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RE: Food: Mucus, are bananas mucus-forming? (WAS: questions for Elchanan) [s]

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Angela Elliott [thegoddess]Sunday, April

24, 2005 9:03 AM [Raw Food] questions for Elchanan

Hi Elchanan,


Do bananas cause mucus at all? I was thinking they would most likely rid the

body of mucus, but a client of mine is convinced they cause mucus. Also,

she is afraid to take my word on bananas because she was told that any

sugar is bad for her cancer. I don't buy into the whole disease acceptance

thing. I learned to see the body as a whole and that food should be your

medicine early on. I am of the same philosophy as you!! Also, she told me

she has macular degeneration. Have you heard of it reversing with raw

foods? She isn't 100% raw yet, but so badly wants to be with my help. :)


Thanks so much for your help!!




Hi Angela,

Thanks so much for asking, great question. And by that I mean, not only

about bananas, but in a larger sense, what DOES " cause " mucus?


The body produces mucus to isolate and eventually remove things it perceives

as foreign matter. In general, mucus production is considered an " acute "

response, meaning that it is s first-line self-protective act by the body

that occurs almost immediately when " foreign matter " is detected. The mucus

wraps the foreign matter, forming a barrier to protect the body's own

tissues; since the mucus is wet, the body moves it outward rather easily (as

when you blow your nose).


Sometimes such " foreign matter " appears to arise from within. For example,

almost all of us in this group have experienced some form of " cleansing "

symptoms. And we are learning that, as we feed out bodies better food, get

better rest, etc., our bodies have the resources to eliminate old trash

( " toxins " ), During such a cleansing process, we may experience sniffles,

tiredness, rashes, headaches, or a host of other symptoms. When one of these

symptoms is " sniffles, " this suggests that the body has " unpacked " old,

stored toxins and is moving them out, and that they now need to be repacked

in mucus to complete the elimination process safely.


So the next question is, does the body ever perceive bananas as foreign



In general, no. But there are individuals who have some uncommon

sensitivities, and that includes bananas. To be honest, little is known

about how such sensitivities may develop. Some suspect that if we feed

something to a baby before its system is ready to handle that item, its body

learns to perceive it as foreign matter. That person might later be

" diagnosed " with a " bananas allergy. "


Dr. John Fielder, an osteopath with 40 years' experience and a frequent

contributor to this group, once wrote to me saying that for much of his

life, he could only eat a bananas or two, no more. I don't know why, and he

may not either, as it's often virtually impossible to answer that question.

And it really doesn't matter why, we simply adjust the diet away from

bananas in such a case.


So as a generalization, virtually all people handle bananas just fine. There

are those occasional few who don't, and we feed them pepperoni pizza and

beer instead. (JUST KIDDING!!!:):)


Angela, you also mention that you friend has been told that " sugar is bad

for her cancer. " Our fuel is sugar, primarily glucose. No sugar, no

thermomechanical energy, no life, it's that simple. Sugar did not cause the

cancer. BUT, having said that...if she eats much fat at all, then it may

APPEAR that sugar is harmful, because her body will not metabolize sugar

properly. The sugar will hang up in her blood stream instead of moving into

the cells to be used as fuel.


If someone with cancer is willing to make certain rather severe changes for

one month, they will see the cancer start to yield, very noticeably, in

almost every case. Cut all animal foods, cut all REFINED sugars and all

salt. Cut all high-fat foods (avocado, nuts, seeds, oils, coconut meat,

etc.) Eat lots of veggies, especially tender greens, and begin bringing in

lots of fruit, monitoring closely for reactions to any particular fruit. If

the body seems to react to something, just withdraw that food and move on.

Use smoothies if that helps get the food in.


Often, the body with cancer will actually not want much food, it prefers

rest. Notice this, respect it. Never force food.




1. Do this with the help and support of someone who knows how, not alone.

Example: we've had zero discussion here about meds and/or therapies she may

presently be using. This is a large issue. The likelihood of success goes

way up with the help and support of someone knowledgeable and experienced,

and this is a life-threatening situation. Time to ask for help, really!!


2. Do this -- ALL of this -- now. This is no time for a gradual transition,

no time for exploring RF recipes, worrying about " what people think, " and

such. " Just do it! "


Hope this helps,







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