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[recipe] Vegetable Curry

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This was dinner tonite, and wow! It was delicious – heat, but also

great flavours and wonderful colours. I didn’t really measure anything

(as usual), so quantities are a rough guess.




Vegetable Curry


2 cups green beans (cut into about 1” pieces)


3 carrots, sliced


1 zuccini, diced


1 summer squash, diced


1 large tomato, diced


2 jalapenos, finely diced


6 cloves garlic, minced


2 potatoes, diced


1 can chick peas (drained and rinsed)


4 tbsp hot curry paste


1 tbsp curry powder


1 tbsp vegetable oil




salt and pepper




Heat oil on medium high heat, and dump in all the veggies and beans.

Stir well for a minute or two, then stir in the curry paste and curry

powder to coat the veggies. Add a bit of water and simmer til the

veggies are tender and the flavours are well blended. Season to taste

with salt and pepper.




I served this over brown rice, and it was delicious.




This recipe is very versatile. You can use whatever veggies you have on

hand. I like a variety of colours so that it looks as good as it

tastes. I usually dice up an onion and add that as well, but one of my

dinner guests doesn’t like onion, so I left it out tonite. I’ve also

used broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, celery, eggplant, or whatever

was in the fridge and needed to be cooked up. I like things with some

“bite”, so I use hot curry paste, but mild would work just as well.

This reheats really well, and is even better the 2nd day.





" Fortunately, I traded my conscience for a motorcycle and a copy of

'Doom' when I was 17. Now I beat up my SO's with whips and make lots of

money programming soulless computers. Best trade I ever made. " - NBarnes








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