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Oh my god, San Francisco!

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its all has to do with wot you want to do..

before you move anywhere, visit the place first tho!!

you might decide its not fer you

actually visit a couple times...one never gets to know a place from just one visit...

find folks who have been to, er life in the area ya want ot visit...etc and so forth

but..i'm sorta the exact opposite..i luved to travel, even as a wee fraggle..and had no problem leavin home at 18..actually hitch-hiked across the country at 16-17...well..sorta..got stuck in nebraska....

: )

maybe you can take a trip with yer overprotective mum....




..I didn't have an average rebellious

childhood, so we're close, and me doing anything on my own is

scaring her. So, that's the one thing that would keep me from doing

it....has anyone else ever been in this situation before? Even just

reading about the city made me feel a strange sense of peace, which

I would love to pursue....any thoughts or guidance? Thanks everyone.

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In a message dated 2/9/04 11:42:45 AM Pacific Standard Time, phytoscarfingsimianpod writes:

(wasn't that also where they made changes so that you don't OWN a dog, but are her/his guardian instead?) i understand the kind of peace living in a place like that can give you....if it makes you happy, your mom will understand. i'm about to be on my own, too. we share an age and several significant thoughts

yeah..SF and berkeley....

of course..all places have problems....

our rent here is outrageous(highest in the country)..lotsa crime...

on the other hand, its very cosmopolitan, there are a billion places to eat, museums, parks, green belts, lakes, etc...you can go from beach to the mountains in 2 hrs...


its the best place i've ever lived..but, at the same time, its obvious not every place can be perfect fer everyone..to each their own!




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In a message dated 2/9/04 11:47:15 AM Pacific Standard Time, ashley-rae writes:

And I can't believe you found something vegetarian in Wyoming,

that's an even smaller state than ND lol

jeffrey's bistro..in laramie...also had some nummy veggie food at the library brewpub as well...

there was also a vegan place in misoula montana, but it was closed last september when we went thru(didn't open til like noon, and we couldn't hang around)

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In a message dated 2/9/04 12:08:52 PM Pacific Standard Time, ashley-rae writes:


You're right, there's always something wrong in every city....for

instance, your crime and cost of living is high, whereas ND has some

of the lowest crime and cost of living rates in the country, b

well..of course the crime rate is pretty low..considerin yer population is spread out over a state, and oakland's is jammed into one little area


like i said...


yer in no hurry...

and the bay area is big..lots to see and do...

and then there is santa cruz just south of here..and monterey..then down the coast to santa barbara and finally the hell that is SoCal(hey, lotsa folks like it down there..just not me anymore...)..

california is a big ass state..and pretty dang varied...alturas ain't that much different then the dakotas in many respects...

seriously...read into it..then GO! get yer lil feets a-movin and see places...

oh..ya might not want to bring yer evil SUV tho..especially to SF...tho there are lots of the behemoths around, who knows when you'll get tagged by the Mission Yuppie Eradication folks..who have a hankerin fer attacking the suburban tanks.....


if ya have any questions...just ask....

i've been here..ummm...15 yrs almost...

dear bacchus how time flies...

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In a message dated 2/9/04 12:08:52 PM Pacific Standard Time, ashley-rae writes:

Strangely, even while talking about the downsides of

S.F., it still seems like such a nice change.


cuz change is wot ya need at times...

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"bad" things happen all over...cities do not have a lock hold on tragedy, crime, er wot all...

just more folks here,...

Castro St fair is ok..like everything else, things change....


sorry..can't help you with churches, except glide memorial is suppose to be famous...thats a methodist church i think...and of course Mission Delores is here..the original spanish mission.......but, don't pay much attention to most of em..sorry..


as i said..plan on visiting..read..find out wot ya wanna see..wot intesrests you..

there is another person on this list who just moved to the SF Bay Area..ask her things, like brought her here..etc

planning on going to skool here??

UC Berkeley?

SF State??


remember..the bay area is sorta spread out, and yer gonna wanna think about where ya wanna live...

i'd bite my leg off before i moved to concord er livermore, and thats only on the other side of the hills basically....

public transportation is sorta "eh"....i guess its better then north dakota..but...its still lacking....

BART is a poor version of a subway...and bus services always get cut

MUNI is ok in SF...but..if you live in the East Bay, and you want to go to SF, its pretty hard to get back across the Bay after midnite unless you have a vehicle..then of course parking in SF is akin to findin WMD's in iraq...non-existent...


i'm sure things will only get worse now that ahnold is governor....


wot can one do, eh?


cheers fraggle


Anyway, still

researching the city and it still sounds amazing....that Castro

festival looks very fun. And there's even a nice Methodist

Church...my mom's a Methodist minister, so that might help convince

her that I'm not gonna venture off into an evil town and get raped

or killed...of course it's possible, but the same thing just

happened in Grand Forks(or Fargo?), so clearly every city has the

capacity for evil. Oh blessed blessed California, how I long to

meet you.

