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Congrats Elaine! I am just coming back to it

myself. While I didn't go for as long as you did, I look

forward to making raw a life long commitment to the

health of myself and my family. If you ever need support

know that you have it right here. I am glad that I

have found another community of raw foodist to chat

with.<br><br>Peace, love and harmony<br><br>Ona

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  • 5 months later...

Hello Wakar,<br><br>My wife refers to David's

book often. I haven't read it in it's entirely but his

fats, greens and sweets balancing info works for me and

I'm thankful he wrote about it. Some of my headaches

in the past were probably due to having too much of

one catagory as well as " over-eating " in

general.<br><br>I believe the concensus is that eventually you will

find that you eat less food when you are eating all

raw as compared to cooked. It's been true in my case.

Raw foods have the enzymes and nutrients intact so it

only makes sense that you need less to fulfill your

bodies needs. So you don't need to eat as much. When I'm

eating raw I find that my energy goes up right after a

meal and not down as when I was eating cooked. It's

such a nice feeling. You just keep getting stronger

instead of weaker.<br><br>Also, people tend to use

spices, herbs and sweeteners to make their cooked foods

taste better and this causes people to eat more then

they ordinarily would. They like the taste of the

seasoning, dressings, etc. If you are eating raw (and

keeping the seasonings to a minimum or nil) then that

might contribute to your eating less and being

satisfied.<br><br>Here's one little tip on raw food eating. Sometimes I

find myself eating raw food a little at a time

throughout the day and I don't believe that's a good

practice. A better approach is to eat " enough " raw food at

your meal until you are satisfied and then wait until

the next meal with no snacks in


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Well, I'm glad I've discovered this whole raw

food regime. I'd been a vegetarian for about five

years then went back to eating meat for about three.

That's were my headaches came from. As soon as I cut out

meat, they went away. But I'd never been able to give

up the dairy products before. I guess this time

something clicked because last September I stopped all meat

and all animal products and it wasn't a

problem.<br><br>One reason why I love the idea of raw food is that

I've always hated to cook! & lt;g & gt; It seems the

perfect solution!<br><br>I also got one of the EasySprout

sprouters that you talked about in earlier posts. Had tried

sprouting before w/o much success but this has been so

easy! <br><br> & lt;Also, people tend to use spices,

herbs and sweeteners to make their cooked foods taste

better and this causes people to eat more then they

ordinarily would. & gt;<br><br>David says something in his

book that pertains to this and that really had an

impact on me. He points out that society associates

(ergo we are raised to associate) food and eating with

" pleasure " when it should not be. It shouldn't be

unpleasurable but the point of eating isn't pleasure, it's to

nourish our bodies and keep them healthy. I know that

lots of raw food tastes quiet good, but eating for

taste had turned us away from eating for health. This

POV really helped me with my mind set for switching

to raw. <br><br>Thanks for the tip about not

nibbling all day. It's rather what I was doing today so

I'll go finish up my meal now. & lt;g & gt;<br><br>Wakar

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Wakar,<br><br>See, I told you those EasySprout

sprouters are good!<br><br>Yep, food = pleasure. Just look

around you and you will see that we are a pleasure

seeking society. Food is our constant companion and it

shows around the waist of many.<br><br>I’m currently

reading a book by Herbert Shelton and in it he talks

about the perversion of taste after years of eating

cooked food with spices, etc. I wish I could find the

paragraph because it was a real encouragement to me but

I’ll keep looking and share it with you. (I just don’t

like marking up my books but it does make it hard to

find the good points.) Shelton suggests that our

tastes go flat from eating the spiced, salted, etc

cooked foods and that we end up adding more condiments

as a result. We are really just tasting the

condiments because without them we would hardly taste

anything. Shelton said that when you cut the condiments out

and just eat your raw foods your taste comes back to

what it is suppose to be. When they do those raw

vegetables and fruits are going to taste divine! I know I’ve

experienced that… especially if I am truly hungry. Every

fruit tastes exquisite if it is ripe and hopefully

organic. I know also that when I dare to eat a candy bar

it tastes incredibly disgusting. It’s so sugary and

sweet I can’t stand it. I’m guessing that’s because my

sense of taste is coming back. I’m sure many in this

club will agree with me on this because they have

experienced the same.<br><br>-OrionsDad

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Are you 100% raw? I am between 75 and 90% now but

shooting for higher. <br><br>I noticed the ringing in my

ears (which has always been there) has become

intermittent. Sometimes it is gone completely.<br><br>I noticed

that I eat very little really. Yesterday, I ate half a

melon for breakfast, a grapefruit for lunch and a mix

of veggies (gazpacho) for dinner. That doesn't seem

like many calories, but I'm not really that hungry.

