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Not great News - Sorry

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news and if you dislike hearing or

reading it you should stop and go no further.


1: Most commercial food contain synthetic ingredients. You have


them on labels but you don't know what those words mean. It doesn't

plainly read "poison" so people buy it. What they don't put down are

GMOs. It just says corn or soy and does not label the herbicide put

into the DNA of the seed or the toxic poison sprayed on the plant.


2: Money makes the world go round. You've

heard it said and may even

believe it to be true. Money makes people do crazy things and the

corporations are at the top of the crazy list. It's criminal for a

company to poison its customers but all the other companies started

doing it a long time ago. It's a corporate world. They now stop at

nothing and halt for no one. Even governments serve the corporations

faithfully or can be considered a corporation its self.


3: Governments are businesses. Even in a country where the leader of

government is chosen by votes from the people it is as easy as

controlling the news lines. The filthy rich know that adds on TV, Radio

and Internet will gain the people's votes so he who has money for adds

gets to chose who the country's next leader is.


4: So the government is controlled by the men who have the most money

for adds and the men with the most money are the ones with the most

corporations. We could destroy them by not supporting the corporations

but it is law to support them. Look at car insurance, taxes, etc.


5: The corporations are the ones making many of

the laws. Lets take

tobacco as an example. In the Land Of The Free, Bob Brown can not grow

five tobacco plants and sell some to his neighbor. Tobacco is taxed by

the US government and the cigarette companies control most tobacco.

That's kind of a bad example. The pharmaceutical companies lose

business due to herbs, vitamins and minerals. This is why they are

trying to pass Codex Alimentarius (food code) which if passed would

restrict these substances. Corporations make laws.


6: With food being full of drugs, poisons and

synthetic harmful

ingredients, the people consuming these products are becoming unhealthy

and getting disease. This means big bucks for the pharmaceuticals.

Corporations rejoice and soak every dollar they can from the customer

or from the people's taxes. Folks who think that their government is

paying their doctors bill are blind to the fact that people's taxes are

being spent to pay the corporations.


7: Our governments owe a lot of money they will never be able to pay.

The USA owes $8,369,526,197,


055 and this debt is increasing

by $2.43

billion in interest everyday. England owes £1 trillion. Germany owes

more then £5 trillion. Check the country you live in. See what the

people have to pay.


8: Riots break out in Greece. Three people dead

in a torched Athens

bank and clouds of tear gas drifting past parliament, in an outburst of

anger that underlined the long and difficult struggle Greece

faces to stick

with painful cutbacks that come with an international bailout.



9: 2010.05.06 the US stock market drops 1000

points in one hour but

Plunge Protection Team managed the 600 point false recovery.


10: Spending tax payers money the US government

working with FEMA has

set up more than 800 new prisons / concentration camps for citizens in

the USA in case of riots and food crisis. #1 consumer in the world,

America has stopped buying as much due to failing economy and the price

increase of consumer goods. Corporations don't value Americans as much

because they're not spending as much money as they once did being

broke. Less money coming from the USA causes the corporations to raise

prices even more. This is why former US president Bush advised citizens

to spend more in an effort to keep the corporations happy. This kind of

action just prolongs economic crash and will make it worse in the end.

Calculating America's debt against the population, each American owes

more than $35,000 when the debt gets called in.


This is bad news. There

is a lot more going on but the ten things

listed above should inform the reader. Most bad news is just that " Bad

News " and doesn't affect the learner at all. But this affects us all.

This is why citizens of all countries should pay all their debts,

invest in food, herbal preparations, and supplies. Bad news normally

comes with a problem; this comes with a solution. The solution is quite

simple but impossible at the same time.


Everyone, and I mean everyone, should pay their debts, work hard,


their country producing food, support local community gardens, save

heirloom seeds, stock up on herbal medicine, trade with oneanother ,

and reorganize governments

so that debts start dwindling. We need to fight for freedom, love

& care for Earth and one another.


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