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VegetarianSlimming Roll Call - Please respond!

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Hi Everyone....I am Paula, a newbie...I need to loose ALOT of

weight...........and since having my gall bladder removed a few years ago, I do

not eat

very much red meat , and mostly chicken or pork and am looking to go to no meat

at all.....that is why I joined!!!!




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Hey, Everyone! Where are you all? Is anyone but me and a couple of others out

there at

all??? What's going on??? Hit REPLY and let us know, pronto, okay?


Okay, I'll go first: I'm still Pat, co-owner of this lovely (but verrrry quiet)

group, and I'm

still in sothwestern Ontario, Canada. Weather is chill, but no heavy winter

coats yet. I live

here with my dh, also vegetarian, and our furkids - two beautiful beagles and

their equally

beautiful cat.


While I'm writing, here's a bit more:

These days I am getting heavily into soups and stews - whether crockpotted or


up quickly on the top of the stove. My latest 'discovery' in my kitchen (knew

about em and

ate em elsewhere) is sea vegetables and soy beans (both dried and the fresh or


frozen variety).


I could lose a little weight right now, sad to say. When I was somewhat

immobilized earlier

I gained a few pounds which should not be allowed to outstay their welcome. I am


able to exercise - lots of good walking! - and to spend more time in the kitchen


concoct nice light and nutritious meals. We had some great yellow split-pea soup


dumplings the other day that had my (luckily slim) husband going back for not


seconds but also thirds - and he's not a big eater! LOL


So now, let's hear from you? If you're shy or normally a lurker, that's okay,

just say Hi -

we'll understand - but let's hear from you ALL anyway.


Best love, Pat (Co-owner)

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I'm Diane, now living in sunny Christmas, Florida (near Orlando). We have a

small hobby farm here with horses, dogs, cats, parrots, rabbits, etc..and

are hoping to set up a good garden area, along with some hydroponics. We've

been rather busy lately with our adoption---we just adopted 2 wonderful

girls (sisters) ages 12 and 14, from Russia and they will be coming home

right after Thanksgiving, growing our family of 7 (me, dh, and 5 bio-kids

ages 6, 8, 15, 17, 19) to a larger family of 9. We are pretty excited but

all of the traveling and preparations have left my " slimming " to a holding

pattern, I'm afraid! It's hard to eat healthy vegetarian in Russia-so much

is either meats or fish (which I won't eat) or.loaded with oil. Now that we

are back home (dh will make the next trip alone to bring the girls home) I'm

back to concentrating on healthy cooking. I did get quite a bit of exercise

there---we walked a lot and with no elevators in most buildings, we walked a

LOT of steps..but it didn't completely compensate for the increase in





I really need to lose A LOT-100# would make me very happy---and so am

steering family meals toward a healthier direction. Exercise is my biggest

problem, I think----even with all the space and the critters, I don't always

get the " walking " that I need. Our pool is now completed so if the weather

temps hold, that will help. I still can't ride horses (bad car accident

last year left me with 2 herniated discs in my neck) but will be getting our

younger children and our newest additions into riding full swing and that

should help, too.




One of my goals is to have family breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as

an evening snack time..we homeschool and dh has a homebased business so it

is possible, but usually gets pushed out for everyone's schedules being

slightly different. I may have to settle for dinners and evening snacks..at

least those times are easier adjusted. I remember my uncle's family having

cheese and crackers every evening as a snack.I've tried to do various fruit

or veggie snacks but am always looking for new ideas-foods that are easy to

digest (as it's closer to bedtime) and low-cal but very tasty.




Looking forward to reading everyone else's responses, too!













On Behalf Of Pat

Monday, November 14, 2005 8:23 AM


VegetarianSlimming Roll Call - Please respond!






Hey, Everyone! Where are you all? Is anyone but me and a couple of others

out there at

all??? What's going on??? Hit REPLY and let us know, pronto, okay?










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Karen here, checking in. I'm in west central Florida. Still in the 80s

during the day, but cooling off at night (finally).


