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Chinese Recipes for Aphrodisiacs + Philters

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Hi All,


See: " Ancient + Medieval Chinese Recipes for Aphrodisiacs + Philters: A

Survey of Mawangdui + Dunhuang Manuscripts " by Donald Harper,

University of Chicago, at




" I begin with a section of recipes in the Mawangdui " Yangsheng fang " for

preparing " napkins " (jin ) -- medicated cloths -- that illustrates the

connection between aphrodisiacs + tonics that boost vitality in general.


The main ingredient in the first recipe is a chicken that is plucked + hung

alive on a pole + then rubbed against several bee hives until the bees have

stung it to death. Its flesh is finely pounded, mixed with other ingredients to

make a paste, + daubed on cloth napkins. The napkins are used to " rub the

feet, " with the result that when " the feet have little vapor (qi ), this makes a

person have an abundance of vapor. "


The cloth in the second recipe is soaked in a liquid containing red ants,

blister beetles (active ingredient, cantharidin), + a third stinging insect

(yangsi ) of unknown identity. The finished napkin is stored for use

during intercourse:

" rub the jade whip (penis) with it + the horse (vagina) will then be

startled. "


.... The combination of blister beetles, red ants, + yangsi is notable for its

causticity. Blister beetle toxin was a well-known drug in the ancient

Mediterranean world, + has been valued as a potent but dangerous

aphrodisiac in European pharmacy (where it is popularly known as Spanish

fly).8 In " Yangsheng fang, " blister beetle belongs among other drugs that

cause the body to become hot (re ) + to itch (yang , written in the

manuscript). An aphrodisiac prepared from a concentrate of snails +

peaches, again in the form of cloth impregnated with the drug, makes

relevant observations about its effect:9

When engaging in intercourse, take a piece (of cloth) the size of the palm +

insert it in a nostril. It itches slightly + is hot. If pressed on the arm, the


itches greatly + is fiercely hot. Do not let it touch the face. If it touches


face, the itching is unbearable. "


Ouch! These recipes are not for faint-hearted studs, and certainly not for

nervous / highly-strung Irish fillies!


Also ... recipes to get an erring wife to speak the name of her lover during


" When a wife has other intentions, take the dirt from inside the hoof

of a white horse + set it under her headrest. Do not let her know. While

sleeping she will of herself speak the surname + name. "


Proponents of EBM would have a right guffaw if these recipes were

proposed as main-stream TCM!


Best regards,





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