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Ever tried BBQ tofu? Many health stores carry it, with

different types of BBQ sauces.


There are vegan Asian restaurants where I live [LA]

that make vegetarian versions of all the traditional

sauces for dishes like Pad Thai or Moo Shoo, and

substitute the meat/poultry/seafood items with soy

products to mimic texture.


I eat soy-based Italian " meat " balls that mimic

" mamma's " sauce, and even corn dogs made from tofu

that imitate regular hot dogs. Add mustard and relish,

enjoy with a glass of lemonade!


I've been a vegetarian for 30 years, and never crave

meat, but it's fun to use traditional sauces as

flavoring. There are so many fantastic soy products

like " mock " chicken or " tofu egg salad " on the market

that make vegetarian diets have endless possibilites.


When I first went vegetarian, most of the bread tasted

like cardboard, and there was no BBQ'd tofu. It was

beans & rice, lentils, smoothies and Indian food.


It's getting tastier and healthier for vegetarians

every day!



--- Rhoda Jayne <Rhoda.Jayne wrote:


> I've been craving bar-b-que & was feeling a little

> sorry for myself. Then I

> realized that it wasn't so much the meat that I was

> wanting. It was the

> hickory smoked sauce,lol! I cooked a pot of rice

> today & ate it with

> the hickory flavored sauce. It satisfied my craving!

> And barbequed rice

> probably sounds strange to some of you, I'll bet!!

> It would sound weird to

> my husband so I won't tell him what I ate today!

> Rhoda

> --

> Rhoda Jayne



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

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I've noticed memory and nerve problems.



--- On Tue, 6/23/09, mrswalp29 <mrswalp29 wrote:



mrswalp29 <mrswalp29



Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 8:45 AM









Hi everyone,

I have been a vegetarian for almost 4 years now. My husband about 9 months ago

was caught eating meat so we agreed he would eat meat when he was away from home

and at resturants with me. Our 12 year old has expressed he would like to eat

shrimp again. I have to be honest I would like fish occasionally but our 8 year

old is a serious activist and doesn't want it. I have noticed people stopped

inviting us to dinner, although we all know vegetarian cooking is simple. We are

at a crossroad I can't force this lifestyle on anyone, nor do I want family

members to sneak around eating meat, or making comments at resturants like " I

hate paying these prices for vegetables and so few choices " but it is painful we

don't all want to continue this healthy lifestyle. I wanted to ask if anyone

else has experienced this in there homes.

On a seperate note, I have noticed memory problems since becoming a vegetarian

does anyone know what nutrient I am missing?






















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Are these problems B12-related? I haven't noticed anything of the sort, but

recently started taking a B12 supplement just to be safe.


Audrey S.


On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 9:35 AM, diana scott <dianascot_33 wrote:




> I've noticed memory and nerve problems.

> Diana


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I've never heard of anything like this, my Mom has been a vegan all her life.

See your doctor.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry



diana scott <dianascot_33


Tue, 23 Jun 2009 07:35:07


Re: Cravings



I've noticed memory and nerve problems.



--- On Tue, 6/23/09, mrswalp29 <mrswalp29 wrote:



mrswalp29 <mrswalp29



Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 8:45 AM









Hi everyone,

I have been a vegetarian for almost 4 years now. My husband about 9 months ago

was caught eating meat so we agreed he would eat meat when he was away from home

and at resturants with me. Our 12 year old has expressed he would like to eat

shrimp again. I have to be honest I would like fish occasionally but our 8 year

old is a serious activist and doesn't want it. I have noticed people stopped

inviting us to dinner, although we all know vegetarian cooking is simple. We are

at a crossroad I can't force this lifestyle on anyone, nor do I want family

members to sneak around eating meat, or making comments at resturants like " I

hate paying these prices for vegetables and so few choices " but it is painful we

don't all want to continue this healthy lifestyle. I wanted to ask if anyone

else has experienced this in there homes.

On a seperate note, I have noticed memory problems since becoming a vegetarian

does anyone know what nutrient I am missing?






















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I know personally.. I would let my children and husband make the decision for

them selves.

Well, actually, I do let them make that decision them selves. My husband is

great eating vegetarian at home but, he is in the army and not home alot and

they are not as accommodating. I had some friends who had children older than

mine and they were very strict about their childrens diet, which was fine but..

their kids especially the older they got would sneak off with their friends and

happily not stick to their parents wishes.. I chose then to let my children

decide if and when they would be vegetarian. My children of course do good at

home eating vegetarian and they do better when they are away from home too. It

is also easier for them when they are with their peers because, as most of us

know, that can be a huge challenge for a child and some of those kids are just

not understanding..


So, that's just my opinion.. not a popular one I am sure but, I would never

force my life choices on anyone else including my family.