I'm getting ready for Thanksgiving next week. I go to the home of my SO

and his three children, and others who have no where else to go are also

invited. I am, and have been for years, the only veg in the group, so I

make the side dishes to ensure that they are veg friendly. One year I

tried a tofurky, and could not even swallow it. This is just MHO, but I

thought it was nasty and a waste of alot of money.


How do others do Thanksgiving?


Best regards,


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On 11/14/05, Pat <veggiehound wrote:




> So now, let's hear from you? If you're shy or normally a lurker, that's

> okay, just say Hi -

> we'll understand - but let's hear from you ALL anyway.


> Best love, Pat (Co-owner)


I'm still here -- in lurk mode, but glad to hear from you. I'm still trying

to lose the 5 or so pounds I've been trying to lose for ages -- there's just

too much temptation out there.

We're also in soup mode here, now that the weather has cooled off. (I live

in Israel, where summer extends through October, sometimes even longer,).

Soups are great because they're easy to make, healthy (at least the ones I

make) and filling. This week it's split pea soup with wheat berries. I make

enough to last the two of us for several days. Here is the recipe:




* Exported from MasterCook *


Split Pea Soup


Recipe By :Annice

Serving Size : 10 Preparation Time :0:00

Categories : **** Legumes

Low-Fat Soups

Tried It


Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

2 cups split peas

2 1/2 quarts water

2 onions

2 carrots

2 stalks celery

2 sprigs parsley

2 sprigs dill

1/2 cup wheat berries

2 1/2 teaspoons salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper


Put split peas in a pot with water to more than cover and boil several

minutes. Let stand several hours or overnight.


Chop onions, carrots and celery in a food processor. Combine with peas,

herbs, wheat berries and water ina large pot and simmer three or more hours

till peas start to dissolve. Add salt and pepper and cook a few minutes



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Per Serving (excluding unknown items): 156 Calories; 1g Fat (3.6% calories

from fat); 11g Protein; 29g Carbohydrate; 12g Dietary Fiber; 0mg

Cholesterol; 567mg Sodium. Exchanges: 1 1/2 Grain(Starch); 1/2 Lean Meat; 1

Vegetable; 0 Fat.


NOTES : This soup thickens on standing. Add water as necessary when

reheating, You can use barley instead of wheat (use the hulled barley, which

is more nutritious than pearled.




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Hi, I'm here.



Please Respond.


Hey, Everyone! Where are you all? Is anyone but me and a couple of others out

there at

all??? What's going on??? Hit REPLY and let us know, pronto, okay?


Okay, I'll go first: I'm still Pat, co-owner of this lovely (but verrrry quiet)

group, and I'm

still in sothwestern Ontario, Canada. Weather is chill, but no heavy winter

coats yet. I live

here with my dh, also vegetarian, and our furkids - two beautiful beagles and

their equally

beautiful cat.


While I'm writing, here's a bit more:

These days I am getting heavily into soups and stews - whether crockpotted or


up quickly on the top of the stove. My latest 'discovery' in my kitchen (knew

about em and

ate em elsewhere) is sea vegetables and soy beans (both dried and the fresh or


frozen variety).


I could lose a little weight right now, sad to say. When I was somewhat

immobilized earlier

I gained a few pounds which should not be allowed to outstay their welcome. I am


able to exercise - lots of good walking! - and to spend more time in the kitchen


concoct nice light and nutritious meals. We had some great yellow split-pea soup


dumplings the other day that had my (luckily slim) husband going back for not


seconds but also thirds - and he's not a big eater! LOL


So now, let's hear from you? If you're shy or normally a lurker, that's okay,

just say Hi -

we'll understand - but let's hear from you ALL anyway.


Best love, Pat (Co-owner)









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Hi All!

