our list owner, although lenient, felt

>similarly. See:




However, she does NOT complain when people post recipes that contain

worchestershire sauce or chicken broth (don't know about oyster sauce -

maybe it also has a vegan alternate, like the others do, for all I

know)....and I think that was the point: she calls the shots here. Why

complain when people are so generous; where do we draw a line - was

mine. There are animal body parts in cheese, marshmallows, and others

(unless we substitute). Those who try to eat vegan know that they need to

replace these items with vegan products. MUST we insert words like: 12

marshmallows, vegetarian variety; worchestershire sauce, vegetarian kind;

marshmallows, vegetarian kind, etc if the author's recipe doesn't say

that? I don't think our list mom has ever insisted on that.


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At 03:35 PM 1/26/2002 -0800, Brenda Adams wrote:


>Cheese (unless you buy the 'rennetless'

>kind not normally sold in most mainstream supermarkets) has dead animal --

>calf stomach, specifially -- in the product. (Called Rennet).


Not always. See:

http://www.traderjoes.com/tj/products/brochures/rennet_east.stm and



Of course, lots of vegetarians don't eat cheese anyway.


>One other thing, and it never fails: those who complain the loudest are the

>ones who don't share the work.


Not so -- the person who asked about this last year was a *very* prolific

poster. She's no longer here, but posts elsewhere, after being privately flamed

(off-list) by someone who took it personally.


>The workers, many times, get little thanks from the non-workers.


Agreed -- hats off to Pat Hanneman, Judy Kujawa, Kathleen Schuller in

particular, and to everyone else who posts. I appreciate all of you.


One more thing: Thanks to a neat program by Glen Hosey called MC Buster, it is

possible to post MC-formatted recipes without having to get Mastercook (I did

this for about a year before finally buying it). It's available at:








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personally, I don't mind at all. I substitute what I need to substitute

to make the recipe vegetarian. I take many recipes calling for meat and

other non-vegetarian products and just substitute TVP or tofu, or

vegetable bouillon cubes, or vegetable broth. I live in a world with

vegetarian and non-vegetarians. One of the most wonderful things about

being vegetarian is the aspect of compassion and respect for all things.

Not everyone can hold the same doctrines................ I am thankful

for all the wonderful recipes I get here!......... Many thanks to all who

regularly submit them! Kendra

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