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I agree with you Jenn.

My Mother is vegan and she didn't cook too good either. She was extremely

strict about sugar too. Since she worked 2 jobs to raise us I would eat at all

the neighbors houses. I was always hungry and their food tasted so good. I

would collect soda bottles to buy forbidden candy. I couldn't wait to attack my

Gran's fridge. I would eat the whole jar of jam, sweet pickles, sweet spiced

crab apples, ice cream, her can of whipped cream, marashino cherries, you name

it. I now have a life long sugar addiction as a result.

I believe if she would have let us enjoy some candy and sweets and not been so

harsh it would have worked better. I didn't end up vegetarian until about 28

yrs ago, my sister is now vegan for about 4 yrs now, so is her husband and my

nephew. My niece is vegetarian.

If the food is tasty people don't miss the meat. I never had a problem feeding

my nephews and niece and all their friends.

I believe the key is having children help you grocery shop, reading recipes to

them, give them a vegetarian cookbook and let them pick out recipes, have them

help you cook. They love being involved in the food preparation.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry



Jenn <jpsunshinedaiseys5


Tue, 23 Jun 2009 09:06:02


Re: Cravings



I know personally.. I would let my children and husband make the decision for

them selves.

Well, actually, I do let them make that decision them selves. My husband is

great eating vegetarian at home but, he is in the army and not home alot and

they are not as accommodating. I had some friends who had children older than

mine and they were very strict about their childrens diet, which was fine but..

their kids especially the older they got would sneak off with their friends and

happily not stick to their parents wishes.. I chose then to let my children

decide if and when they would be vegetarian. My children of course do good at

home eating vegetarian and they do better when they are away from home too. It

is also easier for them when they are with their peers because, as most of us

know, that can be a huge challenge for a child and some of those kids are just

not understanding..


So, that's just my opinion.. not a popular one I am sure but, I would never

force my life choices on anyone else including my family.








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I think you are on the right track about not wanting to try to force

a food lifestyle on your husband or anyone else. I think that would

lead to resentment at some point in time. In a free world, no one

should try to force another person, especially a person that we love

and respect, into any food choice just because we feel it is " better

for them " . And, even a child of 8 can learn that we are given

free will in this world to do as we think is best for us. If your

8 year old does not want to eat meat, than I would fully support

that child's decision. If your 12 year old wants to occasionally have

a dinner or lunch of shrimp, then I would fully support that choice as

well. And, as for your husband, I surely would not expect him to

choose a food lifestyle if he did not want to do it 100% of the time.

You might find that as things relax about food choices, everything

will go more smoothly.


As the mother of 7 grown children ages 43, 40, 35, 32, 25, 21

and 19, I can tell you with all honesty that you can rear your children

giving them the benefit of your love, knowledge, and morals BUT, when

those children reach adulthood, you, then, have to respect the choices

they make even if they are NOT the choices that you taught them, and

are not the choices you would have made. And, as long as it is not

immoral or illegal, you, as a mother, have to just learn to live with their

decisions or risk losing that child.


For instance, my children were all raised on either skim or low-fat milk.

Yet, when my oldest son moved into his own apartment, he started buying

whole milk.....yuck....something I just stand to drink. Now, all of the rest

of my children have continued to choose skim or low-fat milk. I suggested

to my oldest son that he might want to do some research on the fat content

and the health risks and benefits of different levels of fat in milk. He


whole milk better.....what can I do about it.....not a thing except accept his

choice. Thank goodness the values and morals I taught my children,

and lived as an example, when they were growing up, have taken pretty deep

roots in them as people.


But, just like I would not like someone to force

a food on me that I found repugnant, I also feel you cannot do that to some

one else either. And, on the other hand, I were eating, and enjoying a


food, I would not be very happy to have my husband tell me that I could not

have it or make me feel I were wrong in eating it.


Food is a very personal choice in our lives and I think it behooves us to let

people choose what they want or do not want to eat. In the long run,

life is short and food is something that we want everyone in our family to



I don't know what to say on your lack of dinner invitations.....that is


that you cannot control. But, you might have a buffet style get together and


these friends and family over and surprise them by serving a variety of both

really good vegetarian foods AND non-vegetarian foods as well to show them

that you are a flexible person. That may change some people's minds.


So many things can affect our memories.....lack of a good night's rest,


age.....I would tell my physician the next time I went in for a check-up and

see what

he/she thinks.


Good luck....

Nancy C.