I haven't been very " vocal " lately....have a lot on my mind. For

one thing, the cold weather is really playing havoc with my poor hands

and feet. I have circulation problems (Reymauds). It's not easy to

type with gloves on ggggggg. I'm Stef here on Vancouver Island. I've

been really getting into the soup and stew thing myself. I made my own

version of onion soup yesterday and the hubby and I both LOVE that. I

think that I put the recipe in the file section but I'll check. I've

been racing to lose 8 extra pounds that I put on over the year. I

don't want to get into the holiday season and just continue adding

them on. Well, I hear the hubby stirring upstairs and the dog growling

to be let out so I'd better go. I'll try to post more often.






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Hello Pat;


You were asking as to where we are.....



Wellllllll, I'm sitting in front of my keyboard responding to your request. :)


On a serious note, I'm in Hamilton and it's lovely outside.


Quite unusual weather we have been having where I am anyhow, considering the

time of year.


I am widowed, 47 and have a cat , which, I don't know what I'd do without her.


She is all that I have and love her dearly.


I am vegetarian and enjoy experimenting and creating recipes.


And this is where I end my post.



Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and that you all have a great week.



With Love

I - M








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Sorry Pat, I've been so busy that I have forgot about this group. Please send

anything of value to the group. I've got my sugar under control, but still need

help with my weight.

Thanks for the e mail !

Paul Harmon













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Hi Pat and All,


Yes I am guilty of just lurking, since I don't cook I feel that I

have little to offer to the group. Since I became disabled my

activity level has gone down and my weight went up! Combine that with

a life-long aversion to meat and here I am.

I have used information gleaned from the group in discussions with

my caretakers about my diet. A few just cannot understand that I

don't want meat on my plate, " not even chicken? " , from one. LOL




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Pat, I always enjoy your comments and postings. Speaking of dogs, I am the

proud partner of my third guide dog, all three have been wonderful, but my

present oneMidas is just perfection in every way.

Ralph in Missouri



Monday, November 14, 2005 7:23 AM

VegetarianSlimming Roll Call - Please respond!





Hey, Everyone! Where are you all? Is anyone but me and a couple of others out

there at

all??? What's going on??? Hit REPLY and let us know, pronto, okay?


Okay, I'll go first: I'm still Pat, co-owner of this lovely (but verrrry

quiet) group, and I'm

still in sothwestern Ontario, Canada. Weather is chill, but no heavy winter

coats yet. I live

here with my dh, also vegetarian, and our furkids - two beautiful beagles and

their equally

beautiful cat.


While I'm writing, here's a bit more:

These days I am getting heavily into soups and stews - whether crockpotted or


up quickly on the top of the stove. My latest 'discovery' in my kitchen (knew

about em and

ate em elsewhere) is sea vegetables and soy beans (both dried and the fresh or


frozen variety).


I could lose a little weight right now, sad to say. When I was somewhat

immobilized earlier

I gained a few pounds which should not be allowed to outstay their welcome. I

am now

able to exercise - lots of good walking! - and to spend more time in the

kitchen to

concoct nice light and nutritious meals. We had some great yellow split-pea

soup with

dumplings the other day that had my (luckily slim) husband going back for not


seconds but also thirds - and he's not a big eater! LOL


So now, let's hear from you? If you're shy or normally a lurker, that's okay,

just say Hi -

we'll understand - but let's hear from you ALL anyway.


Best love, Pat (Co-owner)








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I'm Graham. Still here. I'm 58 years old and an executive with a

sedantary desk job. I have been a vegan for 6 or 7 years now. I was

a vegetarian for a couple of days, before jumping in all the way. My

tailor was happiest when I started. I bought 3 sets of 3 new suits as

I lost 70 pounds in the year! Then I stabilized and have remained

about the same. I was a runner for awhile and had to work to keep any

weight on, and then I foolishly started smoking and stopped running.

Now I have stopped smoking and need to start excercising again.


Good luck to all of you. I'm always available for discussion.



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Hi there


I've been a vegi for about 20 yrs+. I am m/44/130lbs.

I origionally started the diet for health reasons as

well as out of concern for animls. A side affect is

that I continue to remain slim, and actually need to

make sure I eat enough to keep weight on. I should

tell you I am also a long distance runner. Any food I

eat burns off quickly, not just due to my metabolism

and activiy. I believe it's also because of the nature

of the food I eat.


