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odwalla questions

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My friend works at the local Odwalla distributor and brings home a lot of juice

that's too close to the expiration date for them to sell to retailers. I'm

wondering about any potential benefits or dangers in drinking LOADS of

(unfortunately) pasteurized juice. Today I haven't had any food at all, just a

gallon of varied Odwalla juices. Am I getting any nutrition from this stuff, is

it bad to drink this much pasteurized juice, or is it somewhere in between?


Also, I'm new to this list so I apologize if it's been covered already, but the

semi-new Raw Food cafe Chaco Canyon in Seattle's U-District RULES.







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The main consideration should be level of commitment to raw foods. If

you are committed to 100%, then it is best not to drink pasteurized

juices. If you are not worried about 100%, then it may be just about

the nutrition level. The body will attempt to draw nutrition from

about anything we put into it. (It will attempt to reject the worst,

which isn't the case here.) Others on the list may have more details

on the amount of heat the juices may have been exposed to. If you

search our archives, you will likely find some information as

pasteurization has been discussed before.


As long as we include any cooked foods in our diet, our body will

need to continue defending itself against the possiblity of continued

injestion of cooked food. That means that we will not get the same

level of absorbtion of nutrition from our raw foods. The cooked and

pasteurized foods start out with less nutrients and increased toxins.


I'm sure the Odwalla is far better than a lot of bottled beverages on

store shelves, including bottled juices, but are not as good as fresh

squeezed organic juices. As the juices are near the expiration date,

they are less nutritious than those bottles that are fresh.


It's all relative! If you are trying to quit Coke and Pepsi, then go

for it! It's your choice, just look at what's important to you, what

your goals are. If you are shooting for 75% raw, then there are far

worse things you could consume than Odwalla!






>My friend works at the local Odwalla distributor and brings home a

>lot of juice that's too close to the expiration date for them to

>sell to retailers. I'm wondering about any potential benefits or

>dangers in drinking LOADS of (unfortunately) pasteurized juice.

>Today I haven't had any food at all, just a gallon of varied Odwalla

>juices. Am I getting any nutrition from this stuff, is it bad to

>drink this much pasteurized juice, or is it somewhere in between?



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Odwalla flash pasteurizes its juices. You can read about the process

at http://www.odwalla.com/news/flash.html. They say it is hot enough

to kill harmful bacteria (like E. coli) but quickly cooled so as not

diminish the nutritive values in the juice. Juice is a concentrated

food, so I would not rely totally upon juice for nutrients, unless

you are on a juice fast.


Ron Koenig



RawSeattle , " b l a n k e n s h i p "

<stereofield@h...> wrote:

> My friend works at the local Odwalla distributor and brings home a

lot of juice that's too close to the expiration date for them to sell

to retailers. I'm wondering about any potential benefits or dangers

in drinking LOADS of (unfortunately) pasteurized juice. Today I

haven't had any food at all, just a gallon of varied Odwalla juices.

Am I getting any nutrition from this stuff, is it bad to drink this

much pasteurized juice, or is it somewhere in between?


> Also, I'm new to this list so I apologize if it's been covered

already, but the semi-new Raw Food cafe Chaco Canyon in Seattle's U-

District RULES.


> Thanks.


> Ben



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Could you elaborate on this?





Juice is a concentrated food, so I would not rely totally upon juice for

nutrients, unless you are on a juice fast.



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