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No you're not alone it's the same thing that i have been through too. Just other

words...they really dont understand what we feel inside.

I am veggie for 6 years in Thailand..

it's your first strat..sure there must be something to prove you..Will you

believe it or not ...it's the heaven test..it like school test you should pass

it...but this test is more excellent..it means soul.


My parents, my family, my friends were shock that i became one. But for a long

long time it became our life..it's our life became the natural of our

life...they will use to your attitude..


Believe me..eventhough the ones you love do this to you...but you will be the

person that they think of when they need help. you will get a lot of trust

... " you are what you eat "


The things you will get is improving your soul...just ignore their words..dont

be angry...it's the step to the emptiness.

The human life is value than animals..as is less value we should give love to

them..the important thing of human life is give love...then it makes world

peace..we are the new generotions who starts the new civilization by being

vegetarian...it souds great...^_^


em...if one people symphathize with animals stop eating..You think that people

dare to kill human..if everyone does..how will be a perfect world?

We will become history.......

well...my english is not good if you're confused my English please forgive










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hey mike,


well, we've all been through that, i think-- my friends and family all think

i'm nuts because i'm vegan. my father was horrified for a while that my

mother mentioned it to her friends. i get those same arguments and comments

( " i

hear your carrot screaming! " ) all the time. in the end, though, you have to

be true to yourself. if i spent my life worrying about what other people

thought of me, i'd be in a very different place in my life right now, and i


be absolutely miserable.


hope that helps you! welcome to the group!


oh, and sarisa-- your english is just fine, and your sentiment is beautiful.









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Mike [jurassic_monkey420]

Tuesday, July 01, 2003 9:48 PM


New to all of this


>>...it's getting to a point where I try to hide the fact I am a veggie, I'm

getting so sick of everyone giving me carp...<<


Sadly, that's what your life will be like without supportive friends around

you. Some meat-eaters are quite sensitve to our being different and see our

veggie diet as a challenge to their own diet. I don't really understand why

they act that way, and frankly after 22 years as a veggie, I've given up

trying to explain it.


Welcome to the group, Mike. You'll find many of those new supportive

friends here.



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Hey Mike, welcome to the group. I think you will find a lot of people here

that you can relate to regarding frustrations with relative, friend and

stranger reactions to your new diet. Many here have several ways they deal

(or don't deal) with these reactions. We are coming off our second most

active month since this group was created and the last couple of days have

been somewhat quiet, so hang in there. We've got tons of recipes in the

files section....anything from appetizers to desserts, from homemade soaps

to pet treats.


If you have any questions or any more experiences you want to share with us,

please be our guest. Talk to ya laters!






----Original Message Follows----

" Mike " <jurassic_monkey420



Well I just joined this forum, and I haven't been a veggie for every

long, since about Jan. I've always had a love for animals but never

really stopped to think about what I'm eating. Then one day I just

said, " Hey, I don't have to eat animals " lol. And I guess that's

really the reason I became one. But since I've become one I can't

tell you how much crap I take from everyone. I get all these butt

holes giving stuff like " You eat plants right? That's a living

thing! " or " Animals eat each other, why can't we eat them? " Well my

answers for those two are " Well plants don't have a brain and don't

feel love " and " Yes animals eat each other, but animals also have sex

with their brothers and sisters, do you? " But it's getting to a point

where I try to hide the fact I am a veggie, I'm getting so sick of

everyone giving me carp. You see I live in Louisiana where meat is a

VERY big thing around here, and anyone who is a veggie is looked at

like some kind of weirdo. Don't get me wrong I love being one; just I

hate all the baggage it comes with. I really hope that I find other

People that can relate to my problem. Well I'll stop ranting and

crying like a baby, this is really just my hello lol.



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Hi Mike and welcome! This definitely is a great place to get

support. But, I did want to point out one thing as the resident

herbalist and Green Witch. Plants DO indeed feel love. Lucky for

us, plants are so generous and willing to give their energy to us

that it is much less " soulless " to eat vegetarian than carnivorously

(is that a word?).


