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Worrying About Recipes . . . Some thoughts.

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Wuz a-thinkin ---


We've got some wonderful recipes on this list now - remarkable considering

how new the list is - and considering that we ask that all recipes be 'tried and

true', that is to say that they have been tried by the person posting it. Even

better if you have done so and added bits of your own to fine-tune it - that


tuning is essential, I think we all agree, to a good recipe. Cooking may be a

'science' but it's not a chemical experiment! LOL


But now comes a tricky bit. How about a tried and true recipe not so much

from a cookbook or journal nor from a webpage in cyberspace nor from

grannie's spidery handwriting in a worn notebook, but from Another List?

Theoretically, this should be great - as long as you have tried it, etc etc.


But there are a couple of problems here.


One is that one list becomes an echo of another - often people post the same

recipes to All the lists they are on at once - in separate posts, maybe, but


all at once in the same week or even the same day. But now if we start

importing some of those recipes posted by others to, say, *this* list (and ours

to others), then we might as well get all the moderators together and form one

big list and have done with it ;=) Okay, I exaggerate - it's in my nature and


still fighting it after all these years!


The other problem is the problem of crossposting from anywhere without the

permission of the original poster. Even when credit is given, it isn't always

what might be found to be acceptable to the originator of a post. Think about

it ;=) I've just thought of a couple of positively scarey possibilities which


absolutely freak me out!!! ROFLMAO


Anyway, I was just thinking about this stuff over the weekend and guess what

- you guys are the lucky recipients of my undigested thoughts ;=)


As for crossposts in general, etc. etc., please check the House Rules if you

are in doubt. They are there for a reason - and intended to help not hinder.


Hope you all had a good weekend. We did. It was cool and sunny and

yesterday we walked along the lake in the park, lunched at a lovely little

Italian restaurant, and read the evening hours away. Lazy! And the cat only

threw up once.


Best love,


Pat ;=) aka greenfury

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