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AD: Citrus Sale at AVNP ** New Shopping Cart

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Howdy y'all,


The List Owner and her administrators are NOT responsible for any claims

made in this announcement, nor do they profit from any sales resulting from

this announcement or any list advertisement.


Actually, the Appalachian Valley Natural Products (AVNP) owner is gonna have

a tough time making a profit from this sale .. but that's his dang

problem. ;-)


All product claims and information contained in this announcement are

totally factual and made in good faith.


As usual, AVNP guarantees the quality and the purity of their

tested products .. and we guarantee your satisfaction. You can not even

purchase a more Risk Free Guarantee.


For the new folks .. lots of them on board now .. because I am trying to

retire (with less success than I really want) on 1 October 2009, I sold AVNP

to my buddy, John Croskey .. check the note here



But .. as stated in the above message I am still working with John for a

while .. as a consultant. Its some kind of conspiracy to keep me from

totally retiring.


However, I would not have agreed to work with him if I had known he was a

Mad Man! Maybe I can smarten him up during our trip to Turkey .. which

kicks off on 15 June. Dang sure gonna fatten him up when he lays his eyes

on all that larp'in gud Mediterranean chow they have in Turkey.


As a consultant I have advised against this sale .. business folks are

supposed to make a profit and I think sales like this are gonna put put him

out of business. But he owns the Monkey now and I am simply doing what I

was asked to do by posting this sale .. which is good until Midnight ..

Sunday .. 22 May 2010.


John has created a brand new Shopping Cart and is celebrating that by

offering these Citrus oils for ridiculously low prices .. anybody wishing to

comment on the new Shopping Cart (pro or con) is welcome to contact me off

line and express their opinion. It will be considered. The goal is to

make shopping as user friendly as possible and when it comes to shopping

carts I think they all should be cast into the Fires of Hell and folks

should just write and say what they want .. but then most folks are not

dinosaurs .. like me. The Shopping Cart is not yet programmed to deduct

discounts like that being offered now .. so the 20% discount will be

calculated by our employees and it will be reflected in the confirmed order

e-mail they send to you.


So how about the sale?


Domestic orders .. within the 50 U.S. States .. All Retail Citrus Essential

Oil Orders from http://www.av-at.com/prices.html .. will receive a Twenty

Percent (20%) Discount .. and Free Shipping IF the Order is for a minimum of

$100.00 or more.


International Orders .. the same 20% Discount applies for Citrus oils except

AVNP will pay only 50% of the Shipping Cost .. IF .. the Order is for a

minimum of $100.00 or more.


Remember .. the 20% off is for those Citrus oil listed on the Retail site ..

ONLY .. at http://www.av-at.com/prices.html


Specifically .. they are:


Bergamot (Citrus bergamia)

Bergamot, FCF (Citrus bergamia)

Clementine (Citrus clementina)

Combava Petitgrain, Kaffir Lime (Citrus hystrix)

Grapefruit, Pink (Citrus paradisi)

Grapefruit, White (Citrus paradisi)

Lemon, Green (Citrus limonum)

Lemon, Yellow (Citrus limonum)

Lime, Cold Pressed (Citrus aurantifolia)

Lime, Distilled (Citrus aurantifolia)

Mandarin, Green (Citrus reticulata)

Mandarin, Red (Citrus reticulata)

Mandarin, Yellow (Citrus reticulata)


Neroli (Citrus aurantium)


Orange, Bitter (Citrus aurantium)

Orange, Blood (Citrus sinensis)

Orange, Sweet (Citrus sinensis)

Orange, Wild (Citrus sinensis)

Tangerine, Dancy * *(Citrus reticulata)


Y'all did notice that Neroli is included .. right?


What you gotta do to get this discount? Its real easy to remember.


1. As I wrote twice above .. the order total (after discount for Citrus is

applied) must be for $100.00 or more.


2. When you order make sure the words " AVNP Citrus Sale " is mentioned in the

Comments Block of the Order Form .. or on your e-mail if you prefer to order

via e-mail.


Somebody is gonna ask .. what if I want to order just 3 or 4 Citrus oils and

a bunch of other oils .. will I still get the 20% discount? The answer is

... YES .. you will receive 20% off on the price of the Citrus Oils .. and

free shipping .. IF .. the total of the order is at least $100.00.


Please take advantage of this Sale so Mad Man John will go broke sooner and

I can cut loose from the PC and retire retire. :-(


Y'all have a good one .. and keep smiling. :-)


Retired (Almost) Butch ... http://www.AV-AT.com <http://www.av-at.com/>




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