I'm sorry that you're having a hard time finding fellow feeling among

your acquaintances. If you feel like you need your friends/family to

understand, try explaining to them the devestating effects of factory

farming. They might not have as many " arguments " against that.


Again, welcome to the group! May you find happiness here.



, " Mike "

<jurassic_monkey420> wrote:

But since I've become one I can't

> tell you how much crap I take from everyone. I get all these butt

> holes giving stuff like " You eat plants right? That's a living

> thing! " or " Animals eat each other, why can't we eat them? " Well my

> answers for those two are " Well plants don't have a brain and don't

> feel love " and " Yes animals eat each other, but animals also have


> with their brothers and sisters, do you? "

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get all these butt

> holes giving stuff like " You eat plants right? That's a living

> thing! " or " Animals eat each other, why can't we eat them? " Well my

> answers for those two are " Well plants don't have a brain and don't

> feel love " and " Yes animals eat each other, but animals also have


> with their brothers and sisters, do you? " But it's getting to a


> where I try to hide the fact I am a veggie,




I just tell people that I don't eat anything with a face, a nervous

system or its own source of locomotion. You're never going to get

away from all the crap. Some people just give us crap to make

themselves feel better about their meat-eating ways. Maybe they feel

threatened by vegetarianism, so they say that crap. Whatever. I

usually just ignore it. Sometimes it gets really annoying, though.

LA would be a very difficult place to be veggie!! I lived the last 9

years in Kansas City--the barbecue and steak capital of the world and

I put up with a lot of crap there. You might research whether there

is a vegetarian organization in town. Believe it or not, KC had

one!! Good luck and welcome to the list!



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my father was horrified for a while that my

> mother mentioned it to her friends. i get those same arguments

and comments ( " i

> hear your carrot screaming! " ) all the time.



funny that no one thinks it's " weird " to eat meat. Personally, I

don't see how people can do it and I think THEY are weird for eating

it and I think it stinks when people cook it!! I would love to have

a world where it was considered deviant to eat meat! To me, that

makes the most logical sense. My family raises animals for meat. If

more people became friends with their food, they wouldn't eat it.

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hi mike,

welcome to the list. sorry that you are getting so

much crap from people about your diet. i'm sure most

of us here have experienced the same kind of thing.

i've gotten to the point where my attitude is that i

don't have to justify my diet choices to anyone...and

i don't. it's not their business and i'm not out to

convert anyone. i've found it easier to not announce

that i'm veggie and most people don't even notice.

works for me.

how does your family feel about you being vegetarian?

looking forward to your posts,



--- Mike <jurassic_monkey420 wrote:

> Well I just joined this forum, and I haven't been a

> veggie for every

> long, since about Jan. I've always had a love for

> animals but never

> really stopped to think about what I'm eating. Then

> one day I just

> said, " Hey, I don't have to eat animals " lol. And I

> guess that's

> really the reason I became one. But since I've

> become one I can't

> tell you how much crap I take from everyone. I get

> all these butt

> holes giving stuff like " You eat plants right?

> That's a living

> thing! " or " Animals eat each other, why can't we eat

> them? " Well my

> answers for those two are " Well plants don't have a

> brain and don't

> feel love " and " Yes animals eat each other, but

> animals also have sex

> with their brothers and sisters, do you? " But it's

> getting to a point

> where I try to hide the fact I am a veggie, I'm

> getting so sick of

> everyone giving me carp. You see I live in Louisiana

> where meat is a

> VERY big thing around here, and anyone who is a

> veggie is looked at

> like some kind of weirdo. Don't get me wrong I love

> being one; just I

> hate all the baggage it comes with. I really hope

> that I find other

> People that can relate to my problem. Well I'll stop

> ranting and

> crying like a baby, this is really just my hello

> lol.