I have noticed also that if I take protien supplements

with egg, I tend to gain weight, significantly.

Therefore for those into slimming, I recommend also

giving up eggs.


Roll call...? " Here! "




--- Pat <veggiehound wrote:



> Respond.


> Hey, Everyone! Where are you all? Is anyone but me

> and a couple of others out there at

> all??? What's going on??? Hit REPLY and let us know,

> pronto, okay?


> Okay, I'll go first: I'm still Pat, co-owner of

> this lovely (but verrrry quiet) group, and I'm

> still in sothwestern Ontario, Canada. Weather is

> chill, but no heavy winter coats yet. I live

> here with my dh, also vegetarian, and our furkids -

> two beautiful beagles and their equally

> beautiful cat.


> While I'm writing, here's a bit more:

> These days I am getting heavily into soups and stews

> - whether crockpotted or whipped

> up quickly on the top of the stove. My latest

> 'discovery' in my kitchen (knew about em and

> ate em elsewhere) is sea vegetables and soy beans

> (both dried and the fresh or fresh-

> frozen variety).


> I could lose a little weight right now, sad to say.

> When I was somewhat immobilized earlier

> I gained a few pounds which should not be allowed to

> outstay their welcome. I am now

> able to exercise - lots of good walking! - and to

> spend more time in the kitchen to

> concoct nice light and nutritious meals. We had some

> great yellow split-pea soup with

> dumplings the other day that had my (luckily slim)

> husband going back for not only

> seconds but also thirds - and he's not a big eater!



> So now, let's hear from you? If you're shy or

> normally a lurker, that's okay, just say Hi -

> we'll understand - but let's hear from you ALL

> anyway.


> Best love, Pat (Co-owner)













Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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I recently joined but not sure if I introduced myself. I don't post

much on any of the groups I'm in. But always look forward to getting

your emails and learning new " stuff " .

I'm in Oregon.





On Behalf Of Pat

Monday, November 14, 2005 5:23 AM


VegetarianSlimming Roll Call - Please





Hey, Everyone! Where are you all? Is anyone but me and a couple of

others out there at

all??? What's going on??? Hit REPLY and let us know, pronto, okay?








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roll call...here!


Jay Lew <jaylew2003 wrote:Hi there


I've been a vegi for about 20 yrs+. I am m/44/130lbs.

I origionally started the diet for health reasons as

well as out of concern for animls. A side affect is

that I continue to remain slim, and actually need to

make sure I eat enough to keep weight on. I should

tell you I am also a long distance runner. Any food I

eat burns off quickly, not just due to my metabolism

and activiy. I believe it's also because of the nature

of the food I eat.


I have noticed also that if I take protien supplements

with egg, I tend to gain weight, significantly.

Therefore for those into slimming, I recommend also

giving up eggs.


Roll call...? " Here! "




--- Pat <veggiehound wrote:



> Respond.


> Hey, Everyone! Where are you all? Is anyone but me

> and a couple of others out there at

> all??? What's going on??? Hit REPLY and let us know,

> pronto, okay?


> Okay, I'll go first: I'm still Pat, co-owner of

> this lovely (but verrrry quiet) group, and I'm

> still in sothwestern Ontario, Canada. Weather is

> chill, but no heavy winter coats yet. I live

> here with my dh, also vegetarian, and our furkids -

> two beautiful beagles and their equally

> beautiful cat.


> While I'm writing, here's a bit more:

> These days I am getting heavily into soups and stews

> - whether crockpotted or whipped

> up quickly on the top of the stove. My latest

> 'discovery' in my kitchen (knew about em and

> ate em elsewhere) is sea vegetables and soy beans

> (both dried and the fresh or fresh-

> frozen variety).


> I could lose a little weight right now, sad to say.

