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zuzsa wrote:

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Zuzsa wrote:


> > There is no evidence whatsoever to back up their

> > argument that humans ever ate any animal products prior to the ice

> > age. In fact, the fossil records show that humans/hominids ate


> > fruits and nuts millions of years ago.>>


There are no fossil records that indicate we ONLY ate vegan EVER.

Eating insects and eggs (the main animal food of primates) would not

be detectable in fossil reacords. I asked the famous biologist/

anthropologist Alan Walker this and he agreed. While there is zero

evidence that we were ever vegan , there is much evidence that we

always ate like frugivorous primates.We have all the exact same

digestive abilities to process animal products as modern day

primates. We have all the enzymes, heme iron receptors, acidity, etc.

We can easily obtain the main animal products that all frugivorous

primates eat...insects and eggs.


> >

> > Take a look at the teeth of a chimp--they have long sharp canines,

> > like those of bears or dogs or lions, the canines of a carnivore.


> > that holds true of gorillas too (and probably the other two


> > of " higher " primates as well). So chimps are structurally


> > they are equipped to kill (they weigh one-third what we do, yet


> > four times as strong, and they can pounce), and to tear flesh with

> > their teeth.>>


ALL primates have these teeth and are equipped to kill. But many (if

not most) primates do not eat mammals ! And the ones that do eat

mammals, do not eat them very often. Its clear then their sharp teeth

are used primarily for defense and holding territory.. In nature, it

has been shown that if an adaption is no longer needed or used, it is

lost. There are thousands of such examples in fossil records. Humans

have lost these long fangs simply because we don't have any use for

them. Why use your teeth if you have weapons?



> > Some (a few) chimps eat animals (they have had their habitat

> > destroyed so their food sources become extremely limited, as well


> > being psychologically devastated). They eat mostly other chimps

> > (cannibalism) and smaller monkeys (also cannibalism).


So you are saying they aren't naturally meat eaters. That is more

evidence that their teeth are not designed for meat eating but for

defense. ALL chimps do eat a very significant amount of insects and

eggs however.


<< Some may eat

> > insects or eggs.>>


ALL chimps eat a very significant amount of animal products including

insects and eggs(about 5 % of thier diet). There has never been a

vegan chimp observed in nature...even in pristine environments..


> > The point is, that even the other " higher " primates seem to prefer

> > exclusively fruits and nuts, though they are physiologically


> > to eating animals and animal products.>>


OF course all animals prefer one food over the other. That does not

mean that eating just that oone prefered food is good for them!. In

nature its impossible for an animal to only eat what they prefer the

most. The fact is that even though chimps may prefer sweet fruits,

they happily eat well over 20 % dark green and an average of 5 %

animal products. That is their natural diet.



> >

> > How much more exclusively vegan are we physiologically than these

> > animals!


None. We both have the same abilities to eat animals products. Those

animals eat animal products in nature and they serve a function in

their health. Everything innature has a niche and an importance.


<<, there are no primates

> > which are not carnivorously equipped yet still eat eggs or



Its clear that the sharp fangs are not carnivorous adaptions when you

look at the many primates that don't eat any meat. The fangs are used

for defense. There are many other examples of animals in nature that

have fangs for defense but do not eat meat (like fruit bats).

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