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Thanks for the welcome, and thanks to everyone for thier kind words, don't have

to time to reply to them all, or even reply that much to anything lol. Well my

family is pretty cool about it actually. My bothers and sister haven't said

anything and my dad was cool about it, and so was my mom. The only thing she

ever said was once " Ya know Jesus ate meat " That made me laugh, I love my mom

lol. Now i'm not a vegan, so pleae don't hate me lol. I admire Vegans, and

nothing but respect, I just, personally, only have a problem with eatting actual

meat. The idea of eatting another living thing that can love, breaks my heart.

Now I don't hate meat eatters at all, all of my friends eat meat, and some even

hunt (sadlly) but that is their choice, and thier right. I don't agree with it

but I have enough love and respect for them that I would NEVER tell them what

they can and can't do. Just like I don't want them telling me I can't be a

veggie. And as for all the crap I take, I just tell people

now to listen to the song " Story my life " By the punk band Millencolin. That's

pretty much raps it up for me.

Well later all my fellow veggies!


" This time, it's not a cow, it's kind of personal, can't explain to you why

this time, it's not a cow, so mr.PC are you ready to bow " -Millencolin

" artichoke72x " <artichoke72x wrote:

hi mike,

welcome to the list. sorry that you are getting so

much crap from people about your diet. i'm sure most

of us here have experienced the same kind of thing.

i've gotten to the point where my attitude is that i

don't have to justify my diet choices to anyone...and

i don't. it's not their business and i'm not out to

convert anyone. i've found it easier to not announce

that i'm veggie and most people don't even notice.

works for me.

how does your family feel about you being vegetarian?

looking forward to your posts,



--- Mike <jurassic_monkey420 wrote:

> Well I just joined this forum, and I haven't been a

> veggie for every

> long, since about Jan. I've always had a love for

> animals but never

> really stopped to think about what I'm eating. Then

> one day I just

> said, " Hey, I don't have to eat animals " lol. And I

> guess that's

> really the reason I became one. But since I've

> become one I can't

> tell you how much crap I take from everyone. I get

> all these butt

> holes giving stuff like " You eat plants right?

> That's a living

> thing! " or " Animals eat each other, why can't we eat

> them? " Well my

> answers for those two are " Well plants don't have a

> brain and don't

> feel love " and " Yes animals eat each other, but

> animals also have sex

> with their brothers and sisters, do you? " But it's

> getting to a point

> where I try to hide the fact I am a veggie, I'm

> getting so sick of

> everyone giving me carp. You see I live in Louisiana

> where meat is a

> VERY big thing around here, and anyone who is a

> veggie is looked at

> like some kind of weirdo. Don't get me wrong I love

> being one; just I

> hate all the baggage it comes with. I really hope

> that I find other

> People that can relate to my problem. Well I'll stop

> ranting and

> crying like a baby, this is really just my hello

> lol.







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I know how you feel, my family is from green bay wisconsin with all

it's cheeseburgers, brats, ,and more cheese. i just went vegan. when

i told my omnivorous mom, she was concerned for MY health. but

they're starting to come around now. i sent them an article about

new veggie friendly restaurants opening up there. if there's hope for

green bay, ,there's hope for LA " suck the head pinch the tail " .

actually other than maybe san fransansico, i think we're in the vast

minority. But every time someone challenges my views, i think it

just makes them stronger.. if that's possible. their arguments just

sound so ridiculous now. Maybe if you find someone there who isn't

totally hostile to you, you could have em over for veggie burgers or

something. prove to them it's not the poison most meat-eaters think

it is.

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  • 3 years later...
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Hi - I'm new to all of this. About a month and a half ago, I saw the movie Fast Food Nation. This led me to the PETA website. I'd seen this stuff before and had been brought to tears, but this time it made an impact on me. So, I'm not eating meat or fish and transitioning away from milk. Cheese will be hard for me. I didn't do this to lose weight but thought that I might. It seems that I've actually gained weight. Any tips? I know patience and my continued exercise program will work in the long run. I just wonder if I'm eating the wrong things. Thanks

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have you not tryed vegan cheese then ? its 10 times better Amy Scarborough <silverjetta041603 wrote: Hi - I'm new to all of this. About a month and a half ago, I saw the movie Fast Food Nation. This led me to the PETA website. I'd seen this stuff before and had been brought to tears, but this time it made an impact on me. So, I'm not eating meat or fish and transitioning away from milk. Cheese will be hard for me. I didn't do this to lose weight but thought that I might. It seems that I've actually gained weight. Any tips? I know patience and my continued exercise program will work in the long run. I just wonder if I'm eating the wrong things. Thanks Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?Check out new cars at Autos.