> When I was somewhat immobilized earlier

> I gained a few pounds which should not be allowed to

> outstay their welcome. I am now

> able to exercise - lots of good walking! - and to

> spend more time in the kitchen to

> concoct nice light and nutritious meals. We had some

> great yellow split-pea soup with

> dumplings the other day that had my (luckily slim)

> husband going back for not only

> seconds but also thirds - and he's not a big eater!



> So now, let's hear from you? If you're shy or

> normally a lurker, that's okay, just say Hi -

> we'll understand - but let's hear from you ALL

> anyway.


> Best love, Pat (Co-owner)













Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005





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I'm Suzanne in San Francisco. Still having weight fluctuations (my own

fault due to overeating). I'm 8 lbs up from my all time low of 75 lbs

lost in 2000. (if that makes sense). I've been complete vegetarian for

a few years now, just not ready to become vegan. One of my good

friends took a vegan cooking class and shared some good recipes with

me, though. I'm eating too many cookies and starch (in general). Still

not enough protein (thus the lack of weight loss).

I'm really grateful for the group and have gotten some good recipes

and suggestions from everyone.


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Hello Pat!


My name is Kelly, and I am still here too! I live in South Carolina

where the weather is quite lovely & warm. Hard to believe that winter

is almost here! I live with my husband and just ONE furry friend, my

kitty Augustus.


My latest cooking " thing " is using wheat & soy flour. I am a confirmed

carbohydrate junkie, and LOVE breads and pastas. So I have been

experimenting with making my own using wheat and/or soy flour. It really

helps a lot with the protein content.


I am also looking to lost some weight - 15 pounds would be fantastic!

But even 7 or 8 pounds will do. Clothes are a wee bit tight, you know?

I would LOVE your recipe for yellow split pea soup & dumplings. I cook

a LOT, as we live far far away from restaurants (which is a good

thing!). So I am always searching for new recipes.


Thanks for any recipes y'all send!





On Behalf Of Pat

Monday, November 14, 2005 8:23 AM


VegetarianSlimming Roll Call - Please







Hey, Everyone! Where are you all? Is anyone but me and a couple of

others out there at

all??? What's going on??? Hit REPLY and let us know, pronto, okay?







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Hi, this is Hilary in Chicago. When I first joined this group a year and

some months ago, I posted some recipes and comments. Then school started,

and I got busy. And maybe lazier too since obviously school hasn't been

in session for 15 months straight!


I really enjoy this group--everyone is such a great person. I get so many

good ideas about real food and food for thought.


I'm busy planning Thanksgiving dinner. I want several luscious

sidedishes. My daughter is bringing a vegan roast purchased from Whole

Foods. We're not sure what it is, but we're looking forward to it. Has

anyone had it before?

And I'd love some tried and true ideas for my " luscious sidedishes " .



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I'm a fairly new member and have just been a lurker so far. I live in north

Florida with my husband. I'm not vegetarian yet, but am working on it because

I don't feel well when I eat much meat. I also love soups and my favorite is

one that we came up with when we got snowed in when we lived up north.


The measurments aren't exact but you can do what we do & just play with it until

it tastes right.


Red lentils, washed

Chopped onion

Chopped garlic

Curry Powder (whatever you prefer, we like it spicy)

Water to cook lentils - The less water you use, the thicker the soup


Salt to taste


Saute the onion & garlic in a little oil until soft. Add the curry powder and

stir. Add the water and lentils and cook until tender. Add the salt when the

lentils are almost done. Taste the soup and correct the spices as needed. Once

it is to your liking, puree the soup in a blender or with an immersion blender.

Put it back on the heat and let it cook down to the consistency you like.


Hope you enjoy it.




FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.



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My husband and I live in south Florida. We were hit hard in this area

by Hurricane Wilma. While we did not have any damage to our condo

apartment, some units in our complex were damaged, including broken

screens and rolladins*, porch railings sheared off and water damage.

Lots of trees were destroyed, many of them huge trees.


It looked like a war zone when it first happened. There were no traffic

lights. Almost all businesses were closed. Trees were down everywhere.


We had escaped up to Orlando (central Florida) for about a week after

the storm until we at least had basic utilities and clean water again.

