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VegetarianSpice Questionnaire

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Thank you for the nice welcome to your group. You make this intro thing easy

with your questions.


> 1. What is your name or what may we call you?


My name is Elisabeth. Please do not shorten it. You can either call me that

or Breaze.


> 2. How long have you been a vegetarian, or how long have you been

interested in vegetarian cookery?


Though I'm not a vegetarian, I've been interested in vegetarian cookery for

several years. I was introduced to it by a dear friend who is a Buddhist.


> 3. What country are you in now?


United States of America


> 4. What city, town or region?


I live in Eureka, California which is in northern California, almost to the

Oregon border.


> 5. What age are you (just roughly, very roughly!)?


I just celebrated my 55th birthday! Yea me! <grin>


> 6. Why did you join this group (apart from receiving an invitation!



The timing of the invitation was funny. I had just come home from a camping

trip where the person in charge of the food is a vegetarian. I was

impressed by some of the recipes she used. Different from my Buddhist

friend, but just as tasty. She is going to email me the recipes and I can't

wait to try them myself.


> 7. What kinds of (vegetarian) foods or cuisines interest you most?


So far, Indian foods. There is such an incredible diversity in the way the

same things can be prepared.


> 8. Is there anything you'd like to tell the group?


Not that I can think of.


Brightest blessings,




May the light of love and laughter suffuse your life with joy.

* <3 *** <3 *** <3 *** <3 *** <3 *** <3 *** <3 *** <3*** <3 *






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HI Elizabeth, we have a lot in common! Including age,

near-vegetarianism, and love of Indian food. WIll you share those

recipes when you get them?




> My name is Elisabeth.> So far, Indian foods. There is such an incredible

diversity in the way the

> same things can be prepared.





Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might

as well dance!

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