Answers - Got a question? Someone out there knows the answer. Try

it now.

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Hi Amy


Welcome to the group.


I put on weight when I became veggie too! Probably best to eat more salads and vegetables, than pasta and sauces - but I don't follow my own advice :-)





Amy Scarborough

Thursday, April 26, 2007 9:52 PM

new to all of this


Hi -


I'm new to all of this. About a month and a half ago, I saw the movie Fast Food Nation. This led me to the PETA website. I'd seen this stuff before and had been brought to tears, but this time it made an impact on me.


So, I'm not eating meat or fish and transitioning away from milk. Cheese will be hard for me.


I didn't do this to lose weight but thought that I might. It seems that I've actually gained weight. Any tips?


I know patience and my continued exercise program will work in the long run. I just wonder if I'm eating the wrong things.





Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?Check out new cars at Autos.

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Hi Louis / Amy


I personally like some of the vegan cheeses, but I think it would be a big mistake to try them thinking that they will taste anything like real cheese. They have their own taste, but they're not anything like cow's cheese!







louis stott

Sunday, April 29, 2007 1:15 PM

Re: new to all of this

have you not tryed vegan cheese then ? its 10 times better Amy Scarborough <silverjetta041603 wrote:



Hi -


I'm new to all of this. About a month and a half ago, I saw the movie Fast Food Nation. This led me to the PETA website. I'd seen this stuff before and had been brought to tears, but this time it made an impact on me.


So, I'm not eating meat or fish and transitioning away from milk. Cheese will be hard for me.


I didn't do this to lose weight but thought that I might. It seems that I've actually gained weight. Any tips?


I know patience and my continued exercise program will work in the long run. I just wonder if I'm eating the wrong things.





Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?Check out new cars at Autos.



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hi peter bb i do see where you are coming from but for me i think vegan chesse is not only better for you its tastes better what ones do you like ?metalscarab <metalscarab wrote: Hi Louis / Amy I personally like some of the vegan cheeses, but I think it would be a big mistake to try them thinking that they will taste anything like real

cheese. They have their own taste, but they're not anything like cow's cheese! BB Peter - louis stott Sunday, April 29, 2007 1:15 PM Re: new to all of this have you not tryed vegan cheese then ? its 10 times better Amy Scarborough <silverjetta041603 > wrote: Hi - I'm new to all of this. About a month and a half ago, I saw the movie Fast Food Nation. This led me to the PETA website. I'd seen this stuff before and had been brought to tears, but this time it made an impact on me. So, I'm not eating meat or fish and transitioning away from milk. Cheese will be hard for me. I didn't do this to lose weight but thought that I might. It seems that I've actually gained weight. Any tips? I know patience and my continued exercise program will work in the long run. I just wonder if I'm eating the wrong things. Thanks Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?Check out new cars at Autos. Answers - Got a question? Someone out there knows the answer. Try it now.

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Hi Peter


I would agree with that. I quite like Cheezly but Colin cannot stand it. I have just purchased a Scheese, mature Cheddar, which I'm hoping will be nice.






Monday, April 30, 2007 8:14 AM

Re: new to all of this


Hi Louis / Amy


I personally like some of the vegan cheeses, but I think it would be a big mistake to try them thinking that they will taste anything like real cheese. They have their own taste, but they're not anything like cow's cheese!







louis stott

Sunday, April 29, 2007 1:15 PM

Re: new to all of this

have you not tryed vegan cheese then ? its 10 times better Amy Scarborough <silverjetta041603 wrote:



Hi -


I'm new to all of this. About a month and a half ago, I saw the movie Fast Food Nation. This led me to the PETA website. I'd seen this stuff before and had been brought to tears, but this time it made an impact on me.