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In a message dated 2/9/04 1:28:44 PM Pacific Standard Time, ashley-rae writes:

s get my

degree online, that way I can work during the day and afford the

terrible rent lol...or just live out of my evil tank, we'll see. It

would be great to finally take part in public transit...although

maybe not the subway, that holds bad memories, interestingly enough

in Paris also.

BART here isn't really much like a subway, er METRO..er wotever...think of it more like a poor subway er limited light-rail system...


wot r you thinking of taking fer a degree??

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Ohhhhh lordy...talking about moving to a new city to experience a

vegan community got me in the mood to research moving to San

Francisco, and I'm pretty sure that I'm now in love lol...I even

have that butterflies feeling that you get when a new relationship

is going really well. Anyway, I looked at pictures, info, etc., and

it all seems so perfect. I'm only 18 and will be going to college

next year, and have tended to shy away from the idea of moving, only

because I wouldn't want to upset my mother who is becoming

freakishly overprotective now that it's becoming time for me

to " spread my wings " ...I didn't have an average rebellious

childhood, so we're close, and me doing anything on my own is

scaring her. So, that's the one thing that would keep me from doing

it....has anyone else ever been in this situation before? Even just

reading about the city made me feel a strange sense of peace, which

I would love to pursue....any thoughts or guidance? Thanks everyone.



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no thoughts or guidance but plenty of understanding! san francisco is also my ideal home! i've always thought that if anything monumental were to happen, it'd begin in san francisco. from the first time i visited and walked down a street, passing a seven-foot-tall drag queen whom NO ONE was laughing at, i knew i had to end up there. (wasn't that also where they made changes so that you don't OWN a dog, but are her/his guardian instead?) i understand the kind of peace living in a place like that can give you....if it makes you happy, your mom will understand. i'm about to be on my own, too. we share an age and several significant thoughts!



> > Oh my god, San Francisco! >Mon, 09 Feb 2004 18:28:19 -0000 > >Ohhhhh lordy...talking about moving to a new city to experience a >vegan community got me in the mood to research moving to San >Francisco, and I'm pretty sure that I'm now in love lol...I even >have that butterflies feeling that you get when a new relationship >is going really well. Anyway, I looked at pictures, info, etc., and >it all seems so perfect. I'm only 18 and will be going to college >next year, and have tended to shy away from the idea of moving, only >because I wouldn't want to upset my mother who is becoming >freakishly overprotective now that it's becoming time for me >to "spread my wings"...I didn't have an average rebellious >childhood, so we're close, and me doing anything on my own is >scaring her. So, that's the one thing that would keep me from doing >it....has anyone else ever been in this situation before? Even just >reading about the city made me feel a strange sense of peace, which >I would love to pursue....any thoughts or guidance? Thanks everyone. > >-Ashley > Click here for a FREE online computer virus scan from McAfee.

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Hmmmm, a trip with my mother, that's actually a very good

idea...experiencing what you're afraid of makes it less foreign.

And I can't believe you found something vegetarian in Wyoming,

that's an even smaller state than ND lol. And to

fartybriivismeisteranushead ta-da! (may I ask your name?), you're

right, we do have alot in common, because I've also seen a 7-feet

tall drag queen lol...although, it was in Paris, and I'm pretty sure

he(she?) was a prostitute, because s/he was walking with a very

small conservatively dressed man, in an alley, at night lol...but I

say it's close enough! So you're about to be on your own too?

Maybe we should just get an apartment in San Francisco, then

everyone's happy!



Care2 make the world greener!


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You're right, there's always something wrong in every city....for

instance, your crime and cost of living is high, whereas ND has some

of the lowest crime and cost of living rates in the country, but in

exchange for that, the great majority of the population here fishes

hunts, etc., so it's really a question of which things are most

important? Strangely, even while talking about the downsides of

S.F., it still seems like such a nice change.



Care2 make the world greener!


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awesome suggestion! (lol) hi! my name's brii (you can call me "briivis"!) and who knows, your mom might like the place too much to leave! another benefit of san francisco: conservatism isn't required, so that man who felt he had to resort to a prostitute could feel more free to be himself. i live in ohio; anything liberal (or sensical) is strongly taboo...logic is barely legal! and i was a lone vegan, too, before recruiting some other beings with an appreciation for compassion.