Hi everyone,

I have been a vegetarian for almost 4 years now. My husband about 9 months ago

was caught eating meat so we agreed he would eat meat when he was away from home

and at resturants with me. Our 12 year old has expressed he would like to eat

shrimp again. I have to be honest I would like fish occasionally but our 8 year

old is a serious activist and doesn't want it. I have noticed people stopped

inviting us to dinner, although we all know vegetarian cooking is simple. We are

at a crossroad I can't force this lifestyle on anyone, nor do I want family

members to sneak around eating meat, or making comments at resturants like " I

hate paying these prices for vegetables and so few choices " but it is painful we

don't all want to continue this healthy lifestyle. I wanted to ask if anyone

else has experienced this in there homes.

On a seperate note, I have noticed memory problems since becoming a vegetarian

does anyone know what nutrient I am missing?








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Hey there,

I'm from a family that's half veggie and I think if some members of your family

want to eat meat/fish (however often) then let them decide for themselves. You

don't all have to eat the same. ;)


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My husband still eats meat. Our daughter follows a vegetarian diet with me. At

first it was a nightmare trying to coordinate meals because he did the cooking.

We now prepare one meal (vs two seperate meals for dinner) which includes a meat

(side) for him. Because I am home now I have more control as I prepare the meals

and my repetoire is greater than his we have a wider variety of foods we pick

from. I have a monthly menu of meals so we know what we are having and he can

mentally prepare for something new he may be having with his side of meat.


Last Sunday we went to a father's day cookout. I took fresh cut fruit and a

salad in anticipation of them not having anything. Everything prepared including

vegetables had some kind of meat in it for flavoring. To my surprise they did

have salad but I was prepared and no one was offended by my providing my own

food. Books on being vegan/ vegetarian suggest that if invited to dinner at a

friends home offering to prepare a vegetarian/ vegan dish is not out of the

question. This way they don't feel uncomfortable and you don't have to hide a

snack bar in your purse. Not that i am not above doing that but I would prefer

to offer. This way others can try something new and you don't have to starve or

fill up prior to arrival.


My husband is eating healthier now that I have changed my diet and we are

learning together. You can't force anyone to change their dietary habits but I

have found being open to the two diets, atleast in our home, has worked. He does

not realize it but outside of the meat for dinner he is essentially eating a

vegetarian diet and if that is as good as it gets than I am satisfied.


My memory is great for what I want to remember the other stuff I just let it go!

Atleast that is my husband's take on it so I can't offer much advice on that.

Hope this helps.


I wish you the best.



, " mrswalp29 " <mrswalp29 wrote:


> Hi everyone,

> I have been a vegetarian for almost 4 years now. My husband about 9 months

ago was caught eating meat so we agreed he would eat meat when he was away from

home and at resturants with me. Our 12 year old has expressed he would like to

eat shrimp again. I have to be honest I would like fish occasionally but our 8

year old is a serious activist and doesn't want it. I have noticed people

stopped inviting us to dinner, although we all know vegetarian cooking is

simple. We are at a crossroad I can't force this lifestyle on anyone, nor do I

want family members to sneak around eating meat, or making comments at

resturants like " I hate paying these prices for vegetables and so few choices "

but it is painful we don't all want to continue this healthy lifestyle. I wanted

to ask if anyone else has experienced this in there homes.

> On a seperate note, I have noticed memory problems since becoming a

vegetarian does anyone know what nutrient I am missing?

> Steph


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> On a seperate note, I have noticed memory problems since becoming a

vegetarian does anyone know what nutrient I am missing?

> Steph



I have heard B vitamins are important but do want to share that my sister

followed the advice of someone on Oprah (I don't know if she got their book or

just watched the show) and took megadoses of B vitamins To help memory and brain

function and that CAUSED nerve problems (tingling, pain). It took her a long

time to even mention it to all the Drs she was going to because she thought it

couldn't hurt - after all it is a water soluble vitamin. My point is to be

careful about taking vitamins. Take no more than the recommended amount unless

your doctor tells you otherwise.

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Keri, that's a great idea. My mom taught me when invited to dinner, a bbq,

party, etc at someone's home to always ask what I can bring. They usually

say I don't have to or " whatever you want, a side dish. "


Audrey S.



On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 1:40 PM, keria_jones <keria_jones wrote:





> Last Sunday we went to a father's day cookout. I took fresh cut fruit and a

> salad in anticipation of them not having anything. Everything prepared

> including vegetables had some kind of meat in it for flavoring. To my

> surprise they did have salad but I was prepared and no one was offended by

> my providing my own food. Books on being vegan/ vegetarian suggest that if

> invited to dinner at a friends home offering to prepare a vegetarian/ vegan

> dish is not out of the question. This way they don't feel uncomfortable and

> you don't have to hide a snack bar in your purse. Not that i am not above

> doing that but I would prefer to offer. This way others can try something

> new and you don't have to starve or fill up prior to arrival.

> Keri

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