So, I'm not eating meat or fish and transitioning away from milk. Cheese will be hard for me.


I didn't do this to lose weight but thought that I might. It seems that I've actually gained weight. Any tips?


I know patience and my continued exercise program will work in the long run. I just wonder if I'm eating the wrong things.





Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?Check out new cars at Autos.



Answers - Got a question? Someone out there knows the answer. Try it now.

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I'm more of a shredded cheese girl, so I'm hoping to find a shredded

syle that I like. If I've got used to tofu and soy milk and

actually like it, I think I can get used to anything...haha



, " jo " <jo.heartwork wrote:


> Hi Peter


> I would agree with that. I quite like Cheezly but Colin cannot

stand it. I have just purchased a Scheese, mature Cheddar, which

I'm hoping will be nice.


> BB

> Jo

> -

> metalscarab


> Monday, April 30, 2007 8:14 AM

> Re: new to all of this



> Hi Louis / Amy


> I personally like some of the vegan cheeses, but I think it

would be a big mistake to try them thinking that they will taste

anything like real cheese. They have their own taste, but they're

not anything like cow's cheese!


> BB

> Peter


> -

> louis stott


> Sunday, April 29, 2007 1:15 PM

> Re: new to all of this



> have you not tryed vegan cheese then ? its 10 times better


> Amy Scarborough <silverjetta041603 wrote:

> Hi -


> I'm new to all of this. About a month and a half ago, I saw

the movie Fast Food Nation. This led me to the PETA website. I'd

seen this stuff before and had been brought to tears, but this time

it made an impact on me.


> So, I'm not eating meat or fish and transitioning away from

milk. Cheese will be hard for me.


> I didn't do this to lose weight but thought that I might.

It seems that I've actually gained weight. Any tips?


> I know patience and my continued exercise program will work

in the long run. I just wonder if I'm eating the wrong things.


> Thanks


> -


> Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

> Check out new cars at Autos.





> -


> Answers - Got a question? Someone out there knows the

answer. Try it now.


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What do you do to add protein to your diet? Are you concerned about

protein at all or are you getting it with the vegan diet? I've been

adding protein bars and maybe that's causing some weight gain. As

I've said, I'm not too concerned about it but I guess I'm concerned

enough to keep writing about it..haha

, " jo " <jo.heartwork wrote:


> Hi Amy


> Welcome to the group.


> I put on weight when I became veggie too! Probably best to eat

more salads and vegetables, than pasta and sauces - but I don't

follow my own advice :-)


> Jo

> -

> Amy Scarborough


> Thursday, April 26, 2007 9:52 PM

> new to all of this



> Hi -


> I'm new to all of this. About a month and a half ago, I saw the

movie Fast Food Nation. This led me to the PETA website. I'd seen

this stuff before and had been brought to tears, but this time it

made an impact on me.


> So, I'm not eating meat or fish and transitioning away from

milk. Cheese will be hard for me.


> I didn't do this to lose weight but thought that I might. It

seems that I've actually gained weight. Any tips?


> I know patience and my continued exercise program will work in

the long run. I just wonder if I'm eating the wrong things.


> Thanks



> -


> Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

> Check out new cars at Autos.


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i've slowly gained weight over theyears..tho, i basically chalk it up to lower metabolism and more sedentary lifestyle

going from running a warehouse to a sit down office job will do that


go fer walks!

thats what i'm tryin to do more of




jo Apr 29, 2007 12:05 PM Re: new to all of this


Hi Amy


Welcome to the group.


I put on weight when I became veggie too! Probably best to eat more salads and vegetables, than pasta and sauces - but I don't follow my own advice :-)





Amy Scarborough

Thursday, April 26, 2007 9:52 PM

new to all of this


Hi -


I'm new to all of this. About a month and a half ago, I saw the movie Fast Food Nation. This led me to the PETA website. I'd seen this stuff before and had been brought to tears, but this time it made an impact on me.