> > >Re: RE: Oh my god, San Francisco! >Mon, 9 Feb 2004 13:41:36 -0600 > >Hmmmm, a trip with my mother, that's actually a very good >idea...experiencing what you're afraid of makes it less foreign. >And I can't believe you found something vegetarian in Wyoming, >that's an even smaller state than ND lol. And to >fartybriivismeisteranushead ta-da! (may I ask your name?), you're >right, we do have alot in common, because I've also seen a 7-feet >tall drag queen lol...although, it was in Paris, and I'm pretty sure >he(she?) was a prostitute, because s/he was walking with a very >small conservatively dressed man, in an alley, at night lol...but I >say it's close enough! So you're about to be on your own too? >Maybe we should just get an apartment in San Francisco, then >everyone's happy! > > >Care2 make the world greener! > >Protect your right to breathe clean, smoke-free air: >http://www.care2.com/go/z/11238/1043 Find great local high-speed Internet access value at the MSN High-Speed Marketplace.

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Change is a beautiful, beautiful thing...and if you're gonna make a

change, you might as well make it big right? Anyway, still

researching the city and it still sounds amazing....that Castro

festival looks very fun. And there's even a nice Methodist

Church...my mom's a Methodist minister, so that might help convince

her that I'm not gonna venture off into an evil town and get raped

or killed...of course it's possible, but the same thing just

happened in Grand Forks(or Fargo?), so clearly every city has the

capacity for evil. Oh blessed blessed California, how I long to

meet you.



Care2 make the world greener!


Protect your right to breathe clean, smoke-free air:


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I understand about not paying attention to most of the churches,

with the general christian attitude, it's best to ignore it. I

think what I might do, instead of going to college in SF, is get my

degree online, that way I can work during the day and afford the

terrible rent lol...or just live out of my evil tank, we'll see. It

would be great to finally take part in public transit...although

maybe not the subway, that holds bad memories, interestingly enough

in Paris also. Although if I got rid of the beast car I'd have to

wear my stickers on my body to spread the message around...but

that's where the hippie hemp bag comes into play I suppose.



Care2 make the world greener!


Protect your right to breathe clean, smoke-free air:


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lol poor subway, sounds so fun and urban. I'm thinking of going

into early childhood education...I want to be a rockin' kick a*s

Kindergarten teacher, and preach animal liberation to my

students...maybe in SF they'd actually hire me lol.



Care2 make the world greener!


Protect your right to breathe clean, smoke-free air:


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In a message dated 2/9/04 3:37:37 PM Pacific Standard Time, cait2 writes:


i would love to live in san francisco, but i am british and it seems it would impossible.............catherine






i have lots of you brits here as pals...and germans....

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What's wrong in every city is animals are being eaten ...Have you seen that film..'City of the savages'?





Monday, February 09, 2004 8:17 PM

Re: Oh my god, San Francisco!

In a message dated 2/9/04 12:08:52 PM Pacific Standard Time, ashley-rae writes:

You're right, there's always something wrong in every city....for instance, your crime and cost of living is high, whereas ND has some of the lowest crime and cost of living rates in the country, bwell..of course the crime rate is pretty low..considerin yer population is spread out over a state, and oakland's is jammed into one little area:)like i said...visit...yer in no hurry...and the bay area is big..lots to see and do...and then there is santa cruz just south of here..and monterey..then down the coast to santa barbara and finally the hell that is SoCal(hey, lotsa folks like it down there..just not me anymore...)..california is a big ass state..and pretty dang varied...alturas ain't that much different then the dakotas in many respects...seriously...read into it..then GO! get yer lil feets a-movin and see places...oh..ya might not want to bring yer evil SUV tho..especially to SF...tho there are lots of the behemoths around, who knows when you'll get tagged by the Mission Yuppie Eradication folks..who have a hankerin fer attacking the suburban tanks.....if ya have any questions...just ask....i've been here..ummm...15 yrs almost...dear bacchus how time flies... To send an email to -

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, " simonpjones " <simonpjones@o...> wrote:

> What's wrong in every city is animals are being eaten ...

well...there is a lot more wrong then that i'm sure...

but..trust me, there are a lot more people NOT eating animals in da

city, then copared with bohunkville....no offense to those livin in

the sticks...

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i would love to live in san francisco, but i am british and it seems it would impossible.............catherine

>"fartybriivismeisteranushead ta-da!"

> > >RE: Oh my god, San Francisco! >Mon, 09 Feb 2004 14:25:56 -0500 > Reduce spam in your inbox with MSN 8's intelligent junk e-mail filters.



no thoughts or guidance but plenty of understanding! san francisco is also my ideal home! i've always thought that if anything monumental were to happen, it'd begin in san francisco. from the first time i visited and walked down a street, passing a seven-foot-tall drag queen whom NO ONE was laughing at, i knew i had to end up there. (wasn't that also where they made changes so that you don't OWN a dog, but are her/his guardian instead?) i understand the kind of peace living in a place like that can give you....if it makes you happy, your mom will understand. i'm about to be on my own, too. we share an age and several significant thoughts!



