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Re:Debate(raw foods and calm)

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I am a podiatrist and there is no lesion or eruptions on my feet or back just

chronic itching. However I did use an antifungal cream on my feet which did not

help. I do believe my problem is either from Candida die off or histamine

release from a change in my diet.


I am going to Optimum Health Institute on 12/26 for two weeks. My first week

there I plan on following their " hypo " program (no fruit or carrots or beets)to

see if that alleviates my back

itching. Plus the environment is 100% stress free.




rlmftw <rlmftw wrote: I recommend you try some anti-fungal cream on

your foot. I had a pretty bad case of chronic itching on the bottom of my right

foot, so I bought a tube of athlete's foot cream and put all over my foot before

going to bed. Then I put my foot in a plastic bag to keep the lotion on it all



A week of these treatments cured the itching on the bottom of my

foot. It had nothing to do with my diet.








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Hi Darcia,


I would be most interested in hearing how your visit goes, I suffer from low

blood sugar and fruit and some vegetables are a big no-no for me. I have

tried beans and lentils as well with horrible results. I would love to be

100% raw vegan, but without cooked eggs and chicken breast I suffer



Good luck with your visit and please keep us posted with your results.


Have a wonderful holiday season!


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I have the " Cellerciser " rebounder I purchased from David Hall, Enterprises,

about four years ago. I got it due to what I had read years ago in one of

Norman Walker's books, I forget which one now though. Quite a large number

of raw foodists have a rebounder, from what I am hearing. It is one of the

most natural and completely effective ways to exercise the body, every

system the body is composed of, as well as, every cell of the body. if you

are thinking about buying one, I recommend not buying an inexpensive one as

these break down the ankles eventually, which then breaks down the . . . . .

..so on and so forth. Remember the old song, the ankle bone is connected to

the _________ bone and the ____________bone is connected to the_____________

bone. Forgive me, I have not had my tea yet!!!


Good morning,





12/22/04 16:29:40


Re: [Raw Food] Re:Debate(raw foods and calm)


That could very well be. I'm actually sort of excited to see what the next

years of (hopefully unbiased!) research will reveal. You never know!


I know some folks encourage rebounding for assisting the lymph system in

doing its job; anyone here do that? I have a rebounder, but have not used it

very much at this point.





sunflowersupreme <no_reply > wrote:



Valerie I read once that the lymphatic system is unable to work

efficiently in a body filled with processed and denatured foods. I

wonder if that system works up and starts working aggressively to

clean the body when we transition to better nutrition. Maybe that is

what causes the itching. The lymphatic system does expel of waste

through the blood stream. I dunno, just a thought.











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Thanks, Sasha, you made me laugh! Now I can't get that song out of my head!! One

rebounder that I've seen recommended elsewhere recently is the Needak; I've

heard they have one that folds in half so it is easy to travel with. I'll look

into the one you recommended as well!





Essentially Sasha <sasha wrote:



I have the " Cellerciser " rebounder I purchased from David Hall, Enterprises,

about four years ago. I got it due to what I had read years ago in one of

Norman Walker's books, I forget which one now though. Quite a large number

of raw foodists have a rebounder, from what I am hearing. It is one of the

most natural and completely effective ways to exercise the body, every

system the body is composed of, as well as, every cell of the body. if you

are thinking about buying one, I recommend not buying an inexpensive one as

these break down the ankles eventually, which then breaks down the . . . . .

..so on and so forth. Remember the old song, the ankle bone is connected to

the _________ bone and the ____________bone is connected to the_____________

bone. Forgive me, I have not had my tea yet!!!




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Yes Valerie I have heard of that. I had considered buying one but I

live in a condo and don't know how that would effect he neighbors

beneath me. Do you think step aerobics or training on the stairmaster

would have a similar effect? ]

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Deborah I've heard a lot of people complain that excessive fruits

bother them if they have hypoglycemia or similar problems. When I eat

fruit in moderation I'm fine but have noticed a drop in mood or

slight headache when I eat too much of them. Is hypoglycemia

something that a raw food diet will eventually cure or will a person

always be limited to the amount of fructose they can handle even as

raw foodists?

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Sorry about the ditty Valerie. It's been four years and I haven't been able

to get it out of my head yet. Anyway, I do believe that the Needak and the

Cellerciser are one in the same, except for price. I paid $350 when they

first came out. The difference lays in the person that buys the

distributorship and how they advertise them. Mine weighs about 20-25lbs.

and believe me they are not that easy as they suggest to move around. Even

folded in half in the case, it it huge. I keep mine out, and if I have to

move it from room to room, I roll it on its side.

I really do love mine though, and if I had to make a cart on wheels for it

to get it to where I wanted it, I would do it. I just purchased a Quest

Easy Shaper from Walmart as well. (Walmart was about $100 off of regular

price on the internet.) That should arrive between Christmas and New Years.

If I am not mistaken, someone on this list mentioned that one.


Anyway, let's see. . . .5 apples, 2 bananas, a couple peaches, . . . . .LOL





12/23/04 09:02:15


Re: [Raw Food] Re:Debate(raw foods and calm)


Thanks, Sasha, you made me laugh! Now I can't get that song out of my head!!

One rebounder that I've seen recommended elsewhere recently is the Needak; I

ve heard they have one that folds in half so it is easy to travel with. I'll

look into the one you recommended as well!





Essentially Sasha <sasha wrote:



I have the " Cellerciser " rebounder I purchased from David Hall, Enterprises,

about four years ago. I got it due to what I had read years ago in one of

Norman Walker's books, I forget which one now though. Quite a large number

of raw foodists have a rebounder, from what I am hearing. It is one of the

most natural and completely effective ways to exercise the body, every

system the body is composed of, as well as, every cell of the body. if you

are thinking about buying one, I recommend not buying an inexpensive one as

these break down the ankles eventually, which then breaks down the . . . . .

...so on and so forth. Remember the old song, the ankle bone is connected to

the _________ bone and the ____________bone is connected to the_____________

bone. Forgive me, I have not had my tea yet!!!




Dress up your holiday email, Hollywood style. Learn more.



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Probably; one thing you might do is leave a note for your neighbors telling them

you plan to do some exercising that could be a little noisy, and find out when

they are usually away from home, and see if you can adjust your time around

their schedule. Don't know if this is reasonable or not, just an idea.





sunflowersupreme <no_reply > wrote:


Yes Valerie I have heard of that. I had considered buying one but I

live in a condo and don't know how that would effect he neighbors

beneath me. Do you think step aerobics or training on the stairmaster

would have a similar effect? ]






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I do not know if a raw food diet with cure/help low blood sugar. I have

difficulty with one piece of fruit and limited amounts of some vegetables,

that is why I asked Darcia to keep us posted with her results at the clinic.


Have a wonderful holiday weekend!


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