Some businesses are still closed now. Sadly, one of them is Sublime

Vegetarian Restaurant, voted one of the top 10 vegetarian restaurants by

VegNews Magazine.


Our internet connection is still up and down, being powered by

generator. A number of traffic lights are on generator, as is phone

service in some areas. Broward County reported today that they will not

have all traffic lights operational until April of next year.


And now there is another hurricane brewing...


*People up north don't even know about rolladins. I never heard of them

before moving down here. They are porch shutters that you can roll down

and lock in place when a storm is coming. They are good up to about 75

miles per hour.


from Maida

Citizens for Pets in Condos, http://www.petsincondos.org

South Florida Vegetarian Events, http://www.soflavegevents.net

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I'm one of the quiet ones, and just saying hi.




Pat <veggiehound wrote:



Hey, Everyone! Where are you all? Is anyone but me and a couple of others out

there at

all??? What's going on??? Hit REPLY and let us know, pronto, okay?


Okay, I'll go first: I'm still Pat, co-owner of this lovely (but verrrry quiet)

group, and I'm

still in sothwestern Ontario, Canada. Weather is chill, but no heavy winter

coats yet. I live

here with my dh, also vegetarian, and our furkids - two beautiful beagles and

their equally

beautiful cat.


While I'm writing, here's a bit more:

These days I am getting heavily into soups and stews - whether crockpotted or


up quickly on the top of the stove. My latest 'discovery' in my kitchen (knew

about em and

ate em elsewhere) is sea vegetables and soy beans (both dried and the fresh or


frozen variety).


I could lose a little weight right now, sad to say. When I was somewhat

immobilized earlier

I gained a few pounds which should not be allowed to outstay their welcome. I am


able to exercise - lots of good walking! - and to spend more time in the kitchen


concoct nice light and nutritious meals. We had some great yellow split-pea soup


dumplings the other day that had my (luckily slim) husband going back for not


seconds but also thirds - and he's not a big eater! LOL


So now, let's hear from you? If you're shy or normally a lurker, that's okay,

just say Hi -

we'll understand - but let's hear from you ALL anyway.


Best love, Pat (Co-owner)








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Newbie here. I'm Corrina in Florida. I've lost a good chunk on Weight Watchers,

but I must be honest, I'm tired of counting every little nibble that enters my

mouth. I'd like to work towards healthy veg*n eating that is more " intuitive " so

to speak.


Looking forward to getting to know everyone!



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Hi Everyone,

This is Seetha from India. Have been a vegetarian all my life and now

struggling to lose weight, hope to achieve the desired weight by next year end.

I am getting married in a few days time and will be shifting to Canada after






Pat <veggiehound wrote:



Hey, Everyone! Where are you all? Is anyone but me and a couple of others out

there at

all??? What's going on??? Hit REPLY and let us know, pronto, okay?


Okay, I'll go first: I'm still Pat, co-owner of this lovely (but verrrry quiet)

group, and I'm

still in sothwestern Ontario, Canada. Weather is chill, but no heavy winter

coats yet. I live

here with my dh, also vegetarian, and our furkids - two beautiful beagles and

their equally

beautiful cat.


While I'm writing, here's a bit more:

These days I am getting heavily into soups and stews - whether crockpotted or


up quickly on the top of the stove. My latest 'discovery' in my kitchen (knew

about em and

ate em elsewhere) is sea vegetables and soy beans (both dried and the fresh or


frozen variety).


I could lose a little weight right now, sad to say. When I was somewhat

immobilized earlier

I gained a few pounds which should not be allowed to outstay their welcome. I am


able to exercise - lots of good walking! - and to spend more time in the kitchen


concoct nice light and nutritious meals. We had some great yellow split-pea soup


dumplings the other day that had my (luckily slim) husband going back for not


seconds but also thirds - and he's not a big eater! LOL


So now, let's hear from you? If you're shy or normally a lurker, that's okay,

just say Hi -

we'll understand - but let's hear from you ALL anyway.


Best love, Pat (Co-owner)








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