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Allison's Nationalism

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Your warmth is showing, Allison.


Also, are you purposefully misinterpreting or misunderstanding what I'm

saying? If so, I hope they're paying you well for it.


If not, then here's another stab:

On Thursday, January 23, 2003, at 09:17 AM, (AT) (DOT)

com wrote:


> But it's okay to invite the government to come in and

> dictate how to run our businesses? You really

> contradict yourself.


Show me where I ever said this would be okay. I never did. Nor would.


> If McDonalds makes money off of the ignorant,

> pathetic, weak people that have no self control than

> more power to them.


So profiteering is fine, and rapacious greed a good thing. I see.


> Our society is so goddamned

> litigous it makes me sick.


Our apologies, we're trying to instill some personal hygiene into things.


> Some fat kid is sad b/c

> he's addicted to McDonalds and the company is supposed

> to shed money his way and change their menu?


Nope. What they do to us is deceptive. Specifically, McDonald's has

actually been caught outright lying about their ingredients, and selling

one thing while claiming another, many times. This is fact.


Wider, more generally, the fast food industry is DECEPTIVE. That's the

basis for the lawsuit. Guess what? Most people do NOT know what's in

fast food, or any food. Most don't care. Most can't do chemical analysis

to confirm the read outs offered by the companies themselves, either.


Beginning to see that, in fact, neither you nor I really know what's in

their food, either?


That was the basis of the lawsuit. If we can't reasonably have access to

actual ingredients and cooking methods, then we cannot inform ourselves.

It's especially bad when they LIE, and we know they do.


> What a

> crock of stinky dung.


The word you fumble for is, perhaps, shit. Served hot daily at any number

of fast food joints.


> If it really is the poorer people buying this stuff

> then they truly are dumb.


Yes, poverty = stupidity. God is punishing them. More right-wing

propaganda, and a more self-righteous, condemnatory, and smug attitude is

difficult to imagine. I have faith, though, so I'm sure some Newt or Rush

or Karl will come up with one.


> Food stamps aren't accepted

> at McDonalds.


LOL - but credit cards are. Hm... They must be interested in, what?

MONEY? Not feeding people? LOL


> They buy their groceries and have food

> to eat at home.


When they can afford it, and really, if they starve, all the better,

clears the riff-raff, right? Your compassionate conservatism is



> They want a big mac b/c they like

> it...Not b/c it's the only food they have to eat.


Never said that, either, but then, literacy is so wobbly a concept for



> PLEASE!! You'd better put that bleeding heart back in

> your chest before McDonalds steals it, dips it in

> sugar and fries up along side an apple pie and large

> fries...TO feed the poor and hungry.


Well, we all know that'll never happen, McDonald's caring about feeding

the poor? LOL As for the term " bleeding heart " , interesting echo and

reference there. So I'm evil and bad because you've tried to slur me as a

" liberal " ? LOL Please define. Betcha can't.


And face it, our conspiracy is so much better organized than yours.


" warmly " -- Gene.




The great rulers - the people do not notice their

existence. The lesser ones they attach to and praise

them. The still lesser ones - they fear them. The

still lesser ones - they despise them. For where faith

is lacking it cannot be met by faith. -Tao Te Ching

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This ought to be great!!! I haven't seen a good/ " fair " verbal " cat fight "

in a long time. Go for it guys...




>>Well, we all know that'll never happen, McDonald's caring about feeding

the poor? LOL As for the term " bleeding heart " , interesting echo and

reference there. So I'm evil and bad because you've tried to slur me as a

" liberal " ? LOL Please define. Betcha can't.<<

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To all,


One of the few real freedoms we have left is to speak our mind. As veggies,

we all have opinions. Some vocalize them easily, and some have a tougher

time. We are a diverse group, and there is real beauty in that for us to



Some embrace new ideas and seek to explore them. Others are comfortable

with the way things are or maybe feel they can't do anything about them

anyway. There are many reasons behind what we believe and how we act.

Exploring those reasons benefits us all.


I grew up in a family where discussion was limited, and I wouldn't dare

question my elders. Since then, I've discovered many things that should

have been questioned and consequently discarded for a number of reasons.


This group has 221 members. Here's my suggestion:


Those members who are uncomfortable for one reason or another can speak

directly to the list and share their feelings. Allow the dynamics of our

collective dialogue to evolve this group. Trust that our veggie bond will

make a difference. In reality, this is what life is all about--people

facing their friends, speaking up, being honest, and getting along.


I consider this group an extension of my family too. It's a place where I

can speak my mind and then get that kind of honesty from my family members

in return. At times people raise their voices--rarely to hurt but simply to

make a point. For me that's another fact of life.


I know that some people are conflict averse and do many things to avoid it

in every form. I say to those people--disagreement is not

disrespect--heated words are not a sign of hatred--making a point is not

belittling someone else. Friendly discussion can bring us enormous

benefits. Lengthy, heated emails that eventually come to resolution will

bring us together.


I choose to be real and allow those around be to do the same.



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'to forge steel, you must pass through flame'


*does a street fighter hoi-ryu-kin punch into the air,

shouting, 'i am yoda, mutherfukkers!*



--- daveo <daveo wrote:

> To all,


> One of the few real freedoms we have left is to

> speak our mind. As veggies,

> we all have opinions. Some vocalize them easily,

> and some have a tougher

> time. We are a diverse group, and there is real

> beauty in that for us to

> share.


> Some embrace new ideas and seek to explore them.

> Others are comfortable

> with the way things are or maybe feel they can't do

> anything about them

> anyway. There are many reasons behind what we

> believe and how we act.

> Exploring those reasons benefits us all.


> I grew up in a family where discussion was limited,

> and I wouldn't dare

> question my elders. Since then, I've discovered

> many things that should

> have been questioned and consequently discarded for

> a number of reasons.


> This group has 221 members. Here's my suggestion:


> Those members who are uncomfortable for one reason

> or another can speak

> directly to the list and share their feelings.

> Allow the dynamics of our

> collective dialogue to evolve this group. Trust

> that our veggie bond will

> make a difference. In reality, this is what life is

> all about--people

> facing their friends, speaking up, being honest, and

> getting along.


> I consider this group an extension of my family too.

> It's a place where I

> can speak my mind and then get that kind of honesty

> from my family members

> in return. At times people raise their

> voices--rarely to hurt but simply to

> make a point. For me that's another fact of life.


> I know that some people are conflict averse and do

> many things to avoid it

> in every form. I say to those people--disagreement

> is not

> disrespect--heated words are not a sign of

> hatred--making a point is not

> belittling someone else. Friendly discussion can

> bring us enormous

> benefits. Lengthy, heated emails that eventually

> come to resolution will

> bring us together.


> I choose to be real and allow those around be to do

> the same.


> Dave












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