> > Oh my god, San Francisco! >Mon, 09 Feb 2004 18:28:19 -0000 > >Ohhhhh lordy...talking about moving to a new city to experience a >vegan community got me in the mood to research moving to San >Francisco, and I'm pretty sure that I'm now in love lol...I even >have that butterflies feeling that you get when a new relationship >is going really well. Anyway, I looked at pictures, info, etc., and >it all seems so perfect. I'm only 18 and will be going to college >next year, and have tended to shy away from the idea of moving, only >because I wouldn't want to upset my mother who is becoming >freakishly overprotective now that it's becoming time for me >to "spread my wings"...I didn't have an average rebellious >childhood, so we're close, and me doing anything on my own is >scaring her. So, that's the one thing that would keep me from doing >it....has anyone else ever been in this situation before? Even just >reading about the city made me feel a strange sense of peace, which >I would love to pursue....any thoughts or guidance? Thanks everyone. > >-Ashley > Click here for a FREE online computer virus scan from McAfee.


To send an email to -

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Hi Ashley,


I used to live in San Francisco and moved for two reasons: 1) it's one of

the most densely populated cities in the U.S. and 2) it's the second most

expesive city to live in in the U.S. While living there I was paying over

$1,00 per month for a studio apartment. I also developed social anxiety

disorder and agoraphobia and had to move to a less urban area. San

Francisco definitely has it's good points, but after 1 1/2 years I found it

completely unliveable.


What schools are you looking at? My work in the Bay Area took me regularly

to University of San Francisco, Golden Gate University, and New College (as

well as Santa Clara University in the South Bay) so I could tell you a good

deal about any of those schools.


Good luck!






> " veggierae " <ashley-rae



> Oh my god, San Francisco!

>Mon, 09 Feb 2004 18:28:19 -0000


>Ohhhhh lordy...talking about moving to a new city to experience a

>vegan community got me in the mood to research moving to San

>Francisco, and I'm pretty sure that I'm now in love lol...I even

>have that butterflies feeling that you get when a new relationship

>is going really well. Anyway, I looked at pictures, info, etc., and

>it all seems so perfect. I'm only 18 and will be going to college

>next year, and have tended to shy away from the idea of moving, only

>because I wouldn't want to upset my mother who is becoming

>freakishly overprotective now that it's becoming time for me

>to " spread my wings " ...I didn't have an average rebellious

>childhood, so we're close, and me doing anything on my own is

>scaring her. So, that's the one thing that would keep me from doing

>it....has anyone else ever been in this situation before? Even just

>reading about the city made me feel a strange sense of peace, which

>I would love to pursue....any thoughts or guidance? Thanks everyone.






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I studied criminology in college and my department head told me that North

Dakota has the lowest crime rate in the nation but one of the highest

suicide rates. This is typically the case when comparing urban versus rural










>Re: Oh my god, San Francisco!

>Mon, 9 Feb 2004 15:17:44 EST


>In a message dated 2/9/04 12:08:52 PM Pacific Standard Time,

>ashley-rae writes:

> >

> > You're right, there's always something wrong in every city....for

> > instance, your crime and cost of living is high, whereas ND has some

> > of the lowest crime and cost of living rates in the country, b

>well..of course the crime rate is pretty low..considerin yer population is

>spread out over a state, and oakland's is jammed into one little area


>like i said...


>yer in no hurry...

>and the bay area is big..lots to see and do...

>and then there is santa cruz just south of here..and monterey..then down


>coast to santa barbara and finally the hell that is SoCal(hey, lotsa folks

>like it down there..just not me anymore...)..

>california is a big ass state..and pretty dang varied...alturas ain't that

>much different then the dakotas in many respects...

>seriously...read into it..then GO! get yer lil feets a-movin and see


>oh..ya might not want to bring yer evil SUV tho..especially to SF...tho


>are lots of the behemoths around, who knows when you'll get tagged by the

>Mission Yuppie Eradication folks..who have a hankerin fer attacking the




>if ya have any questions...just ask....

>i've been here..ummm...15 yrs almost...

>dear bacchus how time flies...



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In a message dated 2/10/04 4:03:40 AM Pacific Standard Time, cait2 writes:



what sort of work are they doing or are they students??







dunno really...i know one is doing construction...

never really talk about work with em...

they generally stay fer a year er 3 and then head home, and come back every year er so...


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what sort of work are they doing or are they students??


>EBbrewpunx > > >Re: Oh my god, San Francisco! >Mon, 9 Feb 2004 21:55:26 EST > >In a message dated 2/9/04 3:37:37 PM Pacific Standard Time, cait2 >writes: > > > > i would love to live in san francisco, but i am british and it seems it > > would impossible.............catherine > > > > > > > > >why? >i have lots of you brits here as pals...and germans.... Half price modem, FREE connection and one month FREE - click here to sign up to BT Broadband.

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