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Hello Folks,


I just got home to (close to) Boston from a quick trip to Iowa. Am reading

through my email &

found an invite to this group. Sure - why not? I've been thinking I should

enlarge my social

circle lately. Let's see, a questionare eh?


1. What is your name or what may we call you?


John works fine.


2. How long have you been a vegetarian, or how long have you been

interested in vegetarian cookery?


I have been vegan since 1991. I was a wholefoods, brown rice, hummusy kind

of guy and then I

met a vegan fellow who told me things I had no idea about before. I held out for

eggs for a few

weeks (I was a bigtime baker and couldn't imagine baking without eggs) but I

learned the error of

my ways pretty fast.


3. What country are you in now?


USA - at this point I live in Massachusetts, near Boston. I've lived in

Western MA (in

Amherst/Northampton area), Vermont and New Hampshire as well.


4. What city, town or region?

Near Boston, a town called Needham. 13 miles from Boston - about 40 minutes

by bicycle. I may

move to the people's Republic of Cambridge within the year, or close to it.

Depends on where my bf

Donn ends up when he moves out here from Iowa in a few months.



5. What age are you (just roughly, very roughly!)?


I'm 36. Exactly. I've been 36 almost a month now - my birthday is August 1.


6. Why did you join this group (apart from receiving an invitation! *lol*)?


As I said, I'm interested in doing more social stuff, and hearing good

spicy vegan recipes

sounds great! I love spicy foods.


7. What kinds of (vegetarian) foods or cuisines interest you most?


Foods made from wholefoods (I'm not into white flours or rice at all, and I

think peeling

most vegetables is a stupid waste of nutrients & time) - stuff that doesn't have

dozens of

ingredients or take a huge amount of time & preparation to make. If I have to

spend more than 30 -

45 minutes working on a meal it had better be very good & for a 5 course dinner



8. Is there anything you'd like to tell the group?


I like all kinds of food, and for a quick & easy spicy bean dip, all you

need is a food

processor (if you don't have one - get one!), a few cans of kidney beans (they

work best, you can

use navy or garbanzo beans in a pinch) some fresh jalepeno peppers (you can

freeze these in a

plastic ziploc bag to have 'fresh' peppers on hand) and some vinegar (cider or

wine vinegar)


Just rinse the beans well (this reduces their gassiness. fats are caused by

complex sugars in

beans and other foods we don't digest that bacterea in our intestines ferment

into methane & a

flavorful mix of other organic compounds) and when you rinse beans this washes

away some of these

complex sugars. So, rinse the beans, then blend them in the processor with some

chopped jalepeno

pepper (how much is up to you & how hot you like it) and a splash or so of

vinegar. Don't overdo

the vinegar - a little adds a nice taste, and if you overdo it, there's no way

to undo it short of

adding more beans! You can add a little salt, garlic & other spices too if you



I just adore bean dip!


That's all for now - time to go edit my http://www.veganjohn.com site. I

have some political

& queer news to add to it now. I've been away 4 days and have fallen way behind

on current news!




John W Beck






Get A Veg* Starter Pack From Veganoutreach


Drive a vegetarian car! http://www.greasecar.com/

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