The heat and humidity could be contributing to that,

but it is a nice break for my body not to eat so

much.<br><br>I have been reading articles on websites devoted to

raw and living foods. That has been helpful in giving

me an idea where this leads.<br><br>The most

important thing I have noticed is that I feel perfectly

grounded and peaceful. I feel " in touch " with my

food.<br><br>I need to lose weight so it is great to disconnect

from the kitchen and cooking. The down side is that my

husband is cooking for himself and that is mostly meat

and fish. But we each have to make our own decisions.

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If you want to get really fired up about Living

Foods, get the book, " Intuitive Eating " by Humbart

Santillo. In the book he explains that he experimented with

a raw diet of 1500-2000 calories per day and that

his health improved because of it. Keep in mind when

you read books by the old school raw foodists like

Humbart Santillo, Vicorious Kulvinskas, Ann Wigmore, etc.

They are not 100% raw and seem to view 100% raw as a

little radical. In Intuitive Eating Humbart states " some

people are even 100% raw " . I don't believe they realized

that cooked food is addictive, and completely

unnatural. But their books are still excellent and very

informative. Intuitive Eating takes you through transition

from cooked food to raw.<br><br>Doug

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No I am not 100% raw as of date although I have

been. The best I have ever done is when I was

completely raw. When I left went out of the country and

lived with a family in a foreign country I reduced my

raw foods. Now that I am back in the U.S. I do

between 80-90% raw foods. In total, I have lost 40 lbs.

despite the small amount of dead food. Since I have been

doing livng/raw foods I have never felt better. Not

eating animal flesh has had a huge impact on my

consciousness and spirituality. Nothing with a face has to die

for me to be on the planet. Since I have been a raw

foodist since January I have found it increasingly easier

to not eat dead foods. My wife and I both are raw

foodists and it is a wonderful sign of relief when we are

congruent in our lifestyle. My wife was a vegan for 3 years

before I crossed over. Be patient and allow him to

discover the benefits of this lifestyle from your

wonderful example. We are all new at this on some level,

but what is nice is to have a community of

like-minded people who are committed to their health and

benefits to the planet.<br><br>Namaste,<br><br>JOhn

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  • 1 year later...
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Welcome, Carolyn. You should

start at www.hacres.com to get

the basics. If you still

think you want to adopt this

way of life after reading the

material on the site, buy Rev.

Malkmus' books (on that site)

to learn more.





Friday, April 19, 2002

2:47 PM


[Raw Food] newbie



HI im new to the list.

Could someone explain this

way of eating to me? Im

looking for a healthy

eating plan where I can lose

weight. Im tired of processed

sugary foods and

really want to clean my body






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Ooops, sorry, I mistook this

post as coming from a

Hallelujah Diet group. The HD

is 85% raw. Other sites I'd

recommend are:





and for another point of view:







Welcome, Carolyn. You

should start at www.hacres.com

to get the basics. If you

still think you want to adopt

this way of life after reading

the material on the site, buy

Rev. Malkmus' books (on that

site) to learn more.





Friday, April 19,

2002 2:47 PM



[Raw Food] newbie



HI im new to the list.

Could someone explain this

way of eating to me? Im

looking for a healthy

eating plan where I can

lose weight. Im tired of

processed sugary foods and

really want to clean my

body out.





[Non-text portions of this

message have been removed]








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Carolin, another site you willl want to check out is


There is info, and recipes, for a $1 donation you will get a ton of

recipes E-mailed to you (they are soliciting donations for their

Take a Fruit Break campaign to buy TV ads to convince our young

people to eat fruit instead of junk food). You can also get a free E-

mail daily inspiration from them on the raw lifestyle.

Also try www.shazzie.com, some recipes, some info, links, heavy on

her journals.

There are a ton of raw sites out there and a good number of books

available. Some are better than others, but I do like The Garden

Diet site.

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garysbeargirl wrote:


>>another site you willl want to check out is www.thegardendiet.com

There is info, and recipes, for a $1 donation you will get a ton of

recipes E-mailed to you<<



I went to this site but didn't find any recipes. All I found was a link

that listed some recipes and said that you can get a free recipe book,

but I didn't see any info on how to get it.


Where are the free recipes on the site?




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rawfood, sharonsky@w... wrote:

> Where are the free recipes on the site?


It's under Contents/Excerpts on the left side of the page. Click

there and scroll towards the end. And for $1 donation they'll send

more, but...