So, I'm not eating meat or fish and transitioning away from milk. Cheese will be hard for me.


I didn't do this to lose weight but thought that I might. It seems that I've actually gained weight. Any tips?


I know patience and my continued exercise program will work in the long run. I just wonder if I'm eating the wrong things.





Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?Check out new cars at Autos.

Don't know, don't care, don't talk, don't stare, don't know, don't care

We live in fear the end is near and we are easy to control

It's an orange alert

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protein consumption is pretty over rated

everything you eat has protein in it...

if yer worried, er have some sort of defiency...there's beans, tofu, nuts, etc





>silverjetta041603 <silverjetta041603

>Apr 30, 2007 10:38 AM


> Re: new to all of this



>What do you do to add protein to your diet? Are you concerned about

>protein at all or are you getting it with the vegan diet? I've been

>adding protein bars and maybe that's causing some weight gain. As

>I've said, I'm not too concerned about it but I guess I'm concerned

>enough to keep writing about it..haha

> , " jo " <jo.heartwork wrote:




Don't know, don't care, don't talk, don't stare, don't know, don't care

We live in fear the end is near and we are easy to control

It's an orange alert

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At 8:14 AM +0100 4/30/07, metalscarab wrote:

Hi Louis / Amy


I personally like some of the vegan cheeses, but I think it would

be a big mistake to try them thinking that they will taste anything

like real cheese. They have their own taste, but they're not anything

like cow's cheese!



Funny -- I stopped eating all cheese almost 2 decades ago because

of vegan cheese! I disliked it so much that I started thinking about

what was in dairy cheese and realized it was a big hunk of fat.


I assume vegan cheeses have improved over the past 18 years! I've

tried some now and then, but haven't bought any twice. Are any of them

especially worth trying?

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where do you reside?

there are a number of cheese analogs on the market....



>silverjetta041603 <silverjetta041603

>Apr 30, 2007 10:34 AM


> Re: new to all of this


>I'm more of a shredded cheese girl, so I'm hoping to find a shredded

>syle that I like. If I've got used to tofu and soy milk and

>actually like it, I think I can get used to anything...haha





Don't know, don't care, don't talk, don't stare, don't know, don't care

We live in fear the end is near and we are easy to control

It's an orange alert

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YOu can shred it yourself with a grater!





" silverjetta041603 " <silverjetta041603


Monday, April 30, 2007 6:34 PM

Re: new to all of this



> I'm more of a shredded cheese girl, so I'm hoping to find a shredded

> syle that I like. If I've got used to tofu and soy milk and

> actually like it, I think I can get used to anything...haha



> , " jo " <jo.heartwork wrote:

> >

> > Hi Peter

> >

> > I would agree with that. I quite like Cheezly but Colin cannot

> stand it. I have just purchased a Scheese, mature Cheddar, which

> I'm hoping will be nice.

> >

> > BB

> > Jo

> > -

> > metalscarab

> >

> > Monday, April 30, 2007 8:14 AM

> > Re: new to all of this

> >

> >

> > Hi Louis / Amy

> >

> > I personally like some of the vegan cheeses, but I think it

> would be a big mistake to try them thinking that they will taste

> anything like real cheese. They have their own taste, but they're

> not anything like cow's cheese!

> >

> > BB

> > Peter

> >

> > -

> > louis stott

> >

> > Sunday, April 29, 2007 1:15 PM

> > Re: new to all of this

> >

> >

> > have you not tryed vegan cheese then ? its 10 times better

> >

> > Amy Scarborough <silverjetta041603 wrote:

> > Hi -

> >

> > I'm new to all of this. About a month and a half ago, I saw

> the movie Fast Food Nation. This led me to the PETA website. I'd

> seen this stuff before and had been brought to tears, but this time

> it made an impact on me.

> >

> > So, I'm not eating meat or fish and transitioning away from

> milk. Cheese will be hard for me.

> >

> > I didn't do this to lose weight but thought that I might.

> It seems that I've actually gained weight. Any tips?

> >

> > I know patience and my continued exercise program will work

> in the long run. I just wonder if I'm eating the wrong things.

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > -

> -------

> > Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

> > Check out new cars at Autos.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > -

> ---------

> > Answers - Got a question? Someone out there knows the

> answer. Try it now.

> >





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I don't add it specifically - I use beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, rice, tofu

which have plenty of protein. All foods do contain protein though.





" silverjetta041603 " <silverjetta041603


Monday, April 30, 2007 6:38 PM

Re: new to all of this




> What do you do to add protein to your diet? Are you concerned about

> protein at all or are you getting it with the vegan diet? I've been

> adding protein bars and maybe that's causing some weight gain. As

> I've said, I'm not too concerned about it but I guess I'm concerned

> enough to keep writing about it..haha

> , " jo " <jo.heartwork wrote:

> >

> > Hi Amy

> >

> > Welcome to the group.

> >

> > I put on weight when I became veggie too! Probably best to eat

> more salads and vegetables, than pasta and sauces - but I don't

> follow my own advice :-)

> >

> > Jo

> > -

> > Amy Scarborough

> >

> > Thursday, April 26, 2007 9:52 PM

> > new to all of this

> >

> >

> > Hi -

> >

> > I'm new to all of this. About a month and a half ago, I saw the

> movie Fast Food Nation. This led me to the PETA website. I'd seen

> this stuff before and had been brought to tears, but this time it

> made an impact on me.

> >

> > So, I'm not eating meat or fish and transitioning away from

> milk. Cheese will be hard for me.

> >

> > I didn't do this to lose weight but thought that I might. It

> seems that I've actually gained weight. Any tips?

> >

> > I know patience and my continued exercise program will work in

> the long run. I just wonder if I'm eating the wrong things.

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> >

> > -

> -----------

> > Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

> > Check out new cars at Autos.

> >





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I would rather grate something more natural and tasty........... The Valley Vegan..............jo <jo.heartwork wrote: YOu can shred it yourself with a grater!Jo- "silverjetta041603" <silverjetta041603 >Monday, April 30, 2007 6:34 PMSubject:

Re: new to all of this> I'm more of a shredded cheese girl, so I'm hoping to find a shredded > syle that I like. If I've got used to tofu and soy milk and > actually like it, I think I can get used to anything...haha> > > , "jo" <jo.heartwork wrote:> >> > Hi Peter> > > > I would agree with that. I quite like Cheezly but Colin cannot > stand it. I have just purchased a Scheese, mature Cheddar, which > I'm hoping will be nice.> > > > BB> > Jo> > - > > metalscarab > > > > Monday, April 30, 2007 8:14 AM> > Re: new to all of this> >

> > > > Hi Louis / Amy> > > > I personally like some of the vegan cheeses, but I think it > would be a big mistake to try them thinking that they will taste > anything like real cheese. They have their own taste, but they're > not anything like cow's cheese!> > > > BB> > Peter> > > > - > > louis stott > > > > Sunday, April 29, 2007 1:15 PM> > Re: new to all of this> > > > > > have you not tryed vegan cheese then ? its 10 times better > > > > Amy Scarborough <silverjetta041603 wrote: > > Hi -> > > > I'm new to all of this. About a month and a half ago, I saw > the movie Fast Food

Nation. This led me to the PETA website. I'd > seen this stuff before and had been brought to tears, but this time > it made an impact on me.> > > > So, I'm not eating meat or fish and transitioning away from > milk. Cheese will be hard for me.> > > > I didn't do this to lose weight but thought that I might. > It seems that I've actually gained weight. Any tips?> > > > I know patience and my continued exercise program will work > in the long run. I just wonder if I'm eating the wrong things.> > > > Thanks> > > > -------------------------> -------> > Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?> > Check out new cars at Autos. > > > > > > > > > >

-------------------------> ---------> > Answers - Got a question? Someone out there knows the > answer. Try it now.> >> > > > > To send an email to - >

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