Go to your fave search engine, type in " raw foods recipes " or " raw

recipes " or even " natural hygeine recipes " and you will find bunches

and bunches more. That's what I did, printed out gobs and am

starting to file them in a binder.

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rawfood, sharonsky@w... wrote:

> Where are the free recipes on the site?


It's under Contents/Excerpts on the left side of the page. Click

there and scroll towards the end. And for $1 donation they'll send

more, but...


Go to your fave search engine, type in " raw foods recipes " or " raw

recipes " or even " natural hygeine recipes " and you will find bunches

and bunches more. That's what I did, printed out gobs and am

starting to file them in a binder.

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  • 8 months later...

Hi Manoj,


Glad to see you found this group. Feel free to ask any questions. In

addition, you can find a lot by searching the message archives with the

search function.


Good luck with your transition to the Raw Diet. By the way, Manoj is a

great graphic artist. He did the cover for my eBook, Infinite Tennis.



Roger Haeske


Have you tried the Raw Diet many times but failed to stick with it? Now

you can learn the Motivational and Dietary Secrets to success on a 100%

Raw Food Diet. From Infinite Potential and Raw Food Coach Roger Haeske

the author of Your Hidden Power - eClass, Inifinite Tennis and

http://www.superbeing.com <http://www.superbeing.com/> . Go to

http://www.superbeingdiet.com <http://www.superbeingdiet.com%20/> to

learn how to go 100% RAW.





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  • 1 month later...

I think variety is the best advice. The more choices you have, the

more you will find answers to your cravings. I'm sure your cravings

have messages behind them, so listen to them closely and try to answer

their true needs.



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Hi Michelle


I am also new at being a raw foodist, this is my second month and I

am also at it for health reasons. I found it only took a month

before the cravings went but I have used a fair bit of transistion

foods to get me through. I also have a love for indian foods yummm

but I don't go without. Try making a raw soup base (I like to juice

carrots, cucumber and beets) then stir on your spices (tumeric,

cummin, corriander [fresh] and chili [fresh], now add your raw

zuccuni, tomatos, carrots or whatever you like and there you have

your raw indian curry. If you want to make it into a dip use the

pulp instead of the juice, add your spices and eat it with raw

vegetables. I am never giving up my spices :-)


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Hi Michelle,


I can totally relate to where your coming from. I have been trying to do the

raw food thing for about a month now and doing it out of terrible health

problems which I won't list again but if you want we can email each other. I've

been on disability for 8 years because I'm so unhealthy and have tried every

avenue except raw food. So about your craving...first let me tell you I ate ice

cream every night for years, chocolate, trashy, trashy easy to grab food because

I didn't have the energy to cook for. Along with all of that horrible stuff I

was putting a ton of drugs in my body - IV antibiotics, flagyl, oral antibiotics

along with the IV, as I write this I think of how insane I treated my poor

body. Anyway, to make a very long story short I haven't had sugar, ice cream,

antibiotics, and off almost all of my drugs. I am doing this under the

supervision of an osteopath who is also treating me for major pain problems. I

am down to taking morphine twice a day and eating 70% raw food. This may not

sound great but for me it's awesome compared to where I came from. The cravings

for junk food only lasted a few days but whenever they come back I make myself a

smoothie which is very satisfying. At night instead of eating ice cream I eat

half a cantaloupe with a few pecans which I love. What made it easier for me is

a friend came over and cleared my kitchen out of every processed food so that

when I did get tempted I had no choice. If it was here I would eat it. I'm not

married but my son, wife and grandson come over a lot and like to bring junk

food with them. I really gave them ____ for it and last week for my birthday my

son went to the health food store and bought me a vegan, sugarless, wheat cake

which the four of us ate instead of the usual sugar/dairy,flour cake. It was

great and we all enjoyed it. After only a month they know when they come to my

house no more soda's, or the normal crap we use to eat. I'm realizing the less

choices I have in the house the easier it is to fix myself something wonderful

to eat which I really end up enjoying. My favorite dinner is salad (with lot's

of avocado) served in steamed corn tortilla's - . I know the tortilla's will

eventually go but for now I figure this is a great start health for me.


Already I've seen results which are astounding! I caught a cold from my

grandson recently which usually would mean the strongest antibiotics, several

days in bed, bronchitis, and last for weeks. Well this time I stayed in bed,

drank fresh orange juice, NO antibiotics, and I was well after 5 days!! That

hasn't happened to me in years. My immune system was so bad I would go to the

hospital every 4 weeks and get a 4 hour IV of gamma globulin. Now I'm staying

in bed for a few days and drinking OJ, what a difference.


As you can tell I'm really excited about my new way of living and hope I have

given you some encouragement. The raw food group has really helped to encourage

me to do this.


Take Care,




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>Would someone please let me know if this board is for

>discussing these types of things?


>TIA, Michelle G-O


Hi Michelle,


Well, if this board isn't for discussing this kind of

thing, I don't know what it is for!


I don't know if your experience will be the same as

mine, but I have found when I have those intense

cravings, (and that happens far less frequently now,

I've been at this about 4 months) what I am really

craving is fat. So, if I sit down with an avocado,

some raw cheese, and some raw nuts, and have at, the

cravings subside.


I also have been plagued with blood sugar issues, and

have found eating raw to help immensely with them. I

still can't eat fruit alone without following it with

something else shortly thereafter, but I am still so

much better than when eating mostly cooked.


I do feel somewhat lucky to be living alone right now,

because I think this would be very hard if I were

living with people who were eating cooked food in

front of me all the time. I can handle the occasional

dinner with friends, but living with it would be very



Good luck!







Send Flowers for Valentine's Day


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In a message dated 2/20/2003 8:14:26 AM Eastern Standard Time,

asolo writes:


> My immune system was so bad I would go to the hospital every 4 weeks and get

> a 4 hour IV of gamma globulin. Now I'm staying in bed for a few days and

> drinking OJ, what a difference.



Trust me on this one, eat some raw garlic with the OJ and you'll cut that

time in half!






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In a message dated 2/20/03 1:12:25 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Cloningewe writes:


> Trust me on this one, eat some raw garlic with the OJ and you'll cut that

> time in half!


And then some people, like myself, believe garlic (and onions) to be toxic to

the body.

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  • 3 months later...
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See my responses below...




Tuesday, June 03, 2003 3:36 PM

[Raw Food] Newbie



Hi everybody! I am new here. Watching TV one night, I saw a book

called " RAW, the uncookbook. " It instantly made sense to me. I went

to buy the book. I also feed my dogs raw food and see much healthier

they are!

I have a few questions.

I am a vegetarian. Will I get enough protein?

Yes, if you eat the right things. Eat sprouts. The best are sunflower, mung,

adzuki, fenugreek, among others. You should read a book called " Survival into

the 21st Century, " by Viktoras Kulvinskas. Go to

http://www.naturalusa.com/viktor/ and check it out.



I do have a dehydrator. I don't know how to use it.


Learn how to use it.


I get a LOT of heartburn and a lot of the recipes seem acidic to me.

Any suggestions?


Drink water with colloidal minerals between meals. You're currently

experiencing some toxin flushing, so you should keep the flow strong.


I want to start, but I'm a little confused as to WHERE to begin!


Thanks so much!

Samantha Chan





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Hi Samantha,


You can start by reading the posts in this club for the last few months.

There is plenty of info in here. Then you could visit my website

www.superbeingdiet.com <http://www.superbeingdiet.com/> . I see you live

in NY. If you’re near NYC it is a raw food Mecca. Tons of stuff going on

there. You can email Donna Perrone to be put on her email list of events

like raw potlucks, support groups, workshops etc.


You can email me directly if you want her address. My address is

roger. I have an email list for raw food events in NJ if

anyone is interested in that.


To Your Radiant Health, Roger


Have you tried the Raw Diet many times but failed to stick with it? Now

you can learn the Motivational and Dietary Secrets to success on a 100%

Raw Food Diet. From Infinite Potential and Raw Food Coach, Roger Haeske,

the author of Your Hidden Power - eClass, Infinite Tennis and

http://www.superbeing.com <http://www.superbeing.com/> . Go to

http://www.superbeingdiet.com <http://www.superbeingdiet.com%20/> to

learn how to go 100% RAW.









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  • 6 months later...

Welcome Phoenix,

We're happy to have you as a member of the group. Sounds like you're ready to put your best foot forward. The decision you've made is the best by far and if followed diligently, it should help you to acquire and maintain good health in the near future.

Where to start? Well, I often suggest the following to those who are curious about becoming a live foods consumer. If you're seriously committed to improving your health and preventing unwanted disease and illness down the road, then this is where you begin. You must eliminate these items from your diet. You be the judge and decide whether to do this all at once or gradually.

1. Processed Foods: The "good" stuff has been taken out of most prepackaged, processed foods, leaving you with only harmful preservatives, fat and useless calories. It's not just the obvious junk foods that cause you problems. Many so-called health foods are anything but healthy. Companies routinely strip them of their nutrients and fiber content, replacing them with unwholesome substances that promote heightened taste and long shelf life, but do you a great deal of harm.

2. Sugar: Sugar is indisputably linked to a range of health problems. If it were invented today, there is a little doubt the FDA would refuse to approve it. That's how toxic it is. A leading contributor t obesity, tooth decay and menstrual irregularities, this habit-forming killer can lead to hypoglycemia - with accompanying body weakness, headaches, poor vision, loss of coordination, anxiety, personality shifts - and, eventually, diabetes. Although the average American consumes on average 39 teaspoons of sugar each day, it takes only 300 grams for it to begin suppressing your immune system, exposing you to all sorts of conditions and disease.

3. White Flour: A refined carbohydrate, white flour can have a severe negative impact on people, especially those who are sensitive to it and do not even know it. Yo-yo diets may be a thing of the past wit refined carbohydrates out of your system. Are you ready to be naturally thin?

4. White Table Salt: Causes the body to retain water, which subsequently can cause a condition called edema, in which swelling of the connective tissues in the joints inhibits motion and causes pain similar to threat of arthritis. As this inflammatory process progresses, it engages the ankles, wrists, knees, elbows and all other joints, finally limiting full mobility.

5. Meats: With a high potential for microbial contamination, including the deadly pathogen E.coli, the trouble with meat only begins with modern agricultural practices. Even under the best conditions, eating beef -- high in saturated fat and cholesterol -- puts people at risk for heart disease, hardening of the arteries and numerous cancers, including cancer of the colon, rectum and breast. It is also hard on the kidneys and liver.

6. Dairy: Despite their high level of calcium, dairy products can harm you -- and even its calcium doesn't seem to be doing people much good. The five nations leading in the consumption of dairy also lead the world in the incidence of osteoporosis, the very disease dairy products are touted as preventing. If that weren't enough proof, the five nations that consume the least dairy, including Japan and China, also have the lowest incidence of osteoporosis. And did you know that women in the U.S. are 400 times more likely to have breast cancer than women in Japan?

Homogenized, pasteurized milk can be full of dangerous pathogens, including E.coli, and can lead to allergies and mal-absorption problems. Antibiotics and synthetic hormones given to cows are found in commercially produced milk too. In your diet, cheeses fare no better (sorry Phoenix). They are high in fat and can lead gallstones and other gallbladder problems, as well as hardening of the arteries. Soft cheeses can be the sources of listeria, a cause of miscarriage and death.

7. Caffeine: An addictive stimulant and diuretic, caffeine can have a variety of negative effects on the body , including mineral-deficiency, overstressed adrenal glands and a nervous system put into such a state of overdrive that anxiety, hyperactivity and insomnia are the results. In studies of women, caffeine has correlated with fibrocystic breasts and uterine fibroids.

8. Alcohol: Drinking alcohol contributes to the loss of valuable nutrients, including B vitamins, Vitamin C, calcium, magnesium and manganese. It also causes liver irritation and inflammation, which can lead to deadly cirrhosis of the liver. Blood sugar disorders and breast cancers are other health conditions linked alcohol. When detoxifying, be sure to reinvigorate your body folic acid, niacin, Vitamin C, calcium, magnesium and manganese. A daily dosage of milk thistle can promote liver health.

9. Nicotine: The dangers of smoking by now are well documented. The entire body is adversely impacted by this toxic habit, from lungs to heart to brain. There simply is no upside to it. However, addition to nicotine is a tough one to kick.. It takes a commitment some people never are able to muster.

Taken from Gary Null’s "7 Steps to Perfect Health"

10. Cooked Foods: Raw plant food should be the only food eaten by human beings. Humanity's habit of eating cooked food must be abandoned once and for all. This is the absolute command of Nature. The consumption of cooked food is the most unnatural savagery in the history of humankind. It is an atrocity no one seems to be aware of and to which everybody falls an uncounscious victim. What you eat deeply and radically affects the way you think, feel, and behave. It drastically affects the entire life process of planet Earth. No matter how strange the idea may seem to some, it is the absolute truth that humanity must accept. To most, the truth is stranger than fiction.

Cooked food is poison.

Taken from "Nature's First Law: The Raw-Food Diet" by Arlin, Dini and Wolfe


Let me know what you think of this and I will advise on more.

Good Health to You




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Wow THANK YOU sooo much!!!! Thank you THan you Thank you, I could

kiss you right now!! lol

Your post has given me so much knowledge . Knowledge that I haev

spent the last week looking for!! lol...I have found lots of

different info about raw on the net adn in books, but nothing laid

out like that, ALSO the book titles , I am getting them this

weekend!! Thank you.

I knwo that this is the right choice for me, I have seen the proof,

now its time for me to take action....

thank you!!




p.s. I printed out your post , and am hanging